TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #3

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DOes anyone know how long will it take for media to know if a person has passed or failed a polygraph test?

LE doesn't normally tell the media or the public if a person passed or failed a polygraph, as long as it's an ongoing investigation. Especially if the person might be a POI or suspect.
Not saying the B/F is either one. Just that LE is not obligated to keep the public informed as to who passed or failed.
Hello everyone, I am new here. I have been reading for several days now. I am from a small town just 20 miles from Colorado City, Tx. I am hoping and praying for Hailey, her family and her friends.
Upthread it was asked:

Yes, this is SA's first polygraph. The first one was rescheduled due to the meds he was on.

Upthread asked about if SA's car had been searched:

We have to remember that dogs are trained for different things. The dogs on the scene that traced Hailey's scent were SEARCH dogs, not cadavar dogs. Obviously, if Hailey spent any time being taken anywhere in SA's car, her scent would be in the car....so they wouldn't bother searching it (imho).

As for the dog handler on NG last night, YES, there are dogs that CAN distinguish between a 'new' scent and an older scent.....BUT, that doesn't mean the dogs that were used in this search were able to do so. Remember that the search dogs weren't even on the scene until LONG after Hailey went missing. So, technically, ALL of the scents would be old. I don't see how any dog could even find a scent after that time period....much less distinguish between the age of the scents when they are already so late to the scene. Its amazing they got a scent at all....but I think the lateness makes their job that much more difficult and prone to error.....not because they mess up, but because they were called to the scene too late. imho.

I know Sarx could explain this better than I can.
I must say, I feel a little better that the BF talked about Hailey and stated he was innocent. Not that it means he really is, but normally the quiet ones worry me more.

Terri Horman, who never once claimed her innocence or to love little Kyron comes to mind.

Anyways, I hope for Hailey's sake that the BF is not involved. I hope he does well in his poly.
I must say, I feel a little better that the BF talked about Hailey and stated he was innocent. Not that it means he really is, but normally the quiet ones worry me more.

Terri Horman, who never once claimed her innocence or to love little Kyron comes to mind.

Anyways, I hope for Hailey's sake that the BF is not involved. I hope he does well in his poly.

What struck me was the fact he stated it didn't matter what NG said about him, because she was getting Haileys face out in the public. I don't know, up to this point I've had my suspicions about him, but now I'm just not sure.
What struck me was the fact he stated it didn't matter what NG said about him, because she was getting Haileys face out in the public. I don't know, up to this point I've had my suspicions about him, but now I'm just not sure.

I feel exactly the same way. I'm not writing him out, but I must say I'm more in the fence now...

I read about Elizabeth Olden's case after someone posted that this case could end up similar to hers. I'm SO shocked. Do you guys think maybe something like this happened to Hailey?
I must say, I feel a little better that the BF talked about Hailey and stated he was innocent. Not that it means he really is, but normally the quiet ones worry me more.

Terri Horman, who never once claimed her innocence or to love little Kyron comes to mind.

Anyways, I hope for Hailey's sake that the BF is not involved. I hope he does well in his poly.

I agree and hope that he is not involed.

However, if you watch that interview there are several things that bother me. He is almost too calm, if that makes sense. He's been missing this 'little girl that he loves' for more than a week now. Suddenly, he's being accused of being involved in her disappearance.....yet there's no emotion on his part. I would be devastated.....both because Hailey is missing AND because they were wasting their time looking at me while someone out there has Hailey.
Also "that little girl'. I always find that an odd phrase. This is 'that little girl' who lives with you, who is the child of the woman you have been dating for a year, who YOU were the last person to see, who you say you love. Doesn't it seem like you would use her name? "I love Hailey"/ "I love that little girl". It just seems like you would use the former if, indeed, you love her and know her well, as he would since he lived with her.
Finally....notice when he says "You know, my main focus is is Hailey."
He stutters just a bit on the 'is'....but he also keeps steady eye contact throughout the interview until he says "Hailey," where he blinks heavily, making me think it's a POSSIBILITY that, in fact, his main focus is NOT Hailey. IMHO.
I hope he is not involved for the mother's sake.
She will have enough to deal with without that type of betrayal.

Last to see her, provider of the sleepover story,time she left the house has changed, this long without a polygraph, and then we hear he lost his job the same morning after a blow up?

