TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #48

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If BD would cough up the name of this person - I darn sure would look for him - myself or turn ya'll loose on it :rocker:

Hailey's mom said she thinks there is another person to be investigated.

"Investigators know about it but haven't questioned him. They can't find him. He did threaten to hurt me and Hailey and he hasn't been talked to and he hasnt been found," said Dunn.

I guess pointing fingers at numerous real people werent working so Billie thought she would try the phantom person route.


If she says it's former Hispanic nanny, I might just fall over dead right here.
GRACE: One more thing I`ve got to ask you. You have told me, and we have asked police, and they tell us they cannot confirm it, that a neighbor sees your daughter Hailey in your backyard around 12:00 noon, talking on the cell phone. That would be the Monday. The Monday she goes missing.

But police say they have tried to verify that, and they cannot.
Are you positive? And what neighbor is it?

DUNN: He is actually living in a neighbor`s house. I think his name is Charles. The man that owns the house is Travis. But he told us that he seen Hailey in the backyard and he said he told police that also.

GRACE: OK, because we have asked police and they`re telling us they cannot verify it. And if that`s true, that means that nobody absolutely can positively say they saw Hailey since the night before at 10:00 when you saw her watching TV.

Hang on to your hat cause I am betting he is dating a woman named Zeniada and she is a nanny, and there was recently a fire in her yard and the SUV was soaked in gas with a note on the dash board, and the kidnappers said they took H and gave to her to a lovely couple at an amusement park for a super duper secret adoption cause it was best for everyone involved.

Nothing to see here... move along.

ACK you almost made me waste a frappe!!! :great::great::great::great::great:
Ah crap im confused again ! Can someone please clear this up for me : If both BD and SA were prescribed anti anxiety medications AFTER Hailey went missing then what "illegal" drugs were they buying on the night that SA said she was sleeping at her friends house ?

We don't know at this point, and when asked by NG, BD's first words are "I read that too".

Read it????? She was there FGS.
Hang on to your hat cause I am betting he is dating a woman named Zeniada and she is a nanny, and there was recently a fire in her yard and the SUV was soaked in gas with a note on the dash board, and the kidnappers said they took H and gave to her to a lovely couple at an amusement park for a super duper secret adoption cause it was best for everyone involved.

Nothing to see here... move along.

Casey set a new standard. Now everyone wants to blame Zanny for everything.
No I don't think she had anything to do with it. I know I am in the minority here with that opinion, but I really don't think she was involved in any way. I know in both interviews done with the radio she clearly says all she needs is people's prayers, she has never asked for anything else. I do think in this case it's her family and friends who are wanting to help her and [DD] with any donations. I may be proven wrong in the end..time will tell, but that's my belief so far. She words things differently than I would, and has a different way of expressing herself, but our personalities are also 100% different.

Hey Redcat, I'm standing here right beside you in that minority! :seeya:

I believe in being supportive and encouraging to anyone who is trying hard to do the right thing. It's not easy and she has made mistakes, but she gets knocked down and she gets up again. Billie isn't giving up on Hailey. I hope that she will continue to get stronger every day, until she is able to walk away completely from any destructive habits and dangerous relationships and clearly see important truths.
You just might be right about that, but as long as she confessed it to the police, she doesn't owe it to NG or her viewers to discuss something that might be embarrassing for her...especially if she feels it doesn't have anything to do with Hailey's disappearance.

I mean, yeah, I would love to know all of the details we're missing, but I don't have a right to know them, so I can empathize and understand why she might not want to admit that to Nancy.

Yes but all she had to do was to tell NG that this was a matter between her and LE and she didn't want to discuss it. NG is not the police, no one has to answer anything she asks. Just tell her that it would hinder the investigation to discuss it and move on to the important topic of your missing child.

Instead she lied...on several items in that affadavit...and basically accused LE of being untruthful. He did too in his one and only media interview since being named a POI.

Well release his info and pic and someone will locate him.

Exactly. She has been on NG numerous times, and local news quite regularly.

Why didn't she say anything about this former friend who could not be located?

I bet if she posted his name we could find him for her.
Are you ready for this?............

Billie Dunn: There Is Another Person That Needs To Be Looked At


Hailey's mom said she thinks there is another person to be investigated.

"Investigators know about it but haven't questioned him. They can't find him. He did threaten to hurt me and Hailey and he hasn't been talked to and he hasnt been found," said Dunn.

All these days later and she is just now bringing this up? *Insert my eyes rolling out of my head here.*

This is the first time it's been mentioned in the media, but that doesn't mean that this is the first time she spoke to LE about this person.

Sorry...this who episode on NG keeps being interpreted according to whether one believes BD is truthful, or being evasive = lying

Nancy asked BD if she bought illegal narcs with the $140

BD sort of ignores the illegal narcs purchase, claims she only "had prescribed narcotics"

Nancy asks BD if the ATM money went for refilling prescriptions, but not at a pharmacy, So was that the illegal narcs she had bought...

BD says "No. I'm not even sure what day I got the prescriptions. I think it was before then. Before what?

So, I interpret it to mean that BD never answered truthfully about the ATM money and what it was used for. She skipped around and dodged the question in her usual evasive way of answering a direct question.

If she had spent that money at a pharmacy, it would state on the prescription bottles and there would be records which could be verified. Thus, no problem.

