TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #24

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Question about the pings:

Ok...some of the ping things confuse me, so I haven't focused as much on them as I should. So, please forgive me if this question has been beaten to death! :) I know that BD's phone pinged in the same area as SA. Was this in CCity or near their work?

Could BD have been in the car waiting for SA when he ran into work for a brief time and that's why they pinged in the same area or is that the wrong area of the "common" ping all together?


It has been confirmed by witnesses that BD was not with SA the morning of the Dec. 27th. She received a ride to work from a co-worker. The phone pinged in the same area as SA in CC.
Updated timeline with drive times now included.
05:45:00 PM: Shawn picks up Billie at work.

06:20:00 PM: Billie and Shawn make 2 ATM withdrawals in Snyder, $60 and $80. Billie later voluntarily tells LE that the money was buy illegal narcotics from someone in Scurry County for her and Shawn to use. Later still, Billie claims on national TV to have gotten the money to use for groceries and gas, and that she and Shawn were in Scurry County for only about 15 minutes. 24.9 miles/36 minutes Colorado City <> Snyder. 6:20pm + 15 min = 6:35pm + 36 min = 7:11pm 07:11:00 PM: Estimated arrival time at Colorado City for Shawn and Billie. 6:20pm + 15 min = 6:35pm + 36 min = 7:11pm

07:30:00 PM: Billie and Shawn claim to arrive back home in Colorado City.

07:30:00 PM: Billie and Shawn begin watching movies.

10:00:00 PM: Billie and Shawn go to bed. See 10pm Sun Dec 26 for last time Billie made any effort to determine Hailey's whereabouts or well-being.

Snipped and BBM
ATM at 6:20 then traveled to North Synder visit mom 15 minutes... where was the atm and how much time from ATM to Mom home? Then visited mom for 15 minutes or did Billie mean she only spend 15 minutes in synder travel time and visit?
That picture of the four of them was on Christmas Day - if you look at the BigCountry picture of Hailey, BD and SA - they are all wearing the exact same clothes. the pic of all 4 is dated 12/25/10 - so one can surmise the pic of the 3 of them on the couch was also Christmas Day.

My question is WHO TOOK THE PICTURE? The one with all 4 in front of the fireplace. The one with Hailey, SA and BD could have been taken by DD - but WHO took the one of all four of them?

Hailey's grandma perhaps? She saw them on Christmas Day.
It has been confirmed by witnesses that BD was not with SA the morning of the Dec. 27th. She received a ride to work from a co-worker. The phone pinged in the same area as SA in CC.

Gotcha! I remember that now about the co-worker ride. Thanks so much!
My thought is that SA had a plan for that day. IMO, he went to work to establish an alibi as other have suggested, knowing he was going to return home. Does anyone know if WSI has a time clock system where employees physically “punch in?” Perhaps he “punched in” with his time card at 6:00AM to establish an alibi. Perhaps he hadn’t planned on seeing the supervisor in the break room that morning.

I also noted that sunrise on Monday, December 27th was at 7:43AM, and SA’s phone pinged from 6:35AM to 6:56AM in Colorado City. So if he returned home at ~6:35AM it would have still been dark out. And if he then removed Hailey from the house before sunrise, it’s less likely that anybody would have seen it. I think he took her from the house and did harm to her at another location.

I noted that the family has a dog or dogs. I wonder where the dog(s) normally slept/stayed, if the dog(s) would typically bark when someone entered the house, and if the dog(s) was/were protective.

Also, when Hailey’s brother DD returned home, pounded on the door, and nobody answered, then he entered through a window and Shawn was standing in a hallway with "a deer in the headlights look,” if Shawn did harm to Hailey that day, for all we know he could have thought the police were at the door.
Interesting points. I've wondered about the dog and barking myself. We've heard the dog in the background during at least one interview, and she/he sounded pretty big.

Every dog I've ever had, big or small, was very protective and would bark when they saw someone coming up to or entering the door, unless it was someone who lived in the house.
No doubt they are watching the net......but it won't do them any good to pull it. LE is a little bit smarter than they are.....lmbo. I have to admit that I get a kick out of their paranoia though.

Yep,they're all over the place and one interesting thing is there are prescription bottles in thier photos on tables of thier drug pipes,etc with different names on them.I know some of them could be used to mix in with the drugs,so I just thought that was interesting,different names on prescription bottles and such.KWIM So all the talk of illegal drugs,prescription drugs,not in ones name,etc.
I swore after the ICA ping mess never to get caught up in the pingness again, but here we sit, pinging.

lol... I'm avoiding the pings... being that LE have other POI under 24/7 survelliance, anyone of them could have been using it that day, moving about...
The more I think of it......the phone was not pinging at all during that time. Had it been, they would have said in another area or what not, they said NO PHONE USAGE. They didn't use the word "Calls" at all, only pings. He pulled the battery IMO.

