TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #2

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I don't usually wander over to the non-UK threads but after reading through every page of this case so far, I am desperately wanting to know this lady and her baby will soon be found safe and well. There is so much confusion surrounding this entire situation so far, I really don't know what to think. As another poster said, I will be waiting for the presser in hopes that LE will give more information or clarify certain things we've heard so far. It's very late here and I'm very tired, so I don't want to say too much as I'll end up not making sense. But I must admit, I watched the raw footage interview of the fiancée and all I could think was "oh my god, I'd be exactly the same". I have anxiety and suffer panic attacks and the looking at the ground, swaying, not knowing what to do with his hands/whether to hold the phone are all things that I'd be doing in his situation too. I'm not saying that this says anything about his innocence or guilt in this situation, just that a lot of people are commenting about those things being odd or potentially suspicious but in my own experience, I'd be like that even if I had nothing to hide. I know it's a completely different situation but with regards to the smiling and laughter in the raw footage - I recently got married and giggled uncontrollably all the way through the vows because I was a bag of nerves - I also laughed because of nerves in a very serious situation a few years ago and actually got physically assaulted because of it - I was laughing because I was so terrified, not because anything that was happening was funny whatsoever. I think what I'm trying to say is that people respond to immense stress or pressure in many different ways. I'm hoping that the fiancée is not involved in the disappearance but keeping a completely open mind until more information comes to light. All I know is that I want Heidi and her baby to be found safe and sound and I hope the other children and the dog are being cared for and supported right now.

Show me one video of a father or mother who laughed and smiled a lot during interviews about their missing child, who was innocent.
@LietKynes glad you found the info about dumpster searches. So he searched dumpsters when he first discovered Heidi missing. What time was that? 2, 6 or 7?
Rhetorical question, obviously.
It is more than weird he would search dumpsters for car keys. No one would think of keys being in a dumpster. I’m afraid he was seen at a dumpster or two & key searching was the best he could come up with. Jmo

And imma gonna point out that $25 was his emphasis . He brought it up (more than once. )

that wouldn’t be my hill to focus on, nor to die on. But to each his own.

I can empathize with watching money: especially with a newborn, the holiday etc. And heck, expenditures should be discussed in any relationship, but most people understand the big difference between $$$ and things of value.

(Anyway- Thanks for your incredibly thoughtful post. you really nailed it!)

Yes, ditto abt the $25, and making it a big deal. IMO it seemed to cause some friction...and upset for Shane. And she spent it on books? Yikes.

Other than that, I don't see him as doing anything wrong.
Or acting strangely.
Yes, I know that has happened when the mother was pregnant but she had already given birth so if you want the baby, why take the mom? I would think to get that baby away from mom you would have to kill her but then that would mean they took her just to hide her body and that seems like a lot of unnecessary work, don't you think?

What if the opportunity didn't present itself a few weeks ago before the baby was born? And the person was dead set about kidnapping this baby? Follow sleep deprived mom from the daycare center where she just dropped off her son and surprise her just as she is getting home. It might be easy to get Heidi into a conversation if this person was someone she recognized from the daycare center. It's plausible to me.
I believe her phone is gone. At least that was my impression and I don't want to re-watch those videos. He said tried to call her (around 1;40, I think) and her phone was off.

I definitely think guys are not as quick to worry as women.

I know a lot of this looks bad. I want to be clear that I see that but also want to remain open minded in the absence of more evidence.

I can see something like his coming home from work around 2PM, after he'd called before and got no answer. He sees her car in the lot and thinks nothing of it. Enters the apartment and she's not home and he thinks she's at the neighbor's. Maybe he showers, grabs something to eat and naps for a while. Wakes up, she's still not home. Right there I would expect he calls a friend or two looking for her. Did he do that? I don't know. Then he gets a call from the school or daycare, picks up his son, returns home, sees her purse in the unlocked (which he noted as not right) car and calls police.

Believe it or not, I’m still open to mom disappearing due to a baby snatcher or possible psychotic episode no one knew was brewing.

Very, very low on my list. Because logic. And human nature. And so many years following these cases and compiling them in the library in my head.

Anyhow there’s a lot of time between “calls a friend or two” and “then gets a call from daycare.” What was happening during that time and why was he so damned detailed about everything before and after that time period? But silent about what happened then?
When you say, "I believe him," which of his versions of events is it that you believe?

