TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #9

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This sort of article is pretty standard I think, in cases like this. People are generally willing/eager to talk and offer up opinions, whether they really know the family involved or not, or they are repeating something they may have heard third-hand, or even making things up. As sick as it is, missing children stories become human interest stories, and people want to know about the family, probably in part to try to find something about them that "made" this happen, so they can feel more comfortable about it not happening in their own families.

There was a similar story about the Hormans several months ago, which exposed various aspects of the marriage, family life and employment histories. No one complained much then, because it made Terri look bad and that suited most people.

I say, just take it with a grain of salt, and let LE figure out what, if any of it, means anything in helping to find Haleigh. I hope they are informed as to what is truth and what is rumor.
Some of the big country links - the articles have been removed?
I'm guessing LE was at clint's house to search, just like billie's, after Hailey went missing, and that's when they found the marijuana. what are they supposed to do, say oh never mind, your daughter's missing, we'll act like we never saw that....

Some of the big country links - the articles have been removed?

I just looked and yeah some of them are not listed anywhere anymore, not on the homepage or anything, the one about hailey's facebook page is not there among others, yet the timeline is moved up in it's place.. weird...
I just looked and yeah some of them are not listed anywhere anymore, not on the homepage or anything, the one about hailey's facebook page is not there among others, yet the timeline is moved up in it's place.. weird...

Even weirder now it's back the way it was, just organized differently LOL
I don't like the terms "birth mother" or "birth father" but in so many of these cases, the child is not living with both biological parents, (Haleigh C., Kyron, Zahra, the Skelton boys, Hasanni, Amber, Hailey D., Gabriel, Lindsey B., the DeBlase children, etc.) that I guess it is easier for the media to identify them as such. In some cases, it does not mean the child does not have two parents.
I have a couple of questions..is MB a cheerleader? wasnt there a case in texas years ago where the mother of a child she wanted to be a cheerleader killed another cheerleader so her child would gain a spot? I am not saying this is the case just curious since mom and MB seem to be on a bit of a smear campaign?
After reading the last few pages I had a few thoughts.

If what is being said, that Hailey may have wanted to live with her father is any motivation, due to potential conflict with SA. Is it at all possible that HD and SA had words before HD was supposed to make her way over to her father's and stated something along the lines of "I am going to tell my daddy on you" type of scenario and SA panicked in some sense? That was just a scenario that crossed my mind.

In any case, I am glad they are looking for Hailey BOTH ways. I like to see this as anything is possible. And I am PRAYING she is alive and well somewhere out there. Blessings to Billie and Clint and all those supporting them in their search to find their little girl. And SHAME on those who are publicly bashing them and not participating in the aid to find little Hailey. Everyone loves a cynic from the side lines *sarcasm*

All families no matter who you are will have day to day issues and nobody lives are perfect. A simple misunderstanding, such as with Billie's license, which could happen to anyone is being blown into something that could happen to anyone. How about this mother works her tail off to care for her family? Kudos to Billie. Sadly, when your child goes missing, it does open your private life for the public scrutiny but that does not make it right. The focus needs to be on finding Hailey and WRAPPING our arms around the family with love and support. This is what many family members of others that are missing have said helps them cope through the nightmare. Is the outpouring of love and support of the public. Hopefully, websleuths being such a victim friendly place can help educate others on this issue.

I am a BIG BELIEVER of not judging the past in these situations but the present on a go forward basis and I have to say I am very impressed with both Billie and Clint. Regardless, it is easy to cast stones and say "well I don't do that" or "I wouldn't have done that"- Right, well there are a lot of things I don't do that my neighbors do with my children. That is their choice to make and I make my own choices. I can't think of a more guilt ridden job on this planet of other than being a mother. A double edge sword. You try to do what is right and what works for your own family. If our choices lead us to despair, then we have to live with them and there is nothing worse than that in itself. Even when you haven't done anything wrong, the pain and guilt is still there. People pouring salt on open wounds is classless, IMO. Shame on them.

There is nothing more awful than having a family member turn up missing. The pain and anguish can only be imagined by those who have never been through such a thing.
I can't decipher half the time what the newspaper is trying to say?

Senior DPS Trooper Spark Dean said Saturday that the searches hadn't found any concrete evidence that would lead investigators to believe foul play was involved in Hailey's disappearance.

Seriously - hadn't found? I hope LE is doing a better job than the writers of this bumbling incoherent paper.


Well Casing??? Was there active drilling going on in C-City---I'm not aware of any new wells going in there---it's possible that there could be, however, I am not finding any permit requests or approvals which would be required before dropping any pipe downhole; thus the need for casing....(snip)...

I think the well casings issue came up b/c someone found out that SA had worked for a company that did well casings. Perhaps someone in that industry would know if there were any wells that needed casing, had recently been cased, were open/abandoned, etc.
Just some questions and comments here:


At last check, one of the country's most elite search groups was preparing to possibly come to Colorado City to aid authorities and volunteers. Texas Equusearch says its been contacted by the Dunn family to assist. TES has been in contact with law enforcement and tells bigcountryhomepage.com its waiting for the "go ahead."


