TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #25

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We know they had Call of Duty, Black Ops. We have that game too. It's about war (the Vietnam war, specifically). It's bloody.

eh, GS has Call Of Duty 1 - Call of duty 69769405393. I hate them. There is some "Zombie" game too, wonder if they had that?
I understand. Everyone keeps saying BD had custody so Clint couldn't do anything. I thought someone must have records of them going to court. Otherwise, since they are still married, he could have stepped in at any time.

Not necessarily. When my ex and I separated, I was given full custody of my two children at that point. He dragged his feet and it took nearly two years for the divorce to be final, but they gave legal custody that first court date. One GUESS I have that she didn't want to let her live at Clint's MIGHT be the fact that if a child moves in with the non-custodial parent, it MAY impact child support. I have seen women play some pretty ridiculous games just to 'protect' that check every month -- even if the kids would be better off at dad's. Sad. Not saying that is the case here...just a speculation.
This whole deal with SA sitting on the porch watching....My God can you imagine....here you are out stomping through fields, brush, etc. and there he is just hanging out watching. If he knows what's good for him, he better go inside and lock the door. If he's just got to watch he better be doing it from the safety of at least being behind a locked door.

This alone tells me ALOT about what kind of individual LE is dealing with.

I can almost bet he's loving it and if he knows where she is,even more,he's the center of attention right now.JMO
lol, I'm betting they had Halo.
teh, Halo is tame compared to "Left for Dead" and "Grand Theft Auto", "Resident Evil", "Diablo" and there are many more. Now I did see Hailey mention on her fb about Call of Duty: Black Ops - that is a fairly newer game and Ibelieve by her post she was probably playing that at a friend's house because there was mention of PS2(3) and we're talking Xbox here - but still that game is also available in XBox format.

What I'm trying to say here is these games are intense, gory and very life like and I'm very curious if SA was into playing them.
Role playing is a big deal to alot of people now,they'll play it online and many in vids.From what we've seen,he loves the role playing in vids,as long and as deep as he's into this,maybe it's not be a game anymore.But from the first time I saw him smiling in a video on the couch in this case,I thought he's really liking this attention.Now after seeing the vids,I understand this is like a role playing game,possibly.All the attention and as in the one vid getting up in the camera to who was taken the vid,"I'm the boss."

Yep...I cannot get that pure evil smirk of his out of my mind. Every time I see his photo he just gives me the creeps.

I think it is the same thing that the searchers are seeing when they report that he stands on the front porch and watches them search every day. Some creeps get extreme pleasure in watching these sorts of things because they think that they are so much smarter than everyone else.

Some are geniuses...'tis true...but not this one.
*teh knows nothing about games. My favorite on the wii is the cow racing.
I woke up thinking about this. I'd prefer to think Billie knows nothing about what happened, much less is involved, but there is one thing that makes me wonder if she did know, at least.

Her son calls her to tell her that Hailey never made it to the sleepover and there was no expectation on her friend's part that there WAS a sleepover.

What's the first thing you'd do?

The very first thing I would do, as that panic feeling hit my stomach, is call Shawn and say "WHO did Hailey say she was spending the night with? It wasn't MB...are you SURE she said her?"

But it seems like Billie assumed she was missing and rushed to CCity?
Not necessarily. When my ex and I separated, I was given full custody of my two children at that point. He dragged his feet and it took nearly two years for the divorce to be final, but they gave legal custody that first court date. One GUESS I have that she didn't want to let her live at Clint's MIGHT be the fact that if a child moves in with the non-custodial parent, it MAY impact child support. I have seen women play some pretty ridiculous games just to 'protect' that check every month -- even if the kids would be better off at dad's. Sad. Not saying that is the case here...just a speculation.

According to the grandma on NG, Clint and his family tried to get custody of Hailey last January...

GRACE: ... of Hailey that we are showing you. The tip line, 325-728- 5294. Many people believe this girl could still be alive.

With us, Billie Dunn and Connie Jones. I want to go first to Connie Jones. This is Hailey`s grandmother. Ms. Jones, thank you for being with us. I understand that it wasn`t that long ago you tried to get custody, relatives tried to get custody away from Mommy? You wanted Hailey out of that home, is that correct?


GRACE: What happened?

JONES: Well, I had went on vacation, and when I come back, Clint had said that he had Hailey and then Billie (INAUDIBLE) that he ended up getting her back and everything. And I didn`t even know any of this was going on until I came back.

GRACE: You didn`t know what was going on?

JONES: No, ma`am. All I know is that Clint tried to take her because Hailey wanted to stay with Clint. And (INAUDIBLE) wanted her back (INAUDIBLE)
I woke up thinking about this. I'd prefer to think Billie knows nothing about what happened, much less is involved, but there is one thing that makes me wonder if she did know, at least.

Her son calls her to tell her that Hailey never made it to the sleepover and there was no expectation on her friend's part that there WAS a sleepover.

What's the first thing you'd do?

The very first thing I would do, as that panic feeling hit my stomach, is call Shawn and say "WHO did Hailey say she was spending the night with? It wasn't MB...are you SURE she said her?"

