TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #25

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Where did you read / hear this? I've only read / heard that HE is staying in Dunn w/ his gm?
...the boyfriend of Hailey's mother, has been holed up in home in the town of Dunn since failing a polygraph exam last week. He, along with other persons of interest in the case, is under 24-7 surveillance by law enforcement.

Fellow volunteer, [redacted by me], said SA sits outside on the front porch of the home where he's staying and watches the group search for Hailey.
Volunteer Searchers added more bears and ribbons along the bridge in Dunn near where SA is staying. They said they want it to serve as a constant reminder of Hailey.


(There are more links...just posting these 2 from yesterday's articles)

I had posted a little while ago that CZ told us that BD's mom is staying with BD. Perhaps this is where the confusion is coming from?
Hailey was using an Iphone,as it shows on her fb page before Christmas.
Regarding potential eye witnesses, I’m sure others on here have a lot more examples of this, but I think of a case I followed where a teenage girl was abducted. Two separate parents who knew her and knew what she looked like, came forward and said they saw her the morning she went missing, walking near her school (with some additional details). It was in a police affidavit and repeated by media as the case went on. When the man who abducted and murdered her was finally apprehended, he confessed to investigators and showed them where he abducted her from. It turned out she never made it anywhere near her school that morning. The eye witnesses, who had good intentions, were simply mistaken about seeing her that day.

So I always keep this in mind now when I hear about eye witnesses.

You are so right! Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable. That's why LE likes to have other eyewitnesses who saw the same thing, and the more the better in order to verify it. Five different people who witnessed an incident could give 5 completely different versions.
OTOH, if another eyewitness saw a person around the same time but in a slightly different location... that would be more believable AND verifiable.
No. The sister is now living in Snyder. The cousin lives in New Mexico. CZ said last night that the cousin was supposed to come to the area for Christmas but ended up not coming.

I wonder who said he didn't show up for Christmas.
I had posted a little while ago that CZ told us that BD's mom is staying with BD. Perhaps this is where the confusion is coming from?

Not sure...I read your post and thought it was clearly articulated...that's why I thought there might have been another article somewhere stating BD was staying elsewhere.
thank you! But what about the XBox?

I find it highly unlikely that ANY MEDIA outlet anywhere would edit out a missing child's mother's pleas for her to come home or if she directly speaks to the child. They just don't do that. For one reason, if the parents/ extended family / friends of the family know there was a plea for the child - they would be FURIOUS that it wasn't shown.

Maybe if she would talk more about Hailey and how much she loves her and the little things she misses about her daughter and what they would do together or how it upset her last night because she made one of Hailey's favorite dinners, SOMETHING instead of "she's not in my house", then I might try to understand. But for now, I'm sorry, BD is not getting any kind of "pass" from me on anything. Not until LE announces that she has been completely cleared.

BBM - Guilty until proven innocent.......
Out of curiosity and a little off our current topic, is anyone surprised that Marc Klass is defending BD or maybe not defending, but praising her, AFTER the affidavits came out and the info about the poly, as well as the inconsistencies? I know he is usually so big on parents getting themselves cleared ASAP so LE can focus on the "real" perp. It seems like he might encourage BD to do the same instead of praising the job she is doing now? Surprised me a bit.
I think this family must have been able to get internet in that house, one way or another...too many devices we are hearing about, and I find it hard to believe SA would have been able to go without internet. Maybe they did not have a printer, i.e. Billie printing out their bedtime stories at work...

Very, very possible, imo..Before my son and his family moved further out of the city, they were almost always able to pick up a signal to use to get online from somewhere in the neighborhood.
Not sure...I read your post and thought it was clearly articulated...that's why I thought there might have been another article somewhere stating BD was staying elsewhere.

Oh, gotcha. There was that news interview posted a couple of pages back that BD said she is "not" staying at her home often. But, that is all I have seen or heard. I know I found that strange when I heard it, because I'd want to be home in case HD walked through that door!
Ok - here we go.

Adkins said the affidavits are inaccurate. In one, police said Adkins at first was "very positive" about Hailey but later indicated she was promiscuous and used drugs — but Adkins said Friday he told police only that Hailey's mother mentioned to him that she'd discussed birth control with her daughter.


What night was it on NG that BD talked about Hailey and SA and his "promiscous" remark? She was the one who said she had talked to her about birth control. And that was the very first time we ever heard the words "birth control" out of ANYBODY's mouth.

IMHO It seems that BD is communicating with SA through the media. Which is something I've been thinking for some time now.

Does appear that way, doesn't it? Thanks for giving an excellent example.
BBM - Guilty until proven innocent.......
no, I didn't say anything about being guilty. I said until LE clears her - that makes her a POI and after reading the affidavits and all the other information that is coming out and her on camera "inconsistencies" with NG does raise suspicion.

CZ was asking that people give her a pass on her non-display of emotions. I'm sorry but I can't do that.
We don't know that he wasn't taken in. I find it hard to believe, where there is a 911 call for domestic violence, and the perp admits he threatened the lives of 2 people in the home, that LE didn't take him in. In my reading of the affidavit - it says SA initially denied the threats, but later admitted to them. The "but later" part makes me think he was hauled in. Now, that is just my own interpretation and I may not be right. But generally speaking, domestic violence no longer gets a free pass.


