TX - IRS manager killed, 13 hurt in suicide plane crash, Austin, 18 Feb 2010

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This is an amazing story. This is not civil disobedience...FWIW, it is simple murder.
Two bodies recovered at crash site, officials say

Officials said two bodies have been recovered from the Northwest Austin building that was hit by a small plane this morning.

FBI spokesman Eric Vasys said tonight that one body had been recovered from the building earlier in the day, and that it is believed to be that of suspected pilot Andrew Joseph Stack. Vasys said the body was sent to forensic evidence specialists for confirmation.

Texas Mist-thanks for all your updates and continual reporting on this story today. It has been a very tense day here in Austin for a lot of people. Having up-to-the-minute info helps allay unnecessary fear.
I feel so sorry for his wife and esp his daughter-left with nothing nothing nothing. I pray they recover somehow and have lots of support.

His stupid so-called 'manifesto'.....what a joke. I guess he considered himself to be some sort of 'martyr' for the cause? He was just a selfish bitter person who could not roll with the punches of life.

YVW, Starry....I know what you mean by tense...just a few minutes after I heard about the plane crash into one of the Echelon bldgs, I heard there was a bomb threat on an airliner & it was diverted to Salt Lake City....I was freaking out wondering if the beautiful morning we were having was gonna be another 9-11 situation....I knew DBF was in that area today....I called him & he'd driven over the Mopac/183 flyover just minutes before the crash...my manager's wife works @ the Echelon Center...thank goodness she had to leave work to take care of personal business....my manager was all freaked out even tho she was safe & he left work & was gone all day.

I found some info on the hero/angel -- he was there within 20 seconds of the crash! here's the link to his story


I'm so thankful that this catastrophe was not worse. There's been a body found, but it's not said if it was the pilot or someone else.


I pray it was not the IRS person who we heard was unaccounted for. :(

ETA: I just saw wfgodot's post. :(

Prayers for the families.
Texas Mist-wow! Close calls! Frankly I am AMAZED that there are not more casualties and I find much comfort in that. I heard about the United Flight also. That story almost got buried. Apparently the Austin incident activated NORAD F16's out of Ellington AFB but not the United.
Years ago I worked as a temporary for the IRS here in Austin and I worked a very early morning shift.....we opened mail and we sorta jokingly called ourselves 'Bomb-Checkers'.
It is terrible when Civil Servants doing their job have to go through so much stress to make a living just because of some disgruntled domestic terrorist. Sorry-but I see him as a domestic terrorist.
This is a very sad story on so many levels, I know that I'm going to get yelled at for saying this but let me say first I do not at all agree with what this guy did, but I do totally understand where he is coming from. CNN has the suicide note posted and this guy made very valid points, actually the exact same points that I have made for years. This was not the rants of a mad man, this was a very intelligent man who was fed up and did something extremely stupid. He had written to his congressman, senator and just about everyone and everyone dismissed him. I know how he feels because I went through the EXACT same thing!!!!!!!!! I even once wrote to the white house and they put my letter on thier website and allowed people to comment, and they never bothered to remove my contact information. I was harrassed, and the other letters I had sent to my congressmen was responded with the cordial "thank you for writing" and never anything further.
There is NEVER a reason for murder and what he did was WRONG!!!!!!!! but what he went through is also wrong and nothing will ever be done about that, because it will never change, The government is NEVER held accountable for their actions, never ever, and what he said about their being two sets of laws one for the rich and the other for the rest of us, is exactly true!

Prayers tonight for those who suffered from this tragedy. Sadly if something isnt done to hold the government accountable. I feel there will be more of this.
This coward/jerk didn't want to pay taxes. He owned a business, home, airplane and wasn't paying taxes in California (MSNBC just reported) so he can cry me a river. Boo Hoo.