But it seems like Billie assumed she was missing and rushed to CCity?

That's one of the things that gets me too, how was she SO SURE she needed to go to the police. And when speaking of this very thing, she says she called Clint to see if she was over there or had been there and he said no....you know she would have told him she was missing. But yet, when Clint was asked who told him H was missing, he said my Son, "later that ...", and NG cut him off.
Nah,in this case,just a shoving and pushing match,arguing and I think it's just part of thier lifestyle and they're just crazy. :) Now if the officer was being given a hard time,they could haul him in.But in the SA and BD incident with the threats to a child,I'm wondering why SA wasn't taken in,even if she wasn't going to file charges about the debit card.

We don't know that he wasn't taken in. I find it hard to believe, where there is a 911 call for domestic violence, and the perp admits he threatened the lives of 2 people in the home, that LE didn't take him in. In my reading of the affidavit - it says SA initially denied the threats, but later admitted to them. The "but later" part makes me think he was hauled in. Now, that is just my own interpretation and I may not be right. But generally speaking, domestic violence no longer gets a free pass.


Posted: January 16, 2011 - 12:14am

COLORADO CITY — There are signs of anguish all across this West Texas town: Orange ribbons are tied around trees, stops signs and car antennas. Posters and fliers with photos of missing 13-year-old Hailey Darlene Dunn are plastered on storefront doors and public offices.

In front of her school, a sign reads: “Have hope.”

I can almost bet he's loving it and if he knows where she is,even more,he's the center of attention right now.JMO

I'm betting he knows they aren't going to find her where they are looking.

"The community of Dunn is also the location of suspect Shawn Adkins, who is living at his grandmother's house there while under 24-hour surveillance by law enforcement personnel.

In an Associated Press exclusive interview published Friday, Adkins said he was not responsible for Hailey's disappearance." <snipped>

The article also talks about the landfill search.

Bellyup - DD is putting on a brave face, but I know he is hurting badly. My daughter is his age, and is trying to look out for him in school, where the kids are brutal - as are the teachers.

My daughter has several times had to tell kids to STFU. I don't condone language like that from my kids, but in this case, I gave her a pass. Kids telling DD that his sister was famous, and asking horrible questions, and sometimes even accusing him of having something to do with it.

I had tried to get some people to set up a rotation of taking casseroles or something each night, so my daughter asked her FCCLA teacher if they could take something. The teacher agreed.

Then the story hit about the affidavits. The next morning, the teacher pulled my daughter aside, and told her that until everything was 'cleared up', they would not be helping the family in any way. The did give DD a $20 Sonic card.

Then, in one of her classes, the teacher took it upon himself to slam Billie, calling her names, accusing her of buying crack, and for several minutes was on a tirade. This was Friday. I will be filing a complaint with the superintendent. How dare the teachers comment on this as the authority figure in the classroom. My daughter said that you could have heard a pin drop.

This is a small town, and anything slightly scandelous always gets a lot of attention. You can imagine how Hailey's disappearance has rocked the town. You cant go anywhere without hearing rumors, speculation, and outright crap talking. So, multiply that 1000x in the high school. I feel so bad for DD. Not only is his sister missing, but he has to hear people calling his mom every name in the book.

I know you and some others seem interested in this case in CC, but the above seems in-line with what I am seeing in this case compared to other cases. The town- from what I see here, in the media- generally does not give a hoot. There are some in the searches, but it really seems like the townspeople could care less. So sad for Hailey, I can't imagine how she would feel if she saw the lack of support. I hope that teacher gets in the trouble she deserves, what an awful thing to say.
Note: Last seen wearing navy blue sweat pants, a short sleeved light colored T-shirt, and flip flops. She has pierced ears and was wearing red hoop earrings. Her left upper ear is pierced.


How would SA remember that?

Hard to say since he/they were wrong about the shoes apparently. The initial reports were that she was wearing pink tennis shoes - until they found them in her room.
I woke up thinking about this. I'd prefer to think Billie knows nothing about what happened, much less is involved, but there is one thing that makes me wonder if she did know, at least.

Her son calls her to tell her that Hailey never made it to the sleepover and there was no expectation on her friend's part that there WAS a sleepover.

What's the first thing you'd do?

The very first thing I would do, as that panic feeling hit my stomach, is call Shawn and say "WHO did Hailey say she was spending the night with? It wasn't MB...are you SURE she said her?"

But it seems like Billie assumed she was missing and rushed to CCity?

This too has bothered me...The time line from when she found out that HD was not at MB to when she went to the police department. Something just isnt right with this.MOO Has anyone got more indepth info on what BD did from the 2:00 (left work)-4:00(reported missing with police) timeline.
Note: Last seen wearing navy blue sweat pants, a short sleeved light colored T-shirt, and flip flops. She has pierced ears and was wearing red hoop earrings. Her left upper ear is pierced.


How would SA remember that?

exactly.......ask my DH what I am wearing right now........
he would never say what earrings I have on.........
I'd be lucky if he said jeans and a STEELER sweatshirt.......
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