GUILTY TX - Jackson Farrey, 6 mos, El Paso, 15 Nov 2013

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We have to remember that toxicology takes much longer than the autopsy.
They don't generally give a cause of death until toxicology is back...
So, that might be the 3 month thing.

My Aunt died in June and her toxicology isn't back yet.
Jackson will be a priority case so it may not take the full 3 months. :twocents:
Ooo this burns me; not directed at you but his Lawyer: We dont give a RIP about one iota of feelings he has or doesn't have. We don't care what his mental state is; it's been fine before.....if he even tries to claim insanity we will all roar so loud he'll go deaf. In both ears.

Just WOW she is right were she belongs !!!!!
Ooo this burns me; not directed at you but his Lawyer: We dont give a RIP about one iota of feelings he has or doesn't have. We don't care what his mental state is; it's been fine before.....if he even tries to claim insanity we will all roar so loud he'll go deaf. In both ears.

I'm not going to waste my time on this boys feelings right now & what his counsel says.
~cry me a river~

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From FB it sounded like Jeffrey was with Jenna physically since the birth of the baby (July she comments about him being there). I could be wrong since she didn't post every update about that but she has a few comments that he was with her. According to her FB posts, he was at a training at the time of Blake being left at home, but that was over a year ago. CPS just stopped watching their case in May of this year. SO maybe he was too busy to help care for the child? I don't know. I also didn't think Jeffrey was in Afghanistan from the FB she said he was just doing a training where he couldn't talk to his family for a few weeks. So I don't know. I am not buying the father is a victim. It sounds like he talked about the location of his son's body, knew his son was dead, helped run... He is a part of this just as much as she. Even Jeffrey's father mentioned things on FB about the care of Blake so I know Jeffrey had to have known, he was perfectly capable of changing diapers and feeding his kids too. I wonder how much he helped out around the house and with the kids. He should also have been up to date with doctor appointments and report if he noticed they weren't getting the care they needed. Especially since they had a case with CPS for about a year so that would really make me suspicious of my spouse if I was him and really watch the care of my children. I hate when people want to play the victim card. He isn't a victim. He was an adult and protector of that baby, no matter if he was in Afghanistan or not. I know it isn't easy and easier to judge as a bystander but no way in hell do I buy that he is a victim of this. But then again there I go judging before any facts are in and I try not to do that. Just from hearsay from FB and the little bits of media reports I honestly cannot see how he is a victim in this.
Maybe I missed it, but has it stated anywhere how long they believe he has been dead? Maybe that is why the autopsy is taking so long. They might not have a lot of physical evidence if the body had started to decompose (sorry for being graphic).

Corallynne, this is what scares me. He may have passed a while ago & waited to flee until enough time had passed so COD would be hard or impossible to determine.
If this is the case, which I pray it is not, I smell a Casey Anthony rat.

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Don't think this was posted

from the link:
" Court documents we obtained outlined his charges. We sat down with El Paso criminal defense attorney Michael Gibson. Who explained what Farrey is facing, "An omission called endangering a child by omission is not generally perceived by the law as being as dangerous intentional or knowingly causing injury to a child,” Gibson said.

That means Jeffrey may not have killed the baby himself -- but didn't stop the murder.
Gibson said the charge includes several tiers depending the severity of the crime -- and Farrey faces anywhere between five to 99 years in prison if convicted. "You go back to this intentional conduct, knowing conduct, reckless conduct, criminal negligence.” "
They both deserve death, minimal Life the very thing taken from their own little baby Jackson.
I highly doubt he was 100% clueless. Did he not notice neglect? Her lack of parenting? His skinny sickly looking kids?? Deployment or not, if she cared, im sure she would have sent him photos and had video chat with him. Would he not notice from the photos.

Hindsight is 20/20 but he knew her personality and he was around for part of at least Blake's life and Jackson's life.... Where was he in those moments? He wasn't ALWAYS at work.

He might have been in denial. Seems she is/was the leader in the relationship, maybe he was in awe of her and didn't want to acknowledge her faults. Not that it would excuse his failure to protect or help his son.

why on earth will the autopsy take so long?

Toxicology perhaps? Maybe no outward signs of abuse, maybe he ingested drugs or something else toxic, or they gave him sleeping pills or something like that.
Not all of those deployed have the luxury of video chat, depends on locale and job and I highly doubt pictures were sent to him as it doesn't seem like she took many of her boys in the first place. I am NOT defending him and could care less what his mental state is as he ran off after dumping his baby boy. Just stating due to the deployment thing I can see him being unaware but at that time only.

I am wondering though why he isn't charged with whatever would be associated with dumping and running?!?! I feel like he could easily wiggle out of the omission charge but can't see him getting out of the dumping and running, that seems pretty obvious to me unless there is some crazy thing we don't know.

