TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #57

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Perhaps I'm in the minority. But I can speak from my own personal experience, because my daughter WAS kidnapped & almost murdered 3 1/2 years ago.

I have no doubt in my mind that if the police had not found her - I WOULD have set out on foot searching for her, because up until the time I was informed that she had been found alive, I was ready & waiting to head out - as were other family members.

I fully understand why family members don't go out & search, and I understand why LE doesn't want family members to search. I know it's not always possible, or advisable, or even allowed (for the sake of preserving possible evidence).

All I know is this: when my beloved daughter was in danger, there was nothing & no one in Heaven or Hell or on Earth that could have kept me from searching for her if the police had not found her that night. This is not a hypothetical situation for me. It was real, and it was a nightmare. I will be forever grateful to the LE officers who set out that night in search of her. I will be forever grateful that LE found her alive. My daughter's abductor was convicted and is currently serving his sentence.

My heart goes to each & every parent who has faced or who is now facing this horrendous circumstance.

I commend CD for doing all he has done & continues to do for his little girl. I feel a kindred spirit with him, and if I could - I'd be right there searching with him.

Thank you for sharing your story.
I'm so hapy for the hapy ending and bless your heart for what you went through!
"I'm so envious when I see mothers with their daughters in stores, or during the searches," Dunn said from her living room Wednesday afternoon. "I've learned how lucky I am to be a mother."


If you take her at her word, she is saying that she used to take motherhood for granted.
Now when she sees mom's with their daughters, out shopping or 'searching,' [cough,cough] she wishes she could share that experience with her own daughter.

"In the back of my mind, I think she could be at the house," she said. "I know it's good for me to leave the house, but I just don't."

So, in the back of her mind, her sub-conscious, she thinks Hailey could be at the house. Hmmmm....

You know, IMHO, there is not one thing that anyone could do or say that they would not be able to justify, defend or make excuses for in some way, if they wanted or needed to for whatever reason..We see it in EVERY case we follow...of course, often it doesn't make sense, but there will always be some that will believe it no matter how ridiculous it sounds or far they have to reach to get there. Not only believe it, actually HELP justify, defend or excuse..This case is no exception..In MY humble opinion..
I am wondering what you see "interesting" about these statements. I am trying to understand- every time anything is printed that Billie says it seems that some think it is interesting, not right, etc. I really am trying to understand why she can not do ANYTHING right. If you do not want to answer that is fine,, Thanks.

I have seen and heard many distraught parents with missing children. I do not remember any, short of Casey or Misty, that seemed this hinky. She words things in a very shady way IMO.

Both of those statements are 'interesting' because of the backdrop of the past month. Her changing stories, weird timelines, covering for SA.

But they are also 'interesting' because of what she is telling us, flat out.

In the first statement she says basically, it was not until she saw other mothers and daughters together, out shopping and searching, that she realized hwo lucky she was to be a mother.
That says a lot to me. She is admitting that she took it for granted, and did not spend quality time with Hailey before. I am glad she is reflecting upon that and I think it is a true statement.

The second statement kind of speaks for itself. She thinks in the back of her mind, her subconscious, that Hailey is still in the house. That makes some wonder if something happened in the house that makes her think that. Kwim?
O/T I am so sorry for all my mistakes in spelling.........my keys are sticking! BADLY!
That we know of anyway. LE could know some things that they have not released. Or they may just believe Billie is telling the truth and did see Hailey in her bed that morning. Obviously, there is some valid reason they no longer consider her even a POI, and she was never a suspect, AFAIK.

TxLady2, just jumping off your post..I have a question that I am genuinely curious about, for you (if you wouldn't mind answering, if not I totally understand :) and for anyone willing to answer..

Why so some feel that just because it was said (even if it came from the Chief of Police, just for the sake of discussion) that BD was not a POI or suspect...that it is just that cut and dried?.. so to speak..

I ask because it is perfectly legal and ethical for LE to come out and say that when in reality that's not what they really believe. That's just one tool they can and do use in which to make someone feel like the 'heat' is off of them..often that can lead to some major slip ups which can crack a case..

