TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #2

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His lunch from school that day? I wouldn’t cook my kid food for dinner that had been in her lunch box since the morning. That’s pretty gross.

to me it sounds like the poor kid was hungry after not eating lunch and wanted some hot food and that the dad wasn’t normally the one making him meals or afternoon snacks. It makes me sad.
I am not sure a car seat in the apartment means she made it back home. It would be much easier to carry a seven pound baby up the stairs than to carry a car seat plus baby. JMO
A lot of car seats are also carriers, esp for newborns. Ours was a carrier that snapped into a base in the car. It was safe and easy to remove to take into stores. We often took it into the house and left her in it while we carried in groceries. Jmo
I think it's hard to judge someone just by how they give an interview, if you don't know that person and know how they normally react.
In one of the videos comment was made about him looking down...he said that was what he normally (my word) did and that he would probably look down the whole time.
My husband has a habit of looking down or to the side while he recalls his day to you. I have to remind him to make eye contact with others he is talking with. They have no idea he has pushed some mental video in his mind and is viewing it as he talks to them.
'Beautiful, Loving' Mother and 2-Week-Old Baby Go Missing in Texas as Fiancé Pleads for Safe Return

According to Carey, he returned home around 2 p.m. after working all morning and found Broussard’s car in the driveway — her purse was still in the car.

Carey claims he went inside, found the baby’s car seat and Broussard’s keys, and thought nothing of it at first, believing she was at a friend’s house nearby.

But as the hours passed, and he was still unable to reach Broussard by phone, Carey said he called all her friends, who also hadn’t heard from her. That’s when he called 911.

Carey said he has been with Broussard for 10 years. She has a son from a previous marriage.


Color me confused.

The "facts" in this case appear to be extremely fluid, or the MSM reporting of them is highly suspect.

I need to go back and listen/watch the videotaped interview...did SC categorically state her purse was left in the car?

I don't recall hearing/seeing that the older son was hers but not his, either.

So. Many. Discrepancies.

Color me confused as well. Just started following this case so maybe I'm missing a piece of the puzzle but I don't understand the purse being in the car and the keys inside of the house along with the car seat. It's as if someone used the keys and the car to take her and the baby away, then left the car seat and the keys inside the house afterwards. Scratching my head here.
Been married 18 years and I can count on one hand how many pics I have with my husband and none shared in SM. Not everyone shares everything.
The most recent picture I have of me and the hubs was taken five years ago. And the second most recent was probably five years before that. And none posted anywhere.
Regarding the car seat: my niece's newborn car seat was part of the stroller, the car seat never ever stayed in the car. If she was staying at my house, the car seat would be in my house. When she started day care, the car seat went on the bus, every baby was dropped off to the bus on their own car seats. If Margo(t) was sleeping during the car ride home, Heidi probably didn't want to take the baby out of it, or maybe they always took the baby's car seat home.
Thank you, that makes sense! I am so clueless these days when it comes to baby (children) paraphernalia - soooo much has changed since I even thought about such things.
It's difficult to speculate (but we do because it's what we do) mostly due to shoddy and/or conflicting reporting or unclear information from a stressed out boyfriend/father.

I believe him.

Someone could have followed her from the book sale – either they saw a nearly newborn baby and wanted it or saw a vulnerable mother who could be forced via harm threatened to baby.

Her purse in the car, the car door unlocked, phone turned off would count for abduction to me.

Is it normal for you mothers to dismount and remove those cumbersome baby car seat things every time you get home? Is it miscommunication or just shoddy reporting?

Things that come to my mind for abduction of Mom for herself or for a new baby:
Mother and baby missing. Could have been left at home for dead, but easier to coerce or otherwise manipulate Mom to come with baby. Maybe someone offered to help her with the baby and it went from there.

SC's statements of what an awesome mother she is sound to me like she's speaking directly to her because maybe he worries tgat she left on her own and is afraid for her – maybe he worries she had a breakdown or he knew she was depressed – and he wanted to reassure her that she had all kinds of support from her friends and family.

I don't see a problem at all that he mentions the money spent at the book sale it's just a part of the conversation as part of their communications that day. (I tend to overshare that way normally, and it's much worse when anxious)

Is it changing stories, misspeaking due to stress, bad reporting or a combination:

Baby seat in house
Purse in car
Keys missing
Phone off and missing

I don't believe the front door to the house was open (I believe that he said or meant the car door was unlocked)
I'm a grown *advertiser censored* man and I removed that cumbersome thing if the kids fell asleep on the way home. A few minutes of shut eye go a long way for kids and parents alike.
Regarding the car seat: my niece's newborn car seat was part of the stroller, the car seat never ever stayed in the car. If she was staying at my house, the car seat would be in my house. When she started day care, the car seat went on the bus, every baby was dropped off to the bus on their own car seats. If Margo(t) was sleeping during the car ride home, Heidi probably didn't want to take the baby out of it, or maybe they always took the baby's car seat home.
Thank you, that makes sense! I am so clueless these days when it comes to baby (children) paraphernalia - soooo much has changed since I even thought about such things.
If she went into her house in the apt. building, she may have carried the baby inside and went back for her purse but was taken before she could get back inside.
But then the baby would be there, still.
I really can not think of any reason as to why her purse was in the car except that someone else put it there.
I believe him and I say it without comparing him to recent events, trials, etc.

