TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #37

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Then go home watch a movie and go to bed?
OK... makes no sense to me. Sounds more like they planned to partake in a larger than normal way but opted for a quiet evening instead? With everything we know...SA walking off his job... HD missing. DD having to crawl in a window... Yep it was just a normal evening with 140.00 (ish) of illegally obtained pills... What? to save for
a rainy day? For the NOT a New Years eve party? geez.

It was probably just a new supply to get them through for awhile. I don't think they planned on using them all the night they bought them.

It was probably just a new supply to get them through for awhile. I don't think they planned on using them all the night they bought them.


Do we know what was purchased? I keep hearing illegal drugs, but what was it exactly does anyone know? tia
Can anyone tell me which day was garbage pick-up on Chestnut St., the week after Christmas?
When LE said something about we just need to find a body or bodily fluids...something like that...in order to make an arrest...what if they find neither?
I'm glad they've searched the landfills-- but, it seems they'd have more luck searching SA's mother and grandmother's. What is the holdup?! He is the suspect, these homes are where he stays, uses computers, etc. I'm growing impatient. :behindbar
This is West Texas. These old geezer ranchers get a bit upset when people climb their fences, causing damages. Trash is another concern they have but not in this case. I would bet most ranchers just don't want their fences messed up with everyone climbing over, etc. Not making excuses at all. I am in the Oil business out here and some of these ranchers come after us to pay damages if we drive off a designated road. They claim damages occur to the grass.

Go figure.
I can understand...to a point.

Many people don't want strangers on their property, even if they don't have anything illegal to hide. Sometimes strangers scope things out and things disappear later, KWIM?

Some people may have livestock/pets that they don't want riled up, maybe mares in foal (preggo), same-o for cows, whether they be show animals or not.

Some people treasure their privacy even though they haven't broken any laws.

The vast majority of searchers are trustworthy :heart: , I'm sure, but there have been cases where perps have joined search parties.

I can understand why people might not give permission to search, but I sure hope that they would do a very thorough search on their own, and report to LE or the search coordinator accordingly. :)
I can understand...to a point.

Many people don't want strangers on their property, even if they don't have anything illegal to hide. Sometimes strangers scope things out and things disappear later, KWIM?

Some people may have livestock/pets that they don't want riled up, maybe mares in foal (preggo), same-o for cows, whether they be show animals or not.

Some people treasure their privacy even though they haven't broken any laws.

Even fewer people may have read about perps joining searches in past cases.

I can understand why people would not give permission to search, but I sure hope that they would do a very thorough search on their own, and report to LE or the search coordinator accordingly. :)

Your post makes things a lot more clear. Thanks.
BD said they had no money,so had to pull from ATM,obviously one was so low that they had to pull from the other and it was only Monday.You have two teens at home,low on money and you're buying illegal drugs.What's so disturbing is what if they weren't just buying but having to pay off a drug debt,something was on SA's mind,more important than his job and leaving like that.Also didn't LE say they were also looking at SA's acquaintances or connected to him,can't remember what they said as persons of interests.
I'm glad they've searched the landfills-- but, it seems they'd have more luck searching SA's mother and grandmother's. What is the holdup?! He is the suspect, these homes are where he stays, uses computers, etc. I'm growing impatient. :behindbar

BBM- Me too!
I sort of assumed that when the police said they could not watch her house (which she did not lock because she had no idea Shawn had anything there he'd want to go inside for) she called Shawn back and told him he BETTER NOT go in, and the fighting between them escalated to the point of threats.

I can only imagine how many text messages were sent between the two of them and what they were all about.
I'm glad they've searched the landfills-- but, it seems they'd have more luck searching SA's mother and grandmother's. What is the holdup?! He is the suspect, these homes are where he stays, uses computers, etc. I'm growing impatient. :behindbar

Me Too!
Remember Jessica Lunsford?
Yeah, I caught that too nurse. I thought they must have all had a fight about drugs because BD had pill bottles with her brother's name on them at her house last week. Then we find out that SA called the police on V.Day and said BD was at her mom's house taking his prescription drugs and mentions her brother. Sounded like SA wanted to cause problems for BD and her family that night. And, BD's brother was one of the first to take a LDT IIRC. Don't know if this is what actually happened, but it's where my mind went.

That is not her brother's name on the bottles. It's the prescribing doctor and he does exist and I doubt he's related to any of them. But her brother would not have the same last name as her. Dunn is CD's family name.
I'm glad they've searched the landfills-- but, it seems they'd have more luck searching SA's mother and grandmother's. What is the holdup?! He is the suspect, these homes are where he stays, uses computers, etc. I'm growing impatient. :behindbar

I thought someone posted the other day that there were people at the grandma's and they were wearing gloves and carrying around a jar. Am I remembering this wrong? ta
Exactly - methinks dealer is located there.

Me thinks you could be right! I picked up on that as well. Snyder is NOT a large place, so there's no real reason to have to specify what side of town they were on.
Unless you have flat land for people to search,volunteers could be chopping little things out of the way when trained searchers would know noone's been through that direction so no need to be using machetes clearing your way,etc.Trained searchers are less intrusive on people's land,because they know what to look for.
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