TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, Fnd Deceased, & Margo Carey, 2 weeks, Fnd Alive, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #11

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What if MF pulled over and forced HB in the trunk and tied her up (restrained). Once she got home, she then strangled her in the backyard while she is in the trunk. I also noticed that the affidavit clearly states HB was dead on 12/12/2019 because of tampering with a corpse charge. LE does not give a range of days. LE has to have something that confirms this other than an estimate from the autopsy.

The affidavit actually says "on or about December 12, 2019" The autopsy was done after the affidavit was signed and filed.

I think it happened soon after they drove away from the apt complex. Where and how, I have no idea.... not even a good theory lol I was thinking maybe from the back seat with Heidi in the front seat, but it seems that Heidi was in the backseat, so I just don't know.
I kind of wonder after HB entered the car if MF said:
“Look, I lied, I was never pregnant, there is NO baby. I have no money, no place to go, CG wants me gone. I need to borrow Margo, I need your help. I must convince him I had a baby, he’s starting to wonder, I know this was really stupid, I didn’t know what else to do. Please help me, I have no one else but you......”
Of course Heidi would have been stunned, flipped out, refusing to agree with any such scheme & then MF “abducted/kidnapped” them, pulling off in a remote area, killing HB. If the two shared a text or call that a.m., imo it MF was not discussing lactation issues rather advising HB “I’m on my way, need to talk to you about something really important”, with HB telling her to come around nine & that she had a very busy day planned, not a lot of time & so forth. HB might have left her purse in the car not planning to go back up to her apartment, after finishing with MF planning to go directly to the grocery. I know she didn’t have the diaper bag but a quick run to the store would not require a diaper change, imo. Idk that she even had it at the book fair. I assume she had a grip on Margo’s schedule.
The affidavit actually says "on or about December 12, 2019" The autopsy was done after the affidavit was signed and filed.

I think it happened soon after they drove away from the apt complex. Where and how, I have no idea.... not even a good theory lol I was thinking maybe from the back seat with Heidi in the front seat, but it seems that Heidi was in the backseat, so I just don't know.
We may have to wait a while to know. I agree with others that the child safety lock was used. I would think MF had to restrain KB quickly as well if not she would have been fought. I definitely think KB could have been forced into the trunk.
The affidavit actually says "on or about December 12, 2019" The autopsy was done after the affidavit was signed and filed.

I think it happened soon after they drove away from the apt complex. Where and how, I have no idea.... not even a good theory lol I was thinking maybe from the back seat with Heidi in the front seat, but it seems that Heidi was in the backseat, so I just don't know.
I'm convinced she had help. GMA DEC 15TH News Coverage. Some very interesting FB comments made. I think that's why Shane went on and said he wishes he could talk to Maygan, because he thinks someone talked her into it.
I'm convinced she had help. GMA DEC 15TH News Coverage. Some very interesting FB comments made. I think that's why Shane went on and said he wishes he could talk to Maygan, because he thinks someone talked her into it.

well, he wouldn’t be the first victim to have a F2F with a suspect, she would have to agree to see him. Moo
I'm convinced she had help. GMA DEC 15TH News Coverage. Some very interesting FB comments made. I think that's why Shane went on and said he wishes he could talk to Maygan, because he thinks someone talked her into it.

It seems the BAU's profile mentioned the scenario of the likely offender being female having lost a pregnancy or has trouble with pregnancy.
I haven't followed closely since the arrest, apologies if this has been discussed.

The key to the apartment has been bugging me since I read the affidavit. Magen is given a key to the apartment on the 26th. An hour after Heidi gives birth, she leaves the hospital and goes to the apartment, stays the night and leaves the next day. Magen stated she would leave the key on the counter, but Shane says it was never found.
The affidavit actually says "on or about December 12, 2019" The autopsy was done after the affidavit was signed and filed.

I think it happened soon after they drove away from the apt complex. Where and how, I have no idea.... not even a good theory lol I was thinking maybe from the back seat with Heidi in the front seat, but it seems that Heidi was in the backseat, so I just don't know.

