TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #8

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I wonder what happened to make SA quit his job first thing Monday AM? Had something already happened to Hailey? I know he told Billie at first that there was an argument and he was fired, but I have seen no reports of his coworkers saying anything about a disagreement. I believe that he just quit....so I ask my self; why go in to work at all? He could have dropped BO at her work and then gone home. He did not have to show up in person to just quit. Was it a spur of the moment decision? What could have happened after he dropped BO and before or as soon as he arrived at work; a phone call? Did he argue with BO before he dropped her off?

Did BO work all day Sunday? Did she see Hailey, awake and unharmed Sunday night? Could something bad have happened Hailey while BO slept Sunday night?

hmmm, no real blow-up at woek? or you're saying perhaps it was some sort of ruse, he intentionally picked a fight?
I wonder what happened to make SA quit his job first thing Monday AM? Had something already happened to Hailey? I know he told Billie at first that there was an argument and he was fired, but I have seen no reports of his coworkers saying anything about a disagreement. I believe that he just quit....so I ask my self; why go in to work at all? He could have dropped BO at her work and then gone home. He did not have to show up in person to just quit. Was it a spur of the moment decision? What could have happened after he dropped BO and before or as soon as he arrived at work; a phone call? Did he argue with BO before he dropped her off?

Did BO work all day Sunday? Did she see Hailey, awake and unharmed Sunday night? Could something bad have happened Hailey while BO slept Sunday night?

TGI... SA quit his job? I thought he was fired do you know for sure, I am so far behind tonight....thanks
I hope that CD continues to support Billie if SA emerges as POI...and I hope she has lots of other support, we know she has one really great friend at least.
I, for one, would not be very suprised to find that SA had nothing to do with any of this. Unfortuately for him, he happens to be the most likely suspect.

Whatching the strain grow daily on this family is just heartbreaking. Poor Billie. Clint has a girlfiend to comfort him. Billie's comfort has been exiled.

You know, I have a lot of respect for these parents. If I had a missing daughter, I don't know that I could keep myself as composed as they have. I have an ex-husband. I don't know if we would be able to pull together, as Billie and Clint have. Or if we would waiste our energy on throwing blame back and forth.

Billie has her son and other relatives. I believe her brother was with her and her mom is in Snyder.
Do any of you long-term WSers think it means anything that BD was offered a grief counselor, other than just to help her cope with the disappearance of Hailey. IDK, she is brought in for a statement, SA has lawyer, they find these "items" near the grandma of SA, and BD is then offered to see a grief counselor? Is this unusual? Not accusing anyone, but it seems really like LE may know a lot more than they are letting on at this point. JMO

I don't know that I have heard of this before; usually larger police departments have some sort of liason to talk with the parents and comfort them...but to have a grief counselor, it sounds scary. But perhaps Billie presented herself in such a way they felt she needed help.
Apologies to the poster who mentioned something upthread about LE not busting peeps for pot (wish I could remember who said that).

Anyway, just read this & it looks like LE isn't concerned with that so that's a good thing!

Dean said officers were told to look specifically for the missing teen, adding that authorities aren’t interested in illegal activities unrelated to Dunn’s disappearance.

“Part of finding Hailey is finding out where she is not,” Dean said.


Thank you for posting that...
I know getting a lawyer looks bad....but they are the only ones who could let her catch her breath and not be taken in for questioning at all hours every day. He could still let her talk and help them. A spokesperson wouldn't talk to LE for her, they would only address the media.
I don't think getting a lawyer would make her look bad at all. There's some real conflict here, that she can't resolve on her own. I keep thinking that cops are legally allowed to lie, & wonder if this is where the confusion started. An officer 'lied' to trip her up about what she might know... the same principal of, 'you're friend just ratted you out', when in actuality, he didn't. I'm still not sure if SA failed, or even took a test. I've been under the belief, that LE isn't allowed to give out results. I'm really confused on this one. I did believe Billie, when she said that she was told they failed. Somebody told her something.
It really should be LE that makes the request for the search teams, not teams showing up (on their own or without a formal request) for many reasons, of which you happened to answer above. :) But understandably, "professionals" should make the request for professional searchers, or for TES to come in and bring in the masses.

I totally agree with you - Bring Hailey Home!

