TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #26

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She looks in at her at night when she's in the house with the family, but doesn't call to check on her when she's supposedly at someone else's house to stay the night and she hasn't talked to her since Sunday night. Right. It's just another lie. But why?

She doesn't even speak to the friends mother AFTER she realizes that Hailey is missing. Actually, according to the friends mother they have NEVER even met..
A local and someone who does business with SA's work place said there is just a first and second shift.

Interesting. If SA was planning to meet up, could still be someone who usually comes in early, though. I wonder if there's any sort of guard/night watchman?
So wait a minute here. I thought the deal was supposed to be that he was standing outside her door looking in at her? If the door is shut, then he can't see her. Maybe the reason he's standing there has nothing to do with Hailey. Maybe he's using the light from the hall/bathroom to do drugs without waking Billie. Maybe he's on the phone - supposedly Hailey usually made her calls from the back yard - could there have been "dead zones" and the phone only have worked in certain locations? (I live in a dead zone - depending on brand, some visitors have to go out and wander around the yard to get a reliable signal.)

Mind you - I'm not saying SA is innocent of all wrongdoing - maybe he is, maybe he isn't - but if he is, I think that it's wise to consider other motives besides "sex crime" - like for example an argument that escalated and got way out of hand, especially if fueled by drugs or withdrawal.

I wondered if the reason he stood outside her door is to make her she was asleep so he and BD could have sex. But that doesn't make sense because wouldn't her mom at times stand at the door too? I don't know...
I am totally lost on this one....totally and frustrated. I believe the mother.....I just have to....so fence sitter I am.
Hopefully more info will come out and hopefully this precious girl named Hailey will be found.

It better be a big fence...you got company....

I'd be standing behind her if it wasnt for these inconsistenies in her statement....maybe she doesn't want the public to know some things because she doesnt want to look bad or it might cost her her job and getting her license reinstated or keeping custody... so I can let some things slide by...

Things about the timeline she needs to answer..every detail from Sunday to Tuesday
And since her BF appeared to have some kind of breakdown and was the last to see Hailey....all questions need to be answered correctly about SA.

Like Mark Klaas says The Truth will Never Change
I thought Hailey said on her ms her Dad has four kids,so I thought he had two with his gf.
She was 11 according to her grandmother.

So let me get this straight. She was afraid because he stood in her doorway once staring at her, then she started shutting her door. Then she could see the shadow of his feet under the door. Is that right? And she was 11?
I have to say that a lot of 11 y.o.'s have a big imagination, and are easily scared. It does not prove one way or the other that he had any designs on her. If she never said he actually came into her room, or made any other moves on her, then I don't think that's all that ominous, but if she had real concerns, she should have told her mom. Maybe she did, and Billie didn't take it seriously. So, I would like to know if it continued after that, like recently.

When I was about 12 or 13, my cousin, a young man about 19 or 20, opened the door to the bathroom while I was sitting on the toilet.. and did not say "sorry" or immediately close the door. He stood there sort of smiling for a full minute, it seems. (A minute can seem like an hour sometimes.) Of course he didn't see anything, but it scared the bejesus out of me at the time. I don't remember what my reaction was, I was probably too scared to say anything, but he did walk away finally. I ran out the back door and straight to my SIL's house which was right behind us and told her and her mom. They made me stay there until my parents came home. When I told my mother she brushed it off and said it was probably nothing and that I just let my imagination run away from me. But she made my dad put a lock on the bathroom door. In thinking back, my mother was trying to keep me from being frightened of my cousin, and at the same time she was taking it seriously. Smart woman, my mother. Still... I never completely trusted him after that, even after I was grown.
I just had a terrible thought. We've all seen the strange reaction from BD towards SA while he is the suspect in her daughter's abduction/possible murder.(IMO) What do you think BD's reaction would be if she suspected SA was sexually abusing her daughter? would it be even less than what we're seeing now when we're talking abduction/possible murder?
I guess what I'm trying to say is could BD have been so blinded/brainwashed by love for SA that she would have turned a blind eye to anything SA was doing to Hailey just so she wouldn't lose him?
I'm looking at an earlier time frame for Hailey's "disappearance" rather than on Monday during the day. Billie's claim of looking in on Hailey before work sounded fabricated to me when she said it on NG's show.

Actually, that doesn't sound that odd to me. What 13 yr old is going to want to be woken at that hour? Makes perfect sense to me that mom just peeked in and assumed she was there. I would imagine the "well, I didn't actually touch her, so I can't be sure" didn't come about until the police started questioning her, and she realized it was possible that she didn't actually see her daughter.

Billie Jean said Hailey also stayed at her dad’s house for less than a month at a time but has always wanted to come back home and that her daughter had at one point moved to Snyder and enrolled in school there while staying with extended family.

“I let her try it out for a minute,” she said in reference to Hailey staying with family members. “I couldn’t let her stay longer than that and, really, she didn’t want to anyway.”

~RSBM~ I wonder if Hailey wanted to change schools because she was having issues with a few other girls? Does anyone know if this was around the same time frame?
Just watched this on our local CBS news. I don't see a video up yet, but the script is on here. I hope they add the video soon. It just broke our hearts, again.


