TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #37

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Rattlesnakes would scare me if I was wearing full body armor!!! Can't stand snakes of any kind... but don't they go underground in the winter??? I lived not too far from that area, never heard of rattlesnakes being seen during the cold months.
Wild hogs... we got a lot of them around my area, and lots of people are terrified of them. They might not kill you but they could sure do some damage if they attacked. They are huge! And they run in packs, so that in itself would be scary.
Hubby was at deer lease a few weeks ago, huge rattler at camp door, and I thought it was too cold then! And yes, hogs are terrible, some do have tusks, and can rip a leg open in a heartbeat! Seriously hope searchers are careful...
BD: "Remember that my phone is with the Police so if you want to call me call 911."

ME: Well that's quite ackward. SO IF YOU WANT TO CALL ME???

ummmm, errrrr...oh nevermind. I just don't understand this woman.

okay... so I just watched Nancy Grace from last night...

the call 911 statement was very awkward to me... it was like you could hear crickets chirping after it...

or maybe it was just me..... they cynical icu nurse
Based on the recordings we heard on NG regarding the fabulous and upstanding professional response from the LE of CCity; I have a hard time trusting anything they say and certainly understand why BD and CD were so insistent on getting the Texas Rangers involved. Any so called investigation that was done before the arrival of the Texas Rangers I would be hesitant to label "investigation". I think it might more resemble going through the motions just so I can earn my paycheck.

My husband has been in LE for 39 years and I have been in PI work since 1993 and I can tell with absolute certainty the lack of professionalism by CCity in this case has been jaw dropping. My husband was so angry by the response, he had to leave the room. When he returned he simply commented that when this situation has reached a conclusion, there is a clear case for BD to file a gross failure to perform duties required (I don't know the legal term Texas would use) this would be a slam dunk with the right attorney.

I have to agree with you, I think the local cops did not take this very seriously at first, and valuable time and resources were lost in the first few days. My son is with the SD in our county, (20 yrs.) and he would say the same thing your hubby did.
Yall know what bothered me?

When BD told Hailey to call 911..

why didnt BD tell Hailey that she loved her?

I would have let my child know i loved her and missed her and was doing everything I can to find her..jmo
okay... so I just watched Nancy Grace from last night...

the call 911 statement was very awkward to me... it was like you could hear crickets chirping after it...

or maybe it was just me..... they cynical icu nurse

No it's not you. It's seems as though BD does not have a sensitivity chip (as Jennifer Aniston would say). She's either in denial, a total state of shock, or cold as ice. :(


Anything new since I slept?
Billie now thinks SA isnt involved and LE denying anything was found in the LF. Is that right?
Anything new since I slept?
Billie now thinks SA isnt involved and LE denying anything was found in the LF. Is that right?

pretty much. But I've been around this board long enough to know that pigs can't fly either ;)

I like to read the opposite! Why spend so much time at the landfill, and if SA isn't involved, why is he hiding out? Why all the mis-truths/half-truths?



pretty much. But I've been around this board long enough to know that pigs can't fly either ;)

I like to read the opposite! Why spend so much time at the landfill, and if SA isn't involved, why is he hiding out? Why all the mis-truths/half-truths?




The only think I can think of is she is working with LE now because there isnt a logical explanation how she could defend the #1 suspect in her daughters disappearance without solid proof he didnt do it.
Otherwise--------I really have to question her involvement too.
I see two ways to interpret that. Giving her the benefit of the doubt...

My daughter wanted to go to a weekend long event with her BF. I thought about it a little bit and said no.

I actually thought about it quite a bit before saying no. But I think it is just used as a "figure of speech" as opposed to...

Wash your hands, dinner is in a little bit.

In this case, "little bit" is clearly just a short period of time. I think she considered this possibility for DAYS if not more, not just minutes or hours.

For the record, I am no longer as sure as I was of his involvement.

I think you're right about the "little bit" maybe meaning days for Billie. She doesn't use the same references to time that most of us do. We've seen that before. Remember, when Hailey went to live with Donna Byersley for about a month; in an interview Billie said "I let her try it for a minute...". She used a minute to refer to weeks. I think it's just her way. For those of us that still fear SA is almost certainly involved, I think we're just frustrated that her apparent difficulty seriously considering him a suspect could inhibit her from giving important details to LE for a minute (which could mean months). SA himself is not offering up any cooperation (from what we know). Billie and DD hold clues to whatever happened to Hailey; whether SA is guilty or something else happened. They lived in the same house, know her routines, know what would have been out of the ordinary...

