TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #55

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I will not give her a pass on the beer. Not aware is not an excuse.

2 cases of beer = 48 cans of beer

48 cans of beer = 576 ounces of beer (48 cans x 12 ounces per can)

576 ounces of beer = 4.5 gallons of beer

I just cannot for one minute believe that she didn't notice the equivalent of 4.5 milk jugs being lugged into her home. I mean, afterall, Clint was able to see this from a field away.

Nope, will not accept any excuse from BD that she was not aware of there being a party at her home. JMO, IMO.

When you put it that way I have to say BRAVO! You're right, if CD can see it from across the field, then Ms. Dunn would certainly notice it from inside her own home. She said "maybe SA had 1 beer". Does that equate to 1/2 a beer, a sip. Nope - not buying it!


You are correct, sort of, IMO. No willy-nilly allowed, but how could some random LE identify anyone (other than the missing person, that they might have never met, but saw a picture)? A parent might see a "relative" or a past "enemy", etc. It happens all the time. IMO

Once a warrant is executed and LE is given the "goods" ... then they can show it to the relative parties in the case, and not that willy-nilly person. IMO. Ole Willy is out the window, imo.

How awful it would be to finally let the parents see the video now, and have them spot someone who should have been investigated right away, except that nobody was aware they were in town... That wasted 48 hours in the beginning would seem like small potatoes.
When you put it that way I have to say BRAVO! You're right, if CD can see it from across the field, then Ms. Dunn would certainly notice it from inside her own home. She said "maybe SA had 1 beer". Does that equate to 1/2 a beer, a sip. Nope - not buying it!



In no way am I condoning what may have happened at the house on NY's eve. This is small town Texas though. People drink beer, they drink beer for any occassion, even just to sit around and bs... BD should have just said from the get go that there was beer there and people were sitting around drinking while in discussion, etc.
I THINK she said her alarm was going off when he left and she gets up at 5:30, just my memory will try to find a link if you need it

Thanks I read the transcript of BD's presser.

BD does say that SA was leaving the house at 5:30 when her alarm was going off.

So I wonder what time SA got up?? I wonder why he needed to leave the house at 5:30 in order to quit his job.
Nothing of Hailey ok. What about people connected to Hailey from school,sports extended family etc. LE would not know who's car is a car that is driven by somebody Hailey knows/knew or was connected to. If say it is not a suspect or someone they have even heard of yet.

Maybe someone wearing a hoody that was Haileys. There could be great insight into letting CD and BD veiw the whole 30 days worth of tape and if not no harm no foul right?

I completely agree with what CD said about that issue. If it were my child I would be demanding the same.I would not ever let it rest. I would always think what if there is something on that tape.

I agree with you SoulMagnent! That's why I said that LE might only have given Clint edited tape; only the pieces with people actually in the frames (or only tape of the days surrounding Hailey's disappearance). They know Hailey is not in it, but see the value of Clint and Billie looking at the frames that have actual movement of people and/or cars (they could have refused to give him any of it). Those frames could be a very small percentage of the 720 hours of tape. No sense in asking the parent of a missing child to watch empty hallways and parking lots for 720 hours when it's already been done, likely by the LE/FBI (who probably had a team of resources doing it simultaneously and piecing together frames with people and/or movement of cars).

This is just my speculation as to why Clint feels he hasn't gotten everything. He needs to see everything in full with his very own eyes to know there's nothing there. If he asks LE/FBI to give him 3 or 4 full days unedited, I hope they do (and maybe he has, but he wants more days). If they're willing to watch/fast forward a lot of total stillness for hours on end, I say LE should let them do it, unless LE found some sensitive evidence and are lying about the tapes turning up no evidence. I think they would have just not confirmed their contents rather than make a definitive statement like that though, imo.

Sorry if my original post was unclear...
In no way am I condoning what may have happened at the house on NY's eve. This is small town Texas though. People drink beer, they drink beer for any occassion, even just to sit around and bs... BD should have just said from the get go that there was beer there and people were sitting around drinking while in discussion, etc.

It's like so many other things BD should just be forthright about, imo.
It would be nice if there was somebody in BD's life that could be the "voice of reason" and encourage her to go down to the police station and lay it all out on the line. Tell them everything she knows even if she has to let go of her love for SA. It's not like he's a catch or anything....and now he doesn't even have a job.

