TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #25

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I have never seen one person on this forum be anything but respectful and appreciative to Cz. I have seen many people pose questions and question the accuracy of information that she passed on as coming from Billie. I have also seen many people praise her for being such a good friend and handling herself so well. I think that's why she said she comes here; to clarify things for us as part of the search for Hailey (my interpretation, not speaking for her).

I appreciate insider information. I also appreciate that it's important to question sources of information when you are trying to ascertain the truth. Rumor taken as fact and repeated often times skews the real picture and impedes progress. JMO...

I know,we all understand it's her friend and she's being supportive.We're just talking about some of the inconsistencies that's been said and trying to understand how there could be.Just piecing things together.
IMO, the author is getting pings and calls confused. Some people think that a phone only pings when a call or text is made. A phone will ping all the time.

Just jumping off this post because I noticed a lot of talk and confusion regarding cell phones and cell phone pings when I was catching up on last night`s posts. I`ve researched this many times due to cases that I`ve been following and this is what I believe is true about this subject.

A cell phone pings towers only when it`s on and is prepared to either make or receive calls or texts. There is no reason for a cell phone that is off to ping a tower and they do not ping when they are turned off. They also do not ping if the battery is dead or has been removed and if they are out of range of any available towers. In fact, most cell phones can actually be turned on remotely by the phone company at the request of LE in cases where they are trying to find a missing person or track a criminal. Once the phone is ON, it will start to ping again unless it is out of range of any towers, the battery is dead or it is removed.

I have researched this topic many times and this is the information that I have found on it. If anyone can find anything that indicates that a phone will ping when it`s turned off, please get me a link because this topic seems to come up on a lot of cases.

So my theory about the break in activity on the phone is that he simply turned it off. Now if you know about Blackberry phones, you will know that they alert for phone calls, e-mails and texts. And they will continue to alert until you check them. So considering what we think he may have been doing during this time, I can see why he might not want his phone alerting. He could have silenced it but why bother when you can just turn it off.
This thread will be closing soon - I'll give you a few minutes to catch up to this post.
It's enough to give someone who might see her an idea of what she was wearing. The brand of pants doesn't matter... nobody is going to know the brand of sweatpants when they spot somebody anyway. They are only going to notice the color and whether the shirt was white or light colored, versus darker color or even navy blue or black. And at night the two can look the same. Believe me, I've seen descriptions much more vague than this one.

If anyone who has a teenage daughter is interested in taking a little test:
Sit down and write a list of every article of clothing your child has that you can remember. Don't include socks or underwear, because it's not important. Just jeans, pants, shirts, blouses, dresses, sweaters, jackets. Then when you're done, go and compare it to the clothes in her closet and include the ones in the laundry hamper and possibly the washer and dryer. See how close you are to being accurate.
Betcha it's not 100%!!

BBM: Actually, my girls have Aeropostle sweats and they do show a huge brand either down the leg or on the behind - much like the shirts and jacket you see HD in the most recent Christmas pictures. Brands are important to teens...and someone pointed out that she really likes this brand of clothing. As to the other point, yes, I can see the "light coloring" not being much of a matter - unless you are looking for evidence or someone not with us...
I find it very hard to believe a teacher would be talking trashing BD in front of DD and the other students.It's possible,but I don't know.

I can't speak for that particular teacher, but I can definitely tell you I have lived some of this stuff.

I don't 'come' from a small town, but I have lived most of my life in 2 very small towns. My children went to school in first the one, and then the other one. I also subbed in the second small town school for about a year and a half.

I don't know if it's a case of 'everyone knows everyone' and just don't really realize how awful it is, or what. There was one girl, who at 14 went and got on birth control. The teacher said, right in front of the class, this girl had got on birth control, which made her a wh@re. I don't think the teacher was ever disciplined, and the girl's mother removed the girl from the school. I could go on and on. Don't get me wrong, though, most of the teachers at this school were very good, caring and compassionate people. It's just like there were a few who seemed to pull this kind of thing and it seemed like an act of Congress was required to do anything about it.
About the clothing - can anyone be sure that the description is accurate? According to Bean's timeline, there is no way AS was able to get home by 3:00. It would have been more like 3:15 or even 3:25.

I wonder if she had a habit of sleeping in her clothes? I wonder what she was wearing the day prior...

I went back to the picture on the 25th and enlarged it and it make it so flurry but I cant tell for sure but it doesnt look like she was wearing red loop earrings... and it doesnt appear to be the same clothing description...except maybe the pants could have been blue sweats...
If it's an Ipod touch You go to settings and you go to wifi and if there is an wifi area without a lock you can use it but if there is none you simply cant use Internet.

Her posts on fb says posted with Iphone,so would that be picked up as Iphone if it's an Ipod touch?I don't know,my daughter has an Ipod only for her music,no wifi capability.I don't know anything about an Iphone,except you have cell,Ipod,camera,text messaging,e-mail and Web browsing. I just had to look that up.

Yes, if you post with an ipod touch on Fb, it says posted from an iphone.
OH! did someone say that she was wearing a slipknot or some sort of band t-shirt in a photo or video somewhere? please can someone link me to something, or the case photo archive! i dont have the guts to go back a thousand posts and look for it mentioned! i have a wild idea...
I can't speak for that particular teacher, but I can definitely tell you I have lived some of this stuff.

I don't 'come' from a small town, but I have lived most of my life in 2 very small towns. My children went to school in first the one, and then the other one. I also subbed in the second small town school for about a year and a half.

I don't know if it's a case of 'everyone knows everyone' and just don't really realize how awful it is, or what. There was one girl, who at 14 went and got on birth control. The teacher said, right in front of the class, this girl had got on birth control, which made her a wh@re. I don't think the teacher was ever disciplined, and the girl's mother removed the girl from the school. I could go on and on. Don't get me wrong, though, most of the teachers at this school were very good, caring and compassionate people. It's just like there were a few who seemed to pull this kind of thing and it seemed like an act of Congress was required to do anything about it.

Geesh,I would have taken it all the way to the schoolboard after I went to the principal and demanded her to be reprimanded.Not that it would have done any good.I guess there's always a few bad apples in everything.
OH! did someone say that she was wearing a slipknot or some sort of band t-shirt in a photo or video somewhere? please can someone link me to something, or the case photo archive! i dont have the guts to go back a thousand posts and look for it mentioned! i have a wild idea...
It was BD wearing a slipknot t-shirt in one of the interviews - IIRC.
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