TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #48

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What I can't stop thinking about is Shawn telling LE that they (SA & BD) should be the ones to be looked at. If he is not involved, then why say it? Could it have been a game to him?
why was this threat not followed up on at the time of the report of it? LE never questioned BD if she knew the guy nor told her ...but there was a police report made over it. odd.

Yes, it is very odd. I would want to know if someone threatened me and my child... the person who heard the threat thought enough of it to make a report, but didn't tell Billie. And LE didn't tell her either until recently. It was not mentioned if they questioned him (or tried to locate him) when the threat was actually made.
I dont want Hailey to be missing for another week or year or 5.

I often wondered how LE investigations work in conjuction with missing person cases and which aspect of the case is more important. The criminal, or finding the missing person as the nature of some cases could be conflicting sometimes.
I always get really piszed when they make a plea bargin with a suspect in a missing person case and no part of the plea is revealing where the person is.

Sorry just venting. If Shawn isnt the quilty one all the searching in the world near his areas arent going to bring Hailey home. I suspect him.
I just hope he didnt murder her.
Does anyone have a link to anything that discusses Billie herself has not fully cooperated with LE from the very beginning? All I remember reading is that LE said something like (paraphrasing) 'family member's stories have been inconsistent.' I realize that plenty of news stories have come out about Billie 'walking out' of an interview, but does everyone realize that Billie was questioned for over 10 hours, it was around midnight when the interview ended, and that LE are the ones that took her home that day?

I do not see where LE is saying that Billie is not cooperating. From what I can see, LE is not acting that way. Yes, Billie was very frustrated with the way the investigation started out, but that was in the first week or so after Hailey disappeared. From the very beginning, Billie has told LE everything. And then she tells them again. And again...

I don't think it is just me that wonders where her not cooperating has come from. Any locals want to chime in on what they think LE believes?

"The family has not been forthcoming," said Senior DPS Trooper Sparky Dean. "Their discernment of the truth continues to change. It's very frustrating."

Can anyone tell me the relevance of finding hair and a sock at BD's house? It's been 30 days and today another search of the house was done? I must be missing something here.
and we'd still get back to her not taking anything,at all,not even a hoodie.

And another thing---I doubt she was going to MB's because MB never replied to her text. Why would she assume she was going there and sleeping over if she had not spoken with her all day. 13 yr olds discuss these types of plans before following thru on them.

Now it is possible that she lied to SA about going to sleep at MB's, and she had other plans. But even then she would have had a need for her hoodie and some cash.
And imo, if she were lying, then there would be a reason, most likely a boy involved. And I am not convinced a 13 yr old would go meet up with a boy while wearing navy blue sweats and a t-shirt.
In considering the 'mystery' man BD says threatened Hailey and her...

SA said that he last saw HD at approximately 3:15 p.m., and she was on her way to her dad's, and then MB's. She never arrived. So if the 'mystery' man abducted HD, he would've had to intercept her as she walked across the field to dad's. IMO, that's a very small window of opportunity...

I just simply can't accept that Hailey walked out that door in a tshirt and flip flops in that weather. No way.

Whoever abducted Hailey took her inside the house. :snooty:

And of course we know who claims to have been in the house. The guy who LE has named as a suspect.

So any supplemental people were working with him.

I love it when we already have a named suspect. It makes things easier.
This last sentence is why she needs some professional advice before she speaks. She may be so desperate to try to clear SA that she says things that could hurt Hailey.

Why do you think she needs professional advice? Why would she say things that could hurt HD?

Let her talk. Let her attempt to clear SA. Her talking may open up that can of worms LE needs to get to the bottom of this.

I have a strong suspicion though that many drafts of her words will occur before that final draft is read to the media and that she will not be taking questions.
Can anyone tell me the relevance of finding hair and a sock at BD's house? It's been 30 days and today another search of the house was done? I must be missing something here.

They were found by searchers out on the fields.
I don't think the public needs to hear from Billie; LE is the only group she needs to convince of her timetable. She says she is not worried about what anyone thinks of her, so why hold a press conference to go over her version of events? Do that with LE, behind closed doors, when you go in for your FBI polygraph.

"Investigators know about it but they haven't questioned him; they can't find him and he did threaten to hurt me and Hailey..."


