TX TX - Jason Landry, 21, en route from TSU to home, car found crashed at Luling, 14 Dec 2020

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Popping in to see if any updates.
I just can't imagine where Jason could be.
If he stumbled away from the accident with a head injury or internal injuries, my fear is he succumbed to these injuries and just hasn't been found yet and I hope there will be some more searches.
If he was picked up by someone I would think we would know something by now, especially if it was a good Samaritan act-the family would know, but if picked up by someone who did something nefarious, then they may never know.
Also, the comments about the BACK of the vehicle looking like it took the brunt of the accident, like someone ran him off the road may or may not be something.
stranger Road rage?? but sounds like this dirt road is pretty isolated so that is not in my top 5
Someone known to him who wanted to hurt him and run him off road?? I would think parents, LE may know or have an idea if this were the case.
My instinct is that he wandered off, away from his vehicle and was confused and injured and passed away .. just how far away from his vehicle is the problem and why he has not been found yet.
Jason, where are you????
LE was pretty definitive about the car going off the road and spinning around into the trees in order to get the damage it ended up with. I don’t think it’s a question at this point whether or not another car was involved. They can tell that, and they have said said it was a single car accident.
I don’t put any faith in dogs at all. Sometimes they’re wonderful—those are the cases we usually don’t hear about, because they’re solved quickly and routinely.

But in the problem cases, like this one, there could be a multitude of reasons why the dogs don’t lead to the victim. (Or maybe do, and the humans don’t interpret things correctly.)

I do! I don’t always have a lot of faith in the handlers or the people interpreting the dogs’ actions. I think if dogs could talk they’d solve 100% of these cases. JMO! :)
Thanks for this observation. This has been pointed out by several who have taken that route, along with the unlikelihood that a driver wouldn’t immediately realize s/he had missed the turn and correct course.

There’s a quote, I think from his father, about how much Jason relied on Waze—GPS app. Could he have been using it, and it glitched and became inactive/silent, without his knowing? So, he gets to the crossroads and since it doesn’t tell him to turn, he doesn’t turn. (Or did he make a turn in the wrong direction? That’d mess up my idea.) Then he keeps going, and it doesn’t tell him to turn around and go back, so he keeps going. Then the gravel road gives him an uneasy feeling that he’s on the wrong road, but he’s not getting any ‘rerouting’ messages, so he assumes this is an acceptable alternate route...then he gets sleepy, drifts, jerks the wheel and over corrects, and goes into a skid on the gravel. This is all just speculation, not a theory that I’m committed to.

I do! I don’t always have a lot of faith in the handlers or the people interpreting the dogs’ actions. I think if dogs could talk they’d solve 100% of these cases. JMO! :)

Okay, I shouldn’t be rude to the lovely creatures. If they could talk, they’d say things like, “There’s two smells on this shirt—which one would you like me to follow?” Or: “He went down that hill—why do you keep pulling me away from it?”

But, MOO, they certainly wouldn’t solve 100% of the cases, because they’d also be saying things like: “I’m so sorry—it’s so hot I can’t smell anything at all, now.)
What if he got a ride from someone trying to help him. Maybe this person not a local but headed out of town. They might not know he’s considered “missing” maybe he wanted to leave his life and start over. Maybe the car wreck was final straw. We don’t know mental health, what his life is like, was he passing school or failing? Did his parents even know he was on the way home (probably answered but I don’t remember)
If my grown grown son is traveling I say text me when you arrive, let me know when you’re leaving Etc. Just a habit I picked up from my family. It’s a courtesy more than “I’m worried I really need to know” Maybe that’s just me. maybe the person who gave him a ride doesn’t know anything. I’ve asked several family members of mine and we live in Houston have they heard of 21 yr old man missing after car wreck in Luling? No. My mom reads Houston chronicle. It’s not there as far as I know. There would be no legal reason for a Good Samaritan to call police. He’s 21 he can do what he wants. It’s happened before.
bottom line the public has about 300 pieces of 1,000 piece puzzle. (Mental health, family circumstances, school, etc )
I hope if this is the case he calls to let family know he’s ok.
Another alternative is amnesia.
He left phone 1. He didn’t want to be tracked 2. He couldn’t find it or didn’t remember he had one. hope he’s located and it’s a happy ending.
There was an article where the father mentioned it was an older car that did not have side air bags. I think it’s still quite possible his injuries were significant. (Especially in regards to head trauma)
It is, but then again they might not be. I wrote a post a ways back about my personal experience rolling my car down a slope and the car ended up with only 2 (drivers side) tires on the ground, the right side of the car was being propped up in a smallish tree.

