TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #57

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Regardless of who is responsible for Hailey's disappearance - she deserves to be found.

Hailey is precious.

Regardless of whatever rumors may or may not be circulating in the area of C-City - Hailey deserves to be found.

Amen to that SS. Very well said.

I'm off to bed now, after I take some ASA for the headache I received from falling down the rabbit hole and then getting lost and having to find my way around this maze. Thanks you for those who helped me out.

I will be praying that all the little missing children find their way home safe and sound real soon.

Good nite y'all! Did I say that right...y'all? Eh? Sorry just have to leave on a happier note.

Bless all of you and your hard work and time you put into these cases. You're all so kind. :seeya:
Are people or LE searching the areas on the way to BD's mother's house when they went to the ATM? A regular car probably wouldn't be taken too far out of the way, and going there that night could have had something to do with having been there earlier in the day. Wonder whose idea it was to go to the atm that night.
I just want to say "I'm in total shock!" I feel betrayed...not meant to anyone who post here btw.
Sadly in this town, lines have been drawn and rumors ARE effecting the search.

Sadly enough, I fully believe this. I have absolutely seen the difference in searches for people when a rumor gets started. For example if people became convinced that Hailey was killed and would NOT be found by them... because of where her body was put.... they could easily feel it was pointless to search. Yet, this would only be a rumor. However if it's believed it could virtually stop a search.

That's horrifying to me. God, I wish I had the health to come out there and search myself.

And there are all the resources of TES could be brought in to bear. God, I remember people going to FL from across the whole country to search for Caylee for TES.

Absolutely... and it was widely believed that Caylee had been murdered by her mother. People still came to search for her. So even if people believe that Hailey has been killed by someone who was close to her, that should not be the reason they don't search.

Yes, Caylee was a toddler and Hailey a teenager... so that will factor in. But I don't think anybody thought Caylee would be impossible to find either. They always felt she was "close." They may feel Hailey will be more difficult to find....

No, to me, if someone won't search for a defenseless child because of a rumor about their parent, that's cold hearted. My opinion.

All the searchers I know search regardless of the people who surrounded the child. They care about the child, and that's it.

I have to agree. Who the parents are is irrelevant to me. I searched just as hard for Destiny Norton as I did for Elizabeth Smart. Who their parents are, what their religion, criminal history or yearly income is means nothing to me.

If I have to choose between searching for a verified runaway or a child who simply disappeared... I will search for the simply missing one first. However, I won't refuse to search for the runaway just because they ran away. It is still below zero out there and they are still just a kid. Whether they want to be found or not, I will still look.

Unfortunately, if people feel they have learned something which causes them to believe that won't find Hailey in their searches... I can see that preventing them from searching. That's why rumors can be so harmful. Because people do believe them.
redcat - was this account indeed closed? If so, was it indeed at Billie's request? Can you please confirm both of these?

Thank you.

01-26-2011, 12:47 PM - redcat

Quote: Originally Posted by tehcloser
There was an account set up for BD as well, the info was posted on here but removed because Tricia does not allow those things to be posted on WS.

yes but that was closed per the request of Billie not long after it was opened.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6061030&postcount=393"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #44[/ame]
Even the number of media who cover the story are thinning.

Saturday, KTXS was one of only three media outlets to attend the press briefing, a drastic change from the days just following Hailey's disappearance.


And here's why:

Many people who are not close to the case seem to be confused because there are so many conflicting accounts of what actually happened. After watching many of the interviews I’m beginning to see why myself. I have yet to see an entire interview aired or printed. They are cut or pasted, edited for time and space, and often I’m not quoted in correct context. My words are sometimes picked apart and twisted around in such a way that I don’t even recognize them.

Billie Jean Dunn press conference, January 31, 2011
Transcription: http://casesignal.wordpress.com/201...-press-conference-january-31-transcription-1/

If you want to get your missing little girl's face in the media, you don't vilify the people and organizations that do that for her.

You particularly don't say something as silly as that all your interviews have been cut, pasted, edited, and not quoted in context, when you've done a large number of LIVE interviews, most on nationwide television in prime time, as Billie has, because everybody knows that live interviews are not cut, pasted, edited, or quotes pulled out of context. They are LIVE. There is no opportunity to do any of that - at all.

