TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #41

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I think HD looks like a typical teenager who does not want her picture taken for whatever reason. Maybe she was playing a game, or on her MP3 player, or maybe she didn't have her hair combed or make up on. I think we are reading too much into this picture and over analyzing it. jmo

I agree mck - I have 2 daughters. My oldest daughter LUVS to have her pic taken, while my younger daughter shuns the camera - even tho they're both gorgeous (naturally lol).

IMO, snapshots reveal little (if anything) of family dynamics.

In terms of family dynamics, I personally put more weight on the February 2010 911 calls where BD reported that SA was making homicidal threats against her and CD (and possibly HD).
I think HD looks like a typical teenager who does not want her picture taken for whatever reason. Maybe she was playing a game, or on her MP3 player, or maybe she didn't have her hair combed or make up on. I think we are reading too much into this picture and over analyzing it. jmo

BD doesn't seem to include her by putting her arm around Hailey is what I noticed in pics I've seen. The only reason I brought it up earlier was because we were discussing whether Hailey had an argument with her mother over the holidays.
No indication of how many searchers turned out?

It is sad to be rooting for more searchers at this point...Hailey can only be found possibly alive if she is in a house or structure somewhere...

Why don't we know if searches were done at other homes/lands SA has access to? Where is the media on this, where is the FOIA? This is crazy, it has been a month.

I agree with you. I can't believe they haven't found something. There are not that many places I would think you could hide her except in a structure of some sort. I don't think that land is forested as it is more plains. It would seem most of the outbuildings or empty structures would have been searched by now. jmo
I think HD looks like a typical teenager who does not want her picture taken for whatever reason. Maybe she was playing a game, or on her MP3 player, or maybe she didn't have her hair combed or make up on. I think we are reading too much into this picture and over analyzing it. jmo

To me, it's not so much the look on HD's face-it's the body language. Mom is all wrapped around her boyfriend and HD is off to the side, kind of disconnected.
It wouldn't be a big deal except that it was Christmas Day pictures. That should be the one day that is family oriented. We may be over analyzing it, but it still looks really awkward, imo.
This is OT,but I think alot of websleuthers would be interesting watching a CNN special coming up now.It's about girls being sold on our streets,sex trafficking and how much of it is done online.I think many of the young girls that are taken and never found have been put in this trade.I just thought some of you might be interested in it.Many of these girls being picked up at 10,11,12 and 13 years old and are put in other states to be used.

2nd of all 4 officers have been wounded in a police station in Detroit,guy just walked in and started shooting and in Washington State a shooting where 4 people have been wounded,one dead and two are officers.What the heck?
Just wanted to ask any/all of our verified locals{infact any locals as well..I don't think you have to be verified unless you are sharing any type of "inside" info..}..I went back to the OP to actually check to see who our locals are but were unable to find any of them named{as well as went to link for verified usernames and found nothing there either:crazy:}..

Since it seems to be at a standstill as far as new info or anything/anyone coming to light as a suspect..POI..or in any way involved..

I wanted to ask the locals.. I know there in the small town of Colorado City.TX{which I find it neat how the town's name is made different from the state of Colorado's city that has a similar name.. I love the way all of you guys say it Colo-ray-do City:)}..you alls town and surrounding areas have been on a roller coaster of emotions and feelings surrounding this case..

I know that in the very beginning that everyone rallied around Billie supporting her and even tho a perfect stranger still pouring your heart and soul into helping this momma find her little girl.. But then there was a shift and a huge unseen neckbreaking turn in the roller coaster when those now infamous affidavits broke by KTXS...with info that rocked all of us across the country but even more so you guys whose small hometown it was happening in.. I do feel that you all have pulled together{neighbors and strangers alike}and are more determined than ever to see that Hailey Dunn is found and brought home and justice served on her behalf.. your hearts even more involved with the possiblities that it was in the "safety of this little girl's home" that this whole nightmare began..possibly someone that should have been the very one to protect her from the outside world..that quite possibly this is who is responsible for the nightmare that your hometown is presently living..

With all of that said..I'd like to hear what the locals are feeling these days..

IMO getting the opinions..views..of the locals is sometimes quite an accurate gauge of where the investigation seems to be heading..

Do ppl feel as tho they are constantly checking over there shoulders?..as if you feel that theres a child killer on the loose that preys on random children..and chance opportunities?