I would like to see the video of Hailey on Sunday at the Dollar Store. I want to see if she is wearing her hoodie and whether she's wearing sneakers or flip flops. If she's not wearing the hoodie and she is wearing flip flops, then the likelihood that she left the house to walk around on Monday in similar garb and got snatched by someone known or unknown to her would increase from almost zero to remotely possible in my mind. If we knew what SA says he was doing when he was supposed to be working on 12/27 and 12/28 (and where his phone pings place him), a large window for productive sleuthing could be opened up.

But, we don't - so I'm still clinging to the hope of runaway and open to the possibility of abduction, as unlikely as they may appear right now.
Good am all! i read every post and today is the first morning that I'm caught up before the thread starts flying again.

I'm glad Klasskids is there. It seems to have given the search for Hailey a push towards resolution (hoping, praying). I am so grateful Mark Klass is there, I feel like CD was alone in his search (as in other parent) but now Hailey has Mr, Klass in her corner as well. I don't for a second think he's been snowed by bd, IMO he's doing what he must to locate Hailey and if that means helping bd get organized than all the better. She's her own downfall and I cannot get the uncomfortable silence after NG asked her "is that what you want to tell Hailey, to call 911" (paraphrasing) out of my head!!

Since the first couple days I've been stuck w/ my theory that something happened to Hailey Sunday night. Either she was in the car when sa picked bd up at work. And then went w/ them for the drug run. I say this because of the seemingly lack of forensics at the house.
Or that something happened once they returned to the house, all juiced up on whatever they bought.

I would really love to believe bd is just that ignorant to the evils of this world but she's read & printed some of the stuff we read here every day, so she knows. I also believe she loved playing "bad girl" to sa's "bad boy" and knows all about the videos & utube & smoking weed & whatever other recreational drugs they r doing. MOO. I cannot stand that she seems (to me) so desperate to have more communication w/ sa. Poor Hailey and what she had to compete w/ for her mothers attention.:-(

I can usually get a good feel on people when I follow these cases. BD is the first one that really has me stumped. I can not read her at all and she has me all over the place.
I have tried so hard to keep up here, but have finally decided to admit defeat........so I am asking if anyone has a link to a post that list just facts....everything we (well, maybe not me), know up to this point........I am leaving town next week and really want to get down to the nitty gritty of this case before I go, so I will not be too lost when I get back....I need SO MUCH HELP :(
I have tried so hard to keep up here, but have finally decided to admit defeat........so I am asking if anyone has a link to a post that list just facts....everything we (well, maybe not me), know up to this point........I am leaving town next week and really want to get down to the nitty gritty of this case before I go, so I will not be too lost when I get back....I need SO MUCH HELP :(

Bean's timeline has a good aggregate of facts.

I have to agree with you, I think the local cops did not take this very seriously at first, and valuable time and resources were lost in the first few days. My son is with the SD in our county, (20 yrs.) and he would say the same thing your hubby did.

You know, I'll readily admit that I have been critical of local LE for their initial response, as they appeared to treat Hailey's disappearance as a runaway for those first few critical days...

However, as more information comes out regarding Hailey's home life, primarily the numerous 911 calls, I can understand now why LE may have believed she ran away. Probably thought something along the lines of "who would blame the poor girl?".

Again, no matter how you look at it, Hailey was let down by adults all around her.
Morning all. Had to work my 2nd job last night so haven't been on here since yesterday at about 4pm. Can someone give me a quick update? Was BD on NG again? Still standing by SA? Nothing or something found in landfill? We still have more questions than answers???? Thanks!!
The NG people may have suggested she pull herself together, clean herself up, and put on a little makeup and she would feel better. And (no offense intended to anyone) I read once that things are different in Texas... teenage girls and adult women are much more appearance conscious than in some other places. Unfortunately, I believe I read this in the "Texas Cheerleader Murder." I really did not like typing that, but felt I needed to cite a "reference" or risk being accused of perpetuating a stereotype.

And if she had appeared on the show without makeup and her hair straggly, people would be commenting about that too. I don't think NG wants anyone to appear on the show looking like something the cat dragged in, JMO.
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