TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #35

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Do you know if this is a public land fill? Or if any of them you listed above are public? tia

Eek I didn't even think to ask that. I'll call him tonight and ask. He was on his lunch break when I talked to him and I can't hear him over the engine.

I also meant to ask him if there is a certain time that they normally pick up at BD's home or if it's just random every day. They also pick up at SA's grandmothers home. He has been to both addresses many times.

My son and I went with him to the dump in Snyder once, I believe that's where it was. It was huge, loud, and I was scared to drive down the road with all of the heavy machinery. The trucks were lined up waiting and I don't see how anyone else could get in there or would want to try.
Sharp find, BeanE! So Hailey could have seen SA as a true impediment to her parents getting back together?! They were separated, not divorced, right?

(Ugh. Sounds like what my dad did to my mom. My sister and I wanted our parents to get back together so much after they separated. Then my dad met his current wife online and started divorce proceedings. There was no turning back. I understand if Hailey was hurt- I STILL have problems relating to my stepmother because I have a little leftover resentment. :(

I am assuming the online relationship began before they seperated and on drove a larger wedge betwween the 2
I'm finally caught up again (for now at least ) and I'm at the point I don't know what to think. Just when we think we know what's going on, NG comes on with a BOMSHELL and I feel clueless all over again. She must have an exclusive with BD for info or something because the last 2 nights she had info that none of us had heard about. And it's hard to hide something from WS. I'm afraid to even tune in tonight to see what the bombshell could be....
Last night I had a random thought concerning SA going to work and leaving after 10 minutes. Something just didn't seem right to me. For someone who has studied true crime as a "hobby" why would he do something like that? He knew it would draw attention... And then it hit me....IMO it was a smokescreen. He knew people would look more closely at the day he did "something" to draw attention to himself. he wants everyone focused on Tuesday. so they overlook Sunday and Monday.
I'm finally caught up again (for now at least ) and I'm at the point I don't know what to think. Just when we think we know what's going on, NG comes on with a BOMSHELL and I feel clueless all over again. She must have an exclusive with BD for info or something because the last 2 nights she had info that none of us had heard about. And it's hard to hide something from WS. I'm afraid to even tune in tonight to see what the bombshell could be....
Last night I had a random thought concerning SA going to work and leaving after 10 minutes. Something just didn't seem right to me. For someone who has studied true crime as a "hobby" why would he do something like that? He knew it would draw attention... And then it hit me....IMO it was a smokescreen. He knew people would look more closely at the day he did "something" to draw attention to himself. he wants everyone focused on Tuesday. so they overlook Sunday and Monday.

But it was monday when he left the job
RAW: Hailey's Mom Thinks Someone Will Find Her Daughter


Oh Billie, you should take your own advice.....from the video:

"If they're holding back some information, they should come forward with it to investigators."

and this gem....

"People are simple minded. I can tell by looking at them." (re people driving by and yelling things at her)
You're in good company Lynnb :)
Even with a timeline I"m just flat out lost.....
:banghead: I"M SOOOO CONFUSED!!!!

:floorlaugh: Believe me I know what you mean...took me 2 weeks to get the dates right in my head and what days the fell on because NONE OF IT makes sense. BY far the strangest case I have seen in a long time
I have a small piece to add. My brother works for the company that picks up the garbage in Colorado City. He was working on the other side of town the day that HD disappeared so another worker picked up the trash at that home. My brother was contacted by LE the next Sunday to find out where he had dumped the trash he had picked up the Monday before and he told them that not dumped, the garbage from the previous Monday and Tuesday was still in his truck because he had been sick at home the entire week. He waited three more days and dumped his truck in Snyder. The trash that was picked up at HD's home that Monday was dumped in Colorado City, the only load that was ever dumped there. The employees, including my brother, of the disposal company looked over that trash as it was dumped but didn't search it.

The second Sunday after HD disappeared my brother was interviewed at his home by an FBI agent then again the next day at work along with his co-workers.

Each day, each truck dumps 5-9 tons of trash. They also pick up in Snyder, Dunn, and I believe he said Abilene. By the time the search began and the dump in Snyder was searched, that load was probably 15 feet under more trash. It was an enormous amount of trash.

The trash from BD's home, dumped at CCity was only about 6 inches under and spread thinly over a large area. Also each day, a gps unit is taken to the the dump sites and recorded, so that they are able to pinpoint the sites for a particular day.

Hi TexasGiGi
Thanks for that post
I don't quite get it though -sorry. Are you saying LE asked your brother where the trash had been dumped, to which he replied it was still in truck, and then LE didn't call back, he waited 3 days and then dumped and it was not till significantly later that he was contacted a second time, this time by FBI?
For the life of me I do not understand BD denying that he threatened Hailey while NG was setting right there with the police report in her hand reading it?

She never mentioned HD on the 911 calls. Maybe SA said that during an interview and that is how it madebit intonthe affidavit.
From the raw video of BD:

"I feel that a lot of people have already decided that he is a bad person and he hurt my daughter. I just wanted to get it out there that there is still hope that Hailey is still alive. I want people to look for her alive."


I cant blame her for wanting people to look for a live hailey..who wants to believe thier child is dead and probably endured he** on earth.

I wish she would come to terms that SA is not who she thought he was...It does get old for sure
Ive never heard anyone ask except message boards. Sure wish a called would ask that on NG or a local news reporter would ask that question.

I think if SA was working, it would have been reported on NG. Last night a reporter assured the viewers LE were keeping a close eye on SA and SA was staying at his grannies.

It has been over 2 weeks since SA walked off his job and I wonder if SA has the courage to face his employer. Maybe SA is speaking to his employer through his grandmother. JMO
I wonder if LE took BD out to the landfill to verify something of interest that would help them know they are looking in the right direction?
Hi TexasGiGi
Thanks for that post
I don't quite get it though -sorry. Are you saying LE asked your brother where the trash had been dumped, to which he replied it was still in truck, and then LE didn't call back, he waited 3 days and then dumped and it was not till significantly later that he was contacted a second time, this time by FBI?

Yes. That is what happened. The truck sat in my mother's front yard with the trash from the previous Monday and Tuesday still in it from Tuesday until the next Wednesday. LE called on Sunday and no one contacted him again until the next Sunday. He waited 3 days after the first call because he thought that someone WOULD want to be there when he dumped. My mother didn't sleep for 3 days I can tell you that!
IMO, LE taking BD to the landfills is to psychologically break her down and either fess up her involvement or give up what she knows. That's a pretty bold thing to do to someone who's saying look for a live Hailey while they are sticking up for the perp. I think this is LE's point and they are sending her a strong message. I've seen this done in several cases. I've never heard of LE taking anyone to ID anything at a landfill.
I cant blame her for wanting people to look for a live hailey..who wants to believe thier child is dead and probably endured he** on earth.

I wish she would come to terms that SA is not who she thought he was...It does get old for sure

I think I finally understand what she is saying and why her attitude is what it is. If she admits to herself and others that SA is a bad person, then she is admitting that he could have hurt HD. She does not want HD to be hurt or dead. Admitting that he is capable of this would be to her like admitting that HD is gone for good.jmo
Oh i can only imagine what your mother had going through her head..If u do get a chance please do ask what time they usually pick up or did pick up that day.
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