TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #56

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I have mine open right now but I am including all the discounted sightings. I'm putting all of it down to try to find something new, something overlooked, something to think we need to be looking in a new direction and hope that Hailey is still alive.
From where I'm sitting, no one who was directly involved in Hailey's life seems to be able to properly piece together a coherant timeline. Maybe someone should sit them all together in a room and walk them through the exercise of understanding where they were and when. Geez, I'm sorry, but Hailey has been missing for over a month now and still only a few days ago, Naomi, Clint and Billie are contradicting each other in their statements about where she was! No wonder LE can't make heads or tails of it!

I have mine open right now but I am including all the discounted sightings. I'm putting all of it down to try to find something new, something overlooked, something to think we need to be looking in a new direction and hope that Hailey is still alive.
You would think that her parents would find it within themselves to do the very least!


maybe this statement from pk makes sense after all....

"Kampfer said Hailey's family may not be aware of everything being done in the case because law enforcement tries to keep "intelligence going backward.

if anyone figures it out let me know please :D
From where I'm sitting, no one who was directly involved in Hailey's life seems to be able to properly piece together a coherant timeline. Maybe someone should sit them all together in a room and walk them through the exercise of understanding where they were and when. Geez, I'm sorry, but Hailey has been missing for over a month now and still only a few days ago, Naomi, Clint and Billie are contradicting each other in their statements about where she was! No wonder LE can't make heads or tails of it!

Can't imagine having to have taken all these statements ! Migraine for sure. IMO
maybe this statement from pk makes sense after all....

"Kampfer said Hailey's family may not be aware of everything being done in the case because law enforcement tries to keep "intelligence going backward.

if anyone figures it out let me know please :D
By Crackey I think he is right !! Backwards from West To East And South to North !
maybe this statement from pk makes sense after all....

"Kampfer said Hailey's family may not be aware of everything being done in the case because law enforcement tries to keep "intelligence going backward.

if anyone figures it out let me know please :D

Working the case backwards from the last known true facts I think. So they verify the best information they have and work backwards checking out all of the people and events. :)
I am going to pack up my calendar and go to bed. I swore I would never become obsessed with another case after Hailey Cummings, but I can't stop thinking about this case.
Working the case backwards from the last known true facts I think. So they verify the best information they have and work backwards checking out all of the people and events. :)

And based on the information they have released all the facts we have is that at some point on Monday, HD left the house. And she has never returned. Do we know anymore?tia
I have decided to stop trying to figure out this case because it is officially THE MOST CONFUSING CASE EVER IN THE HISTORY OF ALL CASES.

I am just going to sit in the corner and drink my bourbon straight, because that's how I roll.
you go girl! I think a vodka minus the tonic is on my menu tonight! :floorlaugh:
Was CD at home on Monday or not? :waitasec: A couple of little questions I have would be cleared if I knew that question.

Pete Kampfer, the city manager of Colorado City who is acting as a liaison between the media and law enforcement, said the investigation slowed this week as a result of the massive winter storm.

"We have been responding to issues related to weather," Kampfer said. "We've had numerous accidents and traffic problems, but it is clearing up."

Weather permitting, search efforts will resume today, with teams exploring areas in Mitchell and Scurry counties, Kampfer said.
My days are all outta whack, it's snowing now in DFW and kids are outta school for the 4th straight day tomorrow. I don't remember that ever happening before.

I know who I feel is the most likely to be telling the truth. Now....BD had her press conference, and I am so glad that CD's interview went well. We know so much more about Hailey now.

I just pray that something breaks in this case soon. That the pressure gets to be too much for the killer/abductor.

May tomorrow be the day.
We can't keep the calendar straight even though we're studying it intensely day and night, so it's no wonder that someone in the midst of the storm can't keep it straight either. JMO

N said she wasn't feeling well, and after a long Christmas weekend it would be hard for anyone to keep the days straight. She didn't know that the last time she saw Hailey would be "the last time," and the girl had been there for three days.

As far as the earrings, I don't find it all that important. The girl took them off and expected her stepmother to keep track of them for her. Kids do stuff like that whether with jewelry, or shoes, or even things they need for school. Been there done that a million times with my own kids.