My sympathy is with the families of the dead and injured, not this dead beat.
I couldn't get the note to be readable. The text was so small even when I enlarged. I don't get what his complaints are exactly. I could see enough to read about his not being allowed to take some tax loophole, people losing retirement, airbase closings costing him work, not being able to find work in Austin, and that was about it. Did he owe the IRS a bunch of money?
This coward/jerk didn't want to pay taxes. He owned a business, home, airplane and wasn't paying taxes in California (MSNBC just reported) so he can cry me a river. Boo Hoo.

My sympathy is with the families of the dead and injured, not this dead beat.

This man got caught in a tax bind whereby the IRS came back at him years later and declared his contracted or consulting engineers were employees. Ask any engineer about this, and they most likely will know exactly what ruling this guy was talking about. When he set his business up, he followed the rules. The IRS reversed the rules in the 80s, when unemployment was high, and the govt. needed money so they went after legitimate businesses, charging that their once okay to claim as contractual labor were now employees. Pay up, Bub. As typical, corporations were exempt.
my sympathy is also with his own family who he also tried to kill.
This man's actions speak much louder than his words; and even his words were these:
"...violence not only is the answer, it is the only answer."

To find common cause with a man who burned the family home and tried to murder hundreds of people in that building is to endorse those actions at the expense of reason.
my sympathy is also with his own family who he also tried to kill.

His wife and her daughter had spent the night at a hotel. So how is it that he tried to kill them? They arrived back in the neighborhood to see that it was their house on fire.
His wife and her daughter had spent the night at a hotel. So how is it that he tried to kill them? They arrived back in the neighborhood to see that it was their house on fire.

Then he's off the hook, is he?
His wife and her daughter had spent the night at a hotel. So how is it that he tried to kill them? They arrived back in the neighborhood to see that it was their house on fire.

well this was news to me. from what i'd heard all day they were in the house and a neighbor got them out.
Good visual diagram of the plane crash (from the Austin American-Statesman graphics department)


After seeing this, it explains why there weren't a lot of fatalities -- the plane flew into an empty suite on the 1st floor.

Also, I heard earlier that this model plane didn't hold a lot of fuel (72gal IIRC).

It's still incredible that only 1 man was killed.

RIP, Vernon Hunter :rose:
This man got caught in a tax bind whereby the IRS came back at him years later and declared his contracted or consulting engineers were employees. Ask any engineer about this, and they most likely will know exactly what ruling this guy was talking about. When he set his business up, he followed the rules. The IRS reversed the rules in the 80s, when unemployment was high, and the govt. needed money so they went after legitimate businesses, charging that their once okay to claim as contractual labor were now employees. Pay up, Bub. As typical, corporations were exempt.

What part of the 80's? He started his first business in 1985:


In his note, Stack refers to several disputes with the IRS that cost him more than $40,000 and "10 years of my life." He twice started software companies in California that ultimately were suspended by the state's Franchise Tax Board. Stack listed himself as chief executive officer of both.

In 1985, he incorporated Prowess Engineering Inc. in Corona, Calif. In 1994, he failed to file a state tax return and was suspended in 2000 by the tax board. He started Software Systems Service Corp. in Lincoln, Calif., in 1995. That entity was suspended in 2004. Denise Azimi, spokeswoman for the Franchise Tax Board, said Stack did not pay state taxes in 1996 and 2002 — a bill totaling $1,153.

According to California state records, Stack had a troubled business history, twice starting software companies in California that ultimately were suspended by the state’s tax board, one in 2000, the other in 2004. Also, his first wife filed for bankruptcy in 1999, listing a debt to the IRS of nearly $126,000.

Yet he had an airplane registered in California worth $100K that he flew into that building today.

Neighbors said they heard a loud noise that sounded like a car crash at about 9:15 a.m. and soon saw flames coming from house.

Neighbor Elbert Hutchins said he ran to the house while calling 911 and saw flames coming out of an upstairs window. Soon he saw a woman and a girl drive up in a car.

Neighbors believe that was Stack’s wife and daughter, who is about 12 years old.

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