BD did not say he threatened to KILL them, or threatened their LIVES. This guy could have said he'd kill them, but he just as easily could have said he'd like to smack them both upside the head.


I know during all the NG interviews BD was asked if she could think of ANYONE who would hurt HD. This mystery person must have slipped BD's mind.
I believe grandmaj nailed it. You do not let someone know you are on to them...it hinders LE's efforts and worse possibly Hailey's life.....if this person is in fact a poi.
Why do you think she needs professional advice? Why would she say things that could hurt HD?

Let her talk. Let her attempt to clear SA. Her talking may open up that can of worms LE needs to get to the bottom of this.

I have a strong suspicion though that many drafts of her words will occur before that final draft is read to the media and that she will not be taking questions.

Because if someone is holding Hailey and she is talking about this person, even without naming him, in the media, that could be the difference in whether this person harms her or not...
On Monday, SA goes to work. He stays 10 minutes, then leaves with no explanation, according to affidavit.

He tells BD Hailey was going to Dad's and then to MB's to spend the night. Hailey does not show at either place, also leaving behind her jacket/hoodie, cash, toothbrush, (and just going by pictures, this girl brushes her teeth regularly, IMO) hairbrush, curling iron, basically everything but the clothes on her back and the flip flops on her feet.

SA picks BD up from work early, at 5:45pm. Is this a regular thing? What time does BD normally get off work? If at 6pm, maybe not that big a deal, only 15 minutes early, but if at 7, what's going on where she would take off work over an hour early? Is this also a regular occurance?

BD and SA go to ATM and make 2 cash withdrawals at 6:19pm and 6:20pm, to buy drugs, according to affidavit. Is this a normal thing also, or more an out of the blue thing? They arrive home around 7:30pm, where they watch movies until approximately 10pm.

At some point during that day, SA tells BD Hailey was spending the night at MB's. BD also makes no contact with Hailey that day. Also, for this entire day, SA says nothing to BD about leaving his job.

Tuesday at around noon, BD asks DD to text Hailey to come home. DD tells BD Hailey was never at MB's. By about 2pm, BD is reporting Hailey missing to police. Again, for this entire day, SA continues to represent to BD he is going to work as usual.

At some point on Wednesday, SA finally admits he has not been at work, but tells BD and/or LE he had an altercation with a supervisor and was fired. His work reports no altercation, just he walked out without saying anything.

Is it possible someone else just happened to pick this specific time to come in and snatch Hailey off the street? IMO, yes, if Hailey was ever on the street that day. However, I do not find it at all likely or plausible. IMO, it would require almost 'magical' timing on the part of the unknown perp to have this fall into place so nicely and neatly. Especially a perp who made theats a year ago.
Ok, while the thread was closed, I had time to read this one at least. When I came on earlier, I thought that this was something that had just happened recently. After I talked to Billie I watched the interview, so I can see where the confusion is coming from. I had no idea that Billie had talked about this to MSM yet.

I hope LE has something with this, and I am not going to elaborate much more on what Billie said. I do not know if KTAB cut most of the interview themselves or if LE asked for it to be censored.

What I will say is that LE informed Billie about the threat. She did not know about it until about 2 weeks ago. It was reported by someone else over a year ago, and I have no idea why Billie was not made aware of it at the time it happened (either by LE or the person who originally reported the threat).

The person who made the threat is not one of Billie's friends (or connected to SA). I can't say anything more about him. LE has been looking for him even before they told Billie.
is there a reason 2 weeks ago on NG billie did not mention this? Also why do you think that LE is not using the media to look for this guy....
So LE was told by someone that I'm getting they believe...that a threat was made against BD and Hailey? Yet noone felt BD needed to know so she could perhaps be a bit more cautious?

I don't buy it.

Many seem to think LE is obligated to release statements or hold PC's. That's not how it works folks. LE may hang some bait here and there in an attempt to bring someone out of hiding but they aren't going to throw the whole darn bucket into the water.
cz- How did Billie get to work on Tuesday, the day Hailey was reported missing?
Did Shawn get ready as if he was going to work that day?

Hmmm.... If someone else reported this guy to the police and they didn't follow up on it or tell BD until now, but can't find the guy: Was this some sort of comment made on an internet forum or website over a year ago? If so, and they can't find the guy, then we may all know who it could have been.
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