TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #25

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I thought the teacher is a he. Though I guess it doesn't matter what the gender is.
The teacher situation (and other situations being recounted on this thread) is a she said she said s/he said situation. I need a bit more than that before I start condemning this instructor.
***red and snipped***

From someone who has taken many many many many polygraphs over the years. They DO NOY ask you what questions you're afraid of. They just don't That is the whole point of the polygraph - to watch your reactions to questions that are asked of you. If you're a perp I'm sure there are many questions that you be afraid of being asked while hooked up - but do you really think anyone is going to fess up to a polygrapher what they are? Why not just confess?

It states in this article, they do in fact discuss the case with the subject prior to a polygraph exam. This particular polygraph examiner that conducted BD's exam may have asked her that particular question, there is no way to know.
I really appreciate that those [many are verified] close to the case that are brave enough to speak out on an open forum about Hailey, her home life, and those closest to her.

Thank you, you could of remained silent but you didn't. I appreciate that.
She didn't have a problem making a plea to SA. She also didn't have a problem stating that she loves HIM. Your 13 year old daughter has been missing for 18 days and you take the opportunity to mention that you love your boyfriend, who is one of the suspects in your daughter's disappearance. Idon't know what happened to hailey, and I don't have an opinion on whether Billie was involved or not, but COME ON. Get a grip and re-prioritize.

Not directed at any one poster, but I call bs on the whole 'poor Billie is being victimized by everyone' POV. So LE, inclding the FBI are twisting her words, and including lies in the affadavits? on top of that, the media, ALL the media, are conspiring to keep her many pleas for Hailey's safe return? Sorry, but I find that VERY hard to believe.

I'm about 15 pages behind so I may have missed much.

When LE thought Hailey was a runaway, did BD ever plead for Hailey to please come home?

When there was thought that it may be an abduction, did BD ever plead for the abductor to let her daughter go?

Now when there is a thought that something happened to Hailey, has there ever been a plea from her for the perp to come forward and confess?

Has she ever said on National TV that she loves Hailey?

BBM: In all the interviews I've seen I haven't heard her say this. Has she?
The teacher situation (and other situations being recounted on this thread) is a she said she said s/he said situation. I need a bit more than that before I start condemning this instructor.

I find it very hard to believe a teacher would be talking trashing BD in front of DD and the other students.It's possible,but I don't know.
I find it very hard to believe a teacher would be talking trashing BD in front of DD and the other students.It's possible,but I don't know.

I find it very hard to believe too. DD is a victim and an adult should know better, especially a teacher.
Lanie, if you abandon a game in the middle of play, does the game automatically pause after awhile. Or does the timer continue to run as though you were actually playing?

Using Fable as an example, if I were to just walk away without pausing it, it would continue to show as play. After a certain time, maybe 5 to 10 minutes, my controller, which is wireless, would shut off to conserve battery strength, and the game would then register the controller was off and pause. I have no idea what would happen if the controller was wired in.

Another thing, though, is on Fable, the game play is where there would be many times I could walk away without pausing and nothing would happen. However, there are a lot of games where enemies are going to pop out and get you if your character is just standing there, and if you get killed, it will end the game until you reload. It's a habit for me to hit pause, even if I'm just stopping to have a 2 minute conversation with someone, because it's just a simple button hit.
The teacher situation (and other situations being recounted on this thread) is a she said she said s/he said situation. I need a bit more than that before I start condemning this instructor.

Me too. If it did happen, it's very wrong. However, this account of Billie's son being victimized by a teacher is a rumor. It did not come from DD himself and the teacher has not been identified nor asked about it. It came from a friend of Billie's who I believe said it came from another child (second or third hand information). I have a hard time believing a teacher would do this, but worse things have happened. For now, it's just a rumor and it has no impact on finding Hailey (from my perspective).
Thanks! That's what I thought - this is the first time we're hearing that SA made calls in that 6:00 a.m. hour on 12/27 from Colorado City. Is this article confirming that phone records actually show that he made calls then, or is it just a misinterpretation of the affidavit confirming pings placing him in Colorado City? Guess we'll need to wait and see. But, if his phone records do show that he made phone calls then, I'm sure LE is all over whoever received those calls.

From the NPR article:

Witnesses said Adkins left work at 6:10 a.m., and Adkins told investigators and, on Friday, confirmed to the AP that he went straight to his mother's house in Big Spring, about 40 miles west of Colorado City. But records show calls from Adkins' cell phone were placed from Colorado City between 6:35 a.m. and 6:56 a.m., when Hailey would have been home alone, according to an affidavit.

