TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #37

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The police are NOT answering the phone. Billie has called it several times to check and it goes to voicemail. That bothers me a little.

:waitasec: Why is she calling the phone? And how do you know that she is callin the phone?
I would imagine that some ranchers are "farmers" trying to supplement their incomes in this economy and they don't want LE catching them. Not ALL - but some.

I've heard of farmers in farm county planting their corn in a big huge rectangle and then in the middle planting a little bit more profitable crop.

Just sayin................

Actually the government pays them these days to not plant anything. Then again, they could be collecting and planting at the same time.
Has anyone found LE saying the bloodhounds found anything other than a hit at the hotel?


According to City Manager Kampfer, search dogs picked up a few scent spots indicative of Hailey’s presence near the Western Suites hotel off I-20, just a few blocks from Hailey’s home.

Kampfer says the scents were detected after law enforcement brought the dogs to several locations, not by following any sort of “trail” to the hotel.


Widely-distributed reports that dogs had traced Hailey Dunn’s scent to a Colorado City hotel Dec. 31 were diminished by Kampfer, who called them “inaccurate” and the scents attributable to “any number of things.”

The NYE party and confirmation of it WAS a party or it WASN'T a party - just family there for support. I wonder where DD was on NYE - he probably stayed home and maybe he had a few things to say about NYE in that house?

Also, I thought I read somewhere that when LE returned the car - was it the cigarette lighter from the car (the one that plugs in) or just like a regular bic lighter - I think it said "blue" so that would make it a separate blue ciggy lighter. Wonder what they found on that?

re: cigarette lighter
I am guessing drug residue

Does anybody remember how long LE had Casey Anthony's car? I can't even remember if it was ever returned.
Even IF that's the case, all runaway minors are potentially endangered, IMO. A runaway minor could have left with a dangerous person(s), or encountered such over time. I don't know what the actual statistics are, but common sense tells me that most runaways (who don't come home or are brought home) probably end up in a dangerous lifestyle and/or with dangerous people. Probably many of them don't survive. I'm sure there are exceptions where an exceptionally mature-minded or fortunate runaway manages to make their way in the world...into a healthy lifestyle.

I guess I just don't understand.

Even if the mindset is that runaways left voluntarily, that is not a valid excuse (to me). Even if the mindset is that runaways most likely will come home soon or eventually, that is not a valid excuse (to me). Even if the mindset is that runaways will be looked for as a missing person, after they come of legal age (then the trail is cold!), that is not a valid excuse (to me). Even if the runaway has a "history" of running away, using alcohol/drugs, being sexually active, or having behavioral problems; that is not a valid excuse (to me).

It seems to me that, at least, the mindset needs to be changed. And most probably, the laws need to be changed so that persons of certain mindsets would be required to be accountable in their professions.

All that said, there doesn't seem to be enough resources to find every MP, minor or adult. :(

So keeping public awareness up is vital.

I recall watching AMW with a friend who wasn't paying attention and "talking over it", and had to tell them "we should watch this, in case we see something or someone" and I was met with a ludicrous stare. I think that show's motto is "you CAN make a difference!", right? ;)


I'm still hoping that Hailey will be found alive. :)

I watched a reality show a few weeks back from Phoenix, AZ. Two girls, cousins, ages 11 & 13, had gone missing. The family swore up and down there was no trouble at home and the girls would not run away. LE was looking at them as runaways, but they were still looking for them. The one LE drove around the area and pointed out many 'unsafe' places the girls could have been abducted, she also looked around places they could have been disposed of, etc. The girls were spotted and picked up by their family within a couple of days, they had run away, and it turns out the older girl had major problems with her family.

IMO, it would be nice if tasks forces and major LE involvement could be put together immediately every time a child goes missing, but it's just not possible.
I would like to comment on the 911 calls that seem to be in question as to what BD did or did not do.

I lived in a very small town for a few years. It was a town where everyone knows everyone. If there was an issue that was not life or death the proper number to call was the acutal police department. The 911 calls that were actually non emergency the officers had told on different occasions an emergency life or death or somthing that need immediate attention. I can see where BD not wanting him in her home is not a true emergency. The town that I was in also, if a person was to take out order of protection it was not done by calling police and getting a report.. the person could simply go to the station.. not even the state attorney office.. fill out paperwork to police and they took it from there to whomever it needed to go through.

In fact I have seen cases still where the police simply put someone in the drunk tank so to speak in a small town .. leave them overnight then let them go with out any charges compared to a large city there would be acutal charge even simple as disorderly intoxication to take into the jail.

I know it seems odd but the very small towns it just works a little different, it is old school. The officers know alot of people on first name basic.

