GUILTY TX - Haruka Weiser, 18, found murdered, UT-Austin campus, 3 April 2016 *Arrest*

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the woman who witnessed criner burning items on Monday - then saw the video of the murder suspect and thinking it was the same kid called police to report it.
wow. excellent work on her part.

edit: I just saw another tidbit regarding the woman tipster. not only did she call police when she noticed the resemblance of the suspect to the firebug, she was the person who actually reported the fire as well.

i'm glad there is a reward in place. she was all over this.

from fox link above => .....tipster was a woman who reported the fire. She also contacted police after she saw a resemblance to the video.

....police jotted down the firebug's name and took him to a homeless shelter.
vigilance pays off. A safer community is when others notice strange,off details. good on her.
I applaud the PD, FD and the witness to quickly piecing this together. RIP Haruka. Beautiful girl
It certainly seems that way, especially sexual violence.
Could it be because more women are now enrolled in University? imo.
I would assume it's due in part to a changing culture in which there are movements to encourage and support rape victims to report the crime and efforts to squash victim blaming. I went to a large state University and was raped in a fraternity house. I didn't go to the authorities because I assumed that since I had been there drinking that nothing would come of it and I couldn't cope with any additional shame. Now it seems that universities are taking these reports seriously and that makes reporting a safer prospect. JMO though. Reporting that type of crime is a difficult ordeal and often involves people assuming that you are lying. I have reported a sexual assault before and the way I was treated by professionals was horrendous. I was 14 that time. No way in college was I going to square off against a fraternity on a large campus that wanted to appear safe. I wish now that I had been stronger.

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Did you notice his hands in the magazine article posted before? They looked huge compared to his overall skinny stature

Heart wrenching. *tears*. This kid has had horrendous upbringing, then commits a heinous crime on another, now, his future will be just as tragic. What a miserable existence he's had and will have. ( this in no way excuses what he did)
Too bad for his tragic future. Many people have horrific childhoods, few go on to murder another person. Mental illness strikes again. Bring back the institutions.
Here's the full article from his 2014 interview.
"I like to stand up for people, Criner said. I like to help others".
"His future goals are unclear, but there is one thing Criner aims to accomplish.

Every day, I feel people think I'm not capable of much."Criner said. "What I want to leave behind is my name- I want people to know who Meechaiel Criner is".

He's a big strong guy, and he chose a petite female to brutally and violently murder. Looks like he clarified his future goals and decided who he is. He even accomplished his most important goal and succeeded in leaving behind his name.

There are a lot of people in this world who had as bad or worse child hood than this man, and they don't do what he did. No sympathy on my end. jmo
SO sad all around :( He seemed to have wanted to make something of his life. What happened between then and now??

This poor girl :( She seemed very talented and loved. What a senseless loss
Tony Plohetski ‏@tplohetski [video=twitter;718509931133952000][/video]Austin, TX
JUST IN: Judge Brenda Kennedy has signed murder warrant for Meechaiel Criner in death of Haruka Weiser.
if he is the guy, they better have dna evidence to prove hes the killer. otherwise he might just be a thief that stolen her items after the murder took place. happened before, but i think and hope that APD did their homework and caught the murderer. :rose:rip haruka

In a 2015 Q&A with Dance West, her Beaverton, Oregon-based dance school, Weiser said that she began training in the sixth grade, and loves the disciplines of ballet and hip-hop.

"I love to dance because it constantly challenges me," she said, according to the school's Facebook page. "I love that there is a finished, perfect product. My dancing is constantly changing as a I strive to improve. Because of this, I find that even the smallest successes can be the most rewarding."


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Investigators "don't have a clue what the motive" was for the homicide, Acevedo said.
"No parent should ever have to bury a child, especially a beautiful young woman like Haruka, with such a beautiful spirit," the police chief said.


"We are very certain that the subject we have in custody is the suspect responsible for the death of this beautiful young woman," Acevedo said Friday.
The police chief said additional charges may be filed, and he shared a message from the victim's mother.

"She told me ... please tell all your officers, please tell everyone at the University of Texas ... everyone involved in this investigation, thank you," he said. "But also please tell them to take care of themselves and go home and hug your children, not once but twice."


Just heartbreaking, no mother should ever have to say such a thing or suffer such a loss.

There are many children now being raised by their grandmothers. He states he was grateful for his grandmother taking care of him and his siblings and now this is how he has repaid her for her loving and caring ways by being notoriously known as a murderer of a totally innocent young woman.

Well he said he wanted his name to be known and at least on that part he will get his wish.

I noticed that he is being charged with first degree murder so they must have video of him lying in wait to attack Haruka when she came out. I read that some of the students said he had been in the area for a couple of hours. I wonder if he saw her go in the building to practice and waited for her to come out. It seems plausible, and if so, it certainly was a premediated crime.

There are millions of people who have had horrific childhoods even worse than his but the vast majority of them never go on to harm another soul. Most go on to be productive law abiding citizens. So his childhood background makes me have no sympathy for him whatsoever. He had free will and choices and this is what he chose to do. I am sure his grandmother taught him to love and respect all others. He did have someone in his life who cared about him.

I don't think there is mental illness at play either. I think he is just evil and that is why he raped and murdered Haruka. One doesn't have to be mentally ill to do something like this and often the suspects do not suffer from any mental illness.

I sure hope there is some way the DA can put this man away for life. I think he would be a danger to society if he was ever let out of prison.
In memory of Haruka Weiser ♥


I'm so sad!
Haruka's family is a class-act. I feel uplifted by them.

My sincere condolences on their loss.
There's much more details here on what LE has on unreleased video footage:
Surveillance footage from the College of Liberal Arts building on campus showed that Criner rode up on a red or pink women's bicycle and tried to open the doors of a van parked in the building's bay area, according to an arrest warrant signed by State District Court Judge Brenda Kennedy on Friday.

Just before 9:40 p.m., Criner saw Weiser, dressed entirely in black, pass by the location, according to the affidavit.

Criner "watched [Weiser], puts the kickstand down on the bike, reaches into the back of his pants with his left and pulled out what appeared to be a shiny rigid object," the affidavit said.

Criner then followed Weiser off camera, across the bridge and onto the sidewalk that extends behind the Etter-Harbin Alumni Center — which is just across the street from Darrell K Royal Stadium — and along the west bank of Waller Creek, where her body was discovered.

Criner is not seen again on the surveillance footage until 11:47 p.m., according to the affidavit. This portion of the footage, which was released to the public Thursday, shows Criner walking with a limp as if he had suffered some kind of injury to his left leg.
Also in the article it details what evidence they found.
Once again, reminded of Jesse Matthews- raised by a loving g. mother, says all the right things, but watches, waits and strikes out at a young,lovely and talented university students
Do they ( allegedly) kill, what and who they could have, but think - they might never have for themselves?
Are they trying to get attention from authority figures, ( often men) or punish their own families by bringing negative attention to them, ie what was so special about his name, was it his father's name?

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