Problem is the illegal narcotics she stated she purchased is now being denied. But she told LE she did. So, she lied to LE? What did she use the 140.00 for then?

There is still the $140 on that particular ATM date which she refuses to explain. It seems that every statement BD makes has to be scrutinized for "truthiness" and "half-truths". Remind you of anyone?

IMO, BD is calling the drugs bought with money withdrawn from the ATM, "Prescription drugs", although bought from a drug dealer selling, guess what? Prescription drugs. BD wants to differentiate herself from a person buying drugs off a dealer on the street to "just buying "prescription drugs". It is a bit more classy to be buying "prescription drugs" than heroin and other similiar hard stuff. Kind of like rich people using cocaine vs. poor person using crack.........
Are you ready for this?............

Billie Dunn: There Is Another Person That Needs To Be Looked At


Hailey's mom said she thinks there is another person to be investigated.

"Investigators know about it but haven't questioned him. They can't find him. He did threaten to hurt me and Hailey and he hasn't been talked to and he hasnt been found," said Dunn.

All these days later and she is just now bringing this up? *Insert my eyes rolling out of my head here.*

Is there a description of this guy?
If they can't find him, that'll explain them not having questioned him.

I don't think I can cope with an imagimadman.
Hang on to your hat cause I am betting he is dating a woman named Zeniada and she is a nanny, and there was recently a fire in her yard and the SUV was soaked in gas with a note on the dash board, and the kidnappers said they took H and gave to her to a lovely couple at an amusement park for a super duper secret adoption cause it was best for everyone involved.

Nothing to see here... move along.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, this is getting to be beyond too much.

Where is Hailey, BD?
This is the first time it's been mentioned in the media, but that doesn't mean that this is the first time she spoke to LE about this person.
Im thinkin if she told LE from the jump his name and description wold have been plastered all over the tv....so im gonna say nah...

also when asked 4637583 times what she thinks could of happened to Hailey , im thinkin she would have mentioned it, being that he threatened her life and Haileys life....
GRACE: You know, that`s a very good point. But you`ve got to remember, the boyfriend places himself with Hailey around 3:00 after the neighbor sees her at 12:00. But speaking of that, back to Billie Dunn, Hailey`s mom, you`re actually more familiar than that than we are because we have gone around and tried to find that guy. We haven`t been able to find him. What do you know about him? Have police finally run him down?

DUNN: I know that they did question him well. They did search the house that he was living in here next door. They said they searched it well. He`s not a suspect. I don`t know if they know where he went to or not. I believe he`s still in town. And Nancy, I wanted to get a message out to Hailey, if she is watching and she happens to get to a phone, to call 911. Because I do not have my cell phone.


Above on January 20 NGS.
Well she called 911 when her and CD were threatened so if someone threatened her and her daughter there is a 911 call about this. Right?
Sorry...this who episode on NG keeps being interpreted according to whether one believes BD is truthful, or being evasive = lying

Nancy asked BD if she bought illegal narcs with the $140

BD sort of ignores the illegal narcs purchase, claims she only "had prescribed narcotics"

Nancy asks BD if the ATM money went for refilling prescriptions, but not at a pharmacy, So was that the illegal narcs she had bought...

BD says "No. I'm not even sure what day I got the prescriptions. I think it was before then. Before what?

So, I interpret it to mean that BD never answered truthfully about the ATM money and what it was used for. She skipped around and dodged the question in her usual evasive way of answering a direct question.

If she had spent that money at a pharmacy, it would state on the prescription bottles and there would be records which could be verified. Thus, no problem.

Problem is the illegal narcotics she stated she purchased is now being denied. But she told LE she did. So, she lied to LE? What did she use the 140.00 for then?

There is still the $140 on that particular ATM date which she refuses to explain. It seems that every statement BD makes has to be scrutinized for "truthiness" and "half-truths". Remind you of anyone?

BD likes to play word games.
The docs say they bought narcotics from a person.
Not a pharmacy, not doctor shopped, bought them from a person.
But it only says narcotics.

Billie's response is I read that too.
The only narcotics I (note she says I) had were prescribed to me.

Then she rambles about the date of the prescription, the prescription that does exist. Which has nothing to do with the money pulled out or what they bought.

Either the pills were for Shawn (the only narcotics I had were prescribed), or she is nitpicking the word narcotic that LE used and whatever they bought that night is not what she would call a narcotic.

She is answering a VERY specific question.
Not the intent of the question.
A very specific question based on a single word.
And then twisted for her own benefit.

This is the stuff that makes me crazy.
If you got high that night and it has nothing to do with your kid then just say so. No one cares that you got high. You are not suppose to be the focus of this investigation. But your inability to answer a question with a shred of credibility keeps the focus where it shouldn't be.
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, this is getting to be beyond too much.

Where is Hailey, BD?

Wait though. We haven't had the mystery sitings from all over the country yet. Well except for maybe that one lead in Memphis. :waitasec:
This is the first time it's been mentioned in the media, but that doesn't mean that this is the first time she spoke to LE about this person.

She's had no problem mentioning the neighbor, the hairdresser, etc. IMO, if this person existed, she would have talked about them earlier not 30 days later. IMO, This is just another sad attempt to draw the attention away from SA.
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