The affidavit that NG had... Billy did not write it out the LE officer did. A LE that is bothered by the call to begin with to say that he could of been in a rush and heard part of what she said and a quick report written is NOT out of the question. On the call to the police department she did NOT say anything about theats to Hailey. Maybe when the officer questioned SA he admitted to making threats to the family and LE included HD name.. I just can go by the call she made.. I at this point do not exactly trust the LE in that town.. seems they like to cut corners and to assume HD was a runaway fits that lazy LE work also.. much easier to write a report on a runaway than to acutally get LE out looking for a child that is missing.

I am just really hoping that SA will come foward and tell the truth.. someone knows somthing, I wish they would speak up and put this little girl first before protecting anyone at all. I wonder is SA mother or grandmother whom ever he is staying with has given any statement as to if he was there that day and at what times exactly.
lol, it's hard to keep up with everything. About the time I think I have it straight, it changes. :floorlaugh:

ain't that the truth...It really is just nuts..it is! Even through all the craziness...no word of Hailey..where she is or what has happened to her..not a word..I sure do hope this case is going to break wide open soon...
I believe it was the same ATM as the transactions were just one minute apart according to the affidavit. I tend to agree with Pondering - they just decided to "splurge" that night and buy more mind candy than usual.

I wonder how consistent cash withdrawals are from the bank accounts or the history of. Is this more money than they actually would normally take out? Was it a normal withdrawal or a random one?

See, what I wonder is if they did splurge that night because Hailey was supposedly staying at a friend's house? Because SA needed to numb himself with drugs? Or did both of them need to numb themselves?

Or was it even for drugs at all?

Another thing I wonder is if SA admitted to Billy that he did something to Hailey and threatened BD's life too if she told?
Yep, I think she added the going to mom's bit when she realized they were tracking pings...........So locals, who's the drug dealer on the north side of Snyder, lol.
Ha ha you just made me have this visual of the cops going to the dealers house to verify she'd been there that night. :great:
I am not accustomed to having LE release the vehicle back to the owner if it has evidence in/on it, especially not that quickly. Is that the norm in these neck of the woods?

ITA. The car offers physical evidence. I'd assume they would keep possession of it. The PHONE, however has no physical evidence on it, and the records can be obtained from Verizon. The idea that they are NOT returning the phones, but DID return the car baffles me.
ITA. The car offers physical evidence. I'd assume they would keep possession of it. The PHONE, however has no physical evidence on it, and the records can be obtained from Verizon. The idea that they are NOT returning the phones, but DID return the car baffles me.

I don't think we can assume that the phone has no physical evidence on it.....not at all. For all we know it /they could have a ton of physical evidence on them.
I have been reading the affidavit the whole time thinking that she WAS there because of it clearly states to me that CD was repeating what DD told him and that BD was confirming what she witnessed.. that DD had indeed pounded on the door and nobody would let him .....how could she confirm that if she was not there..

If she was home, why didn't SHE let him in if she heard him pounding for 5 minutes? I don't think she was there. I think she was confirming that David had told her this too.
A question or two. Does anyone know if the 911 call where SA reported that BD had overdosed was for real. Did she really attempt suicide or tell SA that she had taken all of those pills?

If you (the collective you/ aka y'all) will recall, cztgz was on here trying to help (supposedly) BD get into her cell phone and access the messages but the phone had been locked by the time they had gotten into the pp cell phone acct. Now BD is still *****ing about the phone not being in her possession. I think last week she said something on NG about thinking that something was in the phone and she wanted to see the txt. supposedly sent around 2pm that Monday for her self. She is really focused on that phone for some reason. I would love verification of the "suicide attempt" and when it was. I will be afk for a while celebrating my birthday with my mom and dad. Mom is into this case a little so I'm sure this will pop up in our conversation...

Yes that was a shameless appeal for happy birthdays on my profile page. For those of you who don't know me I am primarily with the Gabriel Johnson case I used to be called Dane_Bramage...

That's hard to say but you will notice that he claimed he thought she was going to take HIS anxiety meds but she was at her mother's house. Did she carry them around in her purse? :waitasec:

Oh and Happy Birthday!
Acid can be used to clean up old wells in an attempt to increase production. The term “Acid Job” is common out in the field. Say a well’s production has declined over time; a service company would come in suggest a treatment plan that could increase the wells production. Acid is usually a key ingredient to the fluid that’s pumped into the hole. The total amount of treatment fluid pumped into the hole is calculated by the barrel. Once the fluid is pumped into the hole or also known as formation, they may allow it to sit there anywhere from one hour to several days. In order to bring the well back into production, it’s important that the fluid be flushed out of the hole. At this point they begin swabbing the hole in an attempt to bring as much of the treatment fluid back to service as possible. They drop a plunger with a line to the bottom of the hole and come up out of the hole, repeating the process until the well kicks off (starts blowing) or they can no longer recover any additional treatment fluid. The recovered treatment fluid is usually directed to a hole that has been dug into the ground with the ground eventually absorbing it. While you wouldn’t want to stick a bare hand in the fluid that’s been recovered, it’s not nearly as potent as it was in its original state. I doubt that the recovery fluid would be potent enough to cause serious damage to flesh and bone.

