TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #56

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Originally Posted by BeanE [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6095667#post6095667"]
January 3 - post by Billie's friend czgtz:

01-03-2011, 08:03 PM czgtz

I am on the phone with Billie right now:

When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that.

Last edited by czgtz; 01-03-2011 at 08:13 PM.

[ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5963578&postcount=743"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #1[/ame]

January 31 - Billie Dunn press conference

Shawn called me while I was at work that afternoon. I asked him about the kids. He told me that David wasn’t home yet, and that Hailey had left to go to Clint’s, and then was going to a friend’s to spend the night.

I thought That was the night he picked her up early from work to buy drugs???:banghead:
Did anybody ever find the article about HD in that mag. and confirm that she had spoken to a family member(aunt I think) and was upset the day before she went missing? IT was on a thread early this A.M. I will look for that !
Mods may have pulled it because the poster listed the Aunts name ! IDK
In the affidavit:

When asked by Investigator Sides for access to his cellular telephone to check on call history and text messages, ADKINS’ allowed Investigator Sides to look at the phone. Investigator Sides looked at three phone calls that where placed from ADKINS phone to the name Billie.

As the interview progressed, ADKINS provided information to investigators that possibly could contradict some of the information just viewed on ADKINS’ cellular telephone.

When asked if Investigator Sides could look at the phone again to verify what he had seen earlier on ADKINS’ phone, or confirm that ADKINS was correct, Investigator Sides witnessed ADKINS delete information from his cell phone and then hand the phone to Investigator Sides.

Investigator Sides was unable to view the call log information that had been viewed earlier. Investigator Sides then asked ADKINS’ “What happened to the phone call list and ADKINS was unable to give an answer.

and from Billie:

GRACE: When we were told that — when police wanted to look at his cell phone, he started deleting numbers, did he explain that to you?

DUNN: What he told me was, they wanted to see where he had called me at work. He showed it to them on his phone. They said, OK, gave it back to him, and they said show me again. And he says it wasn`t there.

Good grief, I was just reading them yesterday and I missed that. GRRR Sorry to put you to the trouble!
January 3 - post by Billie's friend czgtz:

01-03-2011, 08:03 PM czgtz

I am on the phone with Billie right now:

When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that.

Last edited by czgtz; 01-03-2011 at 08:13 PM.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #1

January 31 - Billie Dunn press conference

Shawn called me while I was at work that afternoon. I asked him about the kids. He told me that David wasn’t home yet, and that Hailey had left to go to Clint’s, and then was going to a friend’s to spend the night.

underlined by me.
Here is Beane's post about her bf told her he came home early and she left shortly after, however no time is given.
His cell phone pings place him coming home at 6:30am and he shuts the phone off a half hour later, turning it back on two hours later and in Big Springs.
Wherever he was between seven am and nine thirty am, is where HD is, imo oc.
GRACE: When we were told that — when police wanted to look at his cell phone, he started deleting numbers, did he explain that to you?

DUNN: What he told me was, they wanted to see where he had called me at work. He showed it to them on his phone. They said, OK, gave it back to him, and they said show me again. And he says it wasn`t there.

That (red) right there. Both SA and BD are talking, have been talking, and will continue to talk - after all, they are "friendly". I can't help but look at both of them - SA said to do that and BD is saying "no, not at all - don't look at SA - look over there ------->"

I just wish one of them would give it up - or at least give up something.

O/T - YEA YEA YEA - I got my Terrible Towels in the mail today! Ordered the party platter and almost done cleaning the house. Weeze ready for Sunday!!!
While combing through those affadavits I also wanted to point out that while perhaps BD and CD were and continue to be frustrated at LE's apparent lack of response to the situation at first, LE had started a criminal investigation by the afternoon of Dec 29th when they found out that SA had not been at work for the two days that HD had been missing.

They were interviewing his mother and requesting her computer on Dec 29th in Dunn. They went to her home in Big Spring on Dec 30th to pick it up as grandmaj pointed out earlier.

Did anybody ever find the article about HD in that mag. and confirm that she had spoken to a family member(aunt I think) and was upset the day before she went missing? IT was on a thread early this A.M. I will look for that !
Mods may have pulled it because the poster listed the Aunts name ! IDK

We pulled it because the link was not valid, and someone stated they had the article and it did not say anything about the Aunt. :)
01-11-2011, 12:58 AM czgtz

Billie's phone was a prepaid one. I do not know what kind or what carrier, and I have no idea if msm has posted anything about it. I know because if she did not have minutes when you called her you would get a message saying that and also because I know she had to buy the cards with minutes on them.01-

I wonder if Billie is still putting minutes on that phone in case Hailey calls, and if not, I wonder when she stopped.