If one were to consider a hypothetical case (and not this one) would the same folks be so sure that LE is not doing that here? ..If so..and anyone thinks that LE wouldn't do such a thing..WHY does anyone believe that? I truly want to know. I can't think of any reason why that seems so impossible myself..TIA!

I feel like a kid who just got told we're going for ice cream!

I feel like I kid that sees everyone going for something and I don't know what it is that has them excited! :crazy:..
But you'll notice, that is not a direct quote from Kampfer.

We also have this article:


Being "ruled out" is not the same thing as "not a person of interest". We don't know what exactly what was said without a direct quote.

And in the same report Kampfer also said...
"Kampfer said he will not comment on persons of interest other than Shawn Adkins as not to jeopardize the investigation."

Sounds kinda confusing or contradictory to me.

Only if BD was still a POI or suspect, which she isn't AT THIS TIME. Otherwise, it would seem that he said she was ruled out, then continues to say that others who have not been will not be commented upon, to protect the integrity of the investigation, with the exception of Shawn who has been named a suspect.

I found the link where PK said DD was in protective custody.http://www.reporternews.com/news/20...-untrue-missing-colorado-city-teen-h/?print=1

Cant find a link saying he was wrong except WS and SM message boards. Maybe someone else knows where it is?

I don't recall ever seeing PK say he'd been mistaken about CPS, however the article you linked addressing the situation doesn't mention "protective custody" at all. The only comment attributed to him concerning DD's move was this:
"Pete Kampfer, city manager of Colorado City, confirmed the report" (that DD "is staying with a relative" according to "family members") "and said the Texas Department of Protective and Family Services was involved in the placement of 16-year-old DD in another home."
Sorry so late for the reply but just catching up.

I can imagine why someone, even a father, might wait to report his child missing. I mean c'mon. He knows BD better than I do. Does he think BD is prone to drama? I wonder why BD didn't call it in herself if she knew it were that important?? I mean why didn't she call 911 and have an officer waiting at the house? She is the one that knew all of where HD was supposed to be, didn't check on her and make sure all was okay the night before. She is the one that states the child was living with her.

I don't think SA is a criminal mastermind either. However he is looking very guilty from where I sit.

I can what if all day but I always come back to BD being the one who opened the door and let the creep in. I'm personally tired of all of the parents that invite these people in, and their kids being the one paying the ultimate price for it. :maddening:


Ellebelle, I have missed quite a few articles I'm afraid, but have we had any confirmation that this even happened..other than BD saying it did? It may be true, idk..<modsnip> imo!
I thought it was said that the whole county had and parts of others had already been searched, so could that account for a slowdown in the townspeople organizing ? Like the other poster, I can understand how some family can't emotionally handle going out and physically searching for a body, but I'd man-up and be out doing it daily and driving all the major and back roads, even if told not to. I'd be out trying to raise search parties, horses, etc. on the weekend and be searching some areas again, plus trying to figure every way possible to get the truth out of the poi. Like CD said, sometimes if you want something done right you've got to do it yourself.
Ellebelle, I have missed quite a few articles I'm afraid, but have we had any confirmation that this even happened..other than BD saying it did? It may be true, idk..but BD's word on anything is as worthless as a plug nickel imo!
I only remember BD saying it, sorry. Just wanted to reply to OP questioning about why a father might wait.
I agree about BD. I want to believe her. She just doesn't give me reason to.
I'm concerned with the 2.5 hours that SA's cell phone did NOT ping. There is a map of an area just south of CC that someone posted, which is a dead area as far as cell phone access. There is also a direct FM road going to that area from CC which connects to another FM road that leads right to Big Spring.

Which brings me to the question, will a cell phone ping if it is simply turned off with the battery still in it? I have tried to research this information and some experts say yes it will and some say no it won't. Does anyone know for sure?

Supposedly a phone won't ping if it is in airplane mode or without a battery.
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