Here's what I believe:
I believe that SC is distressed/upset.
I believe his tears are real.

Tears can be indicative of any number of emotions, though, including but not limited to:
  • Grief
  • Remorse
  • Regret
  • Self-Pity
  • Anxiety
  • Anger
So, while I believe SC's displays of emotion are genuine, I do not believe his accounting of everything that happened that day is truthful.

That's why I think so many of us are having such mixed reactions to watching his interviews:
I think we're getting an extremely confusing blend of fact and fiction.
Mixed messages result in mixed reactions.
Hard to reconcile what our eyes are seeing with what our ears are hearing.


About a mother with a young baby leaving without supplies: on another website, someone posted about a woman on an airplane whose infant was crying and she just was staring blankly ahead. It turned out she had no formula, no diapers, no baby supplies. It was speculated that she had either had a breakdown of some sort or was desperate enough to just get on a plane to either get away or to get home. In any case, she clearly needed emotional and mental help. She had enough wherewithal to buy a ticket, but nothing else.

Yes, it's possible I'm being swayed by his honest emotion.

Oh, I definitely have two scenarios in my mind that go the other way, but we can't/shouldn't post them here. For now, I just think a lot of his behavior that is being attributed to being untruthful, can just as easily be explained by whatever his personality is normally would be exacerbated by the extreme stress, worry and anxiety of this.

The conflicting information is concerning for sure, but not indicative of guilt in her disappearance necessarily. That, and we don't know what he was doing for that chunk of afternoon time.

Where are her parents or any news articles with statements from them?

On the other hand, it's not out of the ordinary for some guy/father to not have verified that his wife took enough or any baby supplies with her when he assumed she was visiting her friend nearby. My DH and I have enough things going on that we don't usually watch the clock when we're out of each other's sight or communication for a specific length of time. However, more days than not, he calls or texts me when he gets to work and sometimes during the day for a random "love you" and texts me before he drives home so I know when to start worrying (it's a long drive, nutty drivers out). Of course, we don't have children, let alone a newborn, but I don't see it impossible that he was doing things and didn't think to check in on her, especially if they'd had a tiff. I think it's odd with a newborn, but not everyone is a Schmoopie.
So many bothersome little details that don't add up, unfortunately for the father's part of the story in particular.

Per MSM (KXAN, link below), Husband (whose FB labels him as "single"?) tried to call her at noon (or 1:40 or 2pm in later comments - pretty big time change IMO), and it went to VM.

He didn't try to reach her after that, until the school called him at 6pm?

4 to 6 hours of not hearing back between spouses - especially with a newborn - is unusual, as others have pointed out. This is huge all by itself. Excuses (drinking, whatever) or not: Why wasn't he worried that she didn't call him back? Did he keep trying after that or not even worry about not being able to reach her for 6 whole hours?

This lapse of concern or action in the afternoon - in addition to his picking up the child first, then going home, and then lah-dee-dah getting around to calling others about her whereabouts after he was home is overwhelmingly suspicious.

View attachment 220651

I could just have a completely different husband than most, but, mine never ever called me during the day. He's an electrician and on the road, working sometimes 12-14 hour days, and unless it was an emergency, I never called him and vice a versa.

While we have cell phones now, I still refuse to bother him while he is working and we don't communicate daily unless I ask him to pick up something at the store (he's already working in grocery stores) or he wants to let me know that he's going to be more than an hour late due to unexpected problems at one of the businesses he works at.

I guess we're just a different couple. If my hubby was tired enough, and the house was quiet, he just might snooze for a bit, thinking I was at a friend's house. My husband gets alarmed over absolutely nothing, unless he needed me to be home to take over watching the kids, if I was late getting home from work (I worked over nights).
I don't think it's strange if the dog was on the balcony. I lived in big apartment complexes for many years, and it was common for people to leave their dog out on the small deck/balcony while they were at work -- no messes indoors that way.
LE believe HB and baby returned home. And since the baby carrier was in the home we can conclude she did. Wouldn't she have let the dog back in?
If he came home and found the infant baby carrier in the home first thought would be Mama is in shower or sleeping with baby. If neither of those is true wth? No one waits assuming momma will show up with infant especially if purse, diaper bag snd most importantly infant carrier were visible!

