TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #9

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National media attention is a double edged sword. It gets your child's name and picture out to the masses but the media will dig into your background and sensationalize everything. The sad thing is that if the media can't find anything scandalous in your family's background, they'll drop the case within the week. The media loves exposing families who appear "perfect" like the Van Dams, Ramseys, Hormans, etc.
On the bigcountry website 96.6% of people said they want TES to come in and search
3.4% said no.
I hope the authorities see PEOPLE WANT TES

Devil's advocate here---how many of the people who voted that make up the 96% of yes's live in the area that Bigcountry serves? I would be willing to bet the site has seen a previously unheard of rise in visitors to the site since Hailey disappeared and that the majority of people voting are not locals.
Billie's friend wasn't sure and said last night she was going to tell billie what Donna was saying.
Clint wasn't arrested because LE found pot in his home....he had an outstanding warrant form Scurry Co.
Devil's advocate here---how many of the people who voted that make up the 96% of yes's live in the area that Bigcountry serves? I would be willing to bet the site has seen a previously unheard of rise in visitors to the site since Hailey disappeared and that the majority of people voting are not locals.

A lot are made up of visitors I'd guess. I visit 4 or 5 times a day. I'm sure a lot of us do as well as those on the find Hailey facebook pages :)
Its important to stay in the news, but I can see it being hard on family and friends, seeing there love ones past come back up. But I doubt the parents even care about this, the only important thing is to bring Hailey home. It seems the more the news can find, the longer they stay in the news.
I see people are kinda throwing theories out? I thought we couldn't discuss any names of who we thought is involved, or has a poi been named?
OK, I am taking this question and running with it.

1) I have bitten my tongue this whole time and not said anything about MB or her mother. MB is a child herself, and I decided long ago not to talk about someone else's child. I understand that any mother would want to protect her child that was rumored to be involved in another child's disappearance.

But the whole of MB's mother's statement has me disgusted. The only thing I believe is "Cecilia Garcia said she had never interacted with Dunn’s extended family." I am not going to sink to her level and talk about her child, and what she may do.

The only thing I am going to comment on is this quote: "Later, she said that her daughter told her that Dunn had expressed a desire to move in with her birth father, which Garcia said her daughter indicated led to a family altercation around Christmastime." Good Lord. What child of seperated parents, at one point or another, has not expressed a desire to live with the parent they are not currently living with? There was no 'family altercation'. Seriously....... don't y'all think that with Hailey's entire family wracking their brains to try and come up with anything that would lead them to her would have thought of a problem that occurred right around Christmas?

I swear, sometimes I wish I had no conscious, and could just freely speak my mind. I will say that I personally find it strange that MB was 'too busy', as she told some of the kids, to attend the prayer vigil for Hailey - who is supposed to be one of her closest friends.

2) Donna Byerley.... I don't know her, and as much as I hate to do it because it is sure to upset her, I am going to have to bring this up to Billie tomorrow. She needs to know what people are saying about her and have the chance to defend herself. MOO - this is a case of someone just wanting to have something to say. How does one word out of this woman's mouth help to get Hailey home?

"Home life as 'volatile at times.' Her mother’s new relationship, and worries that it was preventing her parents from being together, served as a partial catalyst for Hailey’s difficulties with Adkins, Byerley said. 'I know he yelled at her,' she said of Hailey’s relationship with Adkins, though she said she knew of no accusations of physical or other abuse. Similarly, Byerley said Clint and Billie Jean Dunn’s relationship often was rocky. 'They’ve always had blowouts — screaming, yelling,' she said."

Didn't have anything nice to say about anyone, did she? New relationship between Billie and her BF? What about the fact that Clint and his GF just had a baby? Like I said, I do not know this woman, but I will be asking Billie who she is and letting her know what she said. Again, MOO - a whole lot of nothing just to have something to say to a reporter.

3) Billie's nursing license. Yes, her license was revoked in 2008. Nurses have to renew their licenses every 2 years, and in order to renew, have to have continuing education and pay a fee. Billie paid by check, and unfortunately, the check was NSF. She was unaware of this, and did not realize that her license was not renewed. Neither was her employer, who also should have checked. Yes I realize, and so does Billie, that it is her resonsibility to make sure her license is in good standing. The Board told her she was not required to appear at the meeting (which was held in Austin), so she did not go.

The quote about her conduct is standard. She did not knowingly practice without a license. Her employer has stood behind her this entire time, and vouched for her. She is still employed at the same facility, as a ward clerk, and has been set to have her license reinstated within the next few weeks. Ask any nurse and they will tell you... the Board of Nursing is not lenient at all. It is a joke among many of us that we would rather go up against a group of rabid IRS agents than the nicest member of the Board.