I don't recall if my car had airbags or not. This was ~35 yrs ago and my car wasn't new. Either way, they didn't deploy if it had. I didn't have significant injuries, or any other than some bruising, although I don't remember if I did or didn't. I'm only guessing that I must have had some bruising due to being knocked around as the car flipped and rolled.

So my point is... things are never 100% cut and dried in any situation. Results vary.
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Yes, his father said "We know he got out of the car OK and was walking back, this way, and that's the last we know for sure." I'm assuming he meant walking back from the direction he came from, towards the main road.

As someone who has rolled my car down an embankment I wouldn't assume he walked back in the direction he came from. I know that I was extremely confused after I got out of the car. And he spun out, and a road has 2 directions... the one you came from and the one where you were headed. After spinning out, and it was supposed to have been quite dark out without any lights, I don't know that he could have easily figured out which way was which, IMHO.
This just posted on Facebook from the Church his father Pastors...
An update from Kent, Jason's father.
"On behalf of the rest of our family, I want to thank all of you for your prayers and offers to help in the search for Jason. The search coordinators thought it best if trained searchers looked for him. It limited the people that could throw off the scent of Jason's trail. The trained searchers had GPS tracking so they could be certain what areas were searched. Contrary to some of the news reports, the search continues, just in a different manner. They used a drone to do 3D mapping of the area recently. That allows them to search for areas of interest on the computer, then go to that location to check it out. They plan to do another drone search soon.
Today is Day 16. Jason's disappearance still baffles the searchers and the detectives. Lisa and I met with the head detective yesterday at Jason's apartment. He has not given up. There are still some things they can do. Not being able to get into his phone or computer has slowed the process. They are waiting for the social media giants to respond with the data. We still have a lot of questions with few answers but are glad that we have not received the worse news, and are still hopeful. We're going to start trying to take care of our work responsibilities while hoping the phone rings with good news.
We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. It's the prayers that are keeping us going. Please keep the prayers coming for Jason's safe return."
This just posted on Facebook from the Church his father Pastors...
An update from Kent, Jason's father.
"On behalf of the rest of our family, I want to thank all of you for your prayers and offers to help in the search for Jason. The search coordinators thought it best if trained searchers looked for him. It limited the people that could throw off the scent of Jason's trail. The trained searchers had GPS tracking so they could be certain what areas were searched. Contrary to some of the news reports, the search continues, just in a different manner. They used a drone to do 3D mapping of the area recently. That allows them to search for areas of interest on the computer, then go to that location to check it out. They plan to do another drone search soon.
Today is Day 16. Jason's disappearance still baffles the searchers and the detectives. Lisa and I met with the head detective yesterday at Jason's apartment. He has not given up. There are still some things they can do. Not being able to get into his phone or computer has slowed the process. They are waiting for the social media giants to respond with the data. We still have a lot of questions with few answers but are glad that we have not received the worse news, and are still hopeful. We're going to start trying to take care of our work responsibilities while hoping the phone rings with good news.
We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. It's the prayers that are keeping us going. Please keep the prayers coming for Jason's safe return."
There are still some things they can do. Not being able to get into his phone or computer has slowed the process.
This is the first mention I have read of his computer being with LE. I wonder where they found it, in the car or at his home.
This just posted on Facebook from the Church his father Pastors...
An update from Kent, Jason's father.
"On behalf of the rest of our family, I want to thank all of you for your prayers and offers to help in the search for Jason. The search coordinators thought it best if trained searchers looked for him. It limited the people that could throw off the scent of Jason's trail. The trained searchers had GPS tracking so they could be certain what areas were searched. Contrary to some of the news reports, the search continues, just in a different manner. They used a drone to do 3D mapping of the area recently. That allows them to search for areas of interest on the computer, then go to that location to check it out. They plan to do another drone search soon.
Today is Day 16. Jason's disappearance still baffles the searchers and the detectives. Lisa and I met with the head detective yesterday at Jason's apartment. He has not given up. There are still some things they can do. Not being able to get into his phone or computer has slowed the process. They are waiting for the social media giants to respond with the data. We still have a lot of questions with few answers but are glad that we have not received the worse news, and are still hopeful. We're going to start trying to take care of our work responsibilities while hoping the phone rings with good news.
We appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. It's the prayers that are keeping us going. Please keep the prayers coming for Jason's safe return."

Thank you for posting this update from Jason's dad.

