TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #3

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It was posted on another crime forum that he was going to be retested, but I can't find a single article that verifies this. It might be a mistake.
from kcbds earlier broadcast they have updated it since this was reported

I did find an older copy of that article pasted on another site and you are right. Probably was just a poorly written section.
My gut feeling is the BF. My hinky-meter went off when Billie's story changed from him coming home from work, to now he had an issue at work-fired-went to mother's house-then went home around three when Hailey was getting ready to leave. Has the BF's mother corroborated this story? Has anyone gotten reliable proof that was really his whereabouts?
That leaves quite a long time from 6:30am when he left work until later in the afternoon to account for his alibi and for Hailey's actions.
What hours does Billie work? When did she come home that day?
I am so far behind and have 4:00 am rise time, but I have to say after reading the NG show from the updates here the BF needs gone over with a fine tooth comb.....

His story has now changed 3 times that I can count. I wonder if his mother can verify his trip to "mom's".

Until it can be verified about the lady that she said she thought she saw Hailey, MB and the boy walking that night I am not including it....

There is something up with Shawn Adkins and I don't like it ! This of course is moo.........
I posted earlier on why I believe the friend's story, & I'd like to say a few things in the boyfriend's defense. If he was lying, why in the world, would he include her father, in that lie? He doesn't look like somebody to mess with. Also, he lives across the street. That would add an element of danger, that the average person, wouldn't relish. I don't like that he claims to have hung out at his mother's. Also, I've noticed that often times, when someone is scheduled to take a LDT, a lawyer, at the last minute, advises him to not do it...which I completely understand, but I hope that isn't the case here. Mark Klaus is a big advocate in using LDTs to unmuddy the waters, in missing person's cases, & I agree with him.
does anyone have the link for SA's fb page? I've been totally immersed in the Jonathan Foster thread till tonight. Thanks!
DOes anyone know how long will it take for media to know if a person has passed or failed a polygraph test?
Good Night Everyone! I hope we get some news later this morning.

I think a lot of us are still upset over the Jonathan Foster case and are on pins and needles when posting.

Thank you to all the locals and WS's who have helped this family in getting this case out into the MSM.

I pray that Hailey comes home soon.
Does anyone know if BF is retesting or originally testing on the poly?

If the BF's vehicle or the house have been processed?

Have the dogs went over his vehicle?

Is he driving the same vehicle as he was that Monday?
What time was the mother picked up that Monday night at work?

When did the brother actually arrive home that Monday?

Who was the last family member to see Hailey that Monday... other than the boyfriend?
My gut feeling is the BF. My hinky-meter went off when Billie's story changed from him coming home from work, to now he had an issue at work-fired-went to mother's house-then went home around three when Hailey was getting ready to leave. Has the BF's mother corroborated this story? Has anyone gotten reliable proof that was really his whereabouts?
That leaves quite a long time from 6:30am when he left work until later in the afternoon to account for his alibi and for Hailey's actions.
What hours does Billie work? When did she come home that day?

One of the locals posted that she works seven to seven, as a nurse.
If I recall correctly he picked her up from work. We do not know when the brother actually saw her last, dad did not see her that day to my understanding (his new wife with the very little one was unsure if she had popped in at some point that day).

The night of the so called sleep over Billie said they went to bed, but we do not know if he stayed over the night before.
It was posted on another crime forum that he was going to be retested, but I can't find a single article that verifies this. It might be a mistake.

the context I could find seemed to mean he is rescheduled but has not tested, due to meds he could not be accurately tested, and is suppose to take it tomorrow.
The dogs following the trail they did doesn't mean much to me. She went from moms to dads to best friends frequently, there is no way to no if she did that path before or after the boyfriend saw her... know what I mean?
I just happened to catch Nancy Grace while flipping channels and saw the interviews with the parents tonight.

It's hard to know what to think except to worry about this poor child. :(

I was thinking back to my own daughter at age 13 (she is 24 now).

We live in a small town and rural area too, and she would often walk to a friend's house several blocks away. But we did a couple of things differently. I always tried to talk to the parents of the other girls just to make sure someone was at home. I would often drive my daughter, but if she wanted to walk for the exercise, I would watch her from the driveway as she walked the distance down the road.

