TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #37

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As per BD's involvement or non-involvement or cover-up: I think it's okay for others on here to disagree with what I think. I can see how someone could think any of the above so I respect what those in all camps have to say. I really don't want to see this thread shut down and in fact would like to see Hailey get her own forum. Can we agree to disagree?
Morning all. Had to work my 2nd job last night so haven't been on here since yesterday at about 4pm. Can someone give me a quick update? Was BD on NG again? Still standing by SA? Nothing or something found in landfill? We still have more questions than answers???? Thanks!!

good morning SailorMoon~ bbm... yes... more questions than answers... and yes BD was on NG last night and PattyG recorded it... it is up on her channel

((thank you PattyG))
As per BD's involvement or non-involvement or cover-up: I think it's okay for others on here to disagree with what I think. I can see how someone could think any of the above so I respect what those in all camps have to say. I really don't want to see this thread shut down and in fact would like to see Hailey get her own forum. Can we agree to disagree?

Yep. :)

Personally, I think what some see as defending SA because she wants him back is Billie's way of denying that she could indirectly be responsible for what happened to her daughter - her coping mechanism.

We can all agree that we just want Hailey to come home safe, sound, and soon.
I think Billie wants to believe SA had nothing to do with her daughter's disappearance. If she lets herself believe he is responsible for HD, what does that tell her? It tells her Hailey is probably no longer alive. Until they give her proof that her daughter is dead, she will hold on to any hope that Hailey is alive, which means SA wouldn't be involved in her mind. How many women have lived with monsters and never knew it until it was too late?

BD sits there on NG night after night trying to draw attention to her missing child. Inbetween shots of Billie, she's having to hear NG and her panel speculate about possible dismemberment by way of machete, chainsaw or sulfuric acid.

Billie isn't putting the blame on SA, but neither is CD if anyone has noticed his statements.

As for the crying, this woman has cried plenty. Anyone can tell by looking at her. As for the 911 statement, Billie thought it was important to get that information out to her daughter and that's what she concentrated on. Sure, I'd want to say I love you, but then again, I'm not even sure I could be strong enough to appear on television.

I don't see Billie supporting SA as much as I see her not blaming him until there is definitive proof of some sort that he hurt her daughter. At least she hasn't turned right around and married the POI.

I still believe Billie.
Oh my lord, you Texans and your snakes, spiders, and wild hogs that run in PACKS?! I'm going to stop complaining about my snow (third snow day in a week here, today... Kids are driving me nuts!) RIGHT NOW lol. You win! :)
Trying to keep up with all the threads, but I didn't help matters when I fell asleep last night watching NG in bed! At the beginning of the show, during the intro voice-over part, I saw a caption that said something like "Hailey's father: CPS investigating". Did NG ever discuss that, or was it reported elsewhere?

BD seemed quite coached last night, and the part where she gave HD the message to call 911 was... awkward. I am, however, back to thinking that she is incredibly naive, and in denial, rather than having anything to do with HDs disappearance directly.

The earring - I think it's a red herring. BD probably included that in HDs description because she'd been wearing them everyday, and assumed she still was. She likely didn't know that hd had taken them off at CDs.

The sighting by the hairdresser - sounds to me like a wrong day sighting?

Final question - do we yet have any info on what SA was up to on Tuesday? Info from anyone at all? What vehicle he had, was it the one that was searched, etc?

Yes, dear... they do run in packs! Or what word would you prefer? Groups?
Families? Don't know but they come in our yard at night... we've seen them, never just one, always 3 or more. They make big holes in the yard, too.
This is east Texas, and we have a lot of critters. Want to hear about the cougars? Black panthers? Coyotes? Black bears? How about the fire ants? Scorpions? Copperheads? Cottonmouth water mocassins? Armadillos?
Oh, wait, armadillos aren't aggressive. 'Scuse, please.
I could go on and on.. but we ain't making it up.
It is interesting (to me) to see the comparisons and contrasts between Billie and Kaine Horman. Both were involved with the person suspected of disappearing their child. Billie/CD have not lashed out at SA like Kaine/Des have at Terri. And both parties have been slightly criticized about their respective reactions.

I sure wish both Hailey and Kyron would come home. :(
searchers should be headed out just about now.

may God go with them...
We had a mountain lion hanging out around our house last year - (no, we did not want him as a family pet):panic:
You know, I'll readily admit that I have been critical of local LE for their initial response, as they appeared to treat Hailey's disappearance as a runaway for those first few critical days...

However, as more information comes out regarding Hailey's home life, primarily the numerous 911 calls, I can understand now why LE may have believed she ran away. Probably thought something along the lines of "who would blame the poor girl?".