4) What does Clint's arrest record have to do with anything?

And so begins the campaign to smear Billie and Clint. To discredit them and drag them through the mud. To go through their lives with a fine toothed comb and discover and repeat every mistake they have ever made.

To what end? The bottom line is that Hailey is missing. And we need her to be found safe and brought home. This is the only thing that matters.

I don't see why people cannot stick with what is important. My question to everyone who is digging through Billie's and Clint's past and yapping to reporters is this: If you don't have something to say that is relevant to finding Hailey, then why do have to say anything at all? If you just want to be quoted in the newspaper, or have your face on the TV, then find something else to get involved in. This story is about Hailey being missing and her family's anguish that she is gone.

But by your own statements, you admit none of these things are false? All of this is normal when a child goes missing. Actually I have even thought that for the most part Billie and Clint have received a pretty smooth ride so far. I know that for YOU as a friend, and being close to this case it sucks. But for those of us who follow these cases, this is all just normal procedure. Everything is going to come out and the longer this goes on, the more digging will be done...let it come out and go on. If it indeed had nothing to do with her disappearance, it does not matter anyway.

ETA: Heck in other cases I have seen, just the fact that they are not speaking with the media right now and that they seem to give NG the "exclusives" would be jumped on and painted in a bad light, so really, as bad as it seems, it could be MUCH worse.
Devil's advocate here---how many of the people who voted that make up the 96% of yes's live in the area that Bigcountry serves? I would be willing to bet the site has seen a previously unheard of rise in visitors to the site since Hailey disappeared and that the majority of people voting are not locals.

<modsnip> There is a 13 year old girl missing and this is what they are trained to do. They have everything at their disposal.

I have a bigger ?. Why would you not use them?
My apologies to mysticrose as I just cut and paste part of her post here:

Donna Byerley met Hailey her through Byerley’s boyfriend, who had once dated a relative of Billie Jean Dunn. She described the girl’s home life as “volatile at times.”

Byerley characterized the 13-year-old as not getting along with her mother’s boyfriend, and Hailey herself as always wandering “here and there,” coming and going largely “as she pleases.”

But rather than a little girl lost, Byerley painted a picture of a compassionate person, whether it was taking care of a mutual friend of a family pet, a girl who remained “very much an individual,” with an honest style of communication whether talking about school, family or friends.

Dunn has stayed with Byerley and her boyfriend off and on, including the last two weeks of the previous school year, Byerley said.
“That was the school year that I think she started in Colorado City, went to Snyder a month or so, and then back to Colorado City,” she said.

“The last few weeks, perhaps month, she was living with her Dad because she doesn’t like the boyfriend,” Byerley said, referring to Adkins


B(and underlined)BM

I didn't get this AT ALL. Billie and Clint own (or are paying for) the house that Billie lives in. So why would Hailey have been going to school in Colorado City then Snyder for a month and then back to CCity? Had Hailey gotten into trouble? Did Billie have to move from the house for a while until CD could find housing? Why was Hailey shuttled back and forth at the "end of last school year"? That would have been in April, May June of last year - right?

Did Hailey make any friends over in Snyder? That's info that is pertinent to this case.
Out of interest has the friend and her mother had lie detectors? I know they said she didnt go there BUT..remember the Alyssa Bustamente ( spelling?) case? Just because they say she didnt go there..doesnt necessarily mean its true and its weird if the girls were as close as reported why the girls mother is being the way she is or why the girl herself apparently was to busy to go to the vigil for one of her best friends.
<modsnip> There is a 13 year old girl missing and this is what they are trained to do. They have everything at their disposal.

I have a bigger ?. Why would you not use them?

I have been pondering this question. Apparently when Tim contacted them, there had to have been a solid reason for them to stand by. At this point we can take local LE pretty much out of the picture. This is being run by the Rangers and the FBI........they are not going to turn down Tim's offer without a VERY good reason. We are missing pieces to this puzzle which is why it seems strange to us.
I have been pondering this question. Apparently when Tim contacted them, there had to have been a solid reason for them to stand by. At this point we can take local LE pretty much out of the picture. This is being run by the Rangers and the FBI........they are not going to turn down Tim's offer without a VERY good reason. We are missing pieces to this puzzle which is why it seems strange to us.