BBM....LE needs to give the go ahead like three days ago for TES to come in. Tim Miller is amazing and would help with getting alot of ground covered in a short amount of time,ruling out more areas quicker so LE can move on to other leads and area's, time unfortunatley is not on our side here.


Who is this woman ? And have they check her and her boyfriend out ?


Donna Byerley met Hailey her through Byerley’s boyfriend, who had once dated a relative of Billie Jean Dunn. She described the girl’s home life as “volatile at times.”

Byerley characterized the 13-year-old as not getting along with her mother’s boyfriend, and Hailey herself as always wandering “here and there,” coming and going largely “as she pleases.”

But rather than a little girl lost, Byerley painted a picture of a compassionate person, whether it was taking care of a mutual friend of a family pet, a girl who remained “very much an individual,” with an honest style of communication whether talking about school, family or friends.

Dunn has stayed with Byerley and her boyfriend off and on, including the last two weeks of the previous school year, Byerley said.
“That was the school year that I think she started in Colorado City, went to Snyder a month or so, and then back to Colorado City,” she said.

“The last few weeks, perhaps month, she was living with her Dad because she doesn’t like the boyfriend,” Byerley said, referring to Adkins



Why would Hailey be staying with a woman and bf that was met through a relative whom the bf once dated that seems very friggin odd, and just where do they live? If meeting through a relative of a once BF of a relative she sure seems to know an awful lot of Hailey's personal life :banghead: x 10...

Looks like this all took place the past school year, not this year ....right ?
SA was arrested August 8th for PI in Taylor County. I deleted the link from my mail, but it was the county database. That is all i've seen.

I'm guessing LE was at clint's house to search, just like billie's, after Hailey went missing, and that's when they found the marijuana. what are they supposed to do, say oh never mind, your daughter's missing, we'll act like we never saw that....plus perfect reason to be able to hold him and question him about Hailey.

And if anyone refuses to let LE search their house.....bingo....search warrant will appear...imo

Actually, yes they are, I don't know about in Texas but here in Canada if a police officer comes into your home for another reason they can arrest you but charges will be dropped as there was no warrant. This is a very important matter why waste valuable time/effort on weed. JMO only. Anything found in a home without a warrant is inadmissible in court so really why bother
MOO and my 2 cents...

Children of divorced parents struggle with who they want to live with. Arguments ensue, so what, it is a delicate subject.

Pot is a drug, yep, lots of people use it...

Hailey is gone... TES needs to get to C City Stat.. Find Hailey and let her come home to her loving parents.

I think in NO way do family dynamics have caused this, a CRIMINAL has.

BD and CD need to be nutured right now. Not have their whole lives spewed in the media and on here. Prayers, love and support sent to Hailey's family and friends.

Thanks... : ) hope I don't get a time out...
Actually, yes they are, I don't know about in Texas but here in Canada if a police officer comes into your home for another reason they can arrest you but charges will be dropped as there was no warrant. This is a very important matter why waste valuable time/effort on weed. JMO only. Anything found in a home without a warrant is inadmissible in court so really why bother

I think it has been said that he had an outstanding warrant? So perhaps they took him in, then let him go?
I think it has been said that he had an outstanding warrant? So perhaps they took him in, then let him go?
See, that's what bugs me more about that article. The outstanding warrant. They go into great detail about CD's legal history and BD's nursing license - even quoting from the order of revocation BUT they say NOTHING about "and a Scurry county warrant".

Surely they could have found out what it was for.

He was let go. I'm thinking maybe he now has an attorney (for those charges) and that's why there's no searching of his house. And he still is asking for a polygraph and they have yet to schedule one.

MB not going to the vigil bothers me. She was supposed to be Hailey's BFF and yet she's too busy to go to the vigil? What's up with that? This still could go down "the friends are involved" road.
As far as Dad's arrest goes, I'm sure they used it as a tool. And as some have pointed out they are not even looking in his direction now so apparently the tool worked. Who knows how he was reacting at first? My guess was he was mad and probably focused more on that and getting who ever took his little girl than answering questions. And rightfully so. It's been said in many articles that witnesses aren't telling the whole story..........that's really not any different than any other case, especially when ther is any kind of drug stuff involved, everybody tries to cover that first and THEN tell the truth. Not saying the Dad did, but perhaps some of the other players. So when LE looks at it "whole", it's seems they are getting the run around and they react to that.
OK, I am taking this question and running with it.

1) I have bitten my tongue this whole time and not said anything about MB or her mother. MB is a child herself, and I decided long ago not to talk about someone else's child. I understand that any mother would want to protect her child that was rumored to be involved in another child's disappearance.

But the whole of MB's mother's statement has me disgusted. The only thing I believe is "Cecilia Garcia said she had never interacted with Dunn’s extended family." I am not going to sink to her level and talk about her child, and what she may do.

