TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #24

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My curiosity about the instrument is that if HD decided to up and quit the band and didn't tell her mother, her mother found out somehow, and the instrument had cost/was costing a good bit of money, that might contribute to a blow-up.

At our school, band is a class and you must stay in the band the whole year. It might be different in the High School. Not sure how it was done in Hailey's sschool. She could have missed the concert and still be in the band. Maybe she was sick the night of concert or pretended to be.JMO
I swore after the ICA ping mess never to get caught up in the pingness again, but here we sit, pinging.
I know!

SA's cell phone has turned against him it seems...

He may have been reading true crime for the gore of it....but not for the logic of it..

and I thank all things holy for that.

the interruption in service in my opinion is not due to his criminal mind and intelligence but rather due to the fact that he took Hailey to an area that was unservicable.

his bad=good for LE

but now we have the needle in the haystack for searching.

And this is another thing that ticks me off when this SA talked bad about her.For her to be in sports,cheerleader and in the band,with good grades,this girl spent most of her time doing school activities.On her fb there was a boy,her age,she had on comment under his pic and nothing bad,at all.Most of her ms and fb were normal little things for her age,no garbage comments or photos,nothing.As a matter of fact,no family photos with her,at a school activity,concert,cheerleading,etc.

One thing on her stream about last year with a few of her friends where she said she was pulling an all nighter and going to another city.At first I took it to mean she went with them alone,but then one I saw one was another cheerleader and the Inn was probably something associated with a school activity.They were too young to drive.Alot was sadness about her family situation as has been said she wanted her parents back together.Who went to her school activities and how much involved were any of them in her life?I see no photos of family and all she was doing in school.SA suggesting what he did about her makes me madder than ever and I believe is a total lie,how much time could she have had for anything,but school?

That is the one thing that I have noticed, too. The only shots we really see of her -- other than one that I think that she took herself with a webcam (the close up of her face) are the school of team photos. The only other one that I have seen is the one that SA had posted for a while on his MS with the 4 of them sitting in front of a fireplace. This was posted AFTER he lawyered up, though, so my guess is that he pulled it out of his hat from somewhere to make him look like a good family man. Pure speculation on my part, of course.

I know that often times families will have tons of photos of the first child and fewer and fewer individual photos as more children are added to the family
and you tend to get photos of 'the kids' doing things, but I think that this speaks volumes.

I used to joke that if my son would ever go missing that I would have a tough time finding a photo of him ALONE for the milk carton picture because his sister was always in the photo or he was doing goofy things or making a face and looking silly -- but in this case, sadly, it seems to be true!
All these little nuggets of information are falling together into a puzzle picture that is extremely ugly.

Where's Hailey?

Thanks! What ppl think is a yellow stain is actually the date in yellow 12/25/2010

Later, she said that her daughter told her that Dunn had expressed a desire to move in with her birth father, which Garcia said her daughter indicated led to a family altercation around Christmastime.

I don't know IF there was a witness for sure, but I have seen it explained that maybe she did it because of poor service, I don't by that. If that was the case the neighbors would have seen ALL of them outside using the phone at some point not just H.
Maybe that neighbor was only watching H. but I agree if bad service everyone would have talked outside. I think she did it to get privacy. I wonder if she knew that neighbor was watching her.
I know!

SA's cell phone has turned against him it seems...

He may have been reading true crime for the gore of it....but not for the logic of it..

and I thank all things holy for that.

the interruption in service in my opinion is not due to his criminal mind and intelligence but rather due to the fact that he took Hailey to an area that was unservicable.

his bad=good for LE

but now we have the needle in the haystack for searching.


Oh ITA he does not have a brilliant criminal mind, but I think she does...well, maybe not brilliant, but knows enough to make it really difficult for LE.
Question about the pings:

Ok...some of the ping things confuse me, so I haven't focused as much on them as I should. So, please forgive me if this question has been beaten to death! :) I know that BD's phone pinged in the same area as SA. Was this in CCity or near their work?

Could BD have been in the car waiting for SA when he ran into work for a brief time and that's why they pinged in the same area or is that the wrong area of the "common" ping all together?

teh you are so right... and I need to keep reminding myself to have faith in LE as what was disclosed in the affidavits per the pings was just enough to get the SWS's and get the phone records...

there is more... I am sure of it
Interesting body language in that photo posted by belimom, with all 3 in it.

Can't draw any conclusions because we would need to see more but giving what we know, pretty interesting IMHO.

Yep...similar body language in the fireplace photo (if I can find it, I will link it) that he put on his MS after he lawyered up. IMO the body language spoke volumes.
I don't know if this has been commented on...just putting this out....

I believe there is something significant to BH looking in H's room before she left for work that a.m. at 6......

BH ...in her statement about this action....on NG...she seemed...to me...hesitant..in describing how...she actually...DIDN'T SEE her....but THOUGHT she was in her bed..

This STILL makes me think does B look in at BOTH her son and daughter's bedrooms before going to work every morning???....
If this is NOT routine...for BH...then ...I believe there was a REASON she checked on H that morning....
Correct me if I am wrong...but didn't she say...IT was to ease her mind..H was in bed??
I believe I heard/read that somewhere....

