TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #35

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Well to be clear, I got chills in a bad way. I don't think they'll find her alive either. But she needs to be found, alive or not. I agree with you!

:( I have a very unsettled feeling as well.

Seems strange to bring BD to these landfills and then bring the dogs in and search. To me that sounds like something vital has been found.
Just on HLN

This hour-search is being done at landfill.

NG producer Rupa states she is at the landfill (LF) right now, at C City. LE is revisiting this LF for a reason but won't say what the reason or what lead they have.

I believe that the cadaver dogs are available to them today, and were not before. There was an article saying the dogs traveled 7 hours to participate. Sorry I don't have that link, and apologies to sarx and others for the use of the term "cadaver dogs". I know better, but don't want to get into a debate over semantics with anyone by saying HRD when the news says cadaver.
Rupa giving update on CNNHL. She is in front of BD house. Shawn is still main suspect. There are other unnamed suspects that LE wont name as to not alert them. Search is going on at landfill. BD just got home. She has been with search & rescue teams today and at civic center. Rupa is hard to understand. :)

My post on HLN was at 248pm. One hour earlier then yours.

(I had to stop my post to p/up grandson)....
Thank you for doing this. I have it on my "to-do" list and just haven't gotten around to it. Since you just did this - did you see any of them to include sulfuric acid? Or any other type of acidic chemical that was used?


I don't recall any using acid and most all dumped the bodies and/or body parts without attempting to cover up the crime very well. One buried a victim (intact) in a shallow grave then went back after the fact and removed her head and teeth (in hoped they couldn't ID the victim without them) and threw those body parts out the car window along a stretch of highway.

Another one decapitated two of his victims and buried the heads in his mother's garden claiming "she always wanted people to look up to her".

Uggh... the nausea is coming back again! Where's the puke icon when I need it?
Anyone else think they are going to find Hailey today?
I keep seeing people saying that they would "make LE do" something. Give them a polygraph, search their house, search the garbage.

HOW would you MAKE law enforcement do anything? :waitasec:

You can tell them to polygraph you, search your house and search the garbage all day long. If they don't want to, they aren't going to.

When my cousin was abducted walking from the school to her car in the parking lot... there was a family member AT the police station for the full 48 hours.

They took shifts. Begging, pleading, crying, screaming, asking nicely, whatever it took to try and get them to do SOMETHING. Anything.

Check the 20 yards from the door to her car where she went missing. (Where family found clumps of hair ripped out.) Ask for witnesses in the parking lot. Notify hunters and other people who would be out in remote areas. Question her boyfriend and male relatives to eliminate them. I believe there was mention of the dumpsters at the school as well, wanting those searched before they were dumped.

They.Got.No.Response. NOTHING.

Before her body was found (with clumps of hair ripped out) they never even questioned a single person about what was CLEARLY a violent abduction in broad daylight. :banghead:

It took them 2 hours to make the 30 minute drive when her body WAS found. The hikers who found her body knew our family and called the family 30 minutes after calling LE because they felt they weren't taken seriously. Her brother got there an hour before LE did and he was the family member at the police station at the time.

Then there was the things the police said in the media after her body was found... :furious:

It's no surprise her case is in the cold case file. :furious:

More frightening to me, is that our family had and still does have an impeccable record in the community.

I often think that if her family was highly respected and she got that level of treatment... What chance does the "problem family" who annoys the cops have at getting efficient help? :waitasec:
Nancy's staff determined that the videos were 4 years old, predating BD and SAs meeting, and when Hailey was just 9.

I know that--maybe he made the video to make himself look like the kind of guy that likes to get kids high--the "cool uncle"--I think BD's choice of someone that much younger than herself with a young girl in the house was pushing HER luck--

Interviewer: What do you face each time you step out that door?

BD: A lot of times, there are people driving by yelling ugly and hurtful things. That's not the only thing that keeps me in the house, but it is one of the things. i don't like dealing with that or hearing it.

Interviewer: As far what you have to say to them, I mean, the rumors and the hate speech and everything?

BD: I try to ignore it. It comes from simple-minded people and a lot of people you can tell they are that way just by looking at them and that is what I have seen. If they are holding back some information, if they know something, come forward with it to the investigators.


"Yah I'm glad they are looking, but of course, each day I hope that they don't find anything out there in the dark. That's not the way I want them to find her."


BBM: Weird, IMO, on many levels.

She says dirt not dark.
ok ok TexasLil - I get it.

Stop - seriously. Thank you again - now I will scratch that off my list.
It would be wonderful and fabulous news to have Hailey found alive. But unfortunately, I don't feel she is. And if that is a fact, I'd rather that she be found now than later or not at all.

The perpetrators need to be brought to justice and taken off the streets. Hailey deserves justice!!!

Why would you want a dead Hailey today instead of a Live Hailey tomorrow? This is all rhetorical . I would rather it take 2 weeks more to find a live Hailey instead of a dead Hailey. I know it grows frustrating when wanting an answer. Hang in there. Think positive.
So, the very important question is:

Did CCPD ever search this trash...as in using cadaver dogs and sifting thru the six inches of dirt covering it to see every bit of trash? If they did, how many searched it and how long did it take? A proper search couldn't be accomplished in an hour or so. IMO

Thank you so much TexasGiGi!