Again, no matter how you look at it, Hailey was let down by adults all around her.
Even IF that's the case, all runaway minors are potentially endangered, IMO. A runaway minor could have left with a dangerous person(s), or encountered such over time. I don't know what the actual statistics are, but common sense tells me that most runaways (who don't come home or are brought home) probably end up in a dangerous lifestyle and/or with dangerous people. Probably many of them don't survive. I'm sure there are exceptions where an exceptionally mature-minded or fortunate runaway manages to make their way in the world...into a healthy lifestyle.

I guess I just don't understand.

Even if the mindset is that runaways left voluntarily, that is not a valid excuse (to me). Even if the mindset is that runaways most likely will come home soon or eventually, that is not a valid excuse (to me). Even if the mindset is that runaways will be looked for as a missing person, after they come of legal age (then the trail is cold!), that is not a valid excuse (to me). Even if the runaway has a "history" of running away, using alcohol/drugs, being sexually active, or having behavioral problems; that is not a valid excuse (to me).

It seems to me that, at least, the mindset needs to be changed. And most probably, the laws need to be changed so that persons of certain mindsets would be required to be accountable in their professions.

All that said, there doesn't seem to be enough resources to find every MP, minor or adult. :(

So keeping public awareness up is vital.

I recall watching AMW with a friend who wasn't paying attention and "talking over it", and had to tell them "we should watch this, in case we see something or someone" and I was met with a ludicrous stare. I think that show's motto is "you CAN make a difference!", right? ;)


I'm still hoping that Hailey will be found alive. :)
We had a mountain lion hanging out around our house last year - (no, we did not want him as a family pet):panic:

Oh my!!!!

In michigan we have skunks, squirrels, hedghogs, and the occasional brown recluse that can bite you and make all your flesh fall off....

I just moved here so there may be more...

oh yeah... I do recall my neighbor said a coyote ate his small dog...
If we put ourselves directly in BD's shoes....I think the majority of us (if not all of us) would be suspicious of SA, based on the phone pings alone and his lie about not going back to CCity, failed poly and the fact that LE can't clear him. Not to mention the other things that we would have supposedly not known about such as the video's, pictures, murdering someone statement on the mm site, and the fact that he was the last to see our daughter, etc....

When after 20 some days, LE STILL can't clear him and he is STILL named a suspect, I think that suspension would grow. With my child gone this long, I honestly wouldn't know who to trust. The more I thought about it, the more people I would probably look at sideways, unless LE had given me a really good reason to rule them out.

However, as more time has gone on and more information has come out about him, his actions that day, his behaviors, interests, etc....she has actually grown less suspicious of him and now does not believe he did anything. So, what made her less suspicious? No new information has come out to clear him. The only "new" information has been the earring at CD's house and the 7 year old sighting with HD. But, that information doesn't clear him, because he claims to SEE HD after that sighting and she is not sure about the earrings. So, I am assuming that her change of mind/heart, just a gut feeling. I personally would trust LE and the evidence over my gut feelings regarding anyone's involvement. I know that you can think you *know* someone, but people can snap and do things you'd never expect. Now, I can understand trusting gut feelings about whether your child is alive or not, but we haven't heard any gut feelings from her about that. It's mind boggling me to that she is ready to rule SA out when LE isn't and according to her, he has lied to her about his job, about being back in CCity and she's "discovered" things about him she did not know about him. Now, if we throw in the "illegal" drug use (and I do believe there was illegal drug use with BD and SA that night and believe she knows exactly what LE is talking about).....I would also understand that the drug use could've caused someone I trusted to do something bad and that alone would make me wonder too, if he was involved, if I were her.

I just don't understand how the extended time that her daughter has been gone and the information that is still unclear about him, what we do and do not know, etc... how she had become MORE convinced that he is not involved, when she used to be "afraid" that he might have done something. It makes NO sense to me. Therefore, (at this point) the only thing that does make sense to me is that it becomes clearer that she is protecting him and deflecting from him for *some* reason. So why? Involvement? Knowing the truth already from SA (even if you are not involved)? Love? Would you want your daughter back, justice if something happened to your daughter or your bf cleared? Even if you were "in love" wouldn't you still want your daughter back and justice if something happened, even if that means your bf is involved? She said her kids come first, right? Love isn't reason enough for me after this long. It just doesn't make sense to me. So, to me, that leaves me with that thought that maybe she protects and deflects because she knows something, It's the only thing that makes sense to me......but hey....maybe I am missing something here!
We had a mountain lion hanging out around our house last year - (no, we did not want him as a family pet):panic:

Given a choice between SA and the mountain lion, I'd go with the lion. Just sayin'. :whistle:
KTAB's Tiffany Tatro asked Kampfer about the earring that's been talked about in recent "Nancy Grace" broadcasts. After Hailey's disappearance, one of the earrings her mother thought she was wearing on the day she vanished was discovered in her father's home. Her dad, Clint Dunn, says she left it the day before when she stayed at his home. Though Billie Dunn thought he daughter was wearing the earrings, she says it's likely Clint is correct.