I was thinking they were tracking his pinging log and not his call log...with reference to the times reported...
That's so funny, because thinking about the stuff she printed out and remembering the ICA case, and the fact that I had the ping list printed out (ok, and scattered on the kitchen table and my desk) I thought, dang if anybody ever finds that, they are going to think I have a ping fetish.
12:00:00 PM: Billie claims a man (Charles) who lives with a neighbor (Travis) sees Hailey in yard talking on phone. Mike Board of WOAI claims his station found a woman who saw Hailey in the yard on the phone, but no time is given.

if no one was at home with hailey at 12:00PM - why would she need to "step outside" to speak on the phone? I find this very unlikely...

There is a video floating out there (sorry no link) of a male neighbor looking over a fence into Hailey's yard talking about seeing her there talking on the phone that day..The man mostly keeps his back to the camera but a few xs we get a sideways view of him..IMHO he didn't look too credible but I could be wrong.

My 1st thought was 'reception' was an issue but IIRC Billie shot that down..When asked by NG if she went outside to talk in the yard for "privacy" she answered out of both sides of her mouth..I'm not sure if she did or not cos of it BUT! as NG was cutting her off Billie did say "if nobody was home why would she go outside to talk"..I think she also said "makes no sense" but I can't swear by that.

I'd love to see this part of her many interviews with NG again & find the video of the neighbor but with so much out there at this point it's kinda like looking for a needle in a haystack! :banghead:

ETA!! Thanx to Crime I saw the video again & he does NOT say he saw her "that day" but "all the time".
Snipped by me:
"(When we foudn out MB and HD had never spent the night at each other's house and MB's mom had never seen BD until she saw her on NG.)"

This threw up a huge red flag for me. They had NEVER spent the night together. The moms had NEVER even met. Makes me wonder, if SA just couldn't remember any of her other friends' names, so he utilized a name he knew.
teh you are so right... and I need to keep reminding myself to have faith in LE as what was disclosed in the affidavits per the pings was just enough to get the SWS's and get the phone records...

there is more... I am sure of it
Like my siggy says:
Snipped another:
"There is a video floating out there (sorry no link) of a male neighbor looking over a fence into Hailey's yard talking about seeing her there talking on the phone that day."

Was this a video that was on the news?
1. Billie saying on NG the other night that she checked on Hailey to 'EASE HER MIND'. Ease her mind of what??

IMO that was a freudian slip or conciousness of guilt idk... she knew about something that had happened prior to that morning... possibly the night before...maybe HD was known to sneak out? maybe BO allowed HD to participate in using whatever she had purchased the night before? (I hope not)perhaps BO was "slipped something" and woke up with no memory of the previous night? or even HD was "slipped something" so that she and SA could do their thing?
The more I see and hear makes me wonder... does anyone else think BO may have been MAJORLY jealous of the way SA felt about HD?
ALL my questions only... None of this happened or was reported to have happened

bolded by me....EXACTLY my thoughts too...EASE her mind?????.....
IMO....there WAS a reason...to ease her mind.....
See....that doesn't fit.....here B lets H go off to a friends house....and NEVER calls to check on her/chat with her....or even CALLS her to come home...but has the son call....( I know this overnight never happened..but I am talking about the behavior/statments B is saying out there to folks...)...then says she checked in on her to see if she was in her bed....because to EASE HER MIND...if she was in her bed....then adds...she was NOT SURE H was even IN HER bed..it just looked like she was...imo
Snipped by me:
"(When we foudn out MB and HD had never spent the night at each other's house and MB's mom had never seen BD until she saw her on NG.)"

This threw up a huge red flag for me. They had NEVER spent the night together. The moms had NEVER even met. Makes me wonder, if SA just couldn't remember any of her other friends' names, so he utilized a name he knew.

That is what I thought from the start; he had to come up with a name to tell Billie and had heard MB at some point...
Here's a question that may effect the timeline and provide for more clean up time (IF SA is involved) or this could just be another inconsistency:

Did DD get home at 4pm or 5pm?

GRACE: OK. Billie Dunn, back to you. Here`s my question. You`ve got a 16-year-old boy. Was he at home the day that Hailey went missing?

BILLIE DUNN: No, he wasn`t here that day until 5:00 PM. He had been with friends.

GRACE: And at 5:00 PM, when he got home, was your boyfriend in the home?


GRACE: OK. Between 12:00 PM, lunchtime, and 5:00, when your son got home, nobody but your boyfriend say Hailey, right?



"On the afternoon of Dec. 27 at about 4 p.m., Hailey&#8217;s brother David returned home.
According to his father, Clint Dunn, David arrived about 4 p.m. and pounded on the front door for about five minutes, and no one would let him in the door.
David then let himself into the house through a window, where David said he saw Adkins in a hallway with a &#8220;deer in the headlights look.&#8221;


I think the affidavits say 4pm though....is that accurate or was the 4pm just in news reports? BD seems to be off on her times a lot. Wasn't it her who originally said that SA saw Hailey at 1pm, then changed it to 3pm and in this it's 5pm, when it's really 4pm (if this is accurate), etc...
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