The only thing I am going to comment on is this quote: "Later, she said that her daughter told her that Dunn had expressed a desire to move in with her birth father, which Garcia said her daughter indicated led to a family altercation around Christmastime." Good Lord. What child of seperated parents, at one point or another, has not expressed a desire to live with the parent they are not currently living with? There was no 'family altercation'. Seriously....... don't y'all think that with Hailey's entire family wracking their brains to try and come up with anything that would lead them to her would have thought of a problem that occurred right around Christmas?

I swear, sometimes I wish I had no conscious, and could just freely speak my mind. I will say that I personally find it strange that MB was 'too busy', as she told some of the kids, to attend the prayer vigil for Hailey - who is supposed to be one of her closest friends.

2) Donna Byerley.... I don't know her, and as much as I hate to do it because it is sure to upset her, I am going to have to bring this up to Billie tomorrow. She needs to know what people are saying about her and have the chance to defend herself. MOO - this is a case of someone just wanting to have something to say. How does one word out of this woman's mouth help to get Hailey home?

"Home life as 'volatile at times.' Her mother’s new relationship, and worries that it was preventing her parents from being together, served as a partial catalyst for Hailey’s difficulties with Adkins, Byerley said. 'I know he yelled at her,' she said of Hailey’s relationship with Adkins, though she said she knew of no accusations of physical or other abuse. Similarly, Byerley said Clint and Billie Jean Dunn’s relationship often was rocky. 'They’ve always had blowouts — screaming, yelling,' she said."

Didn't have anything nice to say about anyone, did she? New relationship between Billie and her BF? What about the fact that Clint and his GF just had a baby? Like I said, I do not know this woman, but I will be asking Billie who she is and letting her know what she said. Again, MOO - a whole lot of nothing just to have something to say to a reporter.

3) Billie's nursing license. Yes, her license was revoked in 2008. Nurses have to renew their licenses every 2 years, and in order to renew, have to have continuing education and pay a fee. Billie paid by check, and unfortunately, the check was NSF. She was unaware of this, and did not realize that her license was not renewed. Neither was her employer, who also should have checked. Yes I realize, and so does Billie, that it is her resonsibility to make sure her license is in good standing. The Board told her she was not required to appear at the meeting (which was held in Austin), so she did not go.

The quote about her conduct is standard. She did not knowingly practice without a license. Her employer has stood behind her this entire time, and vouched for her. She is still employed at the same facility, as a ward clerk, and has been set to have her license reinstated within the next few weeks. Ask any nurse and they will tell you... the Board of Nursing is not lenient at all. It is a joke among many of us that we would rather go up against a group of rabid IRS agents than the nicest member of the Board.

4) What does Clint's arrest record have to do with anything?

And so begins the campaign to smear Billie and Clint. To discredit them and drag them through the mud. To go through their lives with a fine toothed comb and discover and repeat every mistake they have ever made.

To what end? The bottom line is that Hailey is missing. And we need her to be found safe and brought home. This is the only thing that matters.

I don't see why people cannot stick with what is important. My question to everyone who is digging through Billie's and Clint's past and yapping to reporters is this: If you don't have something to say that is relevant to finding Hailey, then why do have to say anything at all? If you just want to be quoted in the newspaper, or have your face on the TV, then find something else to get involved in. This story is about Hailey being missing and her family's anguish that she is gone.

You Knowles, every time a woman or child goes missing, this happens. There are camps defending both sides. Honestly? I don't think anything is out of
line when it comes to finding a child that has disappeared. If it were me, I would not give two whits whether people were looking at my history...and if people want to judge me based on that, then fine, whatever, in the grand scheme, people know things and hear things.
It comes out at times like this and like an earlier poster said, just because someone thinks they truly know their friend, daughter, uncle, brother, most have no idea.
What's the point of stirring up Bille- so she can defend herself to alleged rumor mongers? That should be the least of her concerns, and honestly, the parents and the boyfriends/girlfriends/step blah blah blah should all be looked at. Because the majority of the time it ISN'T a stranger that did the deed. if it ends up they have nothing to do with it oh well I'm sorry but that is the cost of trying to save a child's life.

edited for typos
MOO and my 2 cents...

Children of divorced parents struggle with who they want to live with. Arguments ensue, so what, it is a delicate subject.

Pot is a drug, yep, lots of people use it...

Hailey is gone... TES needs to get to C City Stat.. Find Hailey and let her come home to her loving parents.

I think in NO way do family dynamics have caused this, a CRIMINAL has.

BD and CD need to be nutured right now. Not have their whole lives spewed in the media and on here. Prayers, love and support sent to Hailey's family and friends.

Thanks... : ) hope I don't get a time out...

I totally agree. A criminal is at fault here. Not two parents doing the best they can to get along and raise their children while going through the process of separation. It's hard, having split families, especially with kids this age. I speak from personal experience. If anything what it looks like to me is that the criminal lost his temper, hurt this precious girl, then took advantage of the situation with her famiy to buy him time to cover his tracks. My heart breaks for these parents. Anyone can be taken advantage of, especially if this criminal was someone they'd known for years. He'd taken the time to earnt their trust. My opinion only of course. Praying for Hailey.
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