Kampfer said he's put in a request to discuss the earring and has not heard back. Therefore, he can't even confirm an earring is part of the investigation.

Earlier this week, KRBC's Jessica Reyes interviewed a witness who believes she saw Hailey walking with a small boy on the morning of her disappearance. According to the witness, it was an African American approximately 7 years old.

It now appears that child could be the son of Clint Dunn's girlfriend.

Billie Dunn confirmed Clint's girlfriend has a son that matches this description. Pete Kampfer says he has heard that as well but hasn't received confirmation from law enforcement. Kampfer previously told bigcountryhomepage.com the child has been questioned by authorities.


Sounds to me that this guy coordinates with LE about what he can and can't say to reporters. He has NG people crawling around, getting info from BD, etc. that is part of an ongoing investigation. I think from now on, he should go the no comment route. Billie has MK and the NG people there to make sure she gets all the facetime to talk about herself and SA...oh! And Hailey. I'd love it if one of NG's shows could be just Clint. He seems to be doing everything that MK has for years recommended a parent do in such a situation. And, I KNOW he'd have more to say to his daughter than "call 911" :furious:
Oh my!!!!

In michigan we have skunks, squirrels, hedghogs, and the occasional brown recluse that can bite you and make all your flesh fall off....

I just moved here so there may be more...

oh yeah... I do recall my neighbor said a coyote ate his small dog...

You have wolves and cougars in Michigan too!
"SA Daniel A COTTNER and SA Janet THOMAS interviewed Clint Dunn, 1-5-2011, and he stated DD had told him he returned home at approximately 4pm on Monday afternoon 12-27-2010 and pounded on the door for about 5 minutes and nobody would let him in. DD made entry through a window and got into the residence. SA Janet THOMAS later interviewed Billie DUNN who confirmed that DD had indeed pounded on the door and nobody would let him in and he then made entry into the residence and observed Shawn Adkins standing in the hallway with a deer in the headlights look"

Just reading back from last night.....regarding this part of the affidavit.....

interviewed Billie DUNN who confirmed that DD had indeed pounded on the door and nobody would let him in and he then made entry into the residence and observed Shawn Adkins standing in the hallway with a deer in the headlights look


If it were just SA there, don't you think they would have said....SA would not let him in....by saying nobody that to me could be read to mean more than one person there.
I think Billie wants to believe SA had nothing to do with her daughter's disappearance. If she lets herself believe he is responsible for HD, what does that tell her? It tells her Hailey is probably no longer alive. Until they give her proof that her daughter is dead, she will hold on to any hope that Hailey is alive, which means SA wouldn't be involved in her mind. How many women have lived with monsters and never knew it until it was too late?

BD sits there on NG night after night trying to draw attention to her missing child. Inbetween shots of Billie, she's having to hear NG and her panel speculate about possible dismemberment by way of machete, chainsaw or sulfuric acid.

Billie isn't putting the blame on SA, but neither is CD if anyone has noticed his statements.

As for the crying, this woman has cried plenty. Anyone can tell by looking at her. As for the 911 statement, Billie thought it was important to get that information out to her daughter and that's what she concentrated on. Sure, I'd want to say I love you, but then again, I'm not even sure I could be strong enough to appear on television.

I don't see Billie supporting SA as much as I see her not blaming him until there is definitive proof of some sort that he hurt her daughter. At least she hasn't turned right around and married the POI.

I still believe Billie.

Billie isn't putting the blame on SA, but neither is CD if anyone has noticed his statements.

1/14 Hailey's Dad Speaks Out, Suspected Adkins From The Beginning.

Clint Dunn says he's no longer in contact with Hailey's mother, Billie Jean, since they weren't seeing eye-to-eye before the documents were released. Now, even more, he said he needed to "separate himself from that situation."

I dont care what she wears or how she looks. That doesnt bother me at all. Its her comments that confuses the heck out of me. I cant figure her out. I dont know if she is involved, standing by her man, working with LE, clueless or completely innocent. I hope she is completely innocent. I cant figure her out enough to form an opinion.
However, I dont think SA is the #1 suspect for no reason at all. jmo
As per BD's involvement or non-involvement or cover-up: I think it's okay for others on here to disagree with what I think. I can see how someone could think any of the above so I respect what those in all camps have to say. I really don't want to see this thread shut down and in fact would like to see Hailey get her own forum. Can we agree to disagree?

Thank you belimom! I like reading what everyone is thinking, speculating, investigating.. When we have more facts, we'll be that much farther along in determining how they fit or don't fit into the theories that have been tossed around about the whos, whats, wheres and whys. It's all useful. JMO.
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