TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #32

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Austin King Case Thread

The body was discovered July 20 by searchers acting on a tip from a psychic, who told them to head up a certain logging road for a certain distance and look there.


The same woman has a couple of other missing children cases with happy endings as well if you research her. A little boy missing in the woods was one of them. She works with credible advocates who do wonderful things to find missing people.

I hope Clint contacts her and not anyone else. Though if he contacts others, I don't think he has anything to lose by talking to a psychic who doesn't charge him money. Hopefully it will make him feel like he is doing everything he can to find his beautiful girl.

I don't want to get into a debate on psychics. I stated my opinion.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day;)
There is one who posts elsewhere online. I don't know what she has said recently, but 3 days ago said she could not imagine him doing this.

Jeffery Dalmers co-workers said the same thing. I don't think many people would suspect that someone they were close to could murder someone. That would be rare.
Okay this one is easy...

Where did SA tell BD he was on Tuesday the 28th?!?! Did he get up and pretend to go to work and why didn't he give her a ride home that day since he was supposed to be working in Snyder. What did he tell her about that day?!? I can't believe we can't get this question answered because I think it's key to where HD might be.

I sure hope he had his phone on that day and LE knows where he was.

His boss said he was a 'good worker" and he was not fired. So I am wondering if he just went into work on Tuesday as if nothing happened. ?????"?
I'm jonesin' over here! Came in for lunch and to catch up. Now, my HLN is frozen - yep I said frozen on a pic of the memorial for Giffords. All the other channels are ok - just HLN is frozen.

Oh well, back to "That 70's Show".

Please someone if you could paraphrase what they say - IF they ever get to it! TIA
Clint Dunn later said he is meeting with a private investigator Wednesday, and also with a psychic, to pursue any possible new leads. He said that he would not be going out with search parties through fields because he wouldn't want to see his daughter that way.

Bd said in the article she was looking for a live Hailey,but CD's actions are worrying me that he might know more and going in this direction.Maybe he's just looking at how long she's been gone.
Clint Dunn later said he is meeting with a private investigator Wednesday, and also with a psychic, to pursue any possible new leads. He said that he would not be going out with search parties through fields because he wouldn't want to see his daughter that way.

Bd said in the article she was looking for a live Hailey,but CD's actions are worrying me that he might know more and going in this direction.Maybe he's just looking at how long she's been gone.

Maybe he's thinking of the graphic description of decomposition that was shared by an NG guest when he appeared with BD the other night.

Jeffery Dalmers co-workers said the same thing. I don't think many people would suspect that someone they were close to could murder someone. That would be rare.

Exactly - my mom spent time with Charles Manson once and when all his crimes and lifestyle came out she simply could not believe it. He had a bad childhood, but she met him at church and at the time she knew him he was very polite, sweet, respectful and good natured. People can certainly change and/or have a hidden persona from the rest of the world.
I'm jonesin' over here! Came in for lunch and to catch up. Now, my HLN is frozen - yep I said frozen on a pic of the memorial for Giffords. All the other channels are ok - just HLN is frozen.

Oh well, back to "That 70's Show".

Please someone if you could paraphrase what they say - IF they ever get to it! TIA

Do you have DirecTV? My HLN froze too but it's back now (still freezing off and on).

If LE asked SA (after HD disappeared) about the calls/threats, he may have been asked "did you threaten (to kill) Billie?" which he admitted (probably with a caveat that he didn't MEAN it). Then he (or they) could have asked/said something about "both of them". SA answered in the affirmative, assuming they were looking at the report that said he had threatened CLINT and Billie. If LE actually MEANT Billie and HAILEY but were not clear they might truly have believed that he threatened Mom & Daughter. The 911 calls make it pretty clear what 2 people he threatened IMO.

Since this story appeared in the affidavit as him threatening B & H, not B & C, I have to ask again... who thinks Billie actually said "we purchased illegal narcotics"? I think IF ANYTHING she said "We bought an ounce of pot (or whatever) and some gasoline". The way things were summarized in the affidavit makes everything seem a little worse than it was. Makes me believe that Billie and Shawn COULD have been misquoted. "Illegal narcotics" sounds SO much worse than "a little bit of weed".

True. The affadavit is info written in order to obtain a warrant so it is going to slant towards potential guilty behaviors.

However, is there really that big of a difference between SA threatening to kill Clint and Billie and threatening to kill Hailey and Billie? Both are pretty bad imo. Either or, both show a violent streak and anger management problems.
I find it interesting that B would make this comment the other night on the NG show...(sorry..no link..)a caller was talking about jealousy.....perhaps the mother had jealousy for the daughter...and I believe that B denied having any jealousy towards H....then a comment was made by B that really caught my attention....and I am still turning it over in my mind...

It is this.....

B commented that S had not shown H any SPECIAL ATTENTION....

How would B know that?????.....was she with S EVERY moment...witnessed EVERY moment S was around H in the house, yard, etc....???

IMO....S ...WAS giving H...the SPECIAL ATTENTION....
which was......................standing in front of her door at night.....which she told her GM about....and making her afraid of him......

I would think.....after S...threatened B and H's lives...B would be MORE OBSERVANT...towards S.....and NOT trust him......

IMO...B is trying hard....to lead the investigation...AWAY from S...
perhaps she just .......DOESN'T ......want to know......that S COULD harm H......moo.
Reposting my theory on a possible altercation before Christmas...

