TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #6

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at this point.. if we were really good sleuthers... we would say polygraph schmolygraph and eat it with the bite sized grain of salt that comes with it.


This is absolutely freaking nuts that a talk show host is grilling the mother of a missing child like this without ANY LE INFO... this is nuts.. absolutely DISGUSTING.
I pray as I go to bed tonight that someone from Law enforcement can step up and do what is right.. no matter who is the perp.. who is the suspect.. who is the person or persons of interest... just make a statement on Haliey's behalf and what you are doing and what the public can do to assist you.

sorry for the rant.. but this is just about the worst case of LE mismanagement I have EVER SEEN.

It's right up there, but sadly it can join a growing list in my book.
Here's the drilll
If you have a child. You keep tabs capiche? How elementary is that. OH and by the way do not allow a man around your 13 year old.
BBM-What do we know about the brother? Could he be the other person that failed poly?

So, now we have 2 "Uncles"..Billie's bro & SA's 'Uncle"..We don't know anything about either one including which one, if any, took a poly. Oy!
Billie Dunn and Clint Dunn you are to be commended for the continued work you are doing in finding your missing daughter. Godspeed in your search and may Hailey be found safe and sound.

A huge KUDOS to Lamar Trucking (hope have the name right) for the huge billboards with Hailey's missing poster on the I-20 - you also are to be commended for what you are doing!

May tomorrow bring some truth to bear on this case and may there be a new spokesperson for the investigating agencies, and may there be a good credible advocate step forward for Billie and Clint Dunn.

Bless and keep Hailey safe until she can be returned to her loved ones.
ITA! And on Eller's note I say goodnight. I pray for guidance for Lawenforcement to find Hailey.

you are brave people.

you are people who also need to contact TES... or another search organization that can be your helpers and your advocates. They can help you... please contact a search organization for help.

.. prayers for Miss Haleigh.
just a thought

maybe there is someone around there that is under a protection program?

IDK, that's why I'm asking, but isn't the fed. protection program run by the US Marshall's?
I mean come on they are even saying that the brother failed one! He was legit at a friends house the night before and was not even around when Hailey went missing. This is just nuts!!
I can't help but think that if the neighbor saw Hailey on the phone in the back yard that afternoon - could the 'mystery man' have something to do with that? Could it be someone she met (face to face or online) and he wanted to meet with her and he was giving her 'tips' on what to say? Let's face it, SA wouldn't have even questioned Hailey if she told HIM to tell her mom she was going to her dad's and then sleeping over! He would have thought it was normal.

But... if LE thought that - they probably would have approved an Amber Alert - if the guy was over 18.

(just thinking out loud)
Something Hiinky in Colorado City and I am not talking Hailey's family.

I keep hearing in my head "the night the light went out in Georgia"

A lot think has me go hmmm on Colorado City LE there. Sorry that I feel :(

You aren't alone in this thought...
233 people on this thread tonight......98 guests, please join us!
I have a 12 yr old girl and I will say she is always asking if people ca come stay all night..people I have neever met..me being me I prefer they stay here anyways so I almost always say yes.. I wanted to point out though she has had kid ride the bus home with her ect and NEVER once has a parent said I would like to meet you first, where do you live ect..most of the time they dont even have a number to reach me..I am much the oppisite I will admit I find out first names last names and I sleuth them :innocent: I look at court records and everything to see what if any kind of trouble they have been ect...I know to some this may seem overboard, but being exposed to all these cases..It's a chance I won't take.

In saying that I just think people aren't exposed enough to the real dangers that lurk waiting for oppertunities..and most think it will never happen to them.


We live in a small community where most people know one another. When my 17 year old was in second grade she had a spendd the night birthday party. Every girl in her class came. I said something to the teacher(that is a friend of mine) later saying, I was surprised they let them come. She told me that they had asked her about us. I know I have done the same with my kids that are in High school.
I'm out too been on these threads all day! They were moving!
LE - please take control of press, have a pressed by an LE professional
Dunns - keep fighting
Locals - keep looking and questioning
Everyone else - keep praying
Something Hiinky in Colorado City and I am not talking Hailey's family.

I keep hearing in my head "the night the light went out in Georgia"

A lot things has me go hmmm on Colorado City LE there. Sorry that I feel :(

Maybe that is why the secret service is involved. Could be a bigger picture here, eh?
I am coming to the conclusion that they are no closer to learning the truth or finding Hailey today than they were 8 days ago because of their own incompetence. I've given LE the benefit of the doubt up till now...I no longer can.