but who assumes their partner was abducted, killed, etc?
I don't usually wander over to the non-UK threads but after reading through every page of this case so far, I am desperately wanting to know this lady and her baby will soon be found safe and well. There is so much confusion surrounding this entire situation so far, I really don't know what to think. As another poster said, I will be waiting for the presser in hopes that LE will give more information or clarify certain things we've heard so far. It's very late here and I'm very tired, so I don't want to say too much as I'll end up not making sense. But I must admit, I watched the raw footage interview of the fiancée and all I could think was "oh my god, I'd be exactly the same". I have anxiety and suffer panic attacks and the looking at the ground, swaying, not knowing what to do with his hands/whether to hold the phone are all things that I'd be doing in his situation too. I'm not saying that this says anything about his innocence or guilt in this situation, just that a lot of people are commenting about those things being odd or potentially suspicious but in my own experience, I'd be like that even if I had nothing to hide. I know it's a completely different situation but with regards to the smiling and laughter in the raw footage - I recently got married and giggled uncontrollably all the way through the vows because I was a bag of nerves - I also laughed because of nerves in a very serious situation a few years ago and actually got physically assaulted because of it - I was laughing because I was so terrified, not because anything that was happening was funny whatsoever. I think what I'm trying to say is that people respond to immense stress or pressure in many different ways. I'm hoping that the fiancée is not involved in the disappearance but keeping a completely open mind until more information comes to light. All I know is that I want Heidi and her baby to be found safe and sound and I hope the other children and the dog are being cared for and supported right now.

I am so glad that you wondered over here and took the time to write your sweet post. Every word of it.
Just a thought. How about young people. Don't they post a lot usually?
Yes, but IMO the platform used would differ based on age group.

Missing victim is 33 and seems to use social media to connect to family and friends and so FB might make more sense for that group possibly.

She might have had other accounts on different platforms to connect to different groups of people.

I hope LE is combing through all the social media for possible clues.

I can only speak to what I would do but my oldest daughter recently broke up with her live in boyfriend and moved home. It is a contentious situation but no violence between them to speak of. One night her car was parked out front of the house, so we all assumed she was asleep in her room which is the 3rd floor of our house that I rarely go up to. A couple of hours pass and dinner is done. I send a younger kid to wake her and tell her to come and eat.

She wasn't there. Her phone was going to voicemail, so I logged into her laptop and located her phone and the last ping was at her ex's house a couple hours before. You can imagine how I freaked out since I follow these cases. My husband, our oldest son, and I went over there. He, of course, said he hadn't seen her. He claimed he hadn't been home all day. I asked to read his text messages and look through the house and found nothing.

Until now, I was hesitant to call the police because I didn't want to overreact but now I felt I had exhausted everything I could do. So about 3 hours after we first saw her car I finally called the police. Wouldnt you know before the police even got to the house she called back, she was at a movie with a new friend, and had no service so that's why it went straight to voicemail and appeared off.

The point is... I rationalized that it had been a few hours, if I have no information to give them what good could they do? I questioned if I was overreacting and tried to err on the side of caution and luckily everything turned out ok. Had it been bad I would have hated myself for not calling sooner. But you just never know what to do in these situations and so when he called the police I don't necessarily see as a red flag.

Your oldest daughter isn’t a newborn. Who is missing with mom. Who doesn’t have her car. Or purse. Or car seat. Or diaper bag.

I’m sorry but I just don’t see it as the same exigent circumstance.

Think back to when your daughter was a newborn. That feeling of protectiveness. Of worry that something could happen to the baby. What if she chokes? What if she gets SIDS? What if she catches a virus and suddenly dies? What if she swallows something? What if she’s not eating enough.
Is her diaper wet? Is she cold? Is she hungry. Is she scared in the dark?

Babies are so vulnerable. You’re just trying to take care of their every need, trying to keep them alive and trying to survive yourself those first couple months.

But everything is about that baby hyper alert. We are designed to be that way to make sure the species continues.

It’s not like a fully grown adult daughter who is old enough to live outside the house and disappeared for three hours. IMHO.
Well, exactly. There you go. It's a case by case thing. I understand why certain things here might look like red flags, but for many of us, this stuff happens in real life and means literally nothing. Maybe it also means nothing here and it's just how things are for them. Maybe. People, including me, are just trying to explain that many of the things that have been mentioned as "weird" and "red flags" are normal to many people and don't really equal trouble. Just saying.

How many of you have had a missing partner and baby under these circumstances?