You also don't say that your interviews have all been cut, pasted, edited, and not quoted in context, when you've done a large number of interviews, as Billie has, where a number of the RAW videos of those interviews are available to the entire world on the internet. Most people know that RAW means UNedited, UNcut, UNpasted, with no opportunity to pull quotes out of context.

Last night I was thinking about how highly manipulative Billie is, and how she has apparently been at it for a long time, and I believe she is very much used to 'winning' in the control games she plays.

And I was thinking how that is the mindset she's approached and taken on the massive machine that is the combined power of the media and the internet when a child goes missing.

She thought the game would be same as that she is used to. She's finding out it's not.

This is my personal opinion.
Living in Texas, I've been around many deer hunters and I have NEVER heard of anyone using a chainsaw on a deer. Perhaps a small saw of sorts once you get to the "dressing out the deer" stage (or whatever it's called), but not a chainsaw.

Not a fan. Can not get Tv turnes off fast enough * those humane society / Elton John Sarah Mcglauhlin ads.
But daddy husband son hunt
Som killed on during bow season. I think ir freaked him out. But geez for $50 we had 2freezers of meat. He taught himself howbtoo cook venison
- *I just cant do it.
ANYWAY a chainsaw would render the meat unedible from bone fragments and burned from... eww cuts also no sanitary
er my 18 yr old son SA no hunter... deer +
chainsaw = killer.
then he admitted he was havimg bad dreama about the whole thing. Gotta have a tough stomach for field dressing. and be even heartless to not let their kind eyes get cha. He admitted he cried later.
and vowed not to waste any of the meat. Dudes heartless to my son (SA).
AND he only knows the deer part! !!! :twocents: sorry

a lil OT
android posted excuse typos please.
But you know what? I work 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. I leave my house between 6:30 am and 7:00 am. Every single morning, I open both my boys doors to make sure everything is cool. Most of the time I will call out their names and make sure they answer me, but if I want to be completely honest, I have to admit that there have been a few times I did not get a reply and just assumed it was all cool and left the house thinking they were just sleeping hard. I can't say for sure the tv was on or if the tv was off though.

Yes i understand that but she has more than one version of what happened when she went in the room that morning. Why? if you tell the truth you dont need multiple versions.
Hailey Dunn Case: Weather, Exhaustion To Blame For Dwindling Search Parties
"I'm Hailey's voice right now so I have to still ask people to keep her face in their mind and keep looking for her," said Billie Dunn, Hailey's mom.
Saturday, KTXS was one of only three media outlets to attend the press briefing, a drastic change from the days just following Hailey's disappearance.

How does she work out shes Haileys voice? She has a father also..who is doing far more than she is to find there missing child.
redcat - was this account indeed closed? If so, was it indeed at Billie's request? Can you please confirm both of these?

Thank you.

01-26-2011, 12:47 PM - redcat

Quote: Originally Posted by tehcloser
There was an account set up for BD as well, the info was posted on here but removed because Tricia does not allow those things to be posted on WS.

yes but that was closed per the request of Billie not long after it was opened.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #44

Also going on from your post..what happened to the money that was paid into that account and also sent to her via the post if as she claims shes not had any of it?
Also going on from your post..what happened to the money that was paid into that account and also sent to her via the post if as she claims shes not had any of it?

I'm also curious how Diena Thompson was inspired to give Billie a grant, whether she was told the truth of the situation, and what she might have been told about Clint, because I am flabbergasted that Clint was not given a grant.

I think Diena has good heart, with good intentions. I have always thought the world of her. I certainly mean nothing negative about her. And God knows, the woman has suffered immeasurably.

It's just that she can only make decisions based on the information she has, and that she's given. I question what information she was given.

This is my personal opinion and noodlin'.
How does she work out shes Haileys voice? She has a father also..who is doing far more than she is to find there missing child.

I've always found it rather odd that when she did finally start addressing Hailey directly in the media, she has never mentioned DD or any other family members praying for or missing her. Certainly not CD, and not any members from Billie's side of the family, either. It's always been "I need you home and I want to have you back in my living room. I love you. I'm so proud God chose me to be your mom."

Even Naomi spoke of how Hailey's absence has affected her siblings and how the whole family misses her.