I believe that the affadavit states that the phone that Hailey would use was confiscated by police a week after Hailey disappeared, when Texas Rangers started over at the beginning of the investigation. If the affadavit is correct on this point, Billie could not be using it at all anymore.
January 3 - post by Billie's friend czgtz:

01-03-2011, 08:03 PM czgtz

I am on the phone with Billie right now:

When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that.

Last edited by czgtz; 01-03-2011 at 08:13 PM.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #1

January 31 - Billie Dunn press conference

Shawn called me while I was at work that afternoon. I asked him about the kids. He told me that David wasn’t home yet, and that Hailey had left to go to Clint’s, and then was going to a friend’s to spend the night.

Just logging on to check for updates..y'all have probably already discussed this, but I haven't read back at all yet..In that post of CZ's..she is on the phone with BD and BD tells her that she DID NOT stop at home before going to the PD..That is polar opposite than what she says now..What's up with that????

she never asked him, and didn't stop at her house or talk to him before she went to the PD.
Completely off topic- It seems like the name Hailey(any spelling) or Kaylee(any spelling) is the name of a lot of the missing and/or murdered girls in this country the last few years. Or maybe it is just me...and I notice those two names more.

Just like to me-a lot of the really bad criminals who have middle names of Ray.

Sorry for the off topic.
Re: "while my sister-in-law took me around to a couple of their houses before going to the police station."

I keep going back to this. BD never went to MB's house for a face-to-face with MB or her mother. HD supposedly tells SA she is going for a sleepover at MB's and BD never bothers to call MB's mother or go there. I will never understand that.

Exactly. Because you would want to talk to the parent in case by some chance your child had asked them to stay over night or whatever, and their child just wasn't aware of it.

You would want the details of when did she call, what time was planned for her to come over, was there any problem, did she mention she was going anywhere else, how was she getting there, what else did she say, etc, etc.

Even if you didn't know that parent, or didn't care for them, or had problems with them in the past, or anything, you would talk to them to get those critical details.

My opinion.
GRACE: When we were told that — when police wanted to look at his cell phone, he started deleting numbers, did he explain that to you?

DUNN: What he told me was, they wanted to see where he had called me at work. He showed it to them on his phone. They said, OK, gave it back to him, and they said show me again. And he says it wasn`t there.

That (red) right there. Both SA and BD are talking, have been talking, and will continue to talk - after all, they are "friendly". I can't help but look at both of them - SA said to do that and BD is saying "no, not at all - don't look at SA - look over there ------->"

hehe...you beat me to it

"What he told me was" Again...."Shawn says".

So he told her the deleted calls were ones where he called her at work. It will be intersting to see what those calls really were when the information on those calls is made public if and when they were.

If the police are looking at your phone, if you are innocent, why would you delete them right in front of their face?
Exactly. Because you would want to talk to the parent in case by some chance your child had asked them to stay over night or whatever, and their child just wasn't aware of it.

You would want the details of when did she call, what time was planned for her to come over, was there any problem, did she mention she was going anywhere else, how was she getting there, what else did she say, etc, etc.

Even if you didn't know that parent, or didn't care for them, or had problems with them in the past, or anything, you would talk to them to get those critical details.

My opinion.

When you look at all BD interviews just about everything she has said has a conflicting story.
Exactly. Because you would want to talk to the parent in case by some chance your child had asked them to stay over night or whatever, and their child just wasn't aware of it.

You would want the details of when did she call, what time was planned for her to come over, was there any problem, did she mention she was going anywhere else, how was she getting there, what else did she say, etc, etc.

Even if you didn't know that parent, or didn't care for them, or had problems with them in the past, or anything, you would talk to them to get those critical details.

My opinion.

I'd have to speak to the mom because I WAS a young teen that ran away from home several times..more often than not I was 'supposed to be' spending the night with a friend when I would do it too. I DO NOT believe that Hailey ran away...but that would come to mind before foul play when it involved most children that age..MOO

eta~and it was the person that I was 'supposed to be' spending the night with that I ran away with..so the fact that BD did not talk to her to see if anything 'hinky' or unusual was going on, blows my mind!
Just logging on to check for updates..y'all have probably already discussed this, but I haven't read back at all yet..In that post of CZ's..she is on the phone with BD and BD tells her that she DID NOT stop at home before going to the PD..That is polar opposite than what she says now..What's up with that????

she never asked him, and didn't stop at her house or talk to him before she went to the PD.

01-03-2011, 05:03 PM
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I am on the phone with Billie right now:

When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that. Tuesday, Billie called her son from work to get ahold of Hailey and tell her it was time to come home. The friend said Hailey never showed. The son called Billie, who came home, checked a few places. and went straight to the PD to report Hailey missing. She said 1pm because she had just assumed that BF came home at lunch on Monday - she never asked him, and didn't stop at her house or talk to him before she went to the PD.