But, if I were to compare his statements, physical, visual and emotional reactions - his are absolutely NOTHING like Watts' in any way, shape or form.
I don't know if you caught my 'add on'. You did say NOTHING in any way, shape or form compared to CW. So there is one thing --swaying. Ok, two. He's also very talkative. But, of course, he's not a suspect.
Beginning at the 7:45 mark in the video here, although it's not said what time SC looked in the dumpsters. Boyfriend of missing Austin woman, baby speaks out

"The first day, I was going through dumpsters over here (points to his right) to see if [she threw?] her keys or just walked around the apartment complex. I sat outside to see any suspicions; anything that was weird. I didn't see anything.

I asked, like the next morning, I just sat out here for hours and asked everybody if they seen or heard screaming, any, anything that was off or suspicous. Everyone's "no." I mean but, they're all saying, "no."

Yeah, we went across to HEB, we uh, asking everybody if they had cams (again, pointing toward his right) on their car. I don't know, we're just asking all the questions that we can, looking through everything."

ETA: The dumpsters are also mentioned briefly in this article.

Police Search for Missing Texas Mom and Her 2-Week-Old Baby

Carey said that he has been “going through dumpsters” looking for clues and told CBS Austin he even went to a T-Mobile store in an attempt to retrieve her phone records.

Thanks for the link, PommyMommy !
I was looking around for msm pointing to the dumpster search.

Also found this :
Tearful fiancé denies being involved in disappearance of his partner and their two-week-old daughter | Daily Mail Online

"...Speaking to Fox7, Carey said that when he first noticed Broussard was missing, he walked around the apartment complex 'going through dumpsters' to see if he could find her keys.
'I sat outside to see any suspicions, anything that was weird,' he said. 'The next morning I sat out here for hours asking everybody if they'd seen or heard screaming, anything that was off or suspicious. They're all saying no.'..."

So it's confirmed -- he did ask about Heidi the next day.

Would a kidnapper throw the keys in the dumpster ?
Maybe-- but doubtful as in the struggle to force her into a vehicle, wouldn't her keys would most likely be dropped, and left where they landed ?
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And imma gonna point out that $25 was his emphasis . He brought it up (more than once. )

that wouldn’t be my hill to focus on, nor to die on. But to each his own.

I can empathize with watching money: especially with a newborn, the holiday etc. And heck, expenditures should be discussed in any relationship, but most people understand the big difference between $$$ and things of value.

(Anyway- Thanks for your incredibly thoughtful post. you really nailed it!)

The only thing about the books from a school book fair that surprised me was:: 3 books for the boy cost $25! That sounds to me like a lot of money for 3 books. (And aren't they usually paperback?) But I haven't been to a book fair in a while. But that stood out to me. I agree, that may come back into the picture as a point of contention. JMO
OMG thank yoooou Mods for opening this thread back up. Thank you @Tricia for giving specifics on what exactly is allowed to be said.

Here is something I’m very concerned about (for lack of a better term):

I’m only a few seconds into this video and I find it odd that his cell phone is ringing and he doesn’t even look at it. Sure it could be an unimportant call, but it could also be Heidi, the police calling with information, a hospital calling. This to me is one of the biggest flags yet - he says “I don’t care about the phone”, doesn’t even look at it. Sure the media interview is important if he’s trying to get the word out but YKWIM.

He may look at his phone later in the video, as I said I’m only a minute in but can somebody please give a reasonable explanation as to why you wouldn’t even LOoK at your phone in a situation like this. I would be GLUED to be phone jumping at every single call. Moo.

Boyfriend of missing Austin woman, baby speaks out
Yes, me too. Reminds me of the Haleigh Cummings case where her father was on video crying and pleading for her return all the while, his phone is ringing off the hook and he never even looks at it, totally ignors it, all the while claiming that someone "stole" my child.
I hope they've pinged phones,and verified his whereabouts.
Yes, but that said, some people are aware of how pings work - and given his trip to the cell phone store to find out about her pings, he might be one of them. If someone knows how pings work, they may leave their phone home when off doing things they shouldn’t be doing where police may become involved later. IMO.
Ooh . :( . I've done that all my life. If I stand for any length of time, I do it. People have always commented on it, oh well. It is indeed self-soothing. I get especially anxious when having to speak to people for any length of time and I'm terrible with eye contact, too. I'm not a sociopath, just extremely awkward at times and it worsens with stress. Less so, as I've gotten much older, but I still sway a bit.

Also, people that have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome will sway while standing (my mom).
And people with back issues. Nothing hurts my back more than standing still for any length of time.
Rear facing infant car seats have a carrier, it attaches and detaches from the unit in the car. Speaking for myself, when our grand kids were infants we didn't remove them from the carrier when taking them to and from the car. So really we're not looking for a car seat, just a carrier.
Yes, I think that's the norm nowadays.
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