Anyhoo, JMO

Not a fan. Can not get Tv turnes off fast enough * those humane society / Elton John Sarah Mcglauhlin ads.
But daddy husband son hunt
Som killed on during bow season. I think ir freaked him out. But geez for $50 we had 2freezers of meat. He taught himself howbtoo cook venison
- *I just cant do it.
ANYWAY a chainsaw would render the meat unedible from bone fragments and burned from... eww cuts also no sanitary
er my 18 yr old son SA no hunter... deer +
chainsaw = killer.
then he admitted he was havimg bad dreama about the whole thing. Gotta have a tough stomach for field dressing. and be even heartless to not let their kind eyes get cha. He admitted he cried later.
and vowed not to waste any of the meat. Dudes heartless to my son (SA).
AND he only knows the deer part! !!! :twocents: sorry

a lil OT
android posted excuse typos please.

O/T: I agree. I can't watch the abused animal commercials and I have to switch the channel when JVM covers animal cruelty stories. I contribute generously to the cause, but I can't watch it.

True hunters have a code they live by: You only kill what you will eat. Also, if you shoot once and miss, the animal goes free.

I feel guilty when I kill a spider, so I could never hunt/kill animals, but having grown up with many who do/did, it's a sort of reluctant acceptance for the purpose of meat consumption.
Hailey Dunn Case: Weather, Exhaustion To Blame For Dwindling Search Parties
"I'm Hailey's voice right now so I have to still ask people to keep her face in their mind and keep looking for her," said Billie Dunn, Hailey's mom.
Saturday, KTXS was one of only three media outlets to attend the press briefing, a drastic change from the days just following Hailey's disappearance.

Thats what happens when you cut the hand that feeds you so to speak. She couldn't explain away her inconsistences so she blames them for editing her statements. Bad idea to attack NG producers when there are people out there that would die to get the attention for their child she was getting. Then the issue of standing by the #1 suspect. People are looking harder at BD now and getting disgusted with it all. Its easy to sit in her warm house that people are paying the bills on and issue orders but what is she actually doing? Why didnt she even attend the balloon release in honor of her daughter? Was it too cold out or was she too busy on the phone talking to SA? jmo
Re: DD and "protective custody"

Prisoners and witnesses are placed into protective custody. The process for CPS is called "placement" of a child and in this case it is "temporary placement."
I thought Clint was at work on Monday when HD did or didn't stop by for a minute and was home on Tuesday with a sore back? And I will have to go double check but I thought the asking Clint to call 911 was according to Billie in version three but not one or two and was never confirmed by Clint, but as I said I will go reread that section.

That being said even if it did happen I assume this was a quick call from BD saying she was coming home, HD was not at MBs and to call 911 (supposedly). That is a lot to process in a single call, he does not know that SA is the only one that heard this story, that MB says there were no plans, BD had not spoken to MB or her mother at this point so there is no way CD would have detail in clear manner.

BD is twenty minutes from home, I would think with a teenager you would take twenty minutes to look for her. If this request was even made.

BBM - DD had spoken to MB, learned Hailey had not been there (her "second stop") nor had she been expected. He backtracked to her "first stop" and spoke with Clint, telling him what he had learned. Clint spoke to Billie on the phone and it was established that Hailey was not there, and (in all likelihood) had not come by Monday at all. So he "knew" at that point that she had presumably vanished between his home and Billie's. Billie's suggestion that he call the police was valid, and I feel he SHOULD have been sufficiently alarmed by that point to do so, even if she had NOT asked him to.

By Cassandra Garcia, KTXS News
POSTED: 10:16 pm CST February 5, 2011
UPDATED: 11:15 pm CST February 5, 2011

COLORADO CITY, Texas -- More than a month into the investigation of missing Colorado City teen Hailey Dunn, volunteers are worried many are abandoning the search.

They and Hailey's mother are pleading for more people to come out, even with the treacherous weather.
I'm concerned with the 2.5 hours that SA's cell phone did NOT ping. There is a map of an area just south of CC that someone posted, which is a dead area as far as cell phone access. There is also a direct FM road going to that area from CC which connects to another FM road that leads right to Big Spring.

Which brings me to the question, will a cell phone ping if it is simply turned off with the battery still in it? I have tried to research this information and some experts say yes it will and some say no it won't. Does anyone know for sure?

Can we link to Snopes here?
"We did ask Billie about the only named suspect in the case, Shawn Adkins, her former boyfriend.
She said they talk regularly on the phone, she didn't elaborate past that. "

Interesting how it went from he wont talk to me his family wont allow it, then we text and now they are talking "regularly"? Well next thing you know she will be moving him back in...Lets wait and and see:sick:

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