Billie says that until the PD interviewed them Wednesday, she didn't realize that BF actually came home Monday at 3pm. LE has been aware since Wednesday that Billie accidentally reported the wrong time.

Looking back, there are so many things 'wrong' with that description of events. Things do not jibe with what we have been told since then.

1. "When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that."

Since then we have been told that Shawn CALLED her at work Monday and told her this info. And she said he called her after Hailey left and before DD got home. So that means between 3:15 and 4.

2."She said 1pm because she had just assumed that BF came home at lunch on Monday - she never asked him, and didn't stop at her house or talk to him before she went to the PD."

SA didn't say he came home for lunch, he said he came home early. Not the same thing. So she filed a police report without discussing the vital details with SA about when exactly she left the house and where exactly she was going? This says to me that after she found out that Hailey never went to MB's, she never actually checked back with SA to see if he had the name wrong.
Originally Posted by BeanE
January 3 - post by Billie's friend czgtz:

01-03-2011, 08:03 PM czgtz

I am on the phone with Billie right now:

When Billie got home from work Monday, her BF told her that he came home early and that Hailey had left shortly after that.

Last edited by czgtz; 01-03-2011 at 08:13 PM.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #1

January 31 - Billie Dunn press conference

Shawn called me while I was at work that afternoon. I asked him about the kids. He told me that David wasn’t home yet, and that Hailey had left to go to Clint’s, and then was going to a friend’s to spend the night.

I thought That was the night he picked her up early from work to buy drugs???:banghead:

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
That is because it makes no sense.

Of course as the mother of a teen the FIRST thing you would do is show up where your teen was suppose to have been for the night. To see if she is there, to see if her stuff is there, to see is something looks or feels off, and to look into the eyes of her friend (who you know and has spent the night at your house) to see if you believe her.

The lack of frantic rustling up of local teens was one of the first huge redflags to me that someone already knows the outcome because they are not investing the energy of someone who truly does not know and is checking all possibilities.

Yep. And not being sure you called your close family members to check is also iffy to me. We've been told lots of family and friends live in Scurry, for example, I would think they would have been contacted before (or certainly shortly after) Hailey was reported missing. It continues to make me wonder if it was Clint who was pushing for more LE and media (he said so in his interview and that he made the media calls for Billie because he freezes on camera).

From Nancy Grace 1/17:

CALLER: Hello, you know, I`ve been doing some searching on foot and stuff, and I`ve gathered a lot of little information, and I`m not an authority, OK? But I have a pretty extended family, they don`t live nearby. If one of us went missing, within an hour or less, everybody that I know would have had a phone call, people that live in California would have found out and everything. We would have been calling around. I found out that some of the relatives found out by co-workers at work a day later. That is just unbelievable, and that`s like wasting time when a kid is missing. I just don`t believe it.

GRACE: OK, tell me about the relatives, caller, Linda in Texas, were they on the mom`s or the dad`s side? Are they extended relatives, like second and third cousins?

CALLER: They`re very close relatives, and I think that they probably would know who they are, and I don`t want to put that --

GRACE: OK, got it. Let`s go to Billie and Clint Dunn on that. First to you, Billie Dunn, did you put out an APB, all points bulletin? Did you tell all of your family immediately? What did you do? Explain to us once again that day when you got home from work?

B. DUNN: I told all of my -- and I believe I told all of my close family members and I got a hold of all of Hailey`s friends that day.
Completely off topic- It seems like the name Hailey(any spelling) or Kaylee(any spelling) is the name of a lot of the missing and/or murdered girls in this country the last few years. Or maybe it is just me...and I notice those two names more.

Just like to me-a lot of the really bad criminals who have middle names of Ray.

Sorry for the off topic.

I know that Hailey was the number one most popular girl's name for several years now. That may be one reason.
GRACE: When we were told that — when police wanted to look at his cell phone, he started deleting numbers, did he explain that to you?

DUNN: What he told me was, they wanted to see where he had called me at work. He showed it to them on his phone. They said, OK, gave it back to him, and they said show me again. And he says it wasn`t there.

That (red) right there. Both SA and BD are talking, have been talking, and will continue to talk - after all, they are "friendly". I can't help but look at both of them - SA said to do that and BD is saying "no, not at all - don't look at SA - look over there ------->"

I just wish one of them would give it up - or at least give up something.

GRACE: Have you questioned him again, Billie, about her disappearance? Have you gone over what happened that night?

B. DUNN: Yes, because I don`t know where my daughter is.

GRACE: And what did he say?

B. DUNN: I haven`t been talking to him much. He lets me know he loves us and he misses us. I just haven`t talked to him a lot. Tells me I know him —
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