TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #2

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That or my other thought was she was intercepted by someone before she could come back for it. Possibly she made one trip into the apartment with the baby, the books, etc. and thought she'd have to come back and make another trip for the purse, but maybe whatever happened to them, happened on their way back out to get the purse? MOO
Since they're both missing -- maybe she brought the books up to the apt. (less to carry at one time), and left baby and purse in the car and went back-- only to be confronted by the kidnapper ?
Duh, I didn't realize there was a new, open thread until early afternoon. :rolleyes:

I think HB also has an Etsy account. I can't link since I'm not 100% sure it's her in the picture. If it is it's a bit old since it shows her location as Louisiana. But that user also has wedding dresses (and dog collars) listed under her favorite shops.

I'm still confused over the timeline starting around 2 pm. The Inside Edition article posted today says:

He returned home around 1 or 2 p.m. and couldn’t get a hold of her, he said. Carey said he assumed she had gone to a friend’s home and wasn’t picking up her phone.

He later got a call from her son’s elementary school, letting him know that the boy hadn’t been picked up yet. When Carey returned home after picking up her son, Broussard and their daughter still weren’t home and he got worried, he said.

That evening, he said, he filed a police report after learning no one had spoken to her all day. He even went to a T-Mobile store in an attempt to retrieve her phone records, CBS Austin reported.

What Happened to Texas Mom Heidi Broussard and Her 2-Week-Old Daughter Margot?
That sounds like the school called to tell him his son wasn't picked up after school. But other msm articles put the time at around 6 pm.

Why on earth wouldn't a single reporter ask SC when exactly he picked up his son - after school or after the school's day care program? That's a 3+ hours spread. And why didn't SC volunteer the time since he was pretty specific about the other times; 6:40, 7:30, 8:15, 1:40, 2 pm...

One other flag to me was his mention of giving HB, the baby and the son kisses (reported a couple days back I'll try and find the link) and telling them he loved them. But mainly because I remember from another case Lonna B saying in an interview that she told Lonzie she loved him when in reality Lonzie was deceased, so it may not apply here. IOW I get suspicious when someone claims to be a good parent or makes sure to note they expressed love to the missing person. May mean nothing so MOO.

And again, taking both mother and baby makes little sense in most scenarios and taking the baby in particular seems to be very personal. Would a stranger do that? MOO.
Glad you found us! :p

Just about every time he's given is an "about" or "around." That doesn't help. But, the 2pm thing - he says he called her about 1:40 pm and her phone was off. He arrived home shortly after - around 2 pm. He noticed the car, the baby stuff, etc. and thought she was probably at her friend's apt. in the same complex.

From 2 pm to 6 pm - We have no idea really.

Around 6 pm, the school called and told him nobody had picked up their little boy. He went and picked him up, then called his dad, all her friends, and then the police who arrived about 7:30 pm.

It would be extremely rare for a stranger to take mom and baby, IMO. MOO

Thanks for the link, PommyMommy !
I was looking around for msm pointing to the dumpster search.

Also found this :
Tearful fiancé denies being involved in disappearance of his partner and their two-week-old daughter | Daily Mail Online

"...Speaking to Fox7, Carey said that when he first noticed Broussard was missing, he walked around the apartment complex 'going through dumpsters' to see if he could find her keys.
'I sat outside to see any suspicions, anything that was weird,' he said. 'The next morning I sat out here for hours asking everybody if they'd seen or heard screaming, anything that was off or suspicious. They're all saying no.'..."

So it's confirmed -- he did ask about Heidi the next day.

Would a kidnapper throw the keys in the dumpster ?
Maybe-- but doubtful as in the struggle to force her into a vehicle, wouldn't her keys would most likely be dropped, and left where they landed ?
I would sure think so. MOO
"I just have a gut feeling someone wanted that baby and may have harmed Heidi to get the infant. Especially being a newborn."

Can you name any cases where a baby was stolen and they took the mother too?

Marlen Ochoa Lopez. Though, she was still pregnant and killed for the baby. Infant died after being cut from the womb. Marlen was lured by a mother and daughter pretending to have baby clothes.