I don't think there's any big mystery there or much of a connection to why Hailey disappeared. JMOO Losing an earring doesn't equal losing track of a child.
We've all speculated if they have used luminol or brought in the dogs to search BD's house. I wish we knew for sure if they did. If they haven't, I wish they would.

I do speculate that I think something happened to Hailey in the living room. There's been too many comments made about the living room.

I said this the other night:

1) DD says Hailey was in the living room playing Xbox when he left at 9 p.m. that Sunday. BD says Hailey was in DD's room playing Xbox. (I believe DD)
2) SA says that Hailey was watching tv in the living room when he got home around 3 p.m. on Monday.
3) The couches are now gone.
4) BD says that Hailey slept on the couch in the living room.
5) BD said in an interview a week ago that she wishes Hailey was back in her living room.

Apparently there was a blow up around Christmas time. Say that it was on the Sunday, December 26th. Were things tense in that house that day? When DD left did something happen to Hailey? Perhaps an argument got out of control, perhaps SA attacked Hailey. Perhaps this caused her demise.

Would this then cause BD to become a part of the alibi and coverup? And this is why she strives so hard to cover up for SA as she was there and witnessed it and she doesn't want to go down too?

Honestly, why so protective of SA? After all the lies he's told, you'd think she'd turn her back on him now. It's not happened. I would have when I was informed of the very first lie.

The day Hailey went missing BD has come up with so many witness sightings and none of them verified. She's become a part of the alibi by claiming what SA said of his timeline that day. Why even talk about it because, if she is innocent, what he says has nothing to do with her timeline of the day?

All speculation and IMO.
Was CD at home on Monday or not? :waitasec: A couple of little questions I have would be cleared if I knew that question.

From post #7 on this thread by WillenFan:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6094120&postcount=7"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #56[/ame]

Clint Dunn was NOT home on Monday, December 27, 2010 he worked that day. Naomi was sick and on the couch with the baby. She NEVER saw Hailey at all on Monday, December 27th 2010. On Tuesday December 28th Clint Dunn took off work that day because had thrown his back out. Naomi and him lazed around all day on Tuesday. DD went to Clint Dunn's later that day to find out if Hailey had ever came there the day before upon orders from his mother Billie Dunn.
Was CD at home on Monday or not? :waitasec: A couple of little questions I have would be cleared if I knew that question.

From post #7 on this thread by WillenFan:

Clint Dunn was NOT home on Monday, December 27, 2010 he worked that day. Naomi was sick and on the couch with the baby. She NEVER saw Hailey at all on Monday, December 27th 2010. On Tuesday December 28th Clint Dunn took off work that day because had thrown his back out. Naomi and him lazed around all day on Tuesday. DD went to Clint Dunn's later that day to find out if Hailey had ever came there the day before upon orders from his mother Billie Dunn.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6094120&postcount=7"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #56[/ame]

I don't think we know if he worked Monday or not. Has it been stated elsewhere? I don't think I've seen it...
Regarding whether or not Clint worked on Monday, I think we just can't tell from Naomi's statement. I think we can all agree that she got her days mixed up there over the Christmas holiday weekend.

(red comments are mine - try substituting that for the word "day" or any specific "day" mentioned)

(RE: Okay. And Naomi were you home the day that Hailey went missing?)

NS: Yes, I was.

(RE: Okay. And can you lead us through what happened that day?)

NS: Um, me and Clint were at home. His back had been thrown out from working. And so he had asked for the day (Sat-Sun-Mon-Tues) off and we stayed in and relaxed and kinda munched out that day (Sat-Sun-Mon-Tues). And DD came over and he kinda told us that Hailey hadn’t been home in awhile and that his mom had called him and told him to find out if she was at the girl’s house or if she had left from there and went somewhere else. So after we had told DD that she hadn’t been there – because I had thought originally that she might of came by that morning (Sat-Sun-Mon-Tues) – but I remembered that was the morning before, which was Saturday (Sat-Sun-Mon-Tues). And, I guess… uh… DD had went back over to the house and I guess he had called his mom back off of her cell phone at the hospital and told her that we had never seen Hailey that day (Sat-Sun-Mon-Tues). And so she reported Hailey missing. So I mean, as far as that, I mean… I kinda slept mostly all day Monday (Sat-Sun-Mon-Tues). I wasn’t feeling good. And when DD came over to tell us that I was laying on the couch with our daughter C.
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