BBM-Thinking ... Heidi's phone & keys were missing, we assume she had both of these items on her person right? If Heidi is in the back seat and has her phone, if she was in trouble she could call 911. Megan must have really been convincing in whatever ploy she used to get Heidi in the car.

I guess right after they left the apartment, Magen could have asked Heidi to use her phone, then kept it away from her?
Exactly. MF had to force her in the trunk (probably had a knife) which would be easy enough by threatening the infant if HB didn't do as she said.

It might also suggest that she didn't kill her immediately, possibly. She may have managed to bind and gag her and truss her.. wording can lead one down strange paths..
you don't haha The easiest way to get to is to look on the first page of one of the discussion threads.

I think it's in the Missing! Timeline Forum nad Media Links forum, within the Missing Persons Discussion Forum.... at least that's where it shows up for me! Whenever I need to go to it, I just go to the first page of the current discussion thread.
You can add a shortcut of the pdf to your home screen. That's what I did.
I did hear him speak on the subjects, at length. He didn't know MF at all. He knew OF her, is all, but never met her.

He adored HB and is willing to raise the baby if it turns out it is his. He told LE he'd take a DNA test. He was very concerned about HB's relationship, as were other friends of hers, and any harm she had previously encountered by others.

From listening for hours, he sounded like a normal, "good" guy. She left him to be back with a "family" though - to raise the kids together.

One thing I'm not clear on from the AW: Did someone positively identify HB as the woman carrying the baby to the car's back seat? Is it at all possible she was already harmed in her apartment previously (MF had the key, after all) and that another woman took the baby into the back seat? Maybe far-fetched, but worth a discussion?
No, they haven’t positively identified her as Heidi. Only a woman carrying a baby. Since someone else greeted her at the car, that would require a (perhaps unwitting) accomplice. And while it does seem far-fetched, it would explain a few things that don’t fit:

1). Why “Heidi” got in the car with the baby but no car seat and purse

2). How MF got the body the trunk without being seen (taken out of the apt already in a duffle bag).

3). Why it appeared some of Heidi’s stuff was still in her car (she was going to make 2 trips to bring it in but never returned for the second trip).

From the start my inclination has been MF did this alone, even after LE said they believed she may have had an accomplice. Now, I’m not quite as certain. While hard to imagine why anyone would help her it would explain why LE has yet to charge MF with the actual murder.
Iirc MQ energized the third person theory during his interview. Moo as I no longer have his interview saved.
As I recall, one of the earliest statements from LE immediately following MF’s arrest included verbiage saying she may have had an accomplice. To my knowledge they have never come out and retracted that remark.
SC last saw HB and the baby early that morning of the 12th, then HB was seen on school video dropping off her son.. I believe she had phone communication with SC sometime later, like 8:30am IIRC(??).. then apparently LE have some kind of proof that MF was in the vicinity of HB's apartment at 9:05am. When do those who believe HB was killed or incapacitated in her own apartment, think that HB was brought out to the vehicle? Seems unlikely. imo.

She could have been brought out in the duffel bag, when? I don't know.....when and how did Frazee get Kelsey's body out?

I have old eyes, in this picture the strings almost look like leather to me......Affidavit: Kidnap suspect pretended dead mom's baby was hers

Edited to add.....If her body was brought out before the baby there may be a possibility of having 2 assistants.
Good point. That would have already been stated. Just wondered if she had a coffee with her, and spiked it, that sort of bloodless scenario. But then she'd have had to get her out of there, and someone probably would have seen that!
Kelsey Berreth’s condo wasn’t considered to be a crime scene either. Until it was. And her’s was a brutal, bloody death. HB was strangled so signs of a struggle would be the most likely visible evidence. If she were surprised and restrained in the middle of the room those might have been minimal, especially after a quick straightening up session.

Not saying I think this is what happened, but I think it’s too soon to summarily dismiss the possibility.