I know Billie said that alot of time she didn't lock windows or even doors.. are ppl now double checking and triple checking their doors and windows making sure that this predator on the loose thats preying on random children cannot sneak into their homes?

Or do ppl feel more like this is an isolated incident with the perpetrator being from within Hailey's own home?..

Do most feel that it is Shawn Adkins..all alone.. that is responsible for whats happened to Hailey?

Do any/all/few feel that Billie is somehow involved with any part whatsoever..even after-the-fact?

And lastly does your community feel like this is heading toward an end resulting in an arrest or arrests? or is it still very much up in the air? that its anyones guess as to what happened or whose responsible? and you all see no light at the end of the tunnel{or atleast not in the very near future}??

Sorry for all the questions..Just wanted to get an idea of what the community as a whole{including all surrounding areas}is feeling about this case and investigation at this present time..

Thanks in Advance to anyone who takes a moment to answer any of the questions.. You all being local and sharing with us means very much to us and we greatly appreciate you guys...;)

And Your community continues to be in our thoughts and prayers.
BD doesn't seem to include her by putting her arm around Hailey is what I noticed in pics I've seen.

When I was 13 I had a bit of the attitude and didn't want to be hugging my mom in pictures or in front of people. I think all mother/daughter dynamics are different, especially at HD's age. I don't read anything into BD not touching Hailey in the picture...

At this point I really do not know what to think. I have many thoughts on what could of happened but right now all I can do is pray. I do know know if everyone believes in prayer but the things I pray for at this time are:

To bring Hailey home rather it be under good or bad news.
To give the family the support and love and care to make this as somthing they can get past in life. To be able to have a memory of not what THEY could of done different but what THE suspect SHOULD of done different and not at all.
I pray for the justice system to hold this person to the most strict sentence there is.
May God have the final say so on the suspects final place of eternal hell.
I pray that BD will be able to cope. I hope that there is help for her, intense help she seems frail and I am scared that she will feel what is left for her.
I know this world is cruel but I pray that God will lead us to a way to protect the children from harm.
Just my thoughts for the night.
Trying to think in another direction today. I read through all the transcripts of NG. Did anyone else notice that right from the beginning BD as referred to HD in the past tense? I surmised from all the information up to this point that BD didn't know what happened and that SA did something alone. Well I have now decided differently after looking at those transcripts today. The other mothers who had killed their kids spoke immediately of those kids in the past tense (Susan Smith). I now believe that she already knows where HD is. That is why she couldn't plead to her, just tell her to call 911. She hasn't spoken directly to her, because she knows she can't hear her.

BD also uses we all the time. Referring to her and SA. Why would she still want to be associated with a man who is the prime suspect of her missing daughter's? So many why's. That is why her statements don't make any sense. Go back and read them, they are all jumbled. She stops herself after a few words and never really answers ANY questions.

I believe drugs are quite a bit a part of their relationship and that is what bonds them together. Many of their family and people around them are invovled in drugs as well.

I tried to look at things through BD's eye's. But I can't, because she doesn't give any information to any of the questions asked of her. AND she brings most questions back to herself not HD.

It's time for this woman to stop all the charades and tell LE what she knows. After reading those transcripts in details it sounds like she pretty much knows everything that happened and knows where HD is right now.

So NG just needs to ask her one question....where is HD's body Billie?
She sure tried to obscure the fact that he was living there. That issue was my first raised eyebrow... hink!

Wonder if she's getting any sort of assistance?

Note that CD's girlfriend apparently was kicked out of section 8 housing because CD was living there. I'm guessing they're all playing a little fast and loose with the rules.
Just reading about a murder of a mom and attempted murder of a daughter, the guys who did it liked ICP and all that scary stuff like Shawn did....... I'm not that old, 30, but I don't remember going to school with kids or even knowing people in my 20's that idolized things like that... and I hung with the EMO kids, a lot, and none of them were like this... i've been reading that it's an emerging subculture and that is just SCARY!

Here is the link...

OMG.....I just read the Kimberly Cates Story on the above trutv site.

Never been there before...Never heard about this murder....now I understand the ICP and "juggalos" quotes from the earlier threads.

That sad story is so graphic. I jumped up and made sure all my doors were locked and I set the home alarm. DH just left to go out of town and I am home alone. We live on a large piece of property with no close neighbors....Yikes!!!