IMO, the author is getting pings and calls confused. Some people think that a phone only pings when a call or text is made. A phone will ping all the time.
I totally agree, sherbetjello. I feel we are lucky to have so many verified locals willing to stick their necks out. Particularly CZ!

I feel that it's important to remember how much more intense this must be for the locals. My concern is great, but also a great distance away from the situation! To have that deep sadness hanging over your town must be incredibly rough, and horrible. I feel like I could never change your heart about your good friend; it's not our place to try make you feel otherwise! You've come here to share your observations and experiences I am grateful! Whatever any of us feel about BD, she is CZ's friend, and they are right there looking each other in the eye. We should give that the credit it deserves and leave feelings alone for a minute. Facts are facts, and they are few in this case! We need some evidence!
The Aunt of the missing girl 80 miles away said her niece may be a runaway,but keep looking out for her.
I find it very hard to believe too. DD is a victim and an adult should know better, especially a teacher.

I have had to go up to the school before because a teacher called my 12yo son a "little b*tch", so it does not surprise me that a teacher would be talking smack in the classroom. The teacher that called him this is not even one of his teachers, and was talking to other students who know my child when this was said.
I have never seen one person on this forum be anything but respectful and appreciative to Cz. I have seen many people pose questions and question the accuracy of information that she passed on as coming from Billie. I have also seen many people praise her for being such a good friend and handling herself so well. I think that's why she said she comes here; to clarify things for us as part of the search for Hailey (my interpretation, not speaking for her).

I appreciate insider information. I also appreciate that it's important to question sources of information when you are trying to ascertain the truth. Rumor taken as fact and repeated often times skews the real picture and impedes progress. JMO...
It states in this article, they do in fact discuss the case with the subject prior to a polygraph exam. This particular polygraph examiner that conducted BD's exam may have asked her that particular question, there is no way to know.
They do talk to you in advance and they tell you every question they are going to ask you. Now, it has been MANY years since I've been hooked up and I'm sure procedures have changed. You're right we don't know if that question was asked or not. Its just that it is such an ambigious question. "Are there any questions you're afraod of being asked?"

Well, yea
Do I do drugs....................
Am I having an affair behind my spouse's back.....................
Have I ever stolen anything.......................
Do I drink too much..............................
Do I know what happened to the "victim".................
Have I ever fought with the "victim".....................
and this could go on and on.

If that question was asked DURING the test - it can only be answered by "yes" or "no" - which really doesn't clear anything up either.

Very ambigious question for a polygrapher to ask - that's all I'm saying.

If it's an Ipod touch You go to settings and you go to wifi and if there is an wifi area without a lock you can use it but if there is none you simply cant use Internet.

Her posts on fb says posted with Iphone,so would that be picked up as Iphone if it's an Ipod touch?I don't know,my daughter has an Ipod only for her music,no wifi capability.I don't know anything about an Iphone,except you have cell,Ipod,camera,text messaging,e-mail and Web browsing. I just had to look that up.
I have no idea what the LE protocol for copying data is, my question is, if the xbox has never been hooked up to the internet, as we have heard, why would LE take it into evidence? (Unless, their protocol is to take any data source into custody that might have potential evidence on it.)

Nowadays, it takes like seconds to get info from data sources. Maybe minutes in the case of a computer with a lot of storage. Why would they sweetly bring him a new one to play with unless they were keeping the xbox as evidence? Haven't they already returned some of the items seized? I could be wrong about the returns, it is really early here!


Maybe it has some kind of listening device in it......
I have never seen a more vague description of what a missing child was wearing. And I can't believe that BD has not filled in exactly what kind of sweat pants (Aeropostle?...she seemed to like that brand) or t-shirt is missing from her daughter's wardrobe.


It's enough to give someone who might see her an idea of what she was wearing. The brand of pants doesn't matter... nobody is going to know the brand of sweatpants when they spot somebody anyway. They are only going to notice the color and whether the shirt was white or light colored, versus darker color or even navy blue or black. And at night the two can look the same. Believe me, I've seen descriptions much more vague than this one.

If anyone who has a teenage daughter is interested in taking a little test:
Sit down and write a list of every article of clothing your child has that you can remember. Don't include socks or underwear, because it's not important. Just jeans, pants, shirts, blouses, dresses, sweaters, jackets. Then when you're done, go and compare it to the clothes in her closet and include the ones in the laundry hamper and possibly the washer and dryer. See how close you are to being accurate.
Betcha it's not 100%!!
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