I'm really glad you posted that. It gives us a more personal look at Hailey. Sounds like she adores her little sister. Made me smile that Hailey got her sister to laugh for the first time. I hope she comes home soon...
I just had a terrible thought. We've all seen the strange reaction from BD towards SA while he is the suspect in her daughter's abduction/possible murder.(IMO) What do you think BD's reaction would be if she suspected SA was sexually abusing her daughter? would it be even less than what we're seeing now when we're talking abduction/possible murder?
I guess what I'm trying to say is could BD have been so blinded/brainwashed by love for SA that she would have turned a blind eye to anything SA was doing to Hailey just so she wouldn't lose him?

JMO..but I think she may cover it up, so as not to 'lose him'. I have seen this happen more often than I care to remember. Not saying it did of course, but I do believe it could be a very real possibility..
I don't see that as all that odd - some workplaces frown on personal calls, especially to the work number (mom's cell was with Hailey).

And If I was SA( BF- 4 mos) I'd told Hailey
No way Hosea...you call your mom and ask her that?
I think it's interesting that the grandma is so ready to go on television and accuse the bf of rape and murder based on something Hailey told her two years ago that really amounts to nothing. So what is she not telling? Again, it makes me think (hope, actually) that Hailey is hiding out while they try to expose the mother and bf. OR...she's just trying to cast suspicion on an easy target.
This is one thing that confuses me and makes me think it's still POSSIBLE that SA and BD were not involved. If when they reported her "missing" LE was going with the runaway theory ... they would not have proclaimed her an "UNLIKELY" runaway like they did. They would have went with the runaway theory and embellished it to cover their own tushes. It seems they had easy ways to support that theory (ie; she didn't like SA, she was upset about CD having a baby, she wanted to live with her dad, etc.)

Billie says "we" called the Texas Rangers, "we" asked for the bloodhounds. I get the sense that Nana and Clint weren't content to sit back and wait for Hailey to come home. Billie wouldn't have had a choice and it would have been suspicious for her to object to them pushing for more LE. Also, Clint said, "I worked real hard to get right across the field from her" (para) in a recent interview. He had said earlier, "I always look over there, all the time" (para) on his Nancy Grace appearance. I got the strong impression he was already concerned about her safety and wouldn't believe she ran away. Just me impressions...
So let me get this straight. She was afraid because he stood in her doorway once staring at her, then she started shutting her door. Then she could see the shadow of his feet under the door. Is that right? And she was 11?
I have to say that a lot of 11 y.o.'s have a big imagination, and are easily scared. It does not prove one way or the other that he had any designs on her. If she never said he actually came into her room, or made any other moves on her, then I don't think that's all that ominous, but if she had real concerns, she should have told her mom. Maybe she did, and Billie didn't take it seriously. So, I would like to know if it continued after that, like recently.

When I was about 12 or 13, my cousin, a young man about 19 or 20, opened the door to the bathroom while I was sitting on the toilet.. and did not say "sorry" or immediately close the door. He stood there sort of smiling for a full minute, it seems. (A minute can seem like an hour sometimes.) Of course he didn't see anything, but it scared the bejesus out of me at the time. I don't remember what my reaction was, I was probably too scared to say anything, but he did walk away finally. I ran out the back door and straight to my SIL's house which was right behind us and told her and her mom. They made me stay there until my parents came home. When I told my mother she brushed it off and said it was probably nothing and that I just let my imagination run away from me. But she made my dad put a lock on the bathroom door. In thinking back, my mother was trying to keep me from being frightened of my cousin, and at the same time she was taking it seriously. Smart woman, my mother. Still... I never completely trusted him after that, even after I was grown.

I think the fact that she's been shuffled around for so long between relatives,friends,her father,her grandmother and on NG her grandmother said...
JONES: She said that she would and everything. And the last couple of months, I hadn`t seen her very much because her dad moved over to Colorado City. And she usually spends the night, sometimes the weekend with me, and I hadn`t seen her that much.

So,I see either she's afraid to stay with SA there,doesn't like him,or she is just a young wanderer who likes juggling from one house to another.
I think it's interesting that the grandma is so ready to go on television and accuse the bf of rape and murder based on something Hailey told her two years ago that really amounts to nothing. So what is she not telling? Again, it makes me think (hope, actually) that Hailey is hiding out while they try to expose the mother and bf. OR...she's just trying to cast suspicion on an easy target.

Grandma seemed VERY credible to me..and the emotion in her voice just broke my heart....I bet she lays awake at night wishing she had done more...
Billies friend said that Billie had worked at the hospital for a number of years. By the looks of it it seems to be after she met SA that she was demoted for whatever reason.

Her nursing license was revoked.
I think it's interesting that the grandma is so ready to go on television and accuse the bf of rape and murder based on something Hailey told her two years ago that really amounts to nothing. So what is she not telling? Again, it makes me think (hope, actually) that Hailey is hiding out while they try to expose the mother and bf. OR...she's just trying to cast suspicion on an easy target.

Or...maybe it really happened just the way she said and you are seeing a GM who's heart is breaking because she didn't do anything.
I had not seen this before, sorry if it's already been posted. This is the most verbal I have ever seen her ...


For the most part I am off the thinking Billie is not involved.

This link Billie makes a comment about the car and DNA it is the only thing I have heard her say that I myself cannot find a valid reason for her to have said it.

In any context it was a very stupid thing to say and does make it look like she is concerning herself with evidence and its defence stategy.

I can under stand if she is innocent why she would doubt his LDT test if her own was not passed . I can understand the denial of the drugs purchase to the media , She told LE the truth which is really the important thing ,that she not lie to the LE people. To hell with the media.

I do not understand this DNA comment from her at all.
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