TX TX - Heidi Broussard, 33, & Margot Carey, 2 weeks, Austin, 12 Dec 2019 #3

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And so did Deorr Jr's parents. If I remember right their first call from the campground was to the Mom back home.

Light Bulb Moment: This act of calling one's parent appears it could be a "tell" of possible guilt. Its not 100 percent a guarantee of course but those are some good examples people just brought up and appears to show a pattern.

If you are innocent and in a real emergency, one typically calls the people that can immediately help and that typically is 911 LE. I am sure there are examples of innocent people calling their parent first also for advice so its not 100 percent guarantee but those were some good examples just stated by others.

very good points.
I’d like to know why he wanted her cell records, what did he hope to find/prove from them? Did he want to see if a call or text from his phone to hers or hers to his showed up? That is very bizarre behavior imo.
I fully expect a poi or an arrest announced at PC.
I feel IF he was guilty, he would have went to school to pick up his son (whom he gushed about) to keep a sense of normalcy and buy himself some more time. IMO he was out of his mind wondering where she/they were (he mentioned she had a friend that he contacted immediately. So, the car being there wouldn’t have make him suspicious or maybe the friend could have picked her up or it was a friend in the complex. He was looking on his own which is pretty normal. He went to Verizon to obtain cell records. That is normal for someone who is not guilty and wants answers. When school called and it occurred to him that she also left their son (which I believe she would NEVER do) he called the police. I don’t want to ask this question but how much money do baby’s yield on the black market?
Sam Brock‏Verified account @SamBrockNBC 15m15 minutes ago
Today @FBI agents and investigators with @Austin_Police dept. going around apartment complex of #heidibroussard, knocking on doors and collecting surveillance video. Law enforcement update to come in a couple hours @NBCNightlyNews @NBCNews
Sam Brock on Twitter

Short video at link.
Apartments can set up their own ring doorbells (or ones with cameras)? that would be awesome. My guess is the apartment complex may have cameras too. We need to see who drove her car home from the school IMO. I'm thinking it was not her. I know of no women who would leave their purse in the car. (link upthread)
I anticipate the time they received a 911 call will be one of the very few details r/t their investigation that LE will be willing to release in today's presser.

I think LE will verify time and location of last confirmed sighting of HB and whether or not MC was seen with her at that time.

SC will be described as "cooperating with the investigation," as per.


Of course, but that's not my point. My point, THE point is that "news" and journalists doesn't seem to care about facts in so many instances and it's only gotten worse with the internet.

Not unless it could be something for which they could be sued apparently, otherwise, it's just trying to be first in getting anything out on the air, on the page or on the web.
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She drove in with baby from the school. She didn't stop anyplace on the way home? Did someone see her walk up the stairs with the baby and baby stuff...or did someone else shove them into a van or car trunk, but put that stuff upstairs and left her purse in the car? See, it doesn't make sense a stranger would carry stuff upstairs.

Don't judge, I'm just tired. :rolleyes:
Presser tomorrow, maybe answers.
Good-Night for now.
Good questions Curious Me,
With Kelsey Bereth case so many had gone to LE and it came out at trial. Others could be doing this with HB/SC and we don't know it.
@Pommy - I cant find a link regarding the Dog being on the porch.
I can edit my last post mentioning it.
Edit to Add.. not able to edit post on placement of family dog. No link.
I mentioned that yesterday about the dog too. I couldn’t easily find the post from the last thread that said this. But I haven’t had time to go through every one. It might have been the poster that is local—not sure. Probably not in msm.
If someone took her for the sake of the baby, (To sell) they were watching her. Watching her when she was pregnant, watching her routine afterwards. No opportunity while her mom was staying there nor when he was at home. Crimes need opportunity. The opportunity was when she was alone after returning from the school drop off.
What I hate is the head start Murders/Kidnappers get.
If she was last spoken to @ 8 am We don't know if any Family or Friends heard from her after that. Phone off by when Shane calls @1:40 not reported missing till 6 something.
MSangi81 said:

"My husband would have no idea the kids were left at school - even if the car was home. He would probably assume I went with my sister or my mother somewhere and took the kids. I find it strange so many people assume that he should have jumped to the worst scenario...."

First, the child was 2-3 week old newborn. No one is going to go far without alerting a relative or a loved one. Ditto that a parent isn't going to go far without a diaper bag.

There is not enough information out there to make a strong opinion. It is more of where Law Enforcement should look, and the right trial to discover.

That said about not enough info to make an opinion, there are some huge red flags about Ms. Broussard's companion, Shane Carey. One of the biggest in these situations, Who was the last person to see Ms. Broussard when she went missing? Are there any independent sightings of her after Shane Carey left the apartment?