Do what is right for Hailey and for DD.
I didn't listen when it was on, as I couldn't really hear. It's midnight now, and I brought out the high def headphones. Once I got past the Krieger case (which is very intriguing by the way) - then came CD and N.

Maybe because its dark and quiet (and I'm alone with my thoughts), but my heart really went out to the both of them. My heart is just breaking.

-N really sounds a lot like BD. I'm now getting the feel of Colorado City speak :)
-4000 miles on the car - endless hours looking for Hailey
-Both not feeling well that day; slept most of the day.
-Hailey did not come over on Monday, as just now said by N.
-From what SA say's - Hailey was going to her dad's, then to a friends house. Hailey never made it to either place (N).
-You could see Hailey's front door from the back door of CD's house. There is a vacant field with grass between the two residences.
-Community of 3,000 people
-Earring: Hailey had stayed the night SundayShe took the earrings out because her ears were sore. She dropped them on the floor, by the couch. N only found 1 of the earrings on Monday and set it up on the shelf. DD then took it over to BD's.
-N's relationship with Hailey - we were very close, could talk to her about boys, her favourite songs, go to fay-fay's jewelry (sp) spending over 100.00 in the store. Hailey liked to wear red and black. Went a lot of different places. Morning walks. Dollar store trips. Hang out for a few hours often playing on the PS3 or x-box, dancing while we cleaned the house (insert tear here). No fights. Sometimes she would get mad at me because she sat next to her dad, and Hailey wanted to sit next to her dad. N would move so she could sit there. She felt like (N) was taking her dad away, but yet liked them being together. The would go asteroid hunting. Outgoing family. Hailey didn't like being inside.
-Both do not feel there's a connection between the other missing/deceased case in Texas.
-CD: in these missing child cases, it could be a family member or friend.
-in regards to BD's reaction to the media: BD has responded in so many different ways. She has tried to throw me under the bus. I don't know why she's come to inconclusive statements. At first I was calling the media to interview her while I pounded the pavement. He freezes up in front of the camera, so left BD with the media.
-CD: Hailey requested to live with him - several times. CD was trying to get on his feet, a bigger house, was in the making of getting her. She's a daddy's girl, and Hailey loved me a lot more. Definitely was going to live with CD, and when she gets back, Hailey is going to live with him.
-RE: interview BD had done. CD: it was basically given her timeline of events of what happened. She wanted to try to clear some things up. It was like a 15 minute long speech. Well, um, I kinda think she was doing it to keep the media involved, Hailey safe, exposed, and in the media. Trying to defend herself a little bit also.
-RE: what happened to Hailey. CD: that's the question I ask myself all day, every day. That is the question right there. I haven't a clue what happened to my daughter. I really don't know what's happened. Especially that first couple days. Is this really happening. That's the question that everyone wants to know. I didn't have no gut feeling at all. I was hoping that she would be in an abandoned house somewhere, camping out. That first week was walking around town, calling her name, wooded areas, you know, the 3 of us, me, and N, and our newborn. First 2 weeks didn't have no car. BD and SA not looking for Hailey. They are not on the same page. CD frustrated because BD was on the couch waiting for Hailey to come home. Me and BD have butted heads so hard because of this. CD saw them carrying in 2 cases of beer on NYE. CD looking in alley's.
-CD: Heard BD had a van donated to her. Hasn't spoke with her in a week. Someone told me she got a van, a grant, an account open up for her.

Caller lines now open:

Q. Jacksonville, Fl. I would like to tell CD and N that I am praying everyday for Hailey. I am trying to help them down here. Do you have (CD) counselors and stuff helping you guys through this. Caller wants Hailey home too - she has been part of my heart.

A. Yes, FBI assigned a counselor to us. (inaudible) - everyday. Thank you for everything you've done.

Q. Its really sad to see how many people are putting different members of the family. I don't know, no one really knows. Family already suffering so much - so many rumours and accusations. Family needs to come together. CD have you seeked help from a psychic?

A. Families really need to work together on this. We need to come together and put our differences aside. We need to find Hailey. On FB psychics have been pouring in. Most of them are pointing towards abandoned houses. I've had a few people who do readings for free (10 people), and also call me. I'll listen to them, and hear what they say. He will point Hailey's angels in the direction the psychics tell him to go. No real results so far. No people trying to make money off of me.