I hope he is not involved, but the explainable circumstances are getting deep for me
Hailey's mother is 33.
Grr...I can't find the post I want to quote!!

Thanks to whomever posted the info on the timeline again!! I've been trying to figure out how SA could use a VERY TIGHT timeline.....leaving his mom's at 3, Hailey gone at 3:30. And people saw her eariler in the day......and mom would be able to verify his whereabouts.

BUT, someone upthread reminded me that DD (Billie's son) was gone for the rest of the evening at a friend's house.....and Billie was at work for 12 straight hours. That's potentially a lot of free time (3pm until whenever Billie got home) if Hailey never left the house. imho.

I'd really like to know when Billie got off of work.
I understand your post but I also think that both have probably had a nightmareish week and they no doubt have had fits of uncontrolable sobbing but they probably know that going on national television-NG and sobbing uncontrollably thus being incoherant, will not help Hailey. The parents told LE from day 1 that they did not believe Hailey was a runaway (as per their first interview on NG). For all we know both parents fell to pieces when the cameras quit rolling but for Hailey's sake, they kept it together to get help for her. JMOO.
Krista, I so agree with with you about the statement "that little girl". What about "Hailey" or even "her". Of course it might mean nothing.

I was thinking about why the SD didn't drive Hailey because he DOES drive mom to work. A real quick story. I drive my 4 kids everywhere. My husband (their SD) will, but they never ask him because he nags the whole way about how kids today don't get enough exercise, the price of gas and how he walked barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways blah blah blah, that they would rather walk than listen LOL. (He is a great guy otherwise).
Based on the map above, if Hailey went to her dad's house, she would have gone one direction, but to go to her friend's house she would have had to backtrack and go the opposite direction. Where exactly did she go?
About mom asking son to text her. Mom had said on NG last night that she would leave her cell phone at home while she was at work so the kids had it - mom could use the land line at work if she needed to and call them. If mom was using a land line then she couldn't text anyone and therefore asked the son to do it. That's the way I heard it FWIW.

I also have to say that it's not uncommon for families to have texting ONLY on a teenagers phone. My own daughter has NO CALLING what so ever - text only. Phone calls cannot be monitored and texts can. Also unlimited texting ensures that the teen isn't running up a bill going passed their minutes. Text only plan is only around $20 a month versus a text and calling plan starts around $40-60 and goes up from there.

It's entirely possible that MB only had texting on her phone. Therefore, Hailey's mom would have had to call her son and had him TEXT MB to tell Hailey to come home.
Krista, I so agree with with you about the statement "that little girl". What about "Hailey" or even "her". Of course it might mean nothing.

I was thinking about why the SD didn't drive Hailey because he DOES drive mom to work. A real quick story. I drive my 4 kids everywhere. My husband (their SD) will, but they never ask him because he nags the whole way about how kids today don't get enough exercise, the price of gas and how he walked barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways blah blah blah, that they would rather walk than listen LOL. (He is a great guy otherwise).

IIRC, the Mom is driven to work because she works 20 miles away in another town. Hailey was going to a friends house (according to the BF) that was 3 or 4 blocks away.
Krista, I so agree with with you about the statement "that little girl". What about "Hailey" or even "her". Of course it might mean nothing.

I was thinking about why the SD didn't drive Hailey because he DOES drive mom to work. A real quick story. I drive my 4 kids everywhere. My husband (their SD) will, but they never ask him because he nags the whole way about how kids today don't get enough exercise, the price of gas and how he walked barefoot, in the snow, uphill both ways blah blah blah, that they would rather walk than listen LOL. (He is a great guy otherwise).

From the looks and layout of the town, I get the impression that kids/teens walk a lot of places. It was only a few blocks for her to walk, so that doesn't concern me.

However, what does concern me is that walking from Hailey's house to her friend's house, the things seem to not appear as nice. Now I am only going on Google Street View. I do not know what it is like now, as I am not local. There are more trailor homes and less kept yards. At the intersection of Hickory and 18th, there are some businesses that look fairly run down. While there are no RSO's directly on the route, there are a couple only a few blocks away in either direction.

Where is Hailey?
Does anyone know the last time Hailey was seen by anyone other than the boyfriend?
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