Yes, I can see someone trying to kidnap the baby and killing mom to do so.... Again, especially due to this infants I young age.
I had to force myself to watch that raw interview.... what the hell was that???? His comments of the crew making him nervous, he wants to look natural?? Who the hell says that unless they are concerned they look guilty? The body language is so telling to me and him needing to stop answering when he has to disclose specifics of the the day, losing track. The fact he can't even finish his statements, needing to stand up etc. soo bizarre. Very uncomfortable to watch thats for sure. I hope they make progress soon.

Not saying he is lying or not but I put ZERO importance on the presence of tears. I can make myself cry so so easily by thinking of: diaper commercials with new babies, videos I’ve seen of dogs and/or kids and military members seeing each other after deployment, Christmas movies, any Disney / Pixar movie, or by simply looking down and keeping my eyes wide open for a bit and then squeezing my eyes shut a few times. Not blinking causes my eyes to run like crazy, particularly when followed up by rapid blinking.

I just know enough people that can cry genuine tears almost on cue to not be impressed by the 4 tears he shed. It bugs me when people talk like they are crying but no tears come and that happened several times. It just seemed fake or forced to me.

I'm totally opposite. I don't cry easily and rarely, when I do it's raw. I have friends that cry on a dime - interesting.
He deserves the benefit of the doubt, as anyone does. Aside from that, the laughing/smiling, in this case, would not, only apply in the case of innocence.

Laughter can be a defense that protects the trauma survivor from feeling the depth of their actual pain.
Many survivors believe that if they don't laugh about their experiences they will connect with intense feelings of rage, despair, disappointment, or sadness. The deeper fear is that that they will be flooded and overwhelmed if those emotions are identified and fully felt. Feeling deeply is often associated with a loss of control. Laughter keeps the pain at arm’s length.

Something may have happened that he regrets and he's in emotional distress about it. No way to know, at this point. We do know, from that video breakdown I did, that he's emotional and brushes it off with laughing.

When words and body language (i.e., laughing) don't match, we tend to believe the body language.

Inappropriate laughter under these circumstances is highly concerning.

I realize we can't overlook alcohol or drug use influencing behavior but my hinky meter is out the roof.
Glad you found us! :p

Just about every time he's given is an "about" or "around." That doesn't help. But, the 2pm thing - he says he called her about 1:40 pm and her phone was off. He arrived home shortly after - around 2 pm. He noticed the car, the baby stuff, etc. and thought she was probably at her friend's apt. in the same complex.

From 2 pm to 6 pm - We have no idea really. Around 6 pm, the school called and told him nobody had picked up their little boy. He went and picked him up, then called his dad, all her friends, and then the police who arrived about 7:30 pm.

It would be extremely rare for a stranger to take mom and baby, IMO. MOO

BBM So he didn't call the police immediately when the school called. That would be the first action most would have taken.

The baby was safe at school - his first concern should have been "Where is my wife? She'd never not pick up the child! Is she safe? I'd better call the police ASAP!"
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Yes, but that said, some people are aware of how pings work - and given his trip to the cell phone store to find out about her pings, he might be one of them. If someone knows how pings work, they may leave their phone home when off doing things they shouldn’t be doing where police may become involved later. IMO.
Either way it could help the investigation. Usually the spouse,or last known person to see a missing person is looked at. To rule them out,or rule them in. He seems genuinely broken up to me,but then some things just don't make sense. The way he talks about the children. Mine/hers. I did notice he uses presence tense,as opposed to past tense though. That's a promising sign. Normally my Hinky meter is off the chart with cases like this but this one I just don't know.
Very good point. Why is everything else so detailed but that period is just...blank.

Did he try calling her repeatedly during that time?

Did he try texting during that time?

Did he walk over to her friend’s in the complex?

Did he call any friends? Text any friends looking?

Did he have a glass of water?

Did he take a nap? For four hours?

We know after that period he grilled his son’s lunch when they got home. We know he called his dad after that window of time. We know he called her friends after he picked up his son.

We know before that period he got ready in half an hour, drank a glass of water, let his family sleep, got them up, kissed them goodbye, left for work, spoke with Heidi by phone, heard about the $25 on books (but that was okay).

