TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #2

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You mean like some social worker coming to the house - in the United States?

Pediatrician. They need to be seen and vaccinated- when my were infants, it was the first week, second week, then monthly for a couple of more months, then six month and 1 year. It seemed like I lived at the pediatricians office!
This IMO is the most upsetting part of that interview. He literally gets so overwhelmed when he came to that part of his timeline that he got up and walked off camera saying he wanted to appear natural. Like what???!!! Your fresh out of the oven newborn baby is missing and all you care about is looking natural on tv? How could anyone possibly look natural or CARE about looking natural in those circumstances. This guy is off.

I've been re-thinking what I said earlier about being nervous, when under the microscope, in a situation like this and you, Gitana and everyone else who are so suspicious of this are right. I really hate going there but I know when my dogs got loose that the last thing I would have worried about is what anything might have thought of me and I was a crazy women until I got them back. So, yeah, were I being interviewed by a reporter in this situation, I would be losing my mind and wouldn't give a damn how I came off.

You may very well be correct. I posted the article as general info on laughing/smiling seeming out of place in a certain context. I would also remind you of the poster from the UK who said she began laughing at a terrifying time and ended up getting assaulted as a result.

Just going to say, again, that I don't know and I refuse to imply guilt or accuse someone who may be innocent unless I'm more certain. I hope more is learned tomorrow.

First of all, you will not find me accuse this man. Not once. I say what seems reasonable to me, what seems bizarre and suspicious, what’s believable and what’s not, how I believe innocent people and guilty people behave. Not once have I said, “He did it.” So let’s not go there.

Yes. I recall the poster. Who was I believe a teen girl at the time. Not the 30 year old father of a missing newborn.

In every case I see people try really hard to find multiple exceptions to the rules to explain away certain behaviors. When one has to do it multiple times in one case it starts becoming ludicrous IMO.

I ask again for anyone to find me one video of an innocent parent laughing during an interview about their recently missing child. Just one case.
Awwww. Sure is!

Margot’s eyes, so bright and full of wonder.

That is what he did. But in all fairness after he grilled the lunch, he did call his Dad who told him not to worry about it too much right now.
Boyfriend of missing South Austin woman, baby speaks out
But calling Dad? After he hasn't been able to communicate with his wife for 12 hours? She is with their 2 week old baby, turned off her phone, doesn't have her diaper bag or purse or car? Didn't pick up their son from school and didn't call to tell him she wasn't?

And so he calls his dad?

I don't know, but I think the story is different than his version he told---I don't think he called his Dad for information about where his missing wife was....I think he called him because he was super stressed out ...and Dad convinced him he had to call for help...JMO
I wonder if we're married to brothers, LOL. Seriously, my husband is the same way, worked crazy hours, and we had kids before cell phones, so it wasn't a worry to him or myself. I was used to his late hours and always took the kids out to visit or had others over, just to socialize. He would never have been concerned about me not being home, especially if there was a football game on- only thing that might cause him some concern is if there was nothing good to eat while he watched the game, lol!

I think everyone has this impression that men are protective and concerned when they don't hear from their wives. Not all men are like that. That doesn't make them bad guys, but my husband worries about absolutely nothing. I'm the worrier in the family.
Yup, no cell phones back in the day I had babies. And I did not call hubby if I decided to leave the house. I could be any number of places. A friends house, either one of his siblings or one of my siblings houses, his parents, my parents, old school mates. Or shopping with any of the above. Hubby was laid back and trusted me. He was more worried about what I’d do to a prep then he was what a perp would do to me. Lol I was kinda scary back then. Lol
I realize the forum rules about speculation, and conjecture. There are just red flags all over the case. The baby bag still at the house, would be a big red flag that something is wrong. There is no info whether any baby carrier or baby stroller was at the apartment or missing. A two week old baby and a mother missing, doesn't not mean wait a couple hours before calling the police. This is alarming, but I can't reach a conclusion on this. One thing that come out in the next couple days is a motive. If Ms. Broussard was abducted, there should be some evidence of a either someone following her for days to see her daily patterns. If it is someone close to her that caused her harm, then there should be a big motive, like she was going to make a change in her life. if the Austin PD and other Law Enforcement are calling in the services of Equusearch, they are looking for bodies, which means they reached a conclusion she isn't alive. If Ms. Broussard went for a walk with a two week old infant, she wouldn't go far, so any signs of a struggle or screaming, should be noted by others at the time in morning, or any noise like tires screeching, etc. I would look at the couple's bank accounts, or if they had money problems, mainly there has to be some motive, if there is foul play involved in this case.
If someone was trying to confuse me with too many unimportant details, they have succeeded. I can't understand some of SC's actions, namely his looking in dumpsters or going to the phone store. Why hasn't any of her family or friends talked to reporters?