After reading about this case..... I am thinking that Hailey could have met with her demise, at the hands of SA, as a real possibility.

Just wanted to ask any/all of our verified locals{infact any locals as well..I don't think you have to be verified unless you are sharing any type of "inside" info..}..I went back to the OP to actually check to see who our locals are but were unable to find any of them named{as well as went to link for verified usernames and found nothing there either:crazy:}...

Snipped by me for space.

Just wanted to say Thank you for this post! It's excellent questions and was written perfectly. :hug:
This is a little off subject but I am always trying to think of ways to get these crimes solved quickly.. perhaps even before we know one has taken place.

I know there are many thousand's of landfills but I think it would be a good way to spend my tax dollars to have cadaver dogs at local dumping sites.. after each local truck in area drops off at initial point... what is the harm in having dogs sniff through it.

I know the cost may be high.. but is there really a price to put on the detection of a persons remains at the initial level instead of a missing report and days later bring in the dogs.. i think a quick initial sniff and alert and land fills should be common.
Regardless of the children that often have to be searched for can you imagine how many other bodies are possibly there.. ones that no one really reports or cares about, homeless, drug related.
Just a thought but i suspect much more in those landfills all over the United States than we can even begin to imagine. I would love my tax dollars to go to a program such as that in my local town.
Wonder if she's getting any sort of assistance?

Note that CD's girlfriend apparently was kicked out of section 8 housing because CD was living there. I'm guessing they're all playing a little fast and loose with the rules.

That may be true-- but what I've learned about Billie is that she obfuscates on many points. mo
Wonder if she's getting any sort of assistance?

Note that CD's girlfriend apparently was kicked out of section 8 housing because CD was living there. I'm guessing they're all playing a little fast and loose with the rules.

I don't think this was confirmed. I believe it was a local who brought forth this information. I could never find a link. Could anyone else?
When I was 13 I had a bit of the attitude and didn't want to be hugging my mom in pictures or in front of people. I think all mother/daughter dynamics are different, especially at HD's age. I don't read anything into BD not touching Hailey in the picture...


I agree. For all we know, HD told her mom that if she tried to get mushy, she wouldn't let anyone take her pic.

When my daughters were that age (young teens), they bolted if I tried to get mushy in front of others - and I've always shared an affectionate relationship with my two girls. It's quite common for young teens to feel self-conscious about displays of affection.

I just don't put much stock in that pic.

There are too many other aspects of this case (and SA & BD's relationship) that are way more hinky than one or two random snapshots, IMO.
just thinking..
Wondering if there is a garage attached to BD's home? If someone was to take Hailey out of the house it would be much easier to do in daylight or dark by going through an attached garage. If not, they would have to make sure they "carried" her to the automobile in the dark.
If someone hurt Hailey in the home, there would be evidence of at least a struggle. Unless she was drugged and carried to the automobile outside. 120 pounds is not light.
If someone wanted to get her out at anytime without a struggle, they could tell her that her mom needed her or there was an accident to hurry and get in the automobile I will take you there. She could easily be subdued in an automobile or when they arrived at the location.
If someone was to do something to her (sex or murder) and did not want her brother or anyone else walking in on them, they would take her from the home to a "location".
If they wanted to keep their cell from pinging they would take the battery out or go to an area that does not have service. I believe they would just take the battery out.
Where would they take her? Someplace they are familiar with. Someplace that is NOT where they landed later on in the day (at their mother's home or back at Hailey's home). They would go to a sheltered area/place.
By figuring out the time without phone service, the area could be mapped in a circle. Any areas that would have shelter (empty homes, tree blinds, etc) should be investigated. Any areas that are protected by trees should be checked. Any areas the POI is familiar with - should be throughly checked.
BD also uses we all the time.

Snipped by me.

I don't think she is intentionally doing this. LOL Just yesterday I was at the store and walked by someone and said "excuse us" before walking in front of what they were looking for. Then checking out, I told the lady "we were looking for <insert item>."
I was alone at the store - :floorlaugh:

Point being, maybe it's just habit for her. I know it is for me.
If it is true there were no pings on the cell phone SA used on Monday, during the time from 7 am to 9:30, they need a map showing Hailey's home, his mother's home - where his phone hits at 9:38 and figure out the distance one could go during that 2.5 hours of missing phone time.
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