IMO, they will continue aerial and ground searches based on drone footage review. Good. Meanwhile, LE was at Jason's apartment with his dad recently. It appears they are backtracking now, assuming Jason left from his apartment on that drive. Perhaps hoping to see if he left anything visible that would give them an idea of his intentions before heading out? They really need access to his phone and computer - what did his search history reveal? Who was he talking to leading up to leaving, etc.

To me it appears they have two investigations going on - one scenario where he might still be in that area and missed during the search, car wrecked, he left on foot, the other is something completely different, maybe. IMO
I totally agree with this. I would like to add that - in my view - we are putting too much faith in the dog's. They are incredible at picking up scents but its not like you can tell a dog which scent is to be followed and which one is not. That scent the dog is picking up on could be from any source, including 1st responders.
But it is actually.
That is exactly how they do it, dog is given a single scent to follow and that is what he does and he does nothing else.

The Ultimate Guide To Search And Rescue Dogs - Highland Canine: Professional Dog Training Solutions
This too is worth read Rigorous Training of Dogs Leads to High Accuracy in Human Scent Matching-To-Sample Performance
Cadaver dogs signalling has been used as evidence in Federal cases. (Brendt christensen.)
(and that was a DP case , a no body case)

Here is a very brief article on TES dogs.
They are seriously highly trained. TEXSAR K9 Team - Texas Search and Rescue

I have to disagree that the intersection at East Austin & Magnolia Ave (i.e., Hwy 183 or turning southbound -- Hwy 80 & Interstate-10 interchange) is not a busy intersection to catch one's eye. I think there are several clues here that would catch your eye as you approach this intersection:

First, if you are traveling the San Marcos Highway (i.e., Hwy 80) to Luling, that intersection at East Austin and 183 is probably only the third or fourth traffic light in 23 miles after leaving the city limits of San Marcos (passing through Martindale, and Prairie Lea before arriving at Luling).

Second, the speed limit decreases significantly approaching this intersection beginning first with an approaching school, followed by the traffic light where the posted speed limit here is only 30 MPH.

Third, the traffic light is also very well-appointed with signage directing traffic to either 183 and/or alerting motorists to turn right for the I-10 interchange or to continue on with Hwy 80.
It further appears that the traffic signal may also have a mounted traffic camera.

If anything, I think passing the intersection -- especially without noticing the directional roadway signage would seem more like you're taking a detour when East Austin narrows as you cross the road, and it's evident you've entered a truck route, and definitely not continuing on the San Marcos Highway. Within a few blocks, the road forks and East Austin becomes Spruce Ave, and Spruce Ave eventually becomes Salt Flat Road.

It also doesn't follow that you'd even need a navigational app if your journey home requires travel on only two roadways: TX 80 and I-10.


Google Maps
Great analysis in my opinion and right on target. I don't think the route home is as complex as many folks think. It is literally 1 turn and even if he's a 1st year student, he's driven that route 3 or 4 times before.
I am thinking maybe he accidentally took the wrong turn (or went straight at the intersection), then his traffic app rerouted him to just continue along that road. If you look at a map, he was still going to end up in the same area if he followed Salt Lake Rd all the way down to the end. If I'm looking at it correctly...
But it is actually.
That is exactly how they do it, dog is given a single scent to follow and that is what he does and he does nothing else.

The Ultimate Guide To Search And Rescue Dogs - Highland Canine: Professional Dog Training Solutions
This too is worth read Rigorous Training of Dogs Leads to High Accuracy in Human Scent Matching-To-Sample Performance
Cadaver dogs signalling has been used as evidence in Federal cases. (Brendt christensen.)
(and that was a DP case , a no body case)

Here is a very brief article on TES dogs.
They are seriously highly trained. TEXSAR K9 Team - Texas Search and Rescue

But since you can’t tell the dog what you want, and the dog can’t tell you what he is experiencing, and no human can sniff something and tell who last wore it, how can you know that you’re sending the dog the right message?
But since you can’t tell the dog what you want, and the dog can’t tell you what he is experiencing, and no human can sniff something and tell who last wore it, how can you know that you’re sending the dog the right message?

I don't know all intricacies of using such dogs, but the handlers are trained not to give away such cues (like nudging them or trying to make them stay in one area). They will also use multiple dogs and if they all pick up the same scent they know they're onto something.

Source: what I remember from listening to "Someone Knows Something" season 1 podcast.
To me it appears they have two investigations going on - one scenario where he might still be in that area and missed during the search, car wrecked, he left on foot, the other is something completely different, maybe. IMO

Agreed, and a two-pronged approach seems reasonable.

IMO, understanding how Jason (if he was the driver, which I believe to be the case) came to be in the area of the accident will help us understand what happened following the accident.
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