I agree but what I was trying to say was he had SOME form of communication even if it was letters and mail. My husband was one of those who had no video chat and I rarely got a phone call. We were only dating at the time and I still sent him letters and pictures. I think in the 15 + months he was deployed he was able to call 5 or 6 times. And that was A long time ago already. It also baffles me that he want informed of her run ins with CPS. If his chain of command was contacted ( which it doesn't seem like it was but it should have) then his rear-d would have been notified and you'd think SOMEONE would have notified him since it was related to his children, and honestly they should have sent him home because it was obvious that a family care plan was not successfully in place and that is supposed to make someone non deployable.

Anyways, each circumstance is different and I agree that she probably didn't send stuff but wouldn't he have asked for pictures?! What was her excuse? I just think he was not completely clues and he's been home for a while now so he knew what was going on regardless of what he says.
Have any other charges been filed against Jenna besides probation violation?

I wrote my opinion earlier. Charges will probably be filed when she is back in TX and can see a judge or just before her extradition. MI is holding her on her crime of Violation Of Probation which occurred in their jurisdiction. Right now they are just holding her while waiting on extradition. They may announce charges once they know her date for extradition.
He might have been in denial. Seems she is/was the leader in the relationship, maybe he was in awe of her and didn't want to acknowledge her faults. Not that it would excuse his failure to protect or help his son.

Toxicology perhaps? Maybe no outward signs of abuse, maybe he ingested drugs or something else toxic, or they gave him sleeping pills or something like that.

Now that's plausible. He probably is in denial. Not very fatherly of him to just let this go on. I don't care if he was afraid of his wife. That should have been more of a reason to take the kids somewhere safe and kick her to the curb. Again, easier said then done and hindsight is always 20/20.

This case is really just bugging me more then any one I've ever followed before probably since they were both from an area not too far from where I grew up, my Husband has proudly served in the military (still does in reserves), he is an LEO for the military (Civilian), I've been to Escanaba, and my kids are about the same age spacing as Blake and Jackson. Plus we Lost that pregnancy with a baby boy about the same time Jackson was born. I don't know. Just too many "familiar" things in this one so it makes it more real (if that makes sense).

I can only pray that both of them are served with the max penalties for their crimes and that little Blake will ONlY have good memories and a good family to love on him from here on out.
He might have been in denial. Seems she is/was the leader in the relationship, maybe he was in awe of her and didn't want to acknowledge her faults. Not that it would excuse his failure to protect or help his son.

Toxicology perhaps? Maybe no outward signs of abuse, maybe he ingested drugs or something else toxic, or they gave him sleeping pills or something like that.

Or possibly died of starvation or other neglect.
Possibly both of the children were home alone and something happened.....this is my theory.
This is strictly my theory...
I think maybe she had left him home alone again, maybe for too long, and something happened to that baby. Maybe she freaked, dumped the body, and when family, possibly the father in law, started asking about the kids, they decided to fake the suicide, and leave town.

For some reason I just keep thinking of the Baby Lisa case and Casey Anthony.
I don't know exact policies/procedures in the military. I only know what my brother went through while in the AF. His 1st wife was unstable. She reminds me lots of Jenna. She had a child before my brother married her. Was same age as my child. But her child didn't speak, was uncoordinated, underweight, on iron suppliments, etc. She would open a can of something like spaghetti O's, and not even heat them, and just eat them from the can. My brother spent many hours getting the child to eat, learn to run and play, and taught to ride a bike, play soccer, etc. He enrolled the child in daycare on the base because he didn't trust her to take care of the child while he was working. With no kid, she ran around with other men and did her thing. At any rate, AF wouldn't send them to another base because they knew her problems at that base, and stated they didn't have the mental facilities/help at the one in Alaska he was suppose to be transferred to. Early in their marriage, (married in TX after he finished basic and didn't tell anyone!), he was shipped overseas. My parents were notified by the base that there was a problem with her not taking care of the child, leaving the child alone, etc. The child was put on a plane, with escort, and sent to my parents! I don't know if my brother had them listed for such emergencies or what, but it happened. When they divorced, my parents wanted custody of the child, but he wasn't biologically kin, so my brother was able to contact the child's biological father, and the child was sent to him with full custody to raise.

Long story to say, I'm surprised more wasn't done to protect these kids. Case dismissed while she was either still pregnant, or shortly after giving birth. I don't understand why, when they KNEW she had zero parenting skills! Frustrating!

Personally haven't seen anything written from her Mom, but it could be hidden, or was in private. Maybe her Mom didn't know. One post from Jenna does mention blocking someone who was responsible for her Dad being dead. Don't know who she was referring to. Jeffrey's family did appear to have knowledge that things weren't right. Whether that was from Jeffrey telling them, OR from the base notifying his parents as they did my parents. Not sure.

