TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #2

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The only thing about the books from a school book fair that surprised me was:: 3 books for the boy cost $25! That sounds to me like a lot of money for 3 books. (And aren't they usually paperback?) But I haven't been to a book fair in a while. But that stood out to me. I agree, that may come back into the picture as a point of contention. JMO

Our book fairs have lots of hard cover books. They are usually about $6.99.

"I just have a gut feeling someone wanted that baby and may have harmed Heidi to get the infant. Especially being a newborn."

Can you name any cases where a baby was stolen and they took the mother too?

Just because it maybe hasn’t happened before doesn’t mean it didn’t this time. I mean two years ago I never thought a man would ever strangle his babies and stuff them into crude oil tanks, but then CW came along and showed his brand of evil to the world.
It would depend on how far away she lived from the neighbor. If she lived next door, she might have just brought the baby over and figured if she needed anything, she could just go back to her place and get it, or change her diaper and come back. She could have used a sling to hold the baby- I always had mine with me all day, even if they were sleeping, I sure would have loved a sling like they have today! Also, if her neighbor has a crib or play pen, she may have not needed to bring anything over, just her and the baby- maybe she did bring a diaper or two in her hand.

That's saying if she went over to the neighbor's home and was living next to or across the road from the neighbor.
I think SC said in his longer interview with the Press that the friend lived in the complex.

I agree with you that if the friend were close by or a few units down then it wouldn't be a big deal to walk back to the apt to get something. The baby based on age was probably mainly sleeping at this point too.

The apt complex looked a bit spread out and unfortunately we don't know where the friend lived relative to HB unit and all we do seem to know is that SC chose to not go to the friends apt to check to see if HB were there when he arrived back from work. I do wonder if he called or perhaps texted this person at any point during the afternoon or even later that night and whether LE can verify?

I am presently hung up on the baby gear and seat along with purse not being with HB (I think we have 2 versions of where these items were located when SC arrived back at the apt.).

I wonder if he always had a coworker in the truck with him that day, or if there was ever a time he and a truck were unaccounted for. Those things usually have a hand truck/dolly/cart whatever it’s called in your region, as well as blankets, boxes, etc.. If this were a domestic situation, someone with ready access to these supplies could easily remove a body from an apartment in broad daylight without raising suspicion.

If it's a furniture moving company, those guys always work with a minimum of two (can't move much big,heavy stuff by yourself).
Been married 18 years and I can count on one hand how many pics I have with my husband and none shared in SM. Not everyone shares everything.

It doesn’t matter. It can be a clue. That someone shares publicly photos of themselves pregnant (several), but none with their partner, and photos of their kids (several), and of them with their kids, but none with the other parent), it can be a clue. It can be part of a picture.

With utmost respect because I truly am interested in everyone’s take on this case (not just my own) I just find this to be such a defensive response, frankly. Part of an effort to defend this man against possible allegations, rather than to look at every aspect of the case to see what it could mean.

Because no one who is doing that here is considering that it could be a clue that supports the possibility that mom was done with the relationship and decided to leave voluntarily.

Yes, if she left she also left her son. Maybe she felt he was better off with dad or that she couldn’t take him. That father and son were super close. Maybe she snapped and wasn’t rational. Maybe she believed dad would never let her take his son but would let her take the new baby.

The point is I don’t understand approaching a case from the standpoint of trying to make it fit or not fit a certain a scenario. What’s common. What’s human behavior. What happened in this case. Are there clues. Was something going wrong. Had there ever been a rift.

I try to look at it all.
I could just have a completely different husband than most, but, mine never ever called me during the day. He's an electrician and on the road, working sometimes 12-14 hour days, and unless it was an emergency, I never called him and vice a versa.

While we have cell phones now, I still refuse to bother him while he is working and we don't communicate daily unless I ask him to pick up something at the store (he's already working in grocery stores) or he wants to let me know that he's going to be more than an hour late due to unexpected problems at one of the businesses he works at.

I guess we're just a different couple. If my hubby was tired enough, and the house was quiet, he just might snooze for a bit, thinking I was at a friend's house. My husband gets alarmed over absolutely nothing, unless he needed me to be home to take over watching the kids, if I was late getting home from work (I worked over nights).
Same here, hubby is an electrician. Works out of town a lot. We live on east coast, he is on West coast for three weeks. We don't call each other during work hours. I don't see anything wrong with a small amount of time not being in contact, but I feel with a newborn it is more concerning. JMO
Police should check dumpsters because they're checking all bases. It just doesn't seem a place I'd think a parent/spouse of a missing person would look?

At that point a person would normally be thinking about the hope that the missing person will just turn up, call or walk through the door, and they'll turn out to be fine. People worry and think about what 'could' have potentially gone wrong to cause the missing person to not be home....for an adult you might worry they've been in a car accident, except that Heidi's car wasn't missing. Maybe you'd worry that there had been a medical emergency with the baby and that's why all the stuff is at home but not the baby or her mom?

He says that he's currently concerned that they might have been kidnapped. But in none of these scenarios can I see any urgent need to search the apartment complex dumpsters.


I thought someone else said keys and not clues. My thought on searching a dumpster for keys is that surely one would be searching for the missing people and not a set of keys? Looking for 'clues' in a dumpster, looking for bodies in a dumpster, or searching for keys, all seem very unusual choices to me.

