TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #32

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Interesting: I just asked my 20 year old about the WRUD. She said "she doesn't use that, she talks like a human being while texting. A 12 year old would do that. The little kids even talk like that to each other when they are actually speaking and their fb."
My 20 year old didn't even know what WRUD was.

My 19 y.o. agreed with your 20 y.o.

She's been using cell phones for 9 years and while she isn't a stickler for punctuation, and occasionally misspells a work, she spells most things out. Uses TTFN and TTYL (tata for now, talk to you later) sometimes to sign off, and xox or ily (both are I love you).

It annoys her when people use TextSpeak and when she sees it on Facebook she comments on it.
>>>runs in


On Tuesday, two men and a woman were seen coming out of the home of Adkin’s grandmother Renee Norwood, who lives in the community of Dunn, 10 miles north of Colorado City. The three unidentified individuals also were seen walking behind the Norwood house. The woman was seen holding a container and a latex glove.

^ why is this info not being brought out? bad source? would reporternews just make that up?

Did we ever find out what happened next when DD climbed through the window and saw SA with deer eyes?

Does CD owe child support.

<<<runs out.

SA lawyer team? KlassKids? investigators?
>>>runs in


On Tuesday, two men and a woman were seen coming out of the home of Adkin’s grandmother Renee Norwood, who lives in the community of Dunn, 10 miles north of Colorado City. The three unidentified individuals also were seen walking behind the Norwood house. The woman was seen holding a container and a latex glove.

^ why is this info not being brought out? bad source? would reporternews just make that up?

Did we ever find out what happened next when DD climbed through the window and saw SA with deer eyes?

Does CD owe child support.

<<<runs out.

So did the woman LEAVE with the container or what?? Could it have been a DNA collection kit? Maybe LE requested samples of SA's saliva, etc?

OR...it could have been an exterminator for all we know that captured a giant mouse!!! Details people...details! If you are going to print it, make it worth it!
>>>runs in


On Tuesday, two men and a woman were seen coming out of the home of Adkin’s grandmother Renee Norwood, who lives in the community of Dunn, 10 miles north of Colorado City. The three unidentified individuals also were seen walking behind the Norwood house. The woman was seen holding a container and a latex glove.

^ why is this info not being brought out? bad source? would reporternews just make that up?

Did we ever find out what happened next when DD climbed through the window and saw SA with deer eyes?

Does CD owe child support.

<<<runs out.

My gut tells me it is innocent or the reporter would have said what the container was.

Was it a cleaning bucket, a suitcase, a medicine bottle, a mayo jar or a fish tank?

Pure hype for the article I think.
SMH came up recently in a case here and I asked my DD and she wasn't sure (it's shaking my head - I googled... LOL)

I have my daughter, her friends, and my friends' kids on my Facebook. Some of the more "streetwise" used SMH and I assumed until this very minute that it was something crude. THANK YOU!
Just read on Big Country that Mark Klaas is heading to Colorado City.


KRBC's Jessica Reyes reports the founder of KlaasKids, Marc Klaas, is expected to arrived in Colorado City this evening. Representatives from the group are expected to stay in the area through the end of the week, if not longer.


KTXS is also reporting the same.
Can we put the "MHMR" thing to rest..... here in central Texas MHMR stands for "Mental Health/ Mental Retardation" - they are the state agency that handles people with mental disabilities and mental illness. Calling someone "MHMR" means they aren't right in the head, it is a slang term used around these parts. There is no nefarious meaning to it, it isn't text slang or anything like that. It's just a slang term.
Help is needed in the search for Hailey Dunn.

The KlaasKids Search Team is in Colorado City Texas searching for Hailey.

Websleuths member Brad Dennis is the head of the search team.

Those of you who know Brad know he is the type of person to only ask for help when it is really needed.

What they need most are searchers. I'm sure they will get more on the weekend but if you are a local and want to help you can report to the Civic Center ( I would suggest in in the morning) located at 157 West 2nd street.