Brother was told by the FBI that they had searched and taken dogs to that landfill. I don't know how well or for how long though.
Another one decapitated two of his victims and buried the heads in his mother's garden claiming "she always wanted people to look up to her".

Uggh... the nausea is coming back again! Where's the puke icon when I need it?

Yeah, thats the only one I read. And that wasn't the worst thing he did with the bodies. ugh.

here you go::sick:
I just keep waiting in all these interviews with Billie, for her to start out by saying, "Hailey if your out there and you can hear me, I love you and I want you to come home."
Two interviews, that I can recall she spoke directly to Hailey and it was after being asked, what would you say to Hailey if she could hear you.
Why doesn't she start each and every interview out with a plea directly to her daughter? If she truly wants people to believe, that in her heart, she believes her daughter is alive, she would have been doing this.

This is a gruesome thought, but maybe SA put shoes on Hailey after she was unconsious or dead but he accidentaly put Billies shoes on her. Maybe that is why he described her wearing those shoes.

Why put shoes on her at all?---so he could say she left to walk to a sleepover!

Come to think of it, the description went back and forth...shoes--flipflops--shoes...could this be because Billie might have noticed Hailey's tennis shoes at home and assumed she wore flipflops? I am so confused!!!!
You are very brave for reading up on all of the cases. I did find it frightening just reading the description of some of those cases.

What I found bizarre too is why would a woman want to read up on these kind of cases? They are mostly about sex and murder. I can see a man doing this moreso than a woman, if that makes sense.

I have read every single story on the crime library site. My youngest daughter has the same interest.
It appears to me that BDs shoes are white and pink and HDs shoes are actually black and pink with some white by the soles.

...Meant to quote this post in my last post talking about shoes...Sorry!
I keep seeing people saying that they would "make LE do" something. Give them a polygraph, search their house, search the garbage.

HOW would you MAKE law enforcement do anything? :waitasec:

You can tell them to polygraph you, search your house and search the garbage all day long. If they don't want to, they aren't going to.

When my cousin was abducted walking from the school to her car in the parking lot... there was a family member AT the police station for the full 48 hours.

They took shifts. Begging, pleading, crying, screaming, asking nicely, whatever it took to try and get them to do SOMETHING. Anything.

Check the 20 yards from the door to her car where she went missing. (Where family found clumps of hair ripped out.) Ask for witnesses in the parking lot. Notify hunters and other people who would be out in remote areas. Question her boyfriend and male relatives to eliminate them. I believe there was mention of the dumpsters at the school as well, wanting those searched before they were dumped.

They.Got.No.Response. NOTHING.

Before her body was found (with clumps of hair ripped out) they never even questioned a single person about what was CLEARLY a violent abduction in broad daylight. :banghead:

It took them 2 hours to make the 30 minute drive when her body WAS found. The hikers who found her body knew our family and called the family 30 minutes after calling LE because they felt they weren't taken seriously. Her brother got there an hour before LE did and he was the family member at the police station at the time.

Then there was the things the police said in the media after her body was found... :furious:

It's no surprise her case is in the cold case file. :furious:

More frightening to me, is that our family had and still does have an impeccable record in the community.

I often think that if her family was highly respected and she got that level of treatment... What chance does the "problem family" who annoys the cops have at getting efficient help? :waitasec:

I am so sorry for your loss and the awful treatment from LE. That is horrid!!!
Ms Facetious...

So sorry that happened to your family.
He might have a trophy--like a video--that the person who helped him dispose of her body is keeping for him. This is a new age--maybe perps don't need a flesh-and-blood trophy if they have a record--of perhaps even the murder itself.

I don't put anything past this guy--the death threats (which happened before they were even living together!), the strange 10 minutes at work that day, the cocky attitude, the sick videos (he seems to be more into this sort of thing than is "normal" by a long shot)--it's just one thing after another--if he's not guilty, then he's sure made it hard not to think so.

And the video where he says as he's smoking pot "Kids don't try this at home--try this at my home" makes me think he was an enthusiastic child corrupter who was probably already partying with Hailey behind BD's back.

I think BD is one of those women who's hoping so hard that her young boyfriend loves her with such passion that he wouldn't think of going after her daughter that made her blind (and still seems to be making her blind) to the whole game he was up to.

SA declared he loved Hailey with all his heart and she was his "focus".
Billie said her and SA said ugly things to each other.
On NG, BD said SA loves her but has anyone heard SA say he is in love with Billie?

SA declared he loved Hailey with all his heart and she was his "focus".
Billie said her and SA said ugly things to each other.
On NG, BD said SA loves her but has anyone heard SA say he is in love with Billie?

Well he did call her his "fiance" on the MM site - FWIW
TGI, ITA with the shoes. And then add that what she was last seen wearing appears to me to be something my Daughter would hang around the house in or maybe make a quick run to the store. It would be curious to know what her brother says she was wearing the last time he saw her. Young men probably don't pay much attention to that though.
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