Not to mention that he stated that he believed that she had gone to a friends’ house but also claimed to have searched the dumpster for her keys. Do we have any solid timeline on when the hunt for the keys happened?

Because if he is saying these things happened close in time - to when he got home - well, either he believed Heidi was at a neighbors house, or...not. You wouldn’t search for keys in a dumpster if you thought she was at a friends’ would you? MOO. Just curious.
I know most people didn’t agree with the statement analysis info about the water but I just noticed he mentioned drinking water twice which is such a seemingly unimportant detail. It is a pretty interesting area used in LE and psychology. “Liars are eager to convince you they are telling the truth and will try to add details to make their story more believable -- which actually makes their story less believable. If a person is lying, they tend to offer surplus information without prompts and they may repeat certain phrases. They’ll embellish insignificant details while avoiding important ones.”
Is there an msm link stating that the baby's car seat was inside the home after he returned from work ?
If so -- it might show she made it into the house.
Trying to figure out what Heidi did after immediately getting home.
Like fitting a puzzle together.

The media is so dang unreliable. It always takes forever to nail down the truth of, often critical, details. We got lucky with Sam Kraemer, on the Kelsey Berreth case. He actually cared enough to verify things and was clear when he couldn't. He's a gem and there aren't many like him.
I could just have a completely different husband than most, but, mine never ever called me during the day. He's an electrician and on the road, working sometimes 12-14 hour days, and unless it was an emergency, I never called him and vice a versa.

While we have cell phones now, I still refuse to bother him while he is working and we don't communicate daily unless I ask him to pick up something at the store (he's already working in grocery stores) or he wants to let me know that he's going to be more than an hour late due to unexpected problems at one of the businesses he works at.

I guess we're just a different couple. If my hubby was tired enough, and the house was quiet, he just might snooze for a bit, thinking I was at a friend's house. My husband gets alarmed over absolutely nothing, unless he needed me to be home to take over watching the kids, if I was late getting home from work (I worked over nights).

I haven't been here in a while hut this story caught my attention. I agree. My spouse and i rarely talke during the work day. I can wake up on the weekend and they're gone doing the Pokemon Go thing for hours. We do not track location as we both have separate apple ids. It would take hours upon hours for either of us to report the other missing. We aren't that old either. That just how we roll. We have late teen kids.
I am not sure a car seat in the apartment means she made it back home. It would be much easier to carry a seven pound baby up the stairs than to carry a car seat plus baby. JMO
I'm a new Great Grandmother and just bought my granddaughter a combination carseat/baby carrier/stroller. The baby carrier snaps into a lock base for the carseat and snaps into a stroller. Maybe the baby carrier is the carseat.
In the many cases you’ve all followed, does a guilty person typically go around and ask all types of people if they saw or heard anything? Do they search for hours? And stuff like that?

They may ask people if they heard or saw anything but I really haven’t heard of one case of a guilty person who truly actually searched for any significant length of time.

I wouldn’t consider “sitting” out there and asking people to be searching for hours though.
I could just have a completely different husband than most, but, mine never ever called me during the day. He's an electrician and on the road, working sometimes 12-14 hour days, and unless it was an emergency, I never called him and vice a versa.

While we have cell phones now, I still refuse to bother him while he is working and we don't communicate daily unless I ask him to pick up something at the store (he's already working in grocery stores) or he wants to let me know that he's going to be more than an hour late due to unexpected problems at one of the businesses he works at.

I guess we're just a different couple. If my hubby was tired enough, and the house was quiet, he just might snooze for a bit, thinking I was at a friend's house. My husband gets alarmed over absolutely nothing, unless he needed me to be home to take over watching the kids, if I was late getting home from work (I worked over nights).

Except we know they spoke in the morning after school drop off and she told him about spending $25. He also called at 1:40 pm before arriving home around 2pm. If they only spoke during emergencies it seems likely a book purchase could wait until he got home from work.

I’d think a newborn would also change dynamics, such as checking in more frequently or getting concerned sooner than you might otherwise. Moo.
What if the opportunity didn't present itself a few weeks ago before the baby was born? And the person was dead set about kidnapping this baby? Follow sleep deprived mom from the daycare center where she just dropped off her son and surprise her just as she is getting home. It might be easy to get Heidi into a conversation if this person was someone she recognized from the daycare center. It's plausible to me.
You keep insisting a possible scenario is that someone wanted just the baby. I agree, it is possible! But you also keep failing to give a logical explanation for why someone who wants just the baby would also take the mom.
Marlen Ochoa Lopez. Though, she was still pregnant and killed for the baby. Infant died after being cut from the womb. Marlen was lured by a mother and daughter pretending to have baby clothes.

Yes, I can see someone trying to kidnap the baby and killing mom to do so.... Again, especially due to this infants I young age.

Similar story to Savanna Greywind. Brooke Crews lured her to her apartment then murdered the eight-months pregnant woman and slit open her belly to take her baby. The baby survived.

But I’m feeling that’s not what happened here. If someone wanted to kidnap the baby, it would be far easier to not have to fight off the mother protecting her child. IMO
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