GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have a theory about this picture and I'm currently running a VERY unscientific and somewhat silly little experiment to test my theory! Hold please! I'll be back with pics in a sec :)

ETA: ok, no laughing!

Since I spend way too much time in Instagram I'm well aware how much filters can change the coloring of the subject. Unfortunately I can't recreate the exact picture but I did my best wih the only willing subject I had.
Original pic

Pic with Walden exposure (what I think she used in that particular pic):

See how it sort of "sucks the life" out of the picture and makes it appear so pale? I think Jackson is alive albeit very unhealthy in appearance.

*mods feel free to delete this nonsense :)

Thank you for you most informed post regarding photography/filters/etc...

and I adore your test subject...:heartbeat:

Please give him a most scientific hug, kiss, treat for me... :crush:

This picture of Jackson is disturbing to me, too...

I wonder if a medical professional could chime in here to give their viewpoint on the condition of this little baby at the time this picture was taken...

TIA... :seeya:

(I hope I am not offending any mothers/fathers on this thread who are giving their own opinions coming from long years of experience...:seeya:)

As an RN I don't think he is deceased in that picture, he does appear anemic and underweight though. And like Kaliste mentioned the filter she used washes him out even more. Has it been discussed already if she ever took Jackson to any well baby checkups or if he was ever seen by a medical professional after leaving the hospital at birth?
As an RN I don't think he is deceased in that picture, he does appear anemic and underweight though. And like Kaliste mentioned the filter she used washes him out even more. Has it been discussed already if she ever took Jackson to any well baby checkups or if he was ever seen by a medical professional after leaving the hospital at birth?

Thanks, Ksprincess!

I appreciate your RN experienced opinion!

I believe there is some evidence that Blake was taken to doctors off base... (pics were found of him at the doc's)..

However... I don't know if there is any evidence of Jackson going to well baby... or sick baby ....check ups...

I am really shocked at how long the autopsy is taking. Maybe I am being impatient

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:seeya:Anyone hear anything? I keep checking El Paso news, and googling their names...nada...
I am really shocked at how long the autopsy is taking. Maybe I am being impatient

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Im guessing they are saying natural causes and panic, and the me is trying to determine if there is any proof of abuse (past fractures etc).
This case really gets to me because this sort of thing is happening all too often. A child disappears and the parents don't report it until it is inevitable and by that time, the body is so decomposed that it make doing an autopsy and finding the cause of death difficult. I want laws with stiff penalties for parents who hide their dead children and dispose of their children's bodies. I'm tired of people like these "parents" getting away with these crimes.

I'm so disgusted with these two "unusual people". It just really bothers me that my pets are treated with more love and care than this poor baby ever had. They get food and treats every time I go outside and I even put a blanket on our doggie at night as she sleeps.

I just don't understand how someone can be so cruel and neglectful to an innocent child. I hope these 2 rot in prison forever.

indictment charges that Farrey failed to provide his 5-month-old son Jackson Farrey with medical care, control and protection, which he had a legal duty to provide, while he had custody of the child on Oct. 27.

It is unclear if that is believed to be the date on which Jackson Farrey died. Prosecutors have said they believe the infant died nearly a month before his body was found on Nov. 20 buried in a desert area near Orogrande, N.M.

IMO ... the autopsy will take much longer than we all hoped.
Documents: Missing infant allegedly buried by mother after choking to death

Jeffrey Farrey allegedly told his father that his 5-month-old son, Jackson, died from aspirating and that his wife, Jenna Farrey, buried him in the desert.
The information was revealed in search warrants used to search the family's home, cell phones, car and Jenna Farrey's Facebook account. The documents were released today after being sealed for 30 days.

Full article

Feared this. Probably left alone, aspirated, no one there to help him, and he died. He could have been crying, and his brother tried to feed him. How heart breaking either way. Preventable! Not like SIDS or a car wreck, or something out of human control. This was preventable, and that makes it so much worse! they are claiming the baby choked and jenna buried the baby. Its interesting she rented a u-haul at the beginning of Nov. and Jeffrey left on the 13th (very early a.m.) and was alone in the vehicle according to the border patrol checkpoint pics.

So when Jenna went out to a bar on the 12th, it must have been a bar in Michigan. Jeffrey probably saw her social media acct that said she was in a bar and decided to take off to michigan himself....he might have been worried about the whereabouts of Blake while jenna was out partying it up.

Jenna was most likely a mother who propped her childs bottle because she was too lazy to hold it. Major choking hazzard. That autopsy sure is taking a long time.
Sorry, y'all, but I don't believe he choked to death. I just have no faith in these "parents" and what they say, and still believe that he died from starvation. IMO IMO.
Sorry, y'all, but I don't believe he choked to death. I just have no faith in these "parents" and what they say, and still believe that he died from starvation. IMO IMO.

Or... Someone "helped" him choke?

The article in the El Paso Times mentioned that Jenna Farrey sent a FB message to a person by the name of SF on 11/16/13. A search on FB shows a person in St.Charles, IL posted a comment on November 20th as follows:


I would imagine that since SF was mentioned online in connection with the [modsnip], her public FB page will quickly become private. Not saying she is a bad person, but I sure wouldn't want to be associated with someone who buries her baby!
Sorry, y'all, but I don't believe he choked to death. I just have no faith in these "parents" and what they say, and still believe that he died from starvation. IMO IMO.

