TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #8

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Generally I would wonder why LE would be asking directions from the news crew.

However, since a neighboring police chief could not get in touch with the police chief in this case... I don't know if the searchers would have been able to contact law enforcement quickly either.

It is also possible they did not have cell phone reception but the news crew was right there, so they asked them to contact LE.

Or it's possible that when the searchers called it in they were not taken seriously. Then LE changed their mind after hearing the media knew about it... and called the news crew to get the information.


"BREAKING: Searcher Finds Knife Cover in Creek 10 Miles North of Hailey Dunn's Colorado City Home 1/7/11

The Colorado City Police called the CBS 7 crew on scene for directions and began an investigation into the potential evidentiary find"

My question would be, why are LE asking directions from the news crew? If something was found during a search shouldn't the LE be contacted before MSM?

SARX... You rock. I totally agree.

We lucked out that my cousin's killer was lazy... or freaked out. He just put her off to the side of the dirt road. She was found by hikers within 48 hours. But she was taken over an hour away from where she was abducted... and she was a considered a "runaway" and LE refused to call in anyone to search for her. If he had actually hidden her, who knows if her body ever would have been found. It is awful that her case remains unsolved... but at least her parents got her body back.

I would give anything to be able to do SAR.

It SHOULD be, but what happens when it isn't? What happens when no professionals are called in (and btw, your run of the mill LE, including field feds are not professional SAR either)? OR what happens when they are called in and then stop?
Yeah, in a perfect world, that's how it SHOULD work, I've discovered too many dead missing persons later, that it is far from perfect. As a veteran SAR responder, I firmly believe that pros should be out there doing it, it's what we train for, but guess what, when we don't get the call out, then I believe anyone who is willing to do it should get out there and try and find that missing person. Should they gather some knowledge first? Yes, and that's why I spent the last 9 months trying to create a resource guide for just that purpose. Do I hate to see people going out and destroying evidence? Absolutely, but in the absence of experience, well, anything is better than nothing.
I don't think I would say a child's name either when talking about hurting them. I don't know why but it just doesn't come naturally to me. If it were my grandson, I would say, I would never hurt that little boy. Saying I would never hurt "Johnny" or my grandson seems cold to me somehow. I don't know why but it just doesn't flow right for me. I, personally, don't think it's indicative of guilt or innocence. JMO

Imo, SA couldn't have said anything that would have sounded good concerning Hailey. He did use the term, "that little girl."
BD always used Hailey's name when talking about her.

If it were my grandson, I would likely say I would never hurt my precious grandbaby boy, then use his name. I would likely go on to say what a fine child he is, and bring a memory of him helping or being spontaeously kind, his smile, yada, yada. But, that's just what went through my head when I thought of my grandson while reading your post.

It is said that speaking negative about the missing child, or using terms other than her name, brings distance subconsciencely, which is why it was disturbing hearing him say it. It did peak my ears also when he said it, but the smiling all the time was what really peaked my concern. I just don't get it. Then something more comes out everyday to keep eyes on this person, even though she has a couple enemies.
If he simply made up the spending the night thing, which is possible since no one else knew about it, it would appear interesting to me why he would choose that specific friend over any other. ????
He was 20 years old when he committed this crime with a 14 year old girl.
I don't know the facts in the case, but it appeared he got 4 years for it, and got out in three. He is 26 years old now, and married.

Look at him, yes, but it isn't horror shocking without more information on the guy. The girl could have been a month shy of 15, and he had turned 20 in June with the arrest happening in Oct.
He is 5'6" and is 110 lbs.
He was released in 07, with no other problems that I'm aware of.

So they could have been bf/gf for all we know, and the parents didn't like it.
So shoot away, but I don't see a monster in this guy.

For his own benefit though, he should stay away from kids, and searches for kids. He seriously shouldn't want to be the one that found her.
& admitting to knowing her family, was unnecessary. It could be seen that he was bragging or sending out a clue. Honestly, I don't think that, but LE has got to be suspicious of him now. Does he want the Texas Rangers, banging on his door, going through his computer? He'd better hope he doesn't have anything, he wants to hide.
Billie called Hailey "that little girl" on Nancy Grace last night. To me it is very strange that they call her that.

I used to work with a woman who is one of the 'best' moms I have ever met. Her life IS her son -- a little boy she adopted out of a bad situation. She loves that little boy with all her heart -- and if you knew her, you wouldn't doubt it for a minute that she is an amazing mom. She often referred to her son as 'my boy' or 'that little boy'. (More often than she referred to him by his name, actually.) I found it odd, too, but then realized that maybe it was just a colloquialism of the area. She really DOES love that little boy (who is now a grown man) with all her heart. She just had an odd way of saying it.

I have two grown children whom I love more than life, itself. When I am speaking to someone who doesn't know them, personally, or who has never met them, until I get to know that person very well, I refer to them as 'my son' or 'my daughter'. Friends have brought it to my attention that i never refer to them by name with folks who don't know them. Once you know them, I don't feel the need to clarify, I guess. Who knows?

