TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #42

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what if LE has to announce they are looking elsewhere in case an alive Hailey is being held up somewhere and SA cant go to her if under 24/7 surveillance...
Darn the 14 year old girl NG is covering now that disappeared from her own bedroom was found dead near a cemetery.
When I saw the maps of the areas involved in Hailey's case, I saw too many cemeteries.
Why oh why do people hurt others?????
Hi there neighbor!! My ex that I am still close to drives back and forth from Memphis to Mississippi five nights a week. I will make sure he is on alert.
Remember, it was a truck driver who caught the serial snipers in the D.C./Maryland area while they were asleep at a rest stop!!!
I pray Hailey is alive and found soon.....just wishing out loud. We would be proud to make sure she made it back to Texas:)

Snow, T Mouse, you know as I do...I think when people think of a lead in a specific city, they think of just that city. In our case Memphis...but what some may or maynot know, broadcast coverage out of the Memphis area is pretty large. We reach Eastern Ark, No.Easter,Ark, South Eastern Ark, Boothill of Missouri, West Tenn, NW.Tenn, North Miss, Central Miss and NE Miss....That's alot of viewer coverages encompassng (4) states...Not including those inbound viewers that would see coming into the coverage area daily, from other locations of these states in as well those from Louisiana,Alabama,Georgia,Oklahoma,Texas,Kentucky...it's just so far reaching to me.
Even in that little article, Billie speaks how HER life has changed...

hahha I LOVE that kitty!:floorlaugh:
I have lived in Cordova for 21 years and I have a lot of connections in West Memphis, which is a huge hub for going in any direction.
I will see if I can get some flyers out to these places as soon as possible.
Nowadays there is quite a large underground subculture of macabre local bands and a dark (not goth) murderabilia crowd in Memphis.
I am left to wonder if SA has connections here.
She could be suffering but yet alive, like Elizabeth Smart.
Praying she is found alive and safe!!!
I lived for several years in Cordova. Heck, we probably passed each other in the aisle at Wally World.

As for the bolded: Not sorry we moved if that's the case! And yeah, he could have connections there (although I'm very very glad my son knew nothing of the subculture of which you speak!)

As for being held somewhere, it wouldn't be the first time for Memphis:

I guess NG took BD to heart... it surprises me, I thought she'd fight even harder for Hailey. :banghead:
Darn the 14 year old girl NG is covering now that disappeared from her own bedroom was found dead near a cemetery.
When I saw the maps of the areas involved in Hailey's case, I saw too many cemeteries.
Why oh why do people hurt others?????

OH Dear God we have another Caylee.....I can't believe that they said this girl was a runaway at first....Then she was found dead!..... Killed by an 18 year old boy... she was dismembered!!!!

What in the he!! is going on in this sad world of ours. Mark Klass is talking about LE's calling these kids runaway.....Way to go Mark!!

MY goodness...I have turned into a Nancy Graceite...Hoping she mentions Hailey!!!

"I'd just been in a rut sitting around here crying," she said. "I had no motivation to get out of the house."


A little OT, but that is the very worst piece of "published" writing I've ever seen. There are incomplete sentences, words missing and completely misused words - i.e. the very first word of the article is "For" and they are very obviously meaning to say "Four". The punctuation is awful too. Yikes. I lose respect for news when it isn't communicated correctly. I hope that paper's fact checkers are better than their editors.
I think CZ was talking about the 13 yr old boy from the neighboring town.

I don't remember her ever mentioning an 'older' boyfriend. But I don't think there was an older boyfrriend, I think it was unfounded gossip.

I think he was about 15 or 16...? That's the same 'boy' that cz talked about, IIRC. I think the 13-yr-old BF was local, but that is just my opinion from looking at the social sites, though.

ETA: I re-read your post. I agree - I don't think the 15 or 16 yr old was a BF, but just a loose acquaintance.
I would fail on the last one for sure if I said no. LDT I would think are scary.jmo

That's just it, I could see her failing question two and maybe even three with a good explanation but if she failed question number one....well even 10 hours of interrogation wouldn't get a satisfactory answer to why she would fail that one IMO.
Had to work today and am trying to catch up...I take it no news on precious Hailey?
A little OT, but that is the very worst piece of "published" writing I've ever seen. There are incomplete sentences, words missing and completely misused words - i.e. the very first word of the article is "For" and they are very obviously meaning to say "Four". The punctuation is awful too. Yikes. I lose respect for news when it isn't communicated correctly. I hope that paper's fact checkers are better than their editors.

I agree with you so much....good grammar and writing is becoming a thing of the past.

My question is .....Who is the guy in the video after Billie finishes talking??

I he her brother??

Redcat, do you know who he is...just wondering

That's just it, I could see her failing question two and maybe even three with a good explanation but if she failed question number one....well even 10 hours of interrogation wouldn't get a satisfactory answer to why she would fail that one IMO.

That is true, but do we know which one she failed? Or did she fail all three?
The article I would like to see:

"Where is my child?! Please help me...I don't know who took her or what's happening to her. I can't sleep at night just thinking about my little girl...Is she cold, is she hungry...is someone hurting her? I love you, Hailey...I am trying to find you. Please hang on for me."
:waitasec:Obviously I am in Memphis...just got home and haven't heard anything about a Memphis connection.
Excuse me if this has already been cleared up.
Just replying to the first page of this thread.

Yep! SNOWINMEMPHIS you are correct! Locally I'm not hearing..seeing..or reading a peep about this lead that has brought investigators here to Memphis.. not ANYTHING! Not even covering this case in our local media outlets..

You would think as in most cases that have an out of state lead..that TX LE would send a couple seasoned investigators to the city where the lead is.. and then the local LE {which would be our Memphis LE}would assist in any investigating that needs to be done concerning the case..

But we are hearing nothing!

*and as a side note I have even checked with my sources that are inside Memphis/Shelby County LE and thus far they have no knowledge of such an investigation taking place here in Memphis..FWIW :(
The article I would like to see:

"Where is my child?! Please help me...I don't know who took her or what's happening to her. I can't sleep at night just thinking about my little girl...Is she cold, is she hungry...is someone hurting her? I love you, Hailey...I am trying to find you. Please hang on for me."

I'm afraid this is as good as it gets...

Reporter asked Billie to talk to Hailey. Here's what Billie said:

I miss you so terribly much Hailey. I can't tell you how much I miss you. I want you home so bad. I hope you're out there and able to come home whenever you're ready. If somebody has her bring her back.
Well spoken.

I'm reading Sharon Rocha's book, "For Lacey," right now. In it, in explaining why it took some time for her to disbelieve Scott Peterson, she expresses exactly that. She also says that she and her husband learned a lot from the media before hearing it from the police. There was quite a lot held back from them as a protective measure if they were to end up as witnesses.

It's a heartbreaker of a book.

A little OT, but that is the very worst piece of "published" writing I've ever seen. There are incomplete sentences, words missing and completely misused words - i.e. the very first word of the article is "For" and they are very obviously meaning to say "Four". The punctuation is awful too. Yikes. I lose respect for news when it isn't communicated correctly. I hope that paper's fact checkers are better than their editors.

I thought it was just me. The spelling and grammar are terrible.
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