Some thoughts regarding the 911 calls and after taking into account everything that we’ve heard so far from family and friends in the media.

Last January, Clint and his family tried to get custody of Hailey. The grandmother told us about this on NG. The grandmother also knew about HD’s fear and allegations against SA so perhaps this, along with HD’s pleas are the reason why she was with Clint for some time during that month.

BD claimed in the 911 call on Feb 14th that they had broken up. Perhaps this break up was due to the fact that HD wanted so badly to live with her father and BD knew that it was because she didn’t like SA. I can imagine all of the arguments that were happening on all sides and between all the players at this time.

So BD decides to break it off with SA to appease HD and the family. But he is having none of it. He’s obsessed with her. You don’t dump a sociopath, they don’t take it well. She admitted in an interview before the 911 calls came out that he had sent her texts and she said then that he basically told her in the texts that she couldn’t leave him…(not exact words). Add the threats to her, HD and CD’s life and we can pretty much see what was going on here. He was blaming HD and CD for their break up IMO and he was going to hurt all involved if he didn’t get his way. Which as we know he did. They got back together and he eventually “moved in”….although I think he was pretty much already moved in long before that.

Fast forward to December. According to DB, Hailey had been staying with her Dad for most of the month leading up to Christmas. According to her also, there was a blow up just before Christmas and CD posted on FB after HD went missing that she could live wherever she wanted. BD also said in the beginning that if she had run away, they could “fix” it if she would come home. So something was going on again regarding HD not wanting to live at home IMO and that might have been the motivation for SA to decide she had caused enough trouble for him.

It is an interesting theory you have. I would like to point out, for whatever its worth that the friend of mine, whom I am patiently waiting for the rest :innocent: stated he picked up deception from grandma. I personally agree. After watching the interview, I think much of what she said regarding SA was self-serving. She doesn't like the guy, never has. Can't say that I blame her, but her comments weren't helpful.

That being said, I don't think it has an impact on your theory. I have always thought that BD was struggling with issues with SA. Unless you're the "I'll rip your head off if you come near my kids" attitude, it would be hard to deal with someone whom you once cared about who is now threatening you and your kids. Many feel quite powerless. I don't want to get into the debate of all the "what she shoulda, coulda and what I woulda if I were in her shoes" stuff. I want to focus on theories and possible leads- and I think yours is a good one.
Clint Dunn later said he is meeting with a private investigator Wednesday, and also with a psychic, to pursue any possible new leads. He said that he would not be going out with search parties through fields because he wouldn't want to see his daughter that way.

Bd said in the article she was looking for a live Hailey,but CD's actions are worrying me that he might know more and going in this direction.Maybe he's just looking at how long she's been gone.

I just hope poor Clint is not being taken for a ride. I hope this is a psychic that actually wants to help. And I hope that private investigator is decent too.
Hailey seems to be a child that was "at loose ends" much of the time. Flinting here and there. I am wonder if Billie spent any mom & daughter time with Hailey? Did Hailey even have the oppurtunity to tell Billie anything with him always lurking around?
I find it interesting that B would make this comment the other night on the NG show...(sorry..no link..)a caller was talking about jealousy.....perhaps the mother had jealousy for the daughter...and I believe that B denied having any jealousy towards H....then a comment was made by B that really caught my attention....and I am still turning it over in my mind...

It is this.....

B commented that S had not shown H any SPECIAL ATTENTION....

How would B know that?????.....was she with S EVERY moment...witnessed EVERY moment S was around H in the house, yard, etc....???

IMO....S ...WAS giving H...the SPECIAL ATTENTION....
which was......................standing in front of her door at night.....which she told her GM about....and making her afraid of him......

I would think.....after S...threatened B and H's lives...B would be MORE OBSERVANT...towards S.....and NOT trust him......

IMO...B is trying hard....to lead the investigation...AWAY from S...
perhaps she just .......DOESN'T ......want to know......that S COULD harm H......moo.

ITA. Sounds to me like she was really saying, he loves ME the most because he gives ME more special attention than Hailey. It also sounds like she would be very jealous if he was giving Hailey special attention. I think she and Hailey were headed to competition with each other in a few years. How sick is that?
I don't understand hiring the private investigator. Look at all the LE agencies that are there. Why waste the money? I don't know, something weird about that. Let me clarify that before someone takes that wrong. Weird as in is the pi pushing him..............
"Garcia said she never let her daughter spend the night at the home again.

Later, she said that her daughter told her that Dunn had expressed a desire to move in with her birth father, which Garcia said her daughter indicated led to a family altercation around Christmastime."

As in a few days before Hailey went missing?
I am assuming MB's mother meant Christmas 2010.

I have said from the beginning there was something that happened prior to the 27th and I believe this altercation was the catalyst. Unfortunately it may have been the reason why Hailey may have been thought of as a runaway.

“The last few weeks, perhaps month, she was living with her Dad because she doesn’t like the boyfriend,” Byerley said, referring to Adkins.

as well as this other tidbit:
Billie Jean Dunn said she met on the social network site MySpace.

“I know he yelled at her,” she (BD) said of Hailey’s relationship with Adkins, though she said she knew of no accusations of physical or other abuse."
but then we read the affidavits and hear the 911 calls.

So, we might assume that the reason she wanted to live with her Dad was because of the feelings she had about SA? I doubt very much they were feelings of love as SA stated. He did something to her, and then came in to support BD, as she said? Hmmm.... Just speculating.
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