I'm now believing they are more concerned with covering their own butts than finding her.

I said waaay back I had no faith in polygraphs and why. Had mom's BF actually REFUSED to take one and then abandoned Billie by running off to his mothers ... maybe I'd feel differently.

I completely and 100% stand behind Billie and just pray she finds her daughter. She's done EVERYTHING right. Can't say the same for all the conflicting statements and lack of info from LE and Mr. Kampfer.

This situation is SICKENING to me!:banghead: I pray I am wrong and LE is on top of it and actually have SOMETHING to go on.
all IMO
I mean come on they are even saying that the brother failed one! He was legit at a friends house the night before and was not even around when Hailey went missing. This is just nuts!!

From what i saw and i only saw it quick (was putting kids to bed), it didn't really specify which brother, what i mean is, it could have been one of the parents brothers (if they even have brothers).
at this point.. if we were really good sleuthers... we would say polygraph schmolygraph and eat it with the bite sized grain of salt that comes with it.


This is absolutely freaking nuts that a talk show host is grilling the mother of a missing child like this without ANY LE INFO... this is nuts.. absolutely DISGUSTING.
I pray as I go to bed tonight that someone from Law enforcement can step up and do what is right.. no matter who is the perp.. who is the suspect.. who is the person or persons of interest... just make a statement on Haliey's behalf and what you are doing and what the public can do to assist you.

sorry for the rant.. but this is just about the worst case of LE mismanagement I have EVER SEEN.

If anything Nancy is going to be the one that will get everything rolling. Doing what she has been doing will help Law Enforcement get in gear as she as already done it once. I would not be surprised if she gets her team to help Billie out. You can tell that Nancy is upset with the way things are being handled down there. She had even mention on sending polygrapher down to re-do the tests. I wouldn't be surprised if some of her lawyer friends get involved too. JMO
IDK, that's why I'm asking, but isn't the fed. protection program run by the US Marshall's?

cant explain it but as soon as i saw SS that was the first thing that came to mind...thus it was just a thought process i put out
My son is 15 1/2 and I STILL check with the parents with an email and follow up text and phone call. You can never be sure. Doesn't matter, no city or state, if your child is a minor even as a legal guardian or parent, you should know where child is at all times. Not just take anyone's word, period.

I take my daughters word over the word of an adult I've only just met. EVERY TIME. She's had me come get her from a girls house once because she felt uncomfortable around her friends father who she suspected had been drinking. She's also had me come get her another time at 1 am because a girls brother was smoking pot in the garage (and I KNEW those parents - they were home and they KNEW he was doing it) Meeting another parent and/or seeing their home means NOTHING IMO. You can email, talk to them on the phone, and everything can seem just fine .... but things often aren't as they appear.
i just have to say a huge ty to patty for putting these NG videos up for all of us that do not get the program :)
I don't think it is fair to assume that LE messed up with the polygraphs, we just don't know. If indeed the FBI and TR are there doing these things, I think they know what they are doing, although if they did tell Billie about BF's test just before hers, that was not a smart move.

I don't see the point of hashing out what individual people would have done with their children as far as calling, not calling, whatever. As Billie said, she wishes she had.
Hailey not having her own phone has made this case harder (even though I normally don't think everyone needs a phone at all but we are used to seeing it here) as her mom could not text her, call her quickly to say goodnight, etc. So she probably did operate more on trust, as did our moms way back when.

If Hailey had told her mom on other occassions that she was staying at MB's, and MB's mom said she never did...well, that is a problem, as she must have stayed someplace all night long. And LE should very much want to know where.
Maybe the mystery man WAS the neighbor who says he saw Hailey talking on the phone?

I can't help but think that if the neighbor saw Hailey on the phone in the back yard that afternoon - could the 'mystery man' have something to do with that? Could it be someone she met (face to face or online) and he wanted to meet with her and he was giving her 'tips' on what to say? Let's face it, SA wouldn't have even questioned Hailey if she told HIM to tell her mom she was going to her dad's and then sleeping over! He would have thought it was normal.

But... if LE thought that - they probably would have approved an Amber Alert - if the guy was over 18.

(just thinking out loud)
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