Totally agree so what piece are we missing here? There simply is no reason for them to be put on standby unless they know something we dont know
On the bigcountry website 96.6% of people said they want TES to come in and search
3.4% said no.
I hope the authorities see PEOPLE WANT TES

Yes, most of the people want TES to search... but maybe LE does not, and that is the difference.
I am going to say this, and I know I will get slapped down, but due to the circus that went on during the Caylee Anthony and Haleigh Cummings searches, this LE may not trust Tim Miller. And it may not be their decision alone... local politics has a lot to do with it, possibly.
I highly respect Tim and what he does, and I think they should allow TES to help. But he damaged his reputation and credibility with some by getting so heavily involved in those two cases to the point of trying to do their job... arranging LVA and LDT's for Misty, etc. and a lot of LE agencies may not want them involved for that reason, they just don't want that kind of thing happening here.
That's not MY personal opinion, but it could be a very big reason why TES has not been allowed to come in. Mark Klass addressed this issue some time back on NG, and at that time, I was angry at him for being so blunt... but he very well may have been right.
As far as I'm concerned, they should let them search, but the decision isn't ours to make, it's up to whoever is in charge of the investigation.
Now, go ahead and throw rotten tomatoes at me... I'm not in total agreement with it, just saying this is a possible reason.
Yes, most of the people want TES to search... but maybe LE does not, and that is the difference.
I am going to say this, and I know I will get slapped down, but due to the circus that went on during the Caylee Anthony and Haleigh Cummings searches, this LE may not trust Tim Miller. And it may not be their decision alone... local politics has a lot to do with it, possibly.
I highly respect Tim and what he does, and I think they should allow TES to help. But he damaged his reputation and credibility with some by getting so heavily involved in those two cases to the point of trying to do their job... arranging LVA and LDT's for Misty, etc. and a lot of LE agencies may not want them involved for that reason, they just don't want that kind of thing happening here.
That's not MY personal opinion, but it could be a very big reason why TES has not been allowed to come in. Mark Klass addressed this issue some time back on NG, and at that time, I was angry at him for being so blunt... but he very well may have been right.
As far as I'm concerned, they should let them search, but the decision isn't ours to make, it's up to whoever is in charge of the investigation.
Now, go ahead and throw rotten tomatoes at me... I'm not in total agreement with it, just saying this is a possible reason.

rofl rofl

nah but could sure use sharing a triple cafe mocha at this point in time lol

that could well be the reason, if so state it there are more than just TES in Texas
After reading the last few pages I had a few thoughts.

If what is being said, that Hailey may have wanted to live with her father is any motivation, due to potential conflict with SA. Is it at all possible that HD and SA had words before HD was supposed to make her way over to her father's and stated something along the lines of "I am going to tell my daddy on you" type of scenario and SA panicked in some sense? That was just a scenario that crossed my mind.

In any case, I am glad they are looking for Hailey BOTH ways. I like to see this as anything is possible. And I am PRAYING she is alive and well somewhere out there. Blessings to Billie and Clint and all those supporting them in their search to find their little girl. And SHAME on those who are publicly bashing them and not participating in the aid to find little Hailey. Everyone loves a cynic from the side lines *sarcasm*

All families no matter who you are will have day to day issues and nobody lives are perfect. A simple misunderstanding, such as with Billie's license, which could happen to anyone is being blown into something that could happen to anyone. How about this mother works her tail off to care for her family? Kudos to Billie. Sadly, when your child goes missing, it does open your private life for the public scrutiny but that does not make it right. The focus needs to be on finding Hailey and WRAPPING our arms around the family with love and support. This is what many family members of others that are missing have said helps them cope through the nightmare. Is the outpouring of love and support of the public. Hopefully, websleuths being such a victim friendly place can help educate others on this issue.

I am a BIG BELIEVER of not judging the past in these situations but the present on a go forward basis and I have to say I am very impressed with both Billie and Clint. Regardless, it is easy to cast stones and say "well I don't do that" or "I wouldn't have done that"- Right, well there are a lot of things I don't do that my neighbors do with my children. That is their choice to make and I make my own choices. I can't think of a more guilt ridden job on this planet of other than being a mother. A double edge sword. You try to do what is right and what works for your own family. If our choices lead us to despair, then we have to live with them and there is nothing worse than that in itself. Even when you haven't done anything wrong, the pain and guilt is still there. People pouring salt on open wounds is classless, IMO. Shame on them.

There is nothing more awful than having a family member turn up missing. The pain and anguish can only be imagined by those who have never been through such a thing.