Q. Texas. Praying for your guys. Consumed me. Constantly on FB. Praying - hoping Hailey comes home soon. Do you know why TES has not been able to come in? Never really a concrete answer on this.

A. I called TES about 10 after this happened and spoke to person who worked there. They had to have LE get a hold of them. Called LE - why didn't they call TES? LE said they couldn't have TES come in and cover the whole West Texas area. Tim said he was going to get involved, but didn't want anybody to know. Supposed to be there last Monday, but haven' heard. They may have come in secretly, but doesn't know if they did or not.

Q. How do you feel about her being deemed as a runaway? Did it hamper case?

A. It pissed me off. Totally out of her character. We lost 5 days there. The bloodhounds didn't come out until 4 days after.

Q. Where to donate?

A. Go to Facebook for more info (I won't post here as it's not allowed).

Q. You've known BD for the longest time - do you feel she's holding back, deceptive? She contradicts her timeline. It appears so.

A. Well, everyday I'm torn as to which way I'm going with this. Torn everyday, leaning towards this or that. (inaudible), didn't sleep for 3 days. BD would never hurt our baby girl. Is she hiding something, I don't know. Some of her stuff is kind of iffy. Man, she wouldn't hurt our baby girl, and I know her pretty good.

Q. How is your son doing and how is he coping?

A. He's doing pretty good. He had to leave the home, is with BD's brother. Right around the corner. See him every 2 days. Haven't been involved with DD because of....he's been coping good. Doing good in school, no trouble in school.

Q. Did you see the surveillance video?

A. It took LE 3 weeks and they let me look at the video for 3 hours. Felt pushed away, but didn't see anyone check in or check out of hotel. Family member or friend, really wanted him and BD to sit down together to find out clues. He still bugs em about it. Get a lawyer see what I could do there. 200 leads, can he see any of these leads, they said no. They keep me and BD more in the dark than anybody else. They have to find out from media. I'm not sure, but, you know, they are keeping me in the dark. It's so scary.

Q. Any person of Interest?

A. SA is it. In my book he was the last to see Hailey. There are leads I picked up in Odessa (150 miles away) and I went over there and talked to people who said they had seen Hailey. They called LE 20 times and never got a hold of them until that night.

Q. Who is the other person who threatened BD and Hailey?

A. I haven't talked to BD, all I know is what you know from right there.

Q. What are you doing, what can we do?

A. I'm backing up people who are searching, pray with them. I don't go out there with them. I'm following leads. Got a lead from Canada. It's so hard because I don't know if LE is following up on these leads like I do. If you want anything done right, you have to do it yourself. I'm looking outside the box. Tennessee - what's going on there. They keep me in the dark so much. I don't know what I'm doing, 100 MPH, in the dark. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. People tell me to keep doing what I'm doing. Not getting enough results. I passed out 1000 flyers, border patrol helped me out a lot. Felt like I am giving up on the way home. I don't have my daughter, nothing. It's an indescribable feeling of hopelessness.

CD: call 1-800-the-loss. 2 search groups: 1 group meets at 10:00 at CC 3 days a week. Hailey's Angels. Hailey's bridge, on 208 (where stuffed animals are). They meet up at 9:00. I try to meet up with each group as much as I can.

Q. Any news on the landfill?

A. CD: I don't know. They found something, but it has nothing to do with Hailey's case.

FB: Help Find Hailey Dunn (another one - didn't catch).

If you have any information, clues, go to bringthemhome.net. If you're afraid to go to LE, come to us. Let's help Clint bring his daughter home.

Note: this is NOT a complete transcript. These are points that I noted and typed while listening. It is not verbatim. I recommend those who want to hear the entire interview please go to bringthemhome.net

What a powerful show. My heart and prayers go out to the entire family. Thank you CD and N. Bless you both!

Love and hugs,


The part I bolded in blue WAY up above contradicts EVERY OTHER timeline we have been given. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!:banghead:
I agree with you SoulMagnent! That's why I said that LE might only have given Clint edited tape; only the pieces with people actually in the frames (or only tape of the days surrounding Hailey's disappearance). They know Hailey is not in it, but see the value of Clint and Billie looking at the frames that have actual movement of people and/or cars (they could have refused to give him any of it). Those frames could be a very small percentage of the 720 hours of tape. No sense in asking the parent of a missing child to watch empty hallways and parking lots for 720 hours when it's already been done, likely by the LE/FBI (who probably had a team of resources doing it simultaneously and piecing together frames with people and/or movement of cars).