His press interview should be taken with a huge grain of salt, but his mannerisms kind of hint that he is being deceptive or hiding something, whether his whereabouts, or he knows where Heidi Broussard and Margot are located.
I'm really glad you mentioned this. The fact he first called his dad really bothers me, and this is why (some facts and observations):
  • Shane is not 17, and he doesn't live with Dad (yet he immediately calls him.)
  • He never mentions trying to call Heidi again at any point when he sees she is missing. Not once. He says "the phone was shut off" earlier when he mentions calling her between noon and 1:40 (time changes). He NEVER says he tried calling her again.
  • What if her battery went dead or she was on the phone or sent it to VM?
  • How would he know the phone was shut off instead of other options and why not try to call her - FIRST? What would you do first, if your significant other went missing with a newborn, and you'd tried to call them 4-6 hours ago? YOU'D TRY to call them again, even if the phone had gone to VM hours ago!
  • In the inside interview he gets very upset when they "move his dad"... as if he was right in front of him at first. Why did he need the line of sight to his dad and why did someone move his Dad in that interview? He actually STOPPED the interview at that point.
  • His dad rubbing him on the back - well, that was just different. Annoying. Over the top really.
  • The dad was very calm throughout and did not appear to be upset at all.
  • His dad has set up a fund for him.
These are simply observations and facts to consider - I am not implying anything. I hope she and the baby are well and hiding, though I do not think it likely given all of the discrepancies in S's stories.

I'll add something to your post. This was in the interview with the two of them at the apartment complex.

He calls Dad, and Dad tells him not to worry about it (paraphrasing). Now what could he have told his Dad that elicited that kind of response?
Are you sure that whatever happened, happened at the apartment?
I'm wondering if something happened after the 8am phone call about the $25 book fair purchase. Her car did not drive itself home. They've already gone through the apartment (link upthread). I hope they have more surveillance from the school parking lot
IF he had looked into the dumpster and seen her keys, I would hope he wouldn't have gone in and grabbed them...:eek:....

that would have angered the FBI to no end....1st, because it would have erased any forensics evidence...

and 2nd, it might have been a way of covering up if it was his DNA on the keys last...
This is SO infuriating! Which news outlets are we to believe because this is one version I hadn't seen before and it was UPDATED/published only four hours ago on Husband of missing mom and newborn asks public to call police ‘if you see an awesome mom with a baby’

"... Carey says when he got home at 2 p.m., he received a call from the school that Broussard had not picked up his son.
That’s when he says he called police."
Thank you! I took that as he received the call at 2pm. I even double checked if I missed something and he said 6pm. If he received the call at 2pm and he was home by 1:45 or so- his window of opportunity is non existent.
Dunno. He states in the interview that he wasn't concerned at first as all was in the house when he got home. I hope that LE in their interviews right afterwards have more nailed down timelines than what the media has 3 days later, as assuming he was interrogated and nailed down at that time. His interview said:

Queued to about 5:40 in video to transcribe.

Everything was like she was home. I mean that's why I thought she was at her friends house, like she walked to apartment complex. The carseat's upstairs, her purse IS upstairs her ID the wallet there's no signs of her taking the baby. She would never leave her car door unlocked, her car door was unlocked. So that's a wierd sign. So um I don't know anything about that. And her purse is inside her car with all the money still inside it, of it, her cards her ID her full purse. The only thing that is gone is her, the baby her keys and her cell phone. Which has been off since I tried to call her at 1:40

Boyfriend of missing Austin woman, baby speaks out

Which leads me to believe that he is trying to say in the media interview 2 days later confusing info. That he perhaps saw "I wasn't concerned at first as all was in the house when he got home "


was purse in car that he found AFTERWARDS when he went to pick up his son, and then purse was moved into house and was there during interview 2-3 days later when he and his dad was interviewed by media.

Again, who released these photos that appeared on GMA this am? I don't think LE!

View attachment 220773 View attachment 220774

The stills are from an ABC.com news segment. Looks like SC showed them to them during an interview. Idk how to post links, but it was ABC.com for sure.
I'm really glad you mentioned this. The fact he first called his dad really bothers me, and this is why (some facts and observations):
  • Shane is not 17, and he doesn't live with Dad (yet he immediately calls him.)
  • He never mentions trying to call Heidi again at any point when he sees she is missing. Not once. He says "the phone was shut off" earlier when he mentions calling her between noon and 1:40 (time changes). He NEVER says he tried calling her again.
  • What if her battery went dead or she was on the phone or sent it to VM on that earlier one attempt to call her before he "knew" she was "missing"?
  • How would he know the phone was shut off instead of other options and why not try to call her - FIRST? What would you do first, if your significant other went missing with a newborn, and you'd tried to call them 4-6 hours ago? YOU'D TRY to call them again, even if the phone had gone to VM hours ago!
  • In the inside interview he gets very upset when they "move his dad"... as if he was right in front of him at first. Why did he need the line of sight to his dad and why did someone move his Dad in that interview? He actually STOPPED the interview at that point.
  • His dad rubbing him on the back - well, that was just different. Annoying. Over the top really.
  • The dad was very calm throughout and did not appear to be upset at all.
  • His dad has set up a fund for him.
These are simply observations and facts to consider - I am not implying anything. I hope she and the baby are well and hiding, though I do not think it likely given all of the discrepancies in S's stories.

Simply playing devil's advocate here but we honestly don't know the entire history and past relationship between him and his father. We don't know how close they are, we don't know how/if his dad's cancer diagnosis may have changed the relationship. I'm not going to fault the guy for calling his dad (especially if it was in a time of stress/need ... some people's dads are their best friends). There could be a nefarious twist to it, but there could also not be. However I am just one dummy and this is just one dummy's opinion.
Was an Amber Alert ever issued? The mom and baby could have been separated...something doesn't seem right. We should be looking for both mom and baby, whether together or not. Do they know more than what the public knows at this point?

There has to be a description of either the suspect or car in order for an AA to go out.
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