The middle four hours between two and six are...very very blank.
Well stated! That very very blank, mystical four hours is hard to ignore. In fact, it jumps right out at you and slaps you in the face! The Black Hole of his afternoon. He's so willing to offer up all this other "stuff" and acts as if "nothing" happened during that afternoon. No nap, no drinking (water or you know) no drugs, no "whatever." Right :rolleyes:
Marlen Ochoa Lopez. Though, she was still pregnant and killed for the baby. Infant died after being cut from the womb. Marlen was lured by a mother and daughter pretending to have baby clothes.

Yes, I can see someone trying to kidnap the baby and killing mom to do so.... Again, especially due to this infants I young age.

Yes, I know that has happened when the mother was pregnant but she had already given birth so if you want the baby, why take the mom? I would think to get that baby away from mom you would have to kill her but then that would mean they took her just to hide her body and that seems like a lot of unnecessary work, don't you think?
When words and body language (i.e., laughing) don't match, we tend to believe the body language.

Inappropriate laughter under these circumstances is highly concerning.

I realize we can't overlook alcohol or drug use influencing behavior but my hinky meter is out the roof.
Hinky meter, lol... I always call it my "antennae," but I like hinky meter much better!
Just a thought. How about young people. Don't they post a lot usually?
Generally my impression is yes, but my nieces and nephews are in their 30s and none of them are big social media users. Well, I take that back, one posts a fair amount, but it's more business networking than personal. Her brother never used social media at all, only got a smartphone a couple years ago. So I think it really varies.

He wasn’t talking about trauma. He wasn’t discussing a traumatic memory of abuse years later in therapy. He was in the middle of experiencing the trauma. I’m sorry but that’s different.

A person may smile when talking years later about how they were beaten as a child. But when they were being beaten they weren’t smiling.

He is in the middle of experiencing trauma. Not processing it. Or he should be. At this moment he should be feeling extreme desperation. A white hot and electric fear. A dreadful, sleepless, hellish limbo.

There is no smiling at that time.
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Given the circumstances and the stated timeline given in the SC interview, are you suggesting that the idea that a mother of an infant would leave with NO baby gear and go to a neighbours apartment for hours at a time and that this would be something not worth checking out makes much sense?
If he came home and found the infant baby carrier in the home first thought would be Mama is in shower or sleeping with baby. If neither of those is true wth? No one waits assuming momma will show up with infant especially if purse, diaper bag snd most importantly infant carrier were visible!
I think he was stoned or drunk and asleep during much of that time. I'm not convinced he's guilty of doing something to mother and/or baby, but he is definitely acting shifty. It would be very interesting to know more about his background. Has he encountered CPS before? If so, he wouldn't want it getting out that he's sound asleep or stoned when his child's school calls him.

Yes. Plausible. But it still doesn’t explain waiting an hour. Not calling the cops right after the school called. Calling friends and dad first. Because by that point you’ve got to know something is wrong. He waited at least an hour. After knowing she had been missing with the baby under suspicious circumstances for five hours.
Well stated! That very very blank, mystical four hours is hard to ignore. In fact, it jumps right out at you and slaps you in the face! The Black Hole of his afternoon. He's so willing to offer up all this other "stuff" and acts as if "nothing" happened during that afternoon. No nap, no drinking (water or you know) no drugs, no "whatever." Right :rolleyes:
Yes, you're right. All those minute details about himself during the morning hrs....drinking water, etc. But what about the 'blank hours' from 2-6. No water drinking? (Trying to be humorous).
Well stated! That very very blank, mystical four hours is hard to ignore. In fact, it jumps right out at you and slaps you in the face! The Black Hole of his afternoon. He's so willing to offer up all this other "stuff" and acts as if "nothing" happened during that afternoon. No nap, no drinking (water or you know) no drugs, no "whatever." Right :rolleyes:
Classic look here not there maneuver. Seen that a thousand times or so. It just doesn't make sense that not one time does he offer an account for the 2-6 time period. I mean, he told us what time he drinks water in the morning on waking. Really?
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