Another thing that folks have mentioned is why he didn't just give her a ride to her friend's house. Going back to the MS girl attitude (even the good ones), the last thing you want to do is to be seen with your parent or his or her SO...so even if he offered, she could have rolled her eyes, refused, and walked out the door and down the street.

Not defending SA here -- because I have a theory on how it could have played out, myself. He could have been fired...come over to the house angry and upset after spending his day at mom's...trying to figure out how he was going to tell BD that he was fired...and HD could have been a little sassy or lippy with him. (I teach middle school...girls this age are known for having and feeling compelled to share their opinions.) He could have started drinking in the afternoon after being fired and just snapped at her...hurt her accidentally...and covered it up. That is one of my theories.

Another thought is...does anyone else find it odd that CD's girlfriend 'can't remember' if she came over or not? It was only a day or two later that LE asked her about it and she already 'wasn't sure'. If H was over at their house every single day...wouldn't you notice if she did NOT come over one day? That would stand out to me...the fact that she wasn't there...instead of the opposite. (edited: Don't get me wrong...I don't think that CD had anything to do with it...just find it odd that she would say that.)

Something else I picked up on. CD made a comment that when she comes home, she can live with whichever parent she wants. Makes you think that she has not been happy living there with SA for a while. There might have been some friction between the two.

I want to believe what they said yesterday...that she's just hiding somewhere in a closet. That would be nice.

Keep praying hard...
Billie never called Hailey that, if she did I cannot find it.

I heard "little girl" 17 times in Nancy's show on the 6th... including the replays of Shawn saying it... but never from Billie.

I heard it 15 times on the 4th... just on Hailey's part of the show... but never from Billie.

She said "little girl" a couple of times referring to Hailey's friend and texting her to have Hailey come home. But really, after hearing Nancy say "little girl" 15 times, I was calling my dog a little girl! So I wouldn't be surprised if she referred to someone as a little girl.

Here are the Nancy transcripts from the 6th, 4th and 3rd. Maybe someone else can find where she said it... I could be missing it.




Maybe this is what everyone is referring to... From the NG transcript on the 6th, this is maybe 1/4 to 1/3 of the way down the page "BILLIE DUNN: I just don`t have an answer for that. I wish I would have called to tell her good night. I wish I would have called the little girl`s phone that night." (BBM)
Another day the sun is setting and a mother and her family have to lay their heads down and try to sleep, not knowing where their precious child is. Cry for Hailey, cry for those who have gone before her and for those who will be missing in the future. We have to take a stand someplace. We have to do something. I for one am tired of crying for these lost babies.

I agree, 100%! I would love to see this case bring about change to the Amber alert system. They need to be broadcasting every child who goes missing, with whatever information they have. No child is not worth it!
Miss O , and thats just it ..comes down to people contacting MSM ect and pushing as hard as u can. Like MC she didn't get much press at all, its strange how it works sometimes but its pushing as hard as u can to get the word out.


This is something we can do. Maybe we could have a dedicated thread for just such a purpose.
thats probibly why she got alot of things wrong

All I got to say is "SENSATIONALIZE AWAY"... twist all you want. The more people that see that picture the better.

Please, tell me what she got wrong?
Very interesting theory. I can see very well how that may have happened.


I hope I pasted that correctly.

I find it very odd choice of words that someone that lives in a home with a child and knows the little girl would say tha:

"I would never do anything to that little girl," said Shawn Adkins, boyfriend of Hailey Dunn's mother, "I love her with all my heart"

that is very odd that he would refer to her as "that little girl". He is living in the household and in contact with her everyday.. why not just call her by her name.. especially being in the same sentence that "I love her with all my heart"

I can not help but keep thinking about that quote and statement. It seems as if he subconsciously seperating himself the family bond but at the same time saying love's her with all his heart.. very confusing statement. The "that little girl" bothers me alot. I really think it is subconsciously leaving her actual name and replacing with "that little girl" is a way to in his mind make her not so real that he did somthing.

In statement analysis they call that distancing. It was a red flag for me too.
Marlame: EXACTLY what I was trying to state the first post I made in reference to the word "THAT".

There is nothing to do with the part of the country. When a PERSON is missing and to refer to them as THAT is a huge red flag.

The word THAT implies to me a THING not a PERSON.
Thank you for your helpful and important post.

The very statement he made in regards to "THAT" I believe the one word speaks so much more than many know or believe.

Good points, BUT... it is common in the South to use this term in reference to our kids, rather than saying their name every time. So just because the child is missing, you don't change the way you say things automatically. In fact, I would find THAT odd... if I know a person's speech habits and then hear them try to correct it for the cameras, because the child is missing... that would send up red flags to me. To us, it isn't distancing... it is just the opposite... it's a term of endearment, sotaspeak.
Working on a new thread will be back in a few to close this thread. Thank you

Really? I missed that. Do you have a link?

Billie was referring to the friend, MB, when she said, " that little girl". Hailey did not have a phone, she used Mom's phone which police have taken as evidence.
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