TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #22

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APNewsBreak: Mom's boyfriend says he had nothing to do with disappearance of Texas teen


Also, this is interesting:

He never mentioned he loved Hailey in that sentence.

ETA: Or rather in BD's comment, she never mentioned Hailey.

from the link:

Adkins said police have misquoted him in affidavits.

In one, police said Adkins at first was "very positive" about Hailey, but that as time went on he indicated she was promiscuous and used drugs. Adkins denied that Friday. He said he had told police Billie and Hailey Dunn had discussed birth control and that he had told investigators the teen was "boy crazy."

Her father, Clint Dunn, has said Hailey is popular, isn't into boys or drugs and "she's just a good ol' American girl."

Closer....don't you think its odd that in this video from today, Billie spoke directly to Shawn...but not Hailey? That absolutely amazes me. No plea for Hailey to come home, or hold on.

Even if she's on meds for anxiety, I don't think Billie's flat affect is within the normal range of expected behavior. What say you?

Agree 100%!!
BBM....The fact he is saying he had nothing to do with H's disappearance..Is this statement why he "failed" his LD test????


in an aff. IIRC SA said 'both SA & BD" were responsible for Hailey disappearing.
I don't buy the anxiety meds defense. They might make you seem flat to a degree, but they wouldn't stop you from talking about or to your daughter. The ONLY time she says ANYTHING about Hailey is when she is lead into it by whoever she is talking to......she wants to talk about her reputation, Shawn, blah blah blah blah........never Hailey unless someone tells her to. That's not normal. Not a bit.

Exactly. A "normal" mother would be talking only of her missing daughter and wouldn't care what illegal activities she had to admit to to LE or the public if it helped bring her MISSING DAUGHTER HOME. A " normal" mother would never lie in a situation such as this, no matter how it affected HER life, HER job or HER boyfriend. A "normal" mother would never dream of even speaking to that ever again if she had the slightest inclination that he had something to do with her daughter's disappearance. A "normal" mother would be putting up posters and pleading for her daughter to come home. IMO, BD is not acting like a "normal mother" because she is not.

(Sorry - got a little carried away there. GRRR).
We were told the truck at BD's doesn't work,but it's parked where he lives now in front.
I'll take the last 5 minutes of the thread to say that I don't think BD had any interest in the gory true crime stuff, or the masks. IMO, she was being manipulated and led around by SA, who must have had some problems or Haylie wouldn't have thought he was standing outside her door late at night. BD is very petite and almost looks like a kid herself. Why would a younger man want to live with a woman with nearly grown boy and young girl.......
It seem to me that what is "normal" for some families, is not "normal" for others. CD and BO both seem to live and operate in dysfunction.They both seem to make poor choices. Let's do the math. BO is 32. DD is 16. Thereforem, she was 16 and 19 years old when she had her children.At that time CD was robbing and stealing and using drugs and became incarcerated for a few years. However, sometime in the mist of that BO managed to finish high school and finish nursing school. They get divorced. He has another child and BO moves in someone who is now of questionable character and a fetish for horror. AT the time, Hailey goes missing. CD gets arrest for drugs or drug paraphenelia .CD does go on record with the press when the affadavt becomes public that SA and BO would not hurt Hailey. Then we find out he has fought with SA in the past, but he defends him. Really? Hmm. They adults don't seem to question the enviroment in which they created for their children to live. "Normal " for them? All this creates a perfect storm for something to happen to the children. We have got to do more to protect our children. We have to go back to being a village and take care of each other because it is the children who are getting hurt. Just my rant.:cry:
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