My thoughts have been all over the place. I just can't c0me up with a logical reason for both Mom and Baby being taken by someone.

He works for a moving company if I heard that right? Does he always work those short work hours? It was the first day Heidi took the baby to deliver son to school and this happened? So, no daily pattern as she just had Margot and wasn't probably on a schedule strangers could follow.

I started to wonder if he might be more controlling than he appears because he said he was the pusher to lock all doors and that he had to be told how much she spent at the book fair. No biggie, but shows he's not always the slacker or flakey. Just trying to figure out their relationship. She must be social that he thought she was visiting a neighbor, but so far haven't seen any neighbors or friends on the news.

Margot, cutest baby ever, and Heidi, a happy proud looking Mama-- you are both in my prayers for your safe return. Hoping for a miracle.
Austin police plan to give an update on their search for the pair on Tuesday – but Monday evening, KVUE learned that the FBI and Texas Rangers are joining the search.

Investigators told KVUE that they are trying to remain neutral and not jump to any conclusions. They are working the case from two possible angles: that Broussard left on her own and they need to know that she and her baby are safe; or that they are victims of foul play.

Investigators are scouring forensic data and conducting on-the-ground investigation, including interviewing all of Broussard's close friends and family and in some cases building a timeline of their whereabouts and alibis around the time Broussard and the baby disappeared.

Investigators are also looking at hours and hours of video, not only from the South Austin apartment complex where Broussard lives but also from nearby businesses. They tell KVUE they have knocked on every door in the complex to interview neighbors and they have done an analysis of the apartment for any possible forensic evidence.

So far, investigators say they haven't turned up anything that firmly indicates anything one way or another.

The entire Homicide Cold Case/Missing Persons Unit of the Austin Police Department – a total of about seven investigators – is investigating this case and as of Monday night, they have asked for and gotten help from outside law enforcement as well.
FBI, Texas Rangers join search for missing Austin mother, baby

FINALLY some decent reporting! Thank you so much.
This part is worth watching again: 10:58 to 11:20.

11:20-11:26 is particularly interesting where he laughs when being asked about when he saw her last, and then has to stop. He's laughing and said he's distracted.

11:40 he laughs when he says "that's the last time I spoke to..." and laughs again, because he doesn't know what to call her.

Then he says he can't keep talking because "I can't be professional.. I'll have to call you back. You're making me nervous. I just wanna be natural." You can tell he's afraid of being stumped up with his story.

When the person on the phone asks "What do you want to say to Heidi? He doesn't say "I love you" or "We love you" when asked what he would say to her (tho he says it at the very end); eventually he gets distracted and asks others to get in contact with him.

"Drop her off on my doorstep" - bizarre
"Any support - any old friends - share, post, like..." <- such an odd thing to say.

Thank you. I did some last night but only the beginning:

1:01 He uses her name - Heidi
1:21/22 Uses her name, again
1:25/26 Chokes up when he says it's Heidi's first day taking Margo, by herself
1:37 Uses Heidi's name
1:58 "She was making lunch, right before I left" - smiles
2:28 "she bought three books" - smiles
2:37-46 recounting their AM phone conversion about the books, "I tell her I love you, good bye" - he pauses, smiles, laughs and says "Aw, man, this is hard" (obvious question - what's hard?)
3:00-08 Pausing, smiles, struggles with what to say, says he's been repeating it all day and sighs
3:20-27 reporter asks is she should move on with another question and he says no, it's a good question, smiling, says it's a weird situation, laughs again
3:38-52 really struggling, doesn't know what to say, says he needs to stand up (indicates, to me - MOO - extreme stress/fight or flight/feeling trapped - though he welcomes questions, it should be noted - causes me anxiety just to watch it - no judgement as to source of his stress, just observing)
4:29-35 dad got cancer, chokes up, literally pushes that feeling away by waving his hand, three times and smiles/laughs (my take - emotional guy who pushes away pain)
Camera man begins to play director and I'm stopping there.
The sandwich thing is not odd to me.