IF she DID say..it was to ease her mind/to be reassured H was in her bed...WHY??????

Did she hear something/someone is H's room??????? during the night????

I find this to be very strange about her comment....

Also, what else is strange/unusual...is....no contact with H from B..all those hours..then had her SON to contact H to come home....Why not B call H friend's house to tell her herself????....Sounds to me...she is trying to "distance" herself from H..and her "wherebouts"........just my opinion here.....I can't get past this "behavior" of B ...
Here's an enlargement of the pic: http://flic.kr/p/9ap4SB

After examining the enlarged photo, I am still of the opinion that Hailey is not a happy camper in that photo. The clenched fist concerns me. Her facial expression, IMO, is not a smile. It looks more like she is "trying" to smile and it's not working. Just my opinion.
teh you are so right... and I need to keep reminding myself to have faith in LE as what was disclosed in the affidavits per the pings was just enough to get the SWS's and get the phone records...

there is more... I am sure of it

I'm jonesin' for pings. I'm worse than a druggie, it's just a different addiction. There I said it. :great:
Interesting enough after I deleted my post I went back to his site. SA showed up as his friend and he showed to be ONLINE... not too much later the whole MS for him(the person NOT of interest) page is now gone...I think SA is trying to clean up some of the things on the web and in these sites and is monitoring what is being said about him JMO

Being that their hobbies are true crime... I would not doubt that one or both could be members here.....
1. Billie saying on NG the other night that she checked on Hailey to 'EASE HER MIND'. Ease her mind of what??

IMO that was a freudian slip or conciousness of guilt idk... she knew about something that had happened prior to that morning... possibly the night before...maybe HD was known to sneak out? maybe BO allowed HD to participate in using whatever she had purchased the night before? (I hope not)perhaps BO was "slipped something" and woke up with no memory of the previous night? or even HD was "slipped something" so that she and SA could do their thing?
The more I see and hear makes me wonder... does anyone else think BO may have been MAJORLY jealous of the way SA felt about HD?
ALL my questions only... None of this happened or was reported to have happened
I just think this family did not have a digital camera, especially if they did not have a PC in the home, so that would account for far fewer photos. I only just got one for Christmas (have not figured it out yet) and can't even begin to guess what photo my husband would be able to scrounge up if I went missing, probably my dirver's license :(

I think the cheerleading photo was recent and probably taken at school, so it was used a lot in this case.
My thought is that SA had a plan for that day. IMO, he went to work to establish an alibi as other have suggested, knowing he was going to return home. Does anyone know if WSI has a time clock system where employees physically “punch in?” Perhaps he “punched in” with his time card at 6:00AM to establish an alibi. Perhaps he hadn’t planned on seeing the supervisor in the break room that morning.

I also noted that sunrise on Monday, December 27th was at 7:43AM, and SA’s phone pinged from 6:35AM to 6:56AM in Colorado City. So if he returned home at ~6:35AM it would have still been dark out. And if he then removed Hailey from the house before sunrise, it’s less likely that anybody would have seen it. I think he took her from the house and did harm to her at another location.

I noted that the family has a dog or dogs. I wonder where the dog(s) normally slept/stayed, if the dog(s) would typically bark when someone entered the house, and if the dog(s) was/were protective.

Also, when Hailey’s brother DD returned home, pounded on the door, and nobody answered, then he entered through a window and Shawn was standing in a hallway with "a deer in the headlights look,” if Shawn did harm to Hailey that day, for all we know he could have thought the police were at the door.

Really good post! The time clock idea is very interesting. And, I hadn't thought about it still being dark. I also hadn't considered that he might have thought it was the police at the door. You are good, really good!
That is the one thing that I have noticed, too. The only shots we really see of her -- other than one that I think that she took herself with a webcam (the close up of her face) are the school of team photos. The only other one that I have seen is the one that SA had posted for a while on his MS with the 4 of them sitting in front of a fireplace. This was posted AFTER he lawyered up, though, so my guess is that he pulled it out of his hat from somewhere to make him look like a good family man. Pure speculation on my part, of course.

I know that often times families will have tons of photos of the first child and fewer and fewer individual photos as more children are added to the family
and you tend to get photos of 'the kids' doing things, but I think that this speaks volumes.

I used to joke that if my son would ever go missing that I would have a tough time finding a photo of him ALONE for the milk carton picture because his sister was always in the photo or he was doing goofy things or making a face and looking silly -- but in this case, sadly, it seems to be true!
That picture of the four of them was on Christmas Day - if you look at the BigCountry picture of Hailey, BD and SA - they are all wearing the exact same clothes. the pic of all 4 is dated 12/25/10 - so one can surmise the pic of the 3 of them on the couch was also Christmas Day.

My question is WHO TOOK THE PICTURE? The one with all 4 in front of the fireplace. The one with Hailey, SA and BD could have been taken by DD - but WHO took the one of all four of them?
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