There's a short video of Jeffrey playing with a plastic water bottle, throwing it in the air and making B laugh. He seemed to be interacting appropriately in that video, but that's only a glimpse of what life was. Jenna made comments about being 'disappointed' she was having another boy. She wanted a girl. She made comments about getting her tubes tied after having J. No idea if she did or not. She stated she already had a boy, and didn't want another one, she wanted a girl. Not sure if that played a factor here or not.

Someone's thinking is obviously not right if they believe they can leave a baby unattended for hours because in her words 'he was fed, changed, and asleep.' and babies sleep for hours so she didn't feel she needed to be there while he was sleeping. I've had dogs/cats/pigs that take better care of their babies than that! I loved snuggling my own babies while they slept. So cuddly.

For whatever reasoning, Jenna's mental growth seems to have stopped developing, and she was in a child like frame of mind. She didn't want the responsibilities of a child, and didn't know how to parent. She was more interested in her cars, nails, looks, than taking care of the babies. Definitely lacking maternal instincts, IMO.

Jeffrey is young. While I don't give anyone a free pass for disposing of a child, killing a child through neglect, etc., I wonder if he truly recognized the signs of her mental issues. It took years before my brother was able to admit to many things. Even though they were there, he didn't want the marriage to fail, didn't want her to appear negative at all. He would defend her to the max. She was 'prone to exaggeration' but never would admit she out and out lied about many things. She would tell him things to turn him against his family to alienate him. It was a living hell. She was physically and psychologically abusive towards him, but it took years before he was able to go to his commanding officer and admit things. She told so many lies on him it almost ruined his military career. She was that believeable, until you questioned her, and the cover up lies would get more elaborate.

At any rate, I'm not sure Jeffrey was equipped to see all her faults, not equipped to handle them. Not sure he knew what to do about her, though he probably knew the boys were tiny and had ideas that things weren't right. Don't know what kind of treatment he was receiving from her, and if that played into the circumstances or not. Battered men are much less likely to report it, or acknowledge it to anyone else. It's a rough place to be in. I don't know what he shared with his family if anything. They may have just seen things with their own eyes either through the facebook rantings/posts, lack of kid photos, etc., and during the limited times they visited. Possible family noted that Jeffrey was acting as primary caregiver whenever they went home for visits, and noted the lack of concern/care from Jenna. Just not sure at this point.
I'm hoping the autopsy will be able to reveal the cause of death. He appeared so thin to begin with that I pray decomposition wasn't advanced. It's possible she did leave the two boys alone, and went to do her thing. The baby wakes up crying, and poor B tried to feed him, or console him, and something terrible happened. He might have even tried picking him up and dropped him. Don't know.

I'm just still shell shocked on the whole leaving a kid for HOURS to go do your thing. Heck most of us are afraid to leave them for minutes to grab a shower, or get supper fixed, hang out clothes, etc. I know I would either put the playpen in the yard while doing yard work, or have the baby monitor clipped on me to hear the slightest noise indicating my child had awakened. It's just illogical to think that since a baby sleeps they don't need you there!
And according to the pdf files linked earlier, Jenna didn't see leaving B as a problem at all. Even after being talked to, she still left him and went to another state with two other people! I just can't wrapped my brain around that!

One of the people on her fb wanted a child, and wasn't able to have one, and mentioned a few times about taking baby J. Oh how I wish that had happened. :( I'm wondering if that is the same girl that found out baby B was left home alone while Jenna was at the movies, and she went and got the keys to the house from Jenna, and went to get B. She reported the feces in the playpen/sheet, and did call CPS. She tried to save those babies.
I'm hoping the autopsy will be able to reveal the cause of death. He appeared so thin to begin with that I pray decomposition wasn't advanced. It's possible she did leave the two boys alone, and went to do her thing. The baby wakes up crying, and poor B tried to feed him, or console him, and something terrible happened. He might have even tried picking him up and dropped him. Don't know.

I'm just still shell shocked on the whole leaving a kid for HOURS to go do your thing. Heck most of us are afraid to leave them for minutes to grab a shower, or get supper fixed, hang out clothes, etc. I know I would either put the playpen in the yard while doing yard work, or have the baby monitor clipped on me to hear the slightest noise indicating my child had awakened. It's just illogical to think that since a baby sleeps they don't need you there!

Your "hang out clothes" brought a memory of how I was. I was only 20 and had a colicky crying baby. I had no dryer and I had to hang clothes outside. I put my newborn son in the middle of my bed and rolled blankets on either side of him. I raised the window and I would hang one piece and run look in at him. I was so afraid. I can't even comprehend this woman's actions.
Your "hang out clothes" brought a memory of how I was. I was only 20 and had a colicky crying baby. I had no dryer and I had to hang clothes outside. I put my newborn son in the middle of my bed and rolled blankets on either side of him. I raised the window and I would hang one piece and run look in at him. I was so afraid. I can't even comprehend this woman's actions.

LOL, I can understand. When I had my babies, if I had to go to the bathroom, I put them in the infant seat and brought them with me. There was no way I was going to have a closed door between my and my baby.

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