TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #52

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Not that we need reminding of this inconsistency, but since it conflicts with the new improved BD/SA timeline released today:


GRACE: OK. Where does he work?

BILLIE DUNN: He`s not working.

GRACE: OK. Last night, didn't you tell me he was on his way home from work, or did I just get that mistaken?

BILLIE DUNN: No, I said that. He went in Monday morning, but there was an argument. He was fired or there was just a big blow-up there. He walked out. He left his job by 6:30 in the morning and went to Big Spring (ph) to his mom`s house.

GRACE: OK. What was the blow-up about?

BILLIE DUNN: I don`t even know. I just know he didn't get along with one or two of the co-workers.

According to BD's statement/timeline released earlier today:

http://bigcountryhomepage.com/image...edia/dox/pdf/2011_01/Billie Dunn timeline.PDF

6:10 am: Shawn leaves work. Shawn says he quit his job, and went in that morning to turn in his coveralls and clean out his locker.

I'm still searching for the media interview/transcript where BD stated SA told her about the "sleepover" after they arrived home. Unless I'm mistaken, I remember hearing/reading that. If anyone else finds it - please post it - TIA!
Yea I love how she talks about Tuesday nonchalantly like Shawn was at work and then got the awful news and rushed home to be with her and David...and in the next sentance she tells us that she found out the next day that Shawn quit his job on Monday. So why didn't you address that part of your "timeline" BD? I thought that's what this "PC" was all about?

She calls Shawn from her job, frantic I would imagine, having found out her girl was out all night somewhere, and never came home. That is about noon. So supportive Shawn shows up back at Chestnut at 4:eek:o????? Wow, he is caring and compassionate, eh?
Someone was on Newswest 9. I think it was Kampfer but don't hold me to it please, I was taking care of my sweet gd. He said something along the lines of some of bd's timeline matches up, some doesn't. And then added something that I missed and said it was something they could take to court. I was trying to find a link or a a quote or something to see if I heard right.

anyone know if there is a video on the news???
To be honest in my opinion she didnt need to name anyone she made it pretty clear who she was talking about :(

Likewise it seemed to me she kept blaming for things in her statement ie that Naomi had seen Hailey ( not been confirmed by LE), and that Hailey was seen with a dark boy that was believed to be Naomis son and likewise that she had told Clint to phone the cops and that he never had. Maybe its just me but to me it seemed like she really was trying to make people look at Clint:(


... and ...
To be honest in my opinion she didnt need to name anyone she made it pretty clear who she was talking about :(

Likewise it seemed to me she kept blaming for things in her statement ie that Naomi had seen Hailey ( not been confirmed by LE), and that Hailey was seen with a dark boy that was believed to be Naomis son and likewise that she had told Clint to phone the cops and that he never had. Maybe its just me but to me it seemed like she really was trying to make people look at Clint:(


She also says in that statement that CD phone was broken. So how is he supposed to call the PD.
I am presently working tediously on a full transcript of the entire presser from beginning to end..It is a long process and am happy to do it..but I did want to check in and see if A] there is already a transcript out there in cyber world that someone has found or B]if someone else is already well into transcribing it already..as there's certainly no reason for multiple ppl to do this tedious task..

So.please let me know if anyone has knowledge of a transcript or one that is well into being completed.. As I said I'm happy to do it..but don't want to spend a couple of hours on the task if it is not necessary..


Belimon has completed one-- check out this link.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6082165&postcount=74"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 #52[/ame]

eta: boy is my computer running slow, lol
What happened to the money though that was put in the account for Billie?

If I remember correctly, she asked CZ to close the account. However, I could very well be mistaken and I can't link to it because all of those posts pertaining to that account were deleted.
Her daughter is missing and has been for a month..I don't understand how that petty carp even enters her mind at a time like this, much less becomes a priority when she has precious camera time to do what she says she wants to do...FIND HAILEY...I'll never understand that mind set no matter how long I live..