In hindsight, that probably wasn't enough caution, and my older kids have told me stuff they did back then that drives me crazy to hear about it (lying to parents, starting off in one direction but going to someone else's house, etc). But kids that age want to be more independent, and sadly you can't really watch a 13-year-old every minute of every day, especially if there are younger children who need supervision. JMOO

What bothers me the most was the fact that the bloodhounds walked to the hotel. That just sounds like trouble because even if the girls weren't planning to meet someone there, the location could introduce strangers or just older kids into the mix. For kids that age who are impressed by cars and drivers, a parking lot is a bad place to be. :(
people with no landline, especially young people, text everything. I don't find it odd, that the mother asked the son to do it. He may have been using the phone at the time.

I don't find that odd either. :twocents:
I just happened to catch Nancy Grace while flipping channels and saw the interviews with the parents tonight.

It's hard to know what to think except to worry about this poor child. :(

I was thinking back to my own daughter at age 13 (she is 24 now).

We live in a small town and rural area too, and she would often walk to a friend's house several blocks away. But we did a couple of things differently. I always tried to talk to the parents of the other girls just to make sure someone was at home. I would often drive my daughter, but if she wanted to walk for the exercise, I would watch her from the driveway as she walked the distance down the road.

In hindsight, that probably wasn't enough caution, and my older kids have told me stuff they did back then that drives me crazy to hear about it (lying to parents, starting off in one direction but going to someone else's house, etc). But kids that age want to be more independent, and sadly you can't really watch a 13-year-old every minute of every day, especially if there are younger children who need supervision. JMOO

What bothers me the most was the fact that the bloodhounds walked to the hotel. That just sounds like trouble because even if the girls weren't planning to meet someone there, the location could introduce strangers or just older kids into the mix. For kids that age who are impressed by cars and drivers, a parking lot is a bad place to be. :(
I know what you mean. I was accused by my in laws of being too protective of my daughter, who's now in college. She didn't spend the night away, not even with a relative, until she was in the 3rd grade, & I constantly watched her. But, after she got older, she had a friend, whose family I trusted. NOW, she tells me what they were really doing, at her house...sneaking out & driving at 15, staying out all night, trying pot, getting drunk...see what happens, when you let your gaurd down, lol? & I was sleeping like a baby, thiinking my daughter was being looked after. Seriously, I can't find fault with this girl's home life. Her mother has to work, & gosh, her dad was right across the street. But I do wonder if the boyfriend was there, why he didn't drive Haley to her friend's. He picked her mom up from work, so why not help out her kid? Did we ever hear what kind of work he did? Also, did he own a car, or was he driving Billie's?
I watched Nancy tonight and Hailey's mother stated that LE verified that her boyfriend was at his mother's house until close to 3:00.

But, I have so many questions...

She wasn't reported missing until the next day, so what about after 3:00?

However, the dogs tracked her scent away from her house toward her dad's house, but not quite there, then to her friend's, then to the hotel.

Mark Klass's dog handler was on and explained that the dogs can distinguish a fresh scent (versus her going to her dad's or friend's days before she went missing).

But then again, her mom also said that Hailey's friend was not expecting her for a sleepover...so she must not have gotten all the way to her friend's house, even though she was close enough for dogs to track a fresh scent there.

It almost sounds like she ran into someone on the way to dad's, changed course toward her friend's, then ended up at that hotel instead of going on inside her friend's house.

Did she start to go to her dad's, change her mind on her own and start toward her friend's, and was grabbed right outside her friend's?

The dogs tracked her to the hotel from near her friend's house...she would have to have walked to the hotel I think.

Did she know the perp and was he able to give her a plausible reason to come with him? He needs help of some kind? A Bundy ruse?

I hope they find her soon!
What was talk of the town is slowly becoming talk of the nation.

"I would never do anything to that little girl," said Shawn Adkins, boyfriend of Hailey Dunn's mother, "I love her with all my heart."

Adkins was the last person to see the missing Colorado Middle School cheerleader alive before she disappeared on December 27.

"It's frustrating, you know, what she said about me," said Adkins, "but it really doesn't bother me because my main focus is just Hailey."

Despite red flags being raised on Adkins, Hailey Dunn's mother, Billie Jean Dunn says the speculation from Nancy Grace viewers doesn't bother her.

"I just was so thankful for the attention," said Dunn, "that's all, I just wanted Hailey's face up there."

The tracking dogs tracked Hailey up to the front porch of the friend's home. Why didn't the friend answer the door? I wished the tracking dogs had been used to see if the friend also walked to the motel. The friend's parents should be asked if their daughter would take a polygraph. Were there older males living in the home with MB, the friend, at the time of Hailey's disappearance?
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