I read it to mean...He said at first he have only threaten Billie not including Hailey....
Then fessed up to threaten BOTH

SA never denied threatening Billie....He only denied Threatening Hailey then during the time of the initial report and recanted and included Hailey

Any I making any sense??
who provided the last seen description? was it SA or was it what Hailey wore to bed the night before??? ((sweats and a t shirt))...

who provided the last seen description? was it SA or was it what Hailey wore to bed the night before??? ((sweats and a t shirt))...


ETA: what was she last wearing when her brother saw her the previous night?
The inconsistencies of the shoes has bothered me. It still says "sneakers" or "tennis shoes" but we all heard BD say she found her sneakers in her bedroom so it had to be flip-flops.

Well, maybe SA brought the sneakers back to the house with him and put them in her room. hmmmmm................

I'm always leary when an item of clothing the missing person was wearing shows back up at their home. It's usually found out later that they were taken from the home not wearing shoes or not dressed for going outside. A perp is not concerned about a dead or unconcious person walking or getting cold. You look at some cases where that little detail tripped a perp up. The ones that say their wife left to go jogging and never came back and their running shoes are found at home. Or their wife went shopping and never came back. Yet the body is later discovered nude or clad only in pajamas. One guy was so desperate to cya this he dressed his in her jogging clothes but did something like put the shoes on wrong.

IMO, Hailey didn't have shoes on when she left her house. When her shoes were found at home the description changed to flip flops.
A Bit OT-- I was in college in Auburn University in Alabama when he killed/injured the sorority girls in Tallahassee and followed his trials once he was caught. Yes, he was executed by old sparky -- I believe the National Enquirer actually published a photo of his upper body following his death and you could see the burn marks (black areas) on his head. I was glad he was executed --I could imagine what it was like to have a monster like him trolling your college dorm. Very sad.

Bundy was my introduction to true crime. Although my gut says one thing, my heart hopes and prays that Hailey is just a runaway.

I went to Auburn as well, Penelope. War Cam Eagle. :)
Well, I guess I lied about stepping away....

Concerning Billie's emotions - IMHO, she is struggling to hold it together, stone faced both because she is nervous about being on TV (I know I would be) and if she lets go of her emotions, she will be a bawling mess. I can see the toll it takes on her to get through the interviews, but then again, I know her and how she is. Plus, you have to take into consideration that she is on RX ativan - although I do not know for sure if she is taking it during the day or only for sleep.

As far as pleading for Hailey's return, she has - over and over and over. Some of it is just not played by the media.... I don't know why, unless they, like some of you, have decided that she is guilty, and just dont.

After the last NG show, I did finally tell her that I felt like she was given an opportunity to just run with whatever she wanted.... but she froze up. I told her that maybe she should write out everything she wanted to say, to be able to get it all out, and that I was sure that people would understand that she had trouble collecting her thoughts while under such stress.

We have also talked about a press conference, but have gone back and forth on it. I know that a very nice woman from the local radio station interviewed her yesterday, and was going to give her an opportunity to make a statement, but I haven't heard it - if y'all can believe it, the only radio I have is in my vehicle. I guess I need to ask when it is running next and go sit out there and listen to it.

She didn't have a problem making a plea to SA. She also didn't have a problem stating that she loves HIM. Your 13 year old daughter has been missing for 18 days and you take the opportunity to mention that you love your boyfriend, who is one of the suspects in your daughter's disappearance? I don't know what happened to hailey, and I don't have an opinion on whether Billie was involved or not, but COME ON. Get a grip and re-prioritize.

Not directed at any one poster, but I call bs on the whole 'poor Billie is being victimized by everyone' POV. So LE, inclding the FBI are twisting her words, and including lies in the affadavits? On top of that, the media, ALL the media, are conspiring to keep her many pleas for Hailey's safe return out of the public domain? Sorry, but I find that VERY hard to believe.

I'm about 15 pages behind so I may have missed much.
Out of curiosity and a little off our current topic, is anyone surprised that Marc Klass is defending BD or maybe not defending, but praising her, AFTER the affidavits came out and the info about the poly, as well as the inconsistencies? I know he is usually so big on parents getting themselves cleared ASAP so LE can focus on the "real" perp. It seems like he might encourage BD to do the same instead of praising the job she is doing now? Surprised me a bit.

Probably hasn't read affidavits or know as much as people that keep up with it.I think alot of people see the parents as how they would felt and not the whole picture.JMO
You are so right! Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable. That's why LE likes to have other eyewitnesses who saw the same thing, and the more the better in order to verify it. Five different people who witnessed an incident could give 5 completely different versions.
OTOH, if another eyewitness saw a person around the same time but in a slightly different location... that would be more believable AND verifiable.

I am just so curious about this sighting Cz talked about. She says there was a credible witness who knows HD and who saw her mid-morning Monday with another kid her age. And that kid is alive and well. Okay, what about this friend? Did she/he say where HD was going and what she had planned for the day?
When my kids were 13, not that long ago, they would not be out that early on a vacation day unless they had specific plans. Was she going out for breakfast? What was she doing at that time?
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