This is just my speculation as to why Clint feels he hasn't gotten everything. He needs to see everything in full with his very own eyes to know there's nothing there. If he asks LE/FBI to give him 3 or 4 full days unedited, I hope they do (and maybe he has, but he wants more days). If they're willing to watch/fast forward a lot of total stillness for hours on end, I say LE should let them do it, unless LE found some sensitive evidence and are lying about the tapes turning up no evidence. I think they would have just not confirmed their contents rather than make a definitive statement like that though, imo.

Sorry if my original post was unclear...

I have to disagree-- there is definitely a privacy issue here, and if I were Clint, I'd put my faith in LE's work on this one. jmo
love all you great posters---I am trying to clear something in my mind before I post. Can anyone tell me how to bring over a post from many threads back??
The thing about the NYE party, that bothers me is, that in the affidavit, Shawn was to have stated that they just had a few friends over to have drinks on NYE, that's the up setting part to me, and IMO Billiy should have said, no way are a few people coming over to have a few drinks, my family is coming over, I am in no mood for a few friends to come over and have a few drinks.
But in fact if a few friends, besides family were there, Billie should have been honest and said so. IMO
The part I bolded in blue WAY up above contradicts EVERY OTHER timeline we have been given. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!:banghead:

Interesting huh?

I am sitting on that thought until the transcription comes out.

I maybe alone but I am used to it I am going to ask anyway.

Based on all the infomation verifed and not ,that is spread over the 50+ threads do you think LE is withholding the information about where Hailey was truely last seem and by whom as part of their investigation. They would need the help of every witness without giving them to much information.

This does not have to reflect your feelings on Shawn or Billie or Clint.
I have to disagree-- there is definitely a privacy issue here, and if I were Clint, I'd put my faith in LE's work on this one. jmo

I understand your point. I think they could legally work around the privacy issue and have Clint sign a confidentiality agreement (or something like that) when it regards a matter of life or death with a child. I don't think we are talking about video in people's rooms - the parking lot and in the public areas within the hotel. Still sensitive because it's a hotel, but if LE felt there was value in Clint's review, I would agree with letting him look with stipulations.

If we were talking about inside rooms, my opinion would be the same as your's and I say "no go". (FWIW, I think LE has already given him anything of value and he should trust them too).
The part I bolded in blue WAY up above contradicts EVERY OTHER timeline we have been given. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!:banghead:

IIRC, That was from NS, I think she got the days mixed up and actually meant Saturday (Christmas Night). I was listening to the show and this is MOO...
love all you great posters---I am trying to clear something in my mind before I post. Can anyone tell me how to bring over a post from many threads back??

Click on the # part in the top right hand corner of the post. It will come up on it's own. Then you can link it if you'd like. That's the easiest way.

Otherwise, you can copy the body and insert it within this HTML code (but take out all the spaces): [ quote ] [ /quote ]

That still requires a link though.
I think last night's interview was wonderful. It gave us a insight to Hailey that we didn't have. But that being said, for ME and MOO only....it raises some questions. I hope to be able to clear them up when I can read the transcript.
I understand your point. I think they could legally work around the privacy issue and have Clint sign a confidentiality agreement (or something like that) when it regards a matter of life or death with a child. I don't think we are talking about video in people's rooms - the parking lot and in the public areas within the hotel. Still sensitive because it's a hotel, but if LE felt there was value in Clint's review, I would agree with letting him look with stipulations.

If we were talking about inside rooms, my opinion would be the same as your's and I say "no go". (FWIW, I think LE has already given him anything of value and he should trust them too).

I'd like to think LE has the run down on every person on those tapes, but I completely understand Clint's compelling need to see for himself. mo
IIRC, That was from NS, I think she got the days mixed up and actually meant Saturday (Christmas Night). I was listening to the show and this is MOO...

I agree with you, otherwise, DD would not have seen Hailey on the X Box, Billie would not have seen her in her room watching TV and she would have been at Clint's house when she got up the next morning.
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