He gets the call to pick up his son and starts getting nervous now. Gets his son, gets home. The kid is tired and hungry and maybe whining while SC is panicking about HB and the baby. SC wants his son to quiet down so he can focus on making phone calls so he gets the food ready before calling friends, his dad and finally the police.

The book fair call does not stand out either. My kid had her first book fair this year so i discussed a budget with my husband. After the fair, i called and told him that i went over it. Money is not tight for us, i just let him know whenever i spend more than we planned.

Also the dog on the balcony makes perfect sense. A dog and new baby is a safety issue. It is responsible to only have them together when supervised.

Just my thoughts on a few commonly discussed topics. Not trying to say SC isn't suspicious.

A lot of this is hard to comment on because we don't know HB and her routine/tendencies. I'm a homebody so my husband woukd know something was off if i wasn't home. Nobody would panic at all if my sister was MIA for a bit because she's very social and always out and about
I think the sandwich thing is weird as heck because that sammie was made about 7 am. And been carried around from home to school to after care---for twelve hours that sammie was carried around in a bag....:confused:...And NOW you're gonna throw it on a grill? I hope it wasn't ham or tuna...
Yup, no cell phones back in the day I had babies. And I did not call hubby if I decided to leave the house. I could be any number of places. A friends house, either one of his siblings or one of my siblings houses, his parents, my parents, old school mates. Or shopping with any of the above. Hubby was laid back and trusted me. He was more worried about what I’d do to a prep then he was what a perp would do to me. Lol I was kinda scary back then. Lol
But we have cell phones now. It certainly has changed how frequently people communicate with each other. And if HB calls her partner to tell him something like spending $25 it seems like she might take 5 seconds to text him she would be visiting a friend with the baby.

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by comparison he actually makes Chris Watts look innocent in his interview. Very disturbing imo
he did even worse than CW who also looked extremely guilty

I'm not watching the videos, again, but if anyone does, pay close attention to language that is a "tell". One thing Chris Watts said, while talking about spending the night alone (Monday night) was "There's NO LIFE in the house". Blew me away. I'm sure he wasn't conscious of what he said but the truth came out.
Woa. Did he just say her purse was upstairs,and then it was in her car. Which is it???????
Yes, and I thought I heard him say in a previous interview the only thing missing was her cellphone, but now her keys are missing too.

I might be misremembering though. I need to go watch all the interviews again.

FBI, Texas Rangers joining search for missing Austin mother, baby

Quotes from article:
Investigators told KVUE what they're doing to try to solve the case.

Author: Tony Plohetski
Published: 10:13 PM CST December 16, 2019
Updated: 10:15 PM CST December 16, 2019
AUSTIN, Texas — Heidi Broussard, 33, and her now three-week-old daughter, Margot Carey, haven't been seen since Thursday.

Austin police plan to give an update on their search for the pair on Tuesday – but Monday evening, KVUE learned that the FBI and Texas Rangers are joining the search.

Investigators told KVUE that they are trying to remain neutral and not jump to any conclusions. They are working the case from two possible angles: that Broussard left on her own and they need to know that she and her baby are safe; or that they are victims of foul play.

RELATED: Father makes plea for missing Austin mother and her 2-week-old baby girl

Investigators are scouring forensic data and conducting on-the-ground investigation, including interviewing all of Broussard's close friends and family and in some cases building a timeline of their whereabouts and alibis around the time Broussard and the baby disappeared.

Investigators are also looking at hours and hours of video, not only from the South Austin apartment complex where Broussard lives but also from nearby businesses. They tell KVUE they have knocked on every door in the complex to interview neighbors and they have done an analysis of the apartment for any possible forensic evidence. [BBM - answered questions posted earlier this evening on WS].

So far, investigators say they haven't turned up anything that firmly indicates anything one way or another.

The entire Homicide Cold Case/Missing Persons Unit of the Austin Police Department – a total of about seven investigators – is investigating this case and as of Monday night, they have asked for and gotten help from outside law enforcement as well.
She drove in with baby from the school. She didn't stop anyplace on the way home? Did someone see her walk up the stairs with the baby and baby stuff...or did someone else shove them into a van or car trunk, but put that stuff upstairs and left her purse in the car? See, it doesn't make sense a stranger would carry stuff upstairs.

Don't judge, I'm just tired. :rolleyes:
Presser tomorrow, maybe answers.
Good-Night for now.
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