TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #56

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Mainly for release back into the wildlife.
Well it is understandable after all the videos we have seen in this HD case....LOL I forgive ya, just wanted to ease your mind.
Well it is understandable after all the videos we have seen in this HD case....LOL I forgive ya, just wanted to ease your mind.

kk! :therethere: I get the circle of life and all.
so how long does it take a quail to hatch ?
are they big n goofy when they arrive?
just wondering....
Was CD at home on Monday or not? :waitasec: A couple of little questions I have would be cleared if I knew that question.

If he was at home Monday, why are they asking only the girlfriend if HD was there at all that day? From what I have gathered, he worked Monday and came home but did not go to work Tuesday because of a bad back.
I don't think HD spent all of Christmas Day with CD, there are pictures of her with BD & SA that are dated 12/25/10. http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm166/crankycrankerson/Hailey Dunn -TX-/haileyslide1.jpg

It's been stated she spent the night at CDs on 12/25, but not the entire day. Possibly she did stop there Saturday, for a minute, before going wherever these pictures were taken. :cow:

This has been one of the disturbing "things" that has bothered me from day one. Every pic I see of HD with BD & SA, she is in the background. It's like she is just "there"! No arms around her or hand on her leg, etc., for acknowledgement or being included. It really bothers me. Is it just me?
Just a quick post and I am out of here...early morning tomorrow.
The DEA still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, which means it has no legitimate or legal medical use even though it is used as such almost nationwide.
Marinol suppositories are widely used, even here in Tennessee, for those suffering from cancer and aids.
(used in other forms for glaucoma)
The only side effect it seems to have is increasing the appetite, which is wonderful for those undergoing chemotherapy.
So it is classified by the DEA at the top of the list with heroin and LSD.
Add to that that cocaine is Schedule II while all other amphetamines are Schedule IV.
They never really changed the list since they started it, only added new drugs to it.
So yes, even though marijuana has legal medical use, it is still considered a Schedule I narcotic.....weird to say the least.
Good night and praying hard for Hailey still!!!!

California passed the first state marijuana law in 1913, but it was largely overlooked because it specifically addressed “preparations of hemp, or loco weed.” Other state anti-marijuana law were passed in Utah in 1915, in Texas in 1919, Louisiana in 1924 and New York in 1927.

The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.
On August 2, 1937, marijuana became illegal at the federal level. The entire coverage in the New York Times: “President Roosevelt signed today a bill to curb traffic in the narcotic, marihuana, through heavy taxes on transactions.”

On October 8, 1937 the first federal conviction occurred under the new law. During the sentencing Judge J. Foster Symes, Denver Colorado, stated the following:

"I consider marihuana the worst of all narcotics---far worse than the use of morphine or cocaine. Under its influence men become beasts…Marihuana destroys life itself. I have no sympathy with those who sell this weed."

The Narcotic Control Act of 1956 put marijuana in the same drug class as heroin and added more severe penalties. A first conviction of possession of marijuana was punishable by a mandatory two to 10 years in prison. State drug laws also toughened up.

"Under the federal law, marihuana is not considered a narcotic drug. On the other hand, many states have covered marihuana by including it within the definition of 'narcotic drug' since adoption of the Uniform Narcotic Drug Act in 1932. Marihuana is equated in many state laws with the narcotic drugs because the abuse characteristics [under current laws, all use is 'abuse'] of the two types of drugs, the methods of illicit trafficking [all exchange of pot is 'illicit'], and the types of traffickers have a great deal in common"
(A.M.A. Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 1967)

In 1969, Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act which eliminated mandatory minimums and reduced penalties for possession of marijuana.

In 1972, The National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse released a report which would be the most comprehensive study on marijuana ever done. The commission took the position that smoking marijuana in one’s own home should not be criminalized. Also in 1972, all of the government’s existing drug agencies were combined into one super-powerful agency, the Drug Enforcement Agency.
I don't think we know if he worked Monday or not. Has it been stated elsewhere? I don't think I've seen it...

Now I'm really confused. This quote below was taken from post #437 on #55 thread. NS says WE told DD!!! So was he at work, home from work or had never gone? Surely LE has scoped this out along with their phone records and puter too...if they have one....BUT, wasn't his phone not working? Per BD's PC....it wasn't working Tuesday. This is the most befuddled case EVER!!!

So after we had told DD that she hadn’t been there -I had thought originally that she might of came by that morning – but I remembered that was the morning before, which was Saturday. And, I guess… uh… DD had went back over to the house and I guess he had called his mom back off of her cell phone at the hospital and told her that we had never seen Hailey that day. And so she reported Hailey missing. So I mean, as far as that, I mean… I kinda slept mostly all day Monday. I wasn’t feeling good. And when DD came over to tell us that I was laying on the couch with our daughter C.
LE took the mother's computer from her house.I started thinking about that box in thier room,why wouldn't he take that out of there,then I remembered his collections and other things like knives,etc.Maybe he wanted to take those things out of the house and forgot about the box.I'm wondering if he was gathering other things and why he locked the door.In those search warrants,I never read anything about weapons,masks or anything else,drugs,narcotics inside the home.We've wondered if he keeps his collections at his Mom's,but maybe he took the stuff to someone Monday or Tuesday to keep for him.If Le felt that box of stuff was part of a scenario,the knives in the videos and masks sure could be.I don't remember any of that stuff taken.