ETA I posted this before seeing Hatfields post saying essentially the same thing.
No, they haven’t positively identified her as Heidi. Only a woman carrying a baby. Since someone else greeted her at the car, that would require a (perhaps unwitting) accomplice. And while it does seem far-fetched, it would explain a few things that don’t fit:

1). Why “Heidi” got in the car with the baby but no car seat and purse

2). How MF got the body the trunk without being seen (taken out of the apt already in a duffle bag).

3). Why it appeared some of Heidi’s stuff was still in her car (she was going to make 2 trips to bring it in but never returned for the second trip).

From the start my inclination has been MF did this alone, even after LE said they believed she may have had an accomplice. Now, I’m not quite as certain. While hard to imagine why anyone would help her it would explain why LE has yet to charge MF with the actual murder.

The apartment key given to Magen when Heidi gave birth was never found, per Shane. That bothers me. She could have been waiting for Heidi when she got home from dropping off S.

It's interesting that the witness could pick MF out of a line-up, but no mention of her identifying Heidi as the woman carrying the baby?
The apartment key given to Magen when Heidi gave birth was never found, per Shane. That bothers me. She could have been waiting for Heidi when she got home from dropping off S.

It's interesting that the witness could pick MF out of a line-up, but no mention of her identifying Heidi as the woman carrying the baby?

What we see in the affidavit is an abbreviated version of her statement. The police report is listed in the affidavit, but it isn't attached. We got a bunch of little crumbs of info, wish we got more!

A good alternative but I don't think the timing works. The affidavit provides MF arriving at the apartment around 9:05 AM per surveillance video and corroborated by the second witness. Too little opportunity between time already accounted for i.e., bookfair, commute, phone call with SC.
How much time would someone really need if they were lying in wait? Especially if they had help. There wouldn’t be much cleanup time needed. They’d have to be fast, efficient and somewhat lucky but I think it could be done quite quickly.

Also, there was a lot time between when “Heidi” was seen carrying the baby to MF’s car and her boyfriend came home. She and/or an accomplice could have come back later, parked closer to the door, brought the duffle bag down and quickly loaded it into the trunk.

Again, I’m not saying this is what I think happened, only that it’s a possibility not to be ruled out. I haven’t been around WS long enough to follow many cases, but the “HB was murdered in her apt by MF and an accomplice” scenario doesn’t sound any stranger than the two cases I’ve followed from start to completion:

1). Chris Watts: Between 2:00 and 7:00 a man believed by all to be a loving father strangled his pregnant wife, loaded her body and his two little girls into his truck, drove almost an hour to his worksite, dug a grave where he buried his wife, smothered the two toddlers and dumped them in separate oil tanks. With time to spare for texting mistress and co-workers.

2). Patrick Frazee —beats the mother of his child to death in her home with a baseball bat, somehow manages to remove the body without being seen by witnesses or neighbor’s doorbell cam (which shows him repeatedly coming and going), has an accomplice drive all night to clean up the crime scene and does such a good job when LE inspect visually inspects the home they notice nothing awry.
The apartment key given to Magen when Heidi gave birth was never found, per Shane. That bothers me. She could have been waiting for Heidi when she got home from dropping off S.

It's interesting that the witness could pick MF out of a line-up, but no mention of her identifying Heidi as the woman carrying the baby?

I mean this in the nicest way possible, MF has a very distinct appearance. IMO, it’s probably not an easy one to forget.
@UnderstandBlue We need your map. It should be added to the beginning of the threads, too (dunno how to do that). That would help clear up this idea that Heidi might have been taken out in a duffel bag.

If people look at UB's map, you'll see the highly improbable scenario of Heidi being taken out like that. Heidi came from BEHIND her apartment building when MF was in the car, out front. Had Heidi been killed in her apt, whoever took Margo would have gone straight out the front and to the car.They wouldn't go out back and take a stroll around the pool/office area before getting in the car. No way, Jose.
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