It SHOULD be, but what happens when it isn't? What happens when no professionals are called in (and btw, your run of the mill LE, including field feds are not professional SAR either)? OR what happens when they are called in and then stop?
Yeah, in a perfect world, that's how it SHOULD work, I've discovered too many dead missing persons later, that it is far from perfect. As a veteran SAR responder, I firmly believe that pros should be out there doing it, it's what we train for, but guess what, when we don't get the call out, then I believe anyone who is willing to do it should get out there and try and find that missing person. Should they gather some knowledge first? Yes, and that's why I spent the last 9 months trying to create a resource guide for just that purpose. Do I hate to see people going out and destroying evidence? Absolutely, but in the absence of experience, well, anything is better than nothing.
LE is not the enemy,they put thier lives on the life everyday for all of us.If they say people aren't telling the truth and LE knows they aren't,they'll keep asking until they get the answers.They're not looking to frame anyone,they're looking for a little girl who should not have been out on her own in the first place.

I am sure LE is well intentioned but TES is not LE's enemy either. TES is not a threat to the investigation. They would be an asset. I hope LE will bring them in and work with them.
Do any of you long-term WSers think it means anything that BD was offered a grief counselor, other than just to help her cope with the disappearance of Hailey. IDK, she is brought in for a statement, SA has lawyer, they find these "items" near the grandma of SA, and BD is then offered to see a grief counselor? Is this unusual? Not accusing anyone, but it seems really like LE may know a lot more than they are letting on at this point. JMO

Probably routine, but if she signed a statement saying she recognized those items, well, thats a horse of different color.
I don't know that I have heard of this before; usually larger police departments have some sort of liason to talk with the parents and comfort them...but to have a grief counselor, it sounds scary. But perhaps Billie presented herself in such a way they felt she needed help.

When I saw her on NG yesterday I was very concerned about her. In two days, she didn't look like the same person. I pray she is eating a little and drinking a LOT of fluids. I know her friend is posting here so please let her know she needs to keep up her strength. Bless her heart.

Haven't posted in years but have been reading every thread. Thought I saw that mom got lawyer, but no sure. Did she?
It SHOULD be, but what happens when it isn't? What happens when no professionals are called in (and btw, your run of the mill LE, including field feds are not professional SAR either)? OR what happens when they are called in and then stop?
Yeah, in a perfect world, that's how it SHOULD work, I've discovered too many dead missing persons later, that it is far from perfect. As a veteran SAR responder, I firmly believe that pros should be out there doing it, it's what we train for, but guess what, when we don't get the call out, then I believe anyone who is willing to do it should get out there and try and find that missing person. Should they gather some knowledge first? Yes, and that's why I spent the last 9 months trying to create a resource guide for just that purpose. Do I hate to see people going out and destroying evidence? Absolutely, but in the absence of experience, well, anything is better than nothing.

THANK YOU.. :goodpost:
Does anyone have accurate info. of the LE official who is in charge of Hailey's case (name/rank and the LE agency that he/she is affiliated with)?
Actually....thinking about this....he quits/gets fired that morning....says he went to his moms house....then to Billies house at 3. Why didn't he just say that nobody was home when he got there? That he didn't see Hailey? IF, if, if he is the perp....there has to be a reason he made up such an elaborate lie. Right? Maybe Hailey was on the phone when he got there and he knew the phone records could be checked?

If he told Billie no one was there when he got there. Hailey was still not there when Billie got home from work. I would think LE would have been called that night. Maybe some thing needed to be taken care of the next day, while Billie was at work. Have we ever heard where he was the next day?
If he told Billie no one was there when he got there. Hailey was still not there when Billie got home from work. I would think LE would have been called that night. Maybe some thing needed to be taken care of the next day, while Billie was at work. Have we ever heard where he was the next day?

But, what if Billie had called MB's house that evening/night? Maybe he knew she wouldn't?
If he told Billie no one was there when he got there. Hailey was still not there when Billie got home from work. I would think LE would have been called that night. Maybe some thing needed to be taken care of the next day, while Billie was at work. Have we ever heard where he was the next day?

Good question. Where was he the next day?

And what items were removed from the shed in the yard? tia
If he told Billie no one was there when he got there. Hailey was still not there when Billie got home from work. I would think LE would have been called that night. Maybe some thing needed to be taken care of the next day, while Billie was at work. Have we ever heard where he was the next day?


Bingo. (well, MOO)

ETA: Although, if that were true, seems like someone doing that to buy more time would also make it more believable by taking a few of her clothes away and saying she took a small bag with her. KWIM?
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