Didn't LE remove something from the shed? They haven't said what they confiscated, but perhaps this could be the weapons, masks, etc.?
This has been one of the disturbing "things" that has bothered me from day one. Every pic I see of HD with BD & SA, she is in the background. It's like she is just "there"! No arms around her or hand on her leg, etc., for acknowledgement or being included. It really bothers me. Is it just me?

You are not alone! I agree... it's unsettling.
Where is BeanE's timeline? Is it a sticky or is it still in thread #24? I promise to bookmark it this time.
This has been one of the disturbing "things" that has bothered me from day one. Every pic I see of HD with BD & SA, she is in the background. It's like she is just "there"! No arms around her or hand on her leg, etc., for acknowledgement or being included. It really bothers me. Is it just me?

I am a touchy, feely kind of gal so in pics I tend to put an arm around my girls and son or like you said just a hand on them, especially when we are "posing for a pic". I do this with my friends too, *had to look at pics on my wall*. Good grief in some of them our heads are almost touching. IDK, maybe Hailey doesn't like having her pic taken.....
DD found the other earring the day they moved I beleive. Correct me if I am wrong.
That would make both earrings accounted for . NS found one the day HD asked her to put them up. And then DD found the other one when they moved the furniture to move.
So that is both earrings... IMO
I noted way back that the first time I read anything about these red earrings I misread it to say "red herring," and so far nothing has been presented to shake that initial (albeit misread) impression. The whole earring business strikes me as yet another attempt to throw attention on others.
Sorry Hatcher freaks you out ! I assure you I have never touched a hatchet !
But I have hatched many a game bird ! Quail and such ! For wildlife preserves !

Oh My...*visions of Hatcher sitting on eggs tryin' to get them to hatch*....you are a remarkable and dedicated person to wild birds and I thank you, thank you too for the funny vision, needed that little giggle....:crazy:
I don't know why, but for the past several days my Advanced Search is totally hosed. It's not bringing up things I *know* I've posted or seen. What a pain.

Anyway, I'm looking for a few things Billie has said:

- something about Hailey coming home whenever she's ready

- just before Klaas came to town, Bille said something(s) like 'my daughter not coming home' and/or 'my daughter not walking through the door' and/or 'I won't be waiting for' those things and/or 'I'm losing hope that I'll be' those things

I'm losing my mind looking for them, but usually when I post and ask for help finding something, I find it within a few minutes lol.

Any help appreciated.

Had a baby.
Physical and hormonal issues there.

Her fiance's daughter is missing.
They are running all over hells half acre.

Probably had 10% of the sleep she needs.
Financial pressures.
Public scrutiny.

CD was arrested on a drug violation early in this process so there are legal issues waiting in the wings.

I think she is pretty clear and coherent from where I am sitting.

Would like to add to your wonderful post...

Had to pack up and move to another town......
Hailey Dunn case reference - includes timeline

Speaking of BeanE's Most Awesome Timeline, I read a post from last night where you were tempted to take out certain items and leave in only verifiable items. I think that's a great idea. Like I said after the CD interview, time to get out of the muck and sweep away the cobwebs and back to "just the facts, Ma'am." While what we'd be left with is a mere skeleton, I have every faith that LE has interviewed neighbors, friends and family members who can discount or verify case player movements and has a timeline with meat on its bones.
maybe this statement from pk makes sense after all....

"Kampfer said Hailey's family may not be aware of everything being done in the case because law enforcement tries to keep "intelligence going backward.

if anyone figures it out let me know please :D

AHA.....in a backwards kinda way....it all makes sense now.:thud:
I don't know why, but for the past several days my Advanced Search is totally hosed. It's not bringing up things I *know* I've posted or seen. What a pain.

Anyway, I'm looking for a few things Billie has said:

- something about Hailey coming home whenever she's ready

- just before Klaas came to town, Bille said something(s) like 'my daughter not coming home' and/or 'my daughter not walking through the door' and/or 'I won't be waiting for' those things and/or 'I'm losing hope that I'll be' those things

I'm losing my mind looking for them, but usually when I post and ask for help finding something, I find it within a few minutes lol.

Any help appreciated.


Is this what you are looking for?

I don't know why, but for the past several days my Advanced Search is totally hosed. It's not bringing up things I *know* I've posted or seen. What a pain.

Anyway, I'm looking for a few things Billie has said:

- something about Hailey coming home whenever she's ready

- just before Klaas came to town, Bille said something(s) like 'my daughter not coming home' and/or 'my daughter not walking through the door' and/or 'I won't be waiting for' those things and/or 'I'm losing hope that I'll be' those thingsI'm losing my mind looking for them, but usually when I post and ask for help finding something, I find it within a few minutes lol.

Any help appreciated.


BBM- BD said this on NG are you wanting a transcript or the video, I'll help ya look....
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