TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #7

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How old is Billie? I haven't seen it posted or I overlooked it.
that is very thoughtful of you..i am sure a dinner ect would be appreciated
i have been wanting to do something but never know when a good time to bring it to her. how do i get in contact with someone to find out
There was mention of a "mystery man" on Nancy who took two polygraphs and failed, then took a 3rd and passed. (I think I got that right.)

I wondered if that mystery man was this neighbor.

Would make sense to me that you would first polygraph Billie, Clint and the neighbor because they would be the last 3 adults to see her.

Maybe the brother but he is a minor. Since we know an Uncle has been polygraphed, I would hope they would have tested that neighbor as well. I would have done him before the Uncle.

I am trying to figure out if anyone can really confirm any sighting/encounter with Hailey on Monday at all. Okay, off to bed - I haven't slept much since we started this forum. Sometimes, these cases just tear at your heart.
ajk, you are so thoughtful! I too have wondered if any group has stepped up to help with food for Hailey's family or even for the officers and city officials who are working long hours. I don't know if anyone is taking care of this and since I am not in C-City I don't know who to contact. Maybe someone at the command center would have a list to sign up to help.
ido know that someone had brought a basket to the LE but i dont think BD will want to cook a dinner much less think of eatint unless someone reminds her to do so. Bless her and the loved ones involved with this.
Well, let's see, what do we have that says she has stayed there before? Seems like a good place to start. kwim?

Sorry, I missed you I was looking at the maps, finally. And now I am really getting a good idea about a lot of things.
I have not watched Nancy much in last two weeks but seen this case on tonight and came here to search. I'd hate to read 7 threads so can anyone tell me anything important I need to know? what is mom and step dads names? I'll try to catch up as fast as I can.
I have not watched Nancy much in last two weeks but seen this case on tonight and came here to search. I'd hate to read 7 threads so can anyone tell me anything important I need to know? what is mom and step dads names? I'll try to catch up as fast as I can.

Hi 6angels-- Hailey's mom's name is Billie (O'Brien) Dunn and for short is either BO or BD. There isn't a step-dad but Billie's boyfriend's name is Shawn Adkins--SA.

Here is a link where you will find a good summary of information:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5965137&postcount=354"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #2[/ame]
I kinda wonder about the mystery man who took the poly also. I wonder who it is.
I kinda find it odd that the neighbor knew that Hailey is outside on the phone all the time. Why the need to go outside on the phone. I normally only do that to really talk in private when my kids are around.

Who was she talking to outside?
I wonder if boyfriend or brother can confirm she was "always" outisde on phone.
If it was prepaid phone I would imagine that would use mom's minutes up pretty quick.
By no means am I accusing the neighbor, however he is someone that if I were LE I would question.
Could it be he followed or walked her somewhere?
I found it odd that his only comment was she was out there all the time, perhaps a sub-consience way of knowing he maybe saw her ONLY that day but wanted to say it was in fact normal for her to beoutside... or perhaps she was not outside.

The search of the shed? Her being outside, him seeing her there?
I would use dogs on his scent aslo.
Just to make sure that people who knew anything at all are questioned to the full extent.

Just a thought. I am not accusing him but I would certainly have some questions. He seemed kinda like a short answer in regards to it. If he said anything else I would think that the clip of his statement would be longer. I would think that every word mattered.

I am keeping eyes open that he may be the mystery man...?
Technical question for the locals- do You say the Colorado in Colorado City like the State of Colorado, or like the city of Laredo like Nancy Grace was last night? It peaked my interest every time she said it last night!
Are there any prayer vigils scheduled???

There is one on Sunday, not sure what time or where. I am sure they would know at the Middle school but I hate to bother them on the second day of school...maybe call 10-11 am after they get all the kids settled in for the day and before lunch time. I'm not from C-City, don't have the number.

I have a busy day, probably can't post again until this afternoon, but will be praying for Hailey and all family, LE, and community. I am praying for Hailey's Mom and Dad to have a Peace that passes understanding to see them thru this horrible ordeal and wisdom and discernment and safety for those investigating. Even if all you can do is pray "Lord help them!", please do. He hears us all!
I am sure that this has been investigated by LE but I am wondering a few things?

How old was the friend she was going to see?
How long had they been friends?
Were they any new connections that both of them had made on facebook? Is there any friends that the little friend down the street had that Hailey had recently added as a friend.
I found what I believe to be Hailey's facebook but dont want to post in case it is not, however I am sure if it is out there many of you are well aware.

Is the friends name MB (dont know if can post a minor's name) and then I heard the friend name is Br**nay, perhaps MB short of nick name for real name..

I am sure phone records pulled by now, I wonder if she was talking to a male and perhaps the male stated somthing to the extent .. come over to MB and stay the nigth and we will all go do somthing.. evenneighborhood stuff.. Hailey goes to friends home not knowing friend wasnt even there.. male friend or someone she spoke with off facebook or was on the phone with WAS there... suggested take a walk and wait for friend to come home.. perhaps that is where the scent to hotel is from and then after that.. who knows? Maybe if there is this person i have come up with .. perhaps had a car and they left from there?

Just a theory, I know one of many things could of happened. My mind wonders of all possible things that could of happened. I put myself in her place when I was a teen... now at 13 but as i was perhaps 14 or 15.. not everything i stated to my parents was true as to where I was really going.. not a slap on her charachter.. but teens will be teens from beginning of time till end of time.. just the way we are wired most the time. A teens judgement is not the same as we are when older and many of us think back and think... oh no I really shouldnt of done that when i was a teen.. it is natural.

