TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #52

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I could swear in the beginning it was said that DD entered through the window that he had to break....maybe what he was unlocking was not the door, but the window to slide it up to crawl in?
So the day that Hailey was reported missing, and Billie returned home from the police station around 3:00, no one had informed Shawn, yet that Hailey was missing.
As far as Shawn was concerned, Billie was still at work, correct?
Why on earth did Billie say that Shawn called her on her cell phone, around 3:00, and DD took the call and informed him what what was going on.
Why would Shawn not call her at work, as far as he knew that is where she was supposed to be, he knew she left the cell phone there for the kids.

And on this same line of thinking, why did Billie call her sister-in-law to come pick her up from work to take her home so she could report Hailey missing, instead of calling SA who she thought was still working at his job in the same town she worked in? Why did she not call HIM to come pick her up?
Yes there are 2 doors...it's hard to see, but the one with the wood showing through a screen door is blocked with a big ice chest and I don't assume it's used as an entrance.

Nothing relevant - but when I look at the house, the MM obsession, the masks, the criminal printouts, and the dark sky - it really freaks me out. Almost like the house is haunted. All I know is I would never want to live there.

Wonder how Hailey felt about it all --


I wish they would put up video cameras facing the two streets when she does p.c.'s. I would like to know whose gawking at whats going on. Riding by on purpose, that sort of thing.
Keeping an open mind. moo
Yes did you notice the little red car go by 2 and maybe 3 times ! And a truck went by that BD herself looked off from her press reading to look at.
Or went to work to get some coveralls? To put over his clothes while he did whatever needed doing that day...
I could swear in the beginning it was said that DD entered through the window that he had to break....maybe what he was unlocking was not the door, but the window to slide it up to crawl in?
it was said .... im thinkin the story just changed as needed.... jmo im thinkin there had to be some explaining of why the window was busted and it went from DD breakin in to Hailey playing basketball with the door... :waitasec:
Or went to work to get some coveralls? To put over his clothes while he did whatever needed doing that day...
I think it is customary for oil service companies to furnish the coveralls and also laundry them for the employees !
I have no idea, but maybe the door not being used was at the end of the hallway. I've seen old homes with those. My grandmother's old home was made like that, but the hall door was at an angle to the front door.

That is one of the most heartfelt prayers I have ever read. Beautiful. "Flap your wings so that the searchers might hear you or shine your halo so that they might see you." How many mother's around the world who's child is missing pray that tonight? Your insight is so touching and brings tears to my eyes. May all of our lost be found. Bless you Sal.

Breathe -

I once was a missing child myself at the age of 14. I was one of the lucky ones in that I was recovered within the first 24 hours. All of the odds and statistics are against her being found alive and the thought of her lying out in the cold just breaks my heart.

And on this same line of thinking, why did Billie call her sister-in-law to come pick her up from work to take her home so she could report Hailey missing, instead of calling SA who she thought was still working at his job in the same town she worked in? Why did she not call HIM to come pick her up?

I wondered that myself too.
I guess it might have been at one time..not sure?

My grandmother's house had two doors. Some houses used to be built that way. There was a name we called them but I can't remember what it was called now.

Where I used to work, coveralls were put in a bin and picked up by a cleaning service. We had 100's of people working in the factory, so the clothing was never actually "turned in". Just wondering how many folks worked at SA's co. and if they shared this same type of protocol. You weren't supposed to take the coveralls home either - just put them in the bin at the end of the day, and put on a fresh pair the next day (done at our co. to avoid contamination).

Something to ponder --

We had a similar set up at a restaurant, but your name was on a tag, if he removed the tag and dropped them in a bin, they would be picked up, laundered and returned with no tag. You might have something there.
I am stunned...to all the people who helped TCI, Lady and ALL. Thank you, thanks soooo very much!
could those be "shotgun" or "shotgun double" - I know they had those in New Orleans.

I haven't thought about that type of house for so long, I just can't remember. I do remember one door went into the living room and one into a bedroom. I am in the midwest so our slang for them was probably different, but means the same thing probably. Billie's house does appear to be old, so I think it was that style.
He may have taken the opportunity to dump evidence into his employers dumpster. IIRC, one of the landfills searched had the same name as a commercial trash company. Do commercial trash companies have their own landfills? And is this the same trash company his employer uses?

Here's a link to a picture of the dumpsters @ SA's work location. Can anyone clean up the pic and read the company name on the front? (Hope it will open!)

[ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?q=weaver+services+snyder+texas&layer=c&sll=32.705960,-100.975435&cid=17452060194444253880&cbp=13,356.89,,1,3.26&cbll=32.705956,-100.976168&hl=en&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=weaver+services+snyder+texas&hnear=&ll=32.705962,-100.980202&spn=0,0.003616&z=17&panoid=atgpbIC3YgH7mHrVJIYBmg"]Google Maps[/ame]
I just watched the statement/pc or whatever it was, and the one thing that struck me was, IIRC, BD said that as soon as DD called with the news that HD hadn't been at her friends, BD immediately said she was calling LE to file a missing persons report.

Why immediately? Given her, IMO, laid back ttitude toward HD's comings and goings, why did she immediately panic and decide that she was going to report HD missing to LE? HD had, according to news reports, lived with friends and her dad over the course of the past year...she's seemed to have had a nomadic life. Moreover, BD was, IMO, rather unconcerned about her daughter's whereabouts the night SA told her that HD had gone to spend the night with a friend that she'd never spent the night with before, ever. Sure, BD said that she was a bit upset that HD hadn't called to check in (why is it HD's responsibility to do this? Is she the parent???)...but otherwise, BD has said more than once that she was NOT WORRIED about HD. This despite the fact that 1) her daughter was staying at someone's house that she had never stayed at before, 2) her daughter had not asked for permission to stay with this friend she'd never stayed with before (and by all accounts, was not expected to ask for permission to spend the night outside of her own home), and 3) BD did not ever met the parents of the girl HD was staying with (did she even know where they lived???).

Given this EXTREMELY laid back attitude about her daughter's whereabouts, why on earth would she panic immediately upon hearing that, according to DD, HD hadn't been with her friend? Maybe DD had gotten the message wrong or was mistaken (he's a teenager texting another teenager, they are not the best communicators). Maybe SA had gotten the name of the friend wrong when he relayed the message to BD. Maybe HD had just stayed at her dad's house. Why the immediate...while she was still at work and with no phone calls to her ex or to HD's friends...thought to call LE about a missing person?

In many cases I've followed, parents of teenagers (and pre-teens) usually exhaust their immediate resources (i.e., they call of their childrens' friends, search the neighborhood, call the parent's of friends) before assuming the worst. Heck, in the recent missing mom's case in Missouri (or is it Michigan?), despite the fact that the husband was concerned enough after a missed 10 am phone call to come home and call his wife's parents...he did not call LE until later that afternoon (at his wife's parents suggestion) until after the kids came home on the bus...because it was only THEN that they knew something was wrong, because his wife would never not be there for the kids getting off the bus. IIRC, the family made phone calls asking if anyone had seen her during this time, but still...even though he was worried, he waited until it was absolutely clear that something was wrong before calling LE.

There was a tipping point.

And IMO, the phone call/text from DD to HD's friend wasn't enough to be a tipping point to push BD into panic/I must call police mode. NOT given her otherwise laid back approach to HD's comings and goings. I just don't understand why she didn't make other calls (or have DD make other calls) before hitting the panic button.
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