Acid is also used to perforate casing. Casing is the outer pipe that goes into the hole. Figure that once all the casing is in the hole, in order to bring oil or gas to surface, that casing must have some holes in it that correlate with the production formation. This is when they place a “gun” down the hole that shoots off the mixture that will open holes in the casing at the production intervals.

These chemicals are usually under lock and key at the service company’s yard and also monitored. Its doubtful SA had access to these chemicals unless he had the assistance of someone, which I also feel is doubtful. One never knows though. I am sure LE has asked for inventory and accountability of the chemicals at the place SA worked. Not to say he couldn’t have acquired them elsewhere though.

There is a lot of oil and gas production in the area that composes of several counties. There are a lot of county roads, back roads, etc. as well. Working in the business going from well to well, one can learn those roads, shortcuts, etc. very quickly. Many wells are off the grid and one must know where to go in order to get to them. Many well locations may contain open holes that haven’t been covered up. While most land owners make sure that’s not the case, it still does occur. Many locations have old abandoned tanks. These tanks can be anywhere from 15 feet high and up. While a person could not enter the tank from the top, there is a space on the bottom of the tank towards the back that is secured by several bolts and screws. This door is opened up when the tank is empty so people can crawl inside to clean, maintain, etc.

Cell phone coverage varies and is sparse in many places. I carry a satellite phone at all times because of this.

I am hopeful LE has/is conducting the following:

1. Asking Weaver Services (and other service company’s) for an account of their fluid inventory and who has access to it.
2. Obtaining a log from SA’s employers for the past couple years or so detailing each and every well site he worked on and that they (LE) are actively searching each and every one of those well sites along with the roads leading to those sites. Traveling those roads one will see old abandoned buildings, stock tanks, caliche pits, old style outhouses, drain pipes, etc.

All these and more should be searched. Over time by traveling these roads, SA could have discovered what he felt was the ideal hiding place.
thank you for this very helpful post sheik!
This is West Texas. These old geezer ranchers get a bit upset when people climb their fences, causing damages. Trash is another concern they have but not in this case. I would bet most ranchers just don't want their fences messed up with everyone climbing over, etc. Not making excuses at all. I am in the Oil business out here and some of these ranchers come after us to pay damages if we drive off a designated road. They claim damages occur to the grass.

Go figure.

There's also the issue of crop damage...winter wheat is in the ground now, and a lack of rain has already put this crop in danger. This is a big part of a farmer's livelihood. I know I would not have wanted people stomping around on our crops. We would, however, have already searched our land on our own at this point in the game.

There's also the issue of liability if someone should get hurt on their property.

Just because these "old geezer ranchers" (and "young geezer farmers") don't want volunteer searchers on their land does not mean they do not care or are being obstinate. Hopefully they have searched or will search their land themselves. I'm betting that's the case because we are talking about a missing 13-year-old, and even "old geezers" and "young geezers" have kids and grandkids.
I haven't been able to be here much yesterday nor today. Did I miss anything SIGNIFICANT? TIA
Yep yep - that's what she said. BUT back in Feb. on Valentines Day - if you listen to the 911 calls - DD "might have" been at home but BD "wasn't sure" and he didn't have a phone - she said that. SHE had the cell and was calling from it. So the practice of leaving the cell at home for the kids wasn't going on then - or at least that day.

Wonder when BD decided it would be good for her to leave the cell at home for the kids during the day?

February 14, 2010?
I watched a t.v show recently that was about a serial killer.
He took his victims to a field/desert area and buried them there.
Investigators looked at satallite imagery of the area and compared old and new images. It was determined that there were some areas where the land/soil appeared different and investigators began their digging there. Bodies were found.

I wonder if that is a possibility in this case. To find images from before Christmas and compare them to images from say a week after.
I believe it was the same ATM as the transactions were just one minute apart according to the affidavit. I tend to agree with Pondering - they just decided to "splurge" that night and buy more mind candy than usual.

Maybe SA wanted her to withdraw more money at the first withdrawal and she told him she didn't have that much. But when the first withdrawal slip showed that there was a bigger balance, he made her withdraw more. just a thought.
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