The searchers need food. Not water this time but food and here is where it gets tricky.

There are only a few restaurants/fast food places in Colorado City Texas and only one that delivers. And it delivers the food of life for all searchers ;PIZZA. There is a Pizza Hut in Colorado City.


They have enough today.

Let's set a goal of a minimum of 10 to 15 pizzas for Thursday and Friday. Then the weekend we will need a lot more but let's concentrate on the next two days.

We will keep track of what we are ordering/donating HERE

I have spoken to the manager and he is aware of the situation.

Call (325) 728-5282 starting tomorrow.


The searchers are in dire need of tape so they can mark the things they find but here is the problem. It has to be any other color other than Orange or Pink. It seems they mark everything in Colorado City Texas with orange and pink tape and these are the colors of tape KlaasKids uses.

They need blue, red, green any other type of marking tape other than orange or pink.

If you are local and can deliver tape to the Civic Center or can figure out a way to get it there then everyone will be eternally grateful.

If you are ordering a pizza, getting them their tape, or, giving them anything else they might need please go HERE and list it. This way we can keep track of how much of what is being delivered.

If you want to search and have questions about the search you can call Brad at 850-525-4807 but please only call him if you are planning on searching and need info or there is truly something you can help him with and need to talk to him first. He is swamped but is more than willing to talk to you.

THANK YOU SO MUCH. You all care so much for Hailey.

You all prove that there are still many wonderful people out there who are more than willing to help strangers in need.

Take care,
Speaking of CD....I posted yesterday about following CZ's leads and discussing the possibility of CD's GF being involved. I don't think anyone was with me, lol. Let me say that I don't believe that she or CD had anything to do with it, but am willing to play along with a discussion, as not to have tunnel vision. So, I've been trying to think about it on my own, but I am really stuck on the motive part. I can come up with a couple, but they really don't justify murder or harming a child.

1. Jealousy of HD (doesn't seem too plausible, because you'd think the new baby would get most of the attention right now and if jealous had anything to do with it, seems like it would've happened way before now)

2. The drugs in the home (wasn't there pot or something found?)....could HD have seen anything? I think drugs were in both homes, so I don't put much weight in this one either.

3. HD wanting to live there. I would think this might be a help with two kids, not a hinderence (sp?) Plus, if she was already there all day....what's the difference really?

Lol, that is just all I can come up with!!! Not a very good imagination, I guess. The ONLY hinky thing I can think of is that statement earlier about gf not knowing for sure that HD came over that day, but I never actually saw that in print and I am not sure if it came from BD or who. Also, with a new baby and little sleep, HD over there everyday.....I can see how some days might run together. Also, if there was child support involved, HD living with them, would actually reverse that child support and increase the income in the home, which could be a positive thing. I just can't see this as a road to travel at this point.

Ok....I've theorized and can't go further....thanks for being patient and hearing me out. I just want to look at all the options (as was requested by CZ) to ensure that we are giving a fair shake here.

I'm a big fan of not getting tunnel vision. I can come up with lots of imaginary scenarios with imaginary people with plausible motives.
The thing is, they are still imaginary because no one is saying anything about anyone else. Why would that be? IMO, it's because there isn't anything to say.

Using CD's gf's ex as an example. CC is a small town. Say LE focused on SA and hasn't even LOOKED at anyone else. Where is ANYONE ELSE bringing up someone? We have rules here at WS about spreading rumors, etc., but that doesn't apply to real life. Billie seems so awful sure it's not Shawn. CD lives very close, Hailey is at his house all the time, how could Billie be so oblivious to any problem regarding CD's gf's ex? Why would Clint? No local gossip we've heard, nothing.

If it were someone else known, not a random stranger, then not only do you have Shawn acting before and after like a rampaging psycho for no reason, you also have a kidnapper who is completely under the radar and showing no signs at all anyone has noticed. It's possible, but IMO, incredibly unlikely.
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