The computer of the sleepover friend needs to be looked at also for any email or messages of anyone at all that perhaps she was interested in due to buys have friends and at that age... girls being friends and best friends always want to have this thing where best friends date or innocent 13 year old dating... they like to have ones in same friend circle as the guy.. just a girl thing.. .

I wouldnt rule out it is or could be a teen boy.
Some reason small towns, ( i know many in small towns) and it seems that choices are limited as girls and everyone knows everyone.. it is not unreasonable to think that perhaps it was someone older.. and I mean old enough to have drivers license.. 16 or 17.

Just a thought. anyting is possible.. however I still thinking boyfriend.. adkins is my numner one person to look at, but all others have to be considered.

(my above age comment.. didnt mean I was now 13 was refering back to teen years when I was a teen)
Technical question for the locals- do You say the Colorado in Colorado City like the State of Colorado, or like the city of Laredo like Nancy Grace was last night? It peaked my interest every time she said it last night!

Depends on who you are talking to and how proud you are of your Texas accent! I tend to let my roots show with more of a natural Texas accent when speaking with others who have the drawl. I think most in C-City would say "Colo-RAY-doh".
About 30 years ago (!) when I was in University, I worked part time at a sandwich shop in the small town where the school was located. There was a theft of some money from the cash till. In order to find out who took the $$, the owner of the shop actually had all of us employees take a lie detector test. I was 19 to 20 years old at the time, a thousand or so miles away from home and had not much of a support system. Shop employees had gossiped about who had taken the money-- I vaguely remember that it was said that the thief was some guy on an earlier shift that I barely knew who only had worked there a month or two. It was said that he took the $$ and split town.

The day of the test, one of my friends gave me a joint to smoke (I barely ever got high, but during the 6 month period I worked at the store, I smoked pot a few times as all the night shift employees would hang out outside after the store closed and smoke a bit before we went home and I went along with the crowd a few times.)

I went to take the test in a nearby town. It was administered in an almost empty room-- 2 chairs and a table with the polygraph machine- by a man I had never met before. I was very nervous and a little high. It turns out my answer to one of the questions registered something (-- I believe this question had to do with the theft and if I knew who had taken the $$.) Of course, no one from the shop ever just asked me point blank if I knew or heard anything about the theft! They eventually figured out who took the money, but they also fired me and another employee based on our "deceptive" answers.

Later that year I did a research paper on lie detector tests for a psychology class I was taking. I found out that the tests are only as good as the individual who administers the test. This, of course, was 30 years ago, and I am sure that with new technology, these tests are much more accurate than they were when I took one. But I am sure that BD's answers were skewed by the fact she had just heard that her boyfriend had failed his. I imagine she must have been confused and highly emotional going in to take the test. The bf, however, I wonder about and have had my suspicions about him since the beginning. JMHO.
I am sure that this has been investigated by LE but I am wondering a few things?

How old was the friend she was going to see?
How long had they been friends?
Were they any new connections that both of them had made on facebook? Is there any friends that the little friend down the street had that Hailey had recently added as a friend.
I found what I believe to be Hailey's facebook but dont want to post in case it is not, however I am sure if it is out there many of you are well aware.

Is the friends name MB (dont know if can post a minor's name) and then I heard the friend name is Br**nay, perhaps MB short of nick name for real name..

I am sure phone records pulled by now, I wonder if she was talking to a male and perhaps the male stated somthing to the extent .. come over to MB and stay the nigth and we will all go do somthing.. evenneighborhood stuff.. Hailey goes to friends home not knowing friend wasnt even there.. male friend or someone she spoke with off facebook or was on the phone with WAS there... suggested take a walk and wait for friend to come home.. perhaps that is where the scent to hotel is from and then after that.. who knows? Maybe if there is this person i have come up with .. perhaps had a car and they left from there?

Just a theory, I know one of many things could of happened. My mind wonders of all possible things that could of happened. I put myself in her place when I was a teen... now at 13 but as i was perhaps 14 or 15.. not everything i stated to my parents was true as to where I was really going.. not a slap on her charachter.. but teens will be teens from beginning of time till end of time.. just the way we are wired most the time. A teens judgement is not the same as we are when older and many of us think back and think... oh no I really shouldnt of done that when i was a teen.. it is natural.

The computer of the sleepover friend needs to be looked at also for any email or messages of anyone at all that perhaps she was interested in due to buys have friends and at that age... girls being friends and best friends always want to have this thing where best friends date or innocent 13 year old dating... they like to have ones in same friend circle as the guy.. just a girl thing.. .

I wouldnt rule out it is or could be a teen boy.
Some reason small towns, ( i know many in small towns) and it seems that choices are limited as girls and everyone knows everyone.. it is not unreasonable to think that perhaps it was someone older.. and I mean old enough to have drivers license.. 16 or 17.

Just a thought. anyting is possible.. however I still thinking boyfriend.. adkins is my numner one person to look at, but all others have to be considered.

(my above age comment.. didnt mean I was now 13 was refering back to teen years when I was a teen)

Hi Sherryk, In answer to your question regarding posting minors names: It is off limits. Just wanted to let ya know!
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