I agree! This is a great post Thank You !
When my cousin Danny went missing in 1977 It was a horrible time for our family,Danny was found within 3 days but it seemed an eternity.
I am so grateful that our family was not attacked in the media,he was murdered. The pain, anguish and guilt are a million times worse then can be imagined.
Yes, most of the people want TES to search... but maybe LE does not, and that is the difference.
I am going to say this, and I know I will get slapped down, but due to the circus that went on during the Caylee Anthony and Haleigh Cummings searches, this LE may not trust Tim Miller. And it may not be their decision alone... local politics has a lot to do with it, possibly.
I highly respect Tim and what he does, and I think they should allow TES to help. But he damaged his reputation and credibility with some by getting so heavily involved in those two cases to the point of trying to do their job... arranging LVA and LDT's for Misty, etc. and a lot of LE agencies may not want them involved for that reason, they just don't want that kind of thing happening here.
That's not MY personal opinion, but it could be a very big reason why TES has not been allowed to come in. Mark Klass addressed this issue some time back on NG, and at that time, I was angry at him for being so blunt... but he very well may have been right.
As far as I'm concerned, they should let them search, but the decision isn't ours to make, it's up to whoever is in charge of the investigation.
Now, go ahead and throw rotten tomatoes at me... I'm not in total agreement with it, just saying this is a possible reason.

What is LVA??
Originally Posted by StrayKat
Definately, with the running away... been there, done that. I have always thought this from the start and I keep going back and forth but, I will throw it out there. I am thinking she did go to MB's - the dogs did lead there to the door. I am thinking she did run away or was taken. Maybe, she met someone somewhere that was in town for Thanksgiving. I don't think anyone has hurt her. She is too pretty.

The thought that she may have run away is what gives me hope..although I don't believe that's what happened to be honest. Although as I said, I ran away several times at that age..but I NEVER ran away alone (and don't believe that most teens do) and I did take clothes..Once I ran away when I realized that my parents knew I was with my BF (later to be my husband..later still, my ex, lol) and I wasn't supposed to be w/him and then was afraid to go home. It was me, him and another girl..we took BF home..then my friend wanted to stop by some friends of hers (who were years older than us and were strippers, I found out after we got there..I was 15 and my friend was 17) on our way to stay at her aunts that night. Long story short..ended up that we couldn't go to her aunts..I couldn't go home (I didn't think)..she had to go home and I ended up staying the night and going to work with the 2 strippers the next day. IP had NEVER met them before, my BF didn't even know where I was when my dad caught up with him the next day. The only reason I tell any of that is because sometimes things can start out to be one thing and go south in a hurry because these girls were into some scary stuff. I think back to some of the chances I took and it's a miracle I'm here today..

I completely agree.
Please understand, as days pass I find myself going into denial. I know she is not a run away. I was hoping others could convince me she was because I don't want to accept anything else. Please Pondering, catch me if I start to fall again.

I have never believed for one second "that girl" ran away. I believe that the dogs went to the front door of MB for a reason. I would like to know if that house was searched right away as soon as the dogs hit there. Does anyone know?

I would also like to know if the occupants there were given polygraphs. SA was the last to speak with HD and it seems like the dogs may have corroberated his story. They led half way to CD's house turned around and went to MB's front door. They are saying now that the dogs were taken to the hotel and not lead to the hotel. But, that they did hit there.

I think we need to focus on where the dogs hit... how did they know she was going to her fathers then to MB's???

1) We know she went to MB's (read above).

2) Was she ever at the motel?
Did they contact everyone that was registered there and clear them?
Did the video cover the only entrance to the hotel?

And what clued the le in on her maybe going to that motel? Since, the dogs didn't lead there.

What happened to Hailey after she reached that front door? And who took her to that motel if that hit was good?

I am usually someone who stands up for LE and respect them but in this kind of situation they could have just over looked it.In my own town LE do let some of the teens who are caught with weed go without arresting them,my son had a big rock thrown through his window it bounced on his bed and hit him.This was 2 am I called LE told them who he saw, they found the 3 kids in a car with weed seeds all over the floor of his car.They were arrested for assault but the officer said"his mom is a nice woman I did not want to take her car" so he let the seeds go, which it is against the law in NJ to have pot seeds.So they do have discretion whether to arrest or not.Why add to this man's h3ll right now when his daughter is missing.Then after the dad gets arrested for pot they write an article stating we do not care about pot we just want to find Hailey.Who would believe them?
a) There is another missing child case that has hinged on drug busts of several of the major "players." Perhaps that is what LE had in mind when they arrested the father...that this might be used for "leverage" purposes.

b) This was pre-"eyes closed" searches. Perhaps the officer who found the pot is a stickler for the law and was merely following normal procedure prior to being given authority to overlook certain things.

c) Perhaps the officer who found the pot (and his superiors who make such decisions) decided that if they "looked the other way," it would be leaked to the media, and there would be a public outcry.

d) Perhaps LE felt that if they DID overlook the pot and it was later determined that the father was in some way involved with the disappearance, this could undermine their case.
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