I believe she feels attacked, imo. I feel like the presser was an attempt to clarify things she feels she has been "attacked" about......if one of those things was about her collecting donations, maybe that would give her a reason to include what she said about them.
Honestly, I feel like "Why she said what she said at the presser about the donations" is kind of a dead-end topic, in that I don't think that even if we knew for sure she was talking about CD, how she meant it and why that it will help find Hailey.

Billie's timeline also includes a neighbor that said she saw Hailey at 8:30 p.m. on December 27. Kampfer said investigators have not been able to confirm the sighting.


This article is from today and PK says he will NOT COMMENT on any POI besides SA. It also has NO MENTION of the earlier interpreted statement about BD being cleared, so I assume that this article is a correction of earlier misinformation or a poorly worded attribution to PK?????

BD said a lot in her press conference, but there's even more she did not say. So, SA left for work at 5:30 knowing he was going to quit and clean out his locker. Why did he go so early when he normally has to be there at 7:00? Did she call her ride the night before because of this, or did she call her ride that morning? Was the ride later arriving because of short notice that morning? Hailie was watching TV the night before IN her room, the next morning the TV was STILL on, and Hailie appeared to be in the bed even though she NEVER slept there. At first, BD just assumed Hailie was in there because she was not on her usual couch sleeping spot, and that's the last place she saw her the night before. BD says SHE went to bed at 10:00, and never said a word about what time SA went to bed. He was up and leaving when her alarm went off at 5:30. Wonder if he ever went to bed. Hah! This just make him look even more guilty.
Does anyone have the original version (timeline 1.0) where it was said that BD left work upon realizing Hailey had not spent the night where she was suppose and went to the police station to report her missing? Thus the lack of a 911 call?

I remember it because at the time I thought she must have called the friends house to find out what happened? Why no one called her when she didn't arrive? Etc....

I remember asking who they called as far as Hailey's friends. That DD had the cell phone and he was not twenty miles away and driving so he must have been put on phone call duty?
Is there evidense it is not there or was not legitimately spent?

To be honest i have no idea. My point was that Billie was saying she hadnt accepted donations and if anyone had collected them it was nothing to do with her..when we know that her friend had in fact set up a account for her for donations. Maybe money was legitimately spent i dont know..but i was curious if she claims she never had any of it what was done with the money collected thats all.

Maybe if she didnt want it it would have been nice for her to give it to the search teams to help try and find her daughter.
According to CD he did help get LE involved:

GRACE: OK. When Davis called you or came over to ask about Hailey, what exactly did he say?

C. DUNN: He just asked me if I had seen her, that she was supposed to come over to my house and then she was supposed to go to MBs, and that everybody was starting to get worried about her. And that`s when we started getting the police and started realizing that she was missing.


The whole "I told Clint to call the PD and tell them I'm on my way" was odd to me. Why do that? It's not like they are going to clear a table and order donuts to await her arrival, ykwim? He obviously couldn't tell them any details..and I have to ask myself now..Since Hailey was allowed to come and go..just leaving notes to let BD know..how could she be so sure that maybe SA hadn't misunderstood which friends house she was spending the night with. I just got the impression that perhaps it was important to her for him to get the ball rolling..don't know why. Billie just doesn't seem to be a *worrier* at all, so I'm just surprised she was ready to call LE from the get-go..before at least making a few calls first..Just one of many, many odd happenings in this case I suppose..
I like having everything in 1 thread. It's easier to go through for me that way. If it were in multiple threads, I would have a hard time keeping up as its a PITA to access WB's thorugh my android to begin with let alone thread hopping LOL and a lot of times that is the only way I can get on as the kids use the family computer for homework. JMHO
She also says in that statement that CD phone was broken. So how is he supposed to call the PD.
DD took her phone to CD's house and CD was talking on that phone when Billie asked him to call the police.
DD was at his house with her cell phone. That's how I understood it.

That complicates things a bit then. Because she , through cz, told us that she came home, and got the cell, and saw the text to MB. Now that conflicted with what she said another time, but she did day that.
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