Every case people try to compare their lives and their emotions with what they think they would do or how their life’s are. I try to compare these cases with other cases.
DEC 16, 2019
Volunteer groups say they're ready to help in search for missing Austin mom & her newborn

"It is without a doubt something that concerns the whole community. There is great concern from our team. We want to make sure there is every last resource that applies," said Brandon Goering, TEXSAR board vice chairman.

The non-profit offers trained search teams and cadaver dogs plus consulting services for law enforcement agencies. "We provide consultation as far as lost person behavior," said Goering. "There's a lot of science and statistics that go into the different lost person behavior types."

In order for the agency to step in, APD would have to request for their help. Something he says hasn't happened yet. "Quite often when they get a narrowed search area and some place that they can apply those assets, that's when we will be called in," Goering said.



Gosh, I'd like to know more about that. Sounds really interesting.
Show me one video of a father or mother who laughed and smiled a lot during interviews about their missing child, who was innocent.
I noticed in the RAW video that not only was he laughing at times, but while laughing, his eyes even looked a little sparkly. During times when I've been in the throes of grief, my face is more crumpled than sparkly, and that seems typical of grieving people, IMO...
Ooh . :( . I've done that all my life. If I stand for any length of time, I do it. People have always commented on it, oh well. It is indeed self-soothing. I get especially anxious when having to speak to people for any length of time and I'm terrible with eye contact, too. I'm not a sociopath, just extremely awkward at times and it worsens with stress. Less so, as I've gotten much older, but I still sway a bit.

Also, people that have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome will sway while standing (my mom).
And to add, they have a newborn so the rocking may just be the instinctive motion parents often do to soothe a baby. It's a hard habit to break, even when you're not holding an infant.
I could just have a completely different husband than most, but, mine never ever called me during the day. He's an electrician and on the road, working sometimes 12-14 hour days, and unless it was an emergency, I never called him and vice a versa.

While we have cell phones now, I still refuse to bother him while he is working and we don't communicate daily unless I ask him to pick up something at the store (he's already working in grocery stores) or he wants to let me know that he's going to be more than an hour late due to unexpected problems at one of the businesses he works at.

I guess we're just a different couple. If my hubby was tired enough, and the house was quiet, he just might snooze for a bit, thinking I was at a friend's house. My husband gets alarmed over absolutely nothing, unless he needed me to be home to take over watching the kids, if I was late getting home from work (I worked over nights).
Yes, I understand this, and am the same. (I'm sure LE is all over the phones to see how regularly they were in touch, to understand their typical communication patterns.) But I am thinking more along the lines of having a newborn and - if one DOES call, even if rarely - and then doesn't get an answer - wouldn't the person then wonder 1) why didn't they call me back or 2) keep trying, if there had been a reason to call in the first place? Dunno, maybe I'm just a worrier.
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About a mother with a young baby leaving without supplies: on another website, someone posted about a woman on an airplane whose infant was crying and she just was staring blankly ahead. It turned out she had no formula, no diapers, no baby supplies. It was speculated that she had either had a breakdown of some sort or was desperate enough to just get on a plane to either get away or to get home. In any case, she clearly needed emotional and mental help. She had enough wherewithal to buy a ticket, but nothing else.

Yes, it's possible I'm being swayed by his honest emotion.

Oh, I definitely have two scenarios in my mind that go the other way, but we can't/shouldn't post them here. For now, I just think a lot of his behavior that is being attributed to being untruthful, can just as easily be explained by whatever his personality is normally would be exacerbated by the extreme stress, worry and anxiety of this.

The conflicting information is concerning for sure, but not indicative of guilt in her disappearance necessarily. That, and we don't know what he was doing for that chunk of afternoon time.

Where are her parents or any news articles with statements from them?

On the other hand, it's not out of the ordinary for some guy/father to not have verified that his wife took enough or any baby supplies with her when he assumed she was visiting her friend nearby. My DH and I have enough things going on that we don't usually watch the clock when we're out of each other's sight or communication for a specific length of time. However, more days than not, he calls or texts me when he gets to work and sometimes during the day for a random "love you" and texts me before he drives home so I know when to start worrying (it's a long drive, nutty drivers out). Of course, we don't have children, let alone a newborn, but I don't see it impossible that he was doing things and didn't think to check in on her, especially if they'd had a tiff. I think it's odd with a newborn, but not everyone is a Schmoopie.
Maybe tomorrow the mom or family will come forward with a plea for their safe return?
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