I could not agree more! If he choked or aspirated there would be no reason to bury him in the desert, both of those things happen fairly commonly and they could have just called 911 and it would have bee a sad accident but certainly not a crime, I think he either starved or was shaken.
SICKENING! This poor helpless infant did not "choke". When your child chokes, you react, you do everything you can, you seek help, you call 911 and you beg medical personnel to keep trying, even if it has been 15 minutes and your child has ceased breathing.

You don't just shrug, chuck the baby's body in the hole in the dirt and then carry on with your merry little social life as if nothing happened.

I'd like to know more about this supposed "choking" incident. At only a few months old, baby J was not mobile enough (or strong and nourished) enough to be crawling around a lot and getting into things. He wasn't eating solid foods that are commonly known as choking hazards for young kids (hotdogs, nuts, etc). It's not like he had the ability to help himself to something to eat (or not to be eaten) and choked.

But seeing the kind of parent that Jenna was (or more correctly-wasn't!), it is likely that Baby J was left to lay unattended on the floor where he could put things in his mouth and probably so starved that he would put anything in his mouth.

I call BS on the "choking" story. If they were there when he choked then they would have sought help. If he would have choked while Jenna left him unattended , then she wouldn't know what caused his death. If baby J did somehow die (choking or any other accident) then why would it be reported?

Probably because it would have happened while Jenna was out partying and returned to find a baby, long since passed away and in full rigor mortis, obviously dead and quite suspiciously so, especially in light of jenna's previous issues with criminally negligent parenting. He would have been autopsied and found to be starving, with no food in his stomach, dehydrated, with other signs of clear neglect.

No matter what, it is the parent's fault that this child is dead. They clearly did not care. This child died as a direct result of their actions (or inactions) and they further proved their guilt in the matter by the way they disposed of him. They are guilty and they know it. They can only hope that poor baby J was so decomposed and ravaged by animals or insects that there will be no clear cut cause of death.

Just my opinion of course, but having seen Jenna in all of her social media comments, dating sites, and activities, I seriously am so disgusted by her. What a colossally obnoxious and repulsive personalty she is. And rather well fed too, in direct contrast to her 2 poor children!!
Or... Someone "helped" him choke?


:noooo: :stormingmad: How can a mother take her deceased infant to the desert, dig shallow hole, put infant in the hole and put dirt DIRT, on your baby, then leave him there all alone and then go on with your pathethic life. :desert:

Why not call for help? What is she afraid of?

Normal people do not behave like this.

I smell a rat, a great big rat.

IMO... this El Paso Times article posted above (thank you, Skibaboo, by the way :seeya:)... is chock full of bits of information...

It provides many answers.... yet brings up many questions, as well..

Here are some random observations/questions ...

"According to the warrants, Jeffrey Farrey, 22, told his father, Jeffrey Farrey Sr., on Nov. 16 about the boy's death, which might have been from aspiration or choking on his own fluids. "

So... Jeff told his dad on November 16th, Monday that Jackson died by choking/aspiration ... that is one day after the Farreys were reported missing, but one day before they were found in the motel in Michigan... Therefore... I wonder if Jeff's dad was the one that may have notified LE to the location of J, J, &B... :waitasec:

Along with the landlord, the squad leader went inside the house and found it empty and in "disarray." They found a journal, believed to be Jenna Farrey's, open to a page that said "DHK (which is unexplained) will be bringing our bodies to a place where we can be at rest."

- It is interesting to me that it was Jeff's squad leader who went to the Farrey's home to find out where Jeff was... and that it was the squad leader and the landlord that found the Farreys were missing... and found the journal, too...

Question... Who is DHK that Jenna is referring to in the journal (that will be "bringing their bodies to a place where they can be at rest"...)? :waitasec:
(Interesting, too.. updated article quotes that DHK is unexplained... yet that was not mentioned in the original article I copied)...

"Police also found that Jenna Farrey had rented a U-Haul on Nov. 1,"

It seems that Jenna rented a U-Haul to transport poor Jackson to his ultimate burying place...

Question... why would Jenna rent a U-Haul to transport such a little body?
- Did she not want to "mess up" her prized car?"
- Did she need more room to bring shovels, etc?
- Did LE find the U-Haul and gather DNA/evidence from it?

"that Jeffrey Farrey crossed the Alamogordo Border Patrol checkpoint about 4:36 a.m. Nov. 13. An image taken from the checkpoint showed only Jeffrey Farrey in the car."

Was Jeff going TO or FROM the burying place of Jackson while driving the car alone?
ETA:... Jeff was crossing the Alamogordo Border Patrol checkpoint... From where was he going... To where was he going... And WHY?
Why was Jeff alone... and not with Jenna?

Why was this mentioned in the article that he was "alone"?...

More observations/questions to come...


From El Paso Times article...

On Nov. 16, Jeffrey Farrey's father told police that Jenna Farrey had sent a message to a woman named SF on Facebook.

Jenna Farrey allegedly told SF that she was out of the country and knew people were looking for her.

(Note: I edited the girls names to initials so as to not bring unnecessary speculation on her...)

I wonder why this information regarding a message on Facebook was shared in this article...

Does it indicate that the Farreys were planning to "get out of the country"... and eventually go to Canada? :waitasec:


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