TX TX - Jason Landry, 21, enroute from TSU to home, car found crashed at Luling, 14 Dec 2020 #4

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This may not be a fair assumption, but I think JL was in trouble before he even stepped foot in his car that night. Had he stayed put, he probably would have been safe. For me, it starts with the picture(s) LE released of JL in the red shirt. I have been left with the impression they were taken the day/night he left. He looks off to me. His pupils dilated. The night continues to go down hill and he ended up in a dangerous situation and was not in the right frame of mind to make rational decisions, like stay in your car, find your cell phone that you were just using to call for help, etc. IMO

I think it's normal for a victims family, with little answers, to think foul play and someone knows something about what happened.

When I follow a case on WS, I rarely visit a families dedicated FB page or will back off of threads if there's a verified family member. That's just me and how I prefer to participate on the board. I have looked at JL's dedicated family FB page and the pictures are just gut wrenching, especially the ones where he was a small child. College years when young adults live away from home is a new experience with freedoms not experienced before. I think this was a really good kid. IMO
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Solid points. Thanks too for correcting me on the shoes. I emended my post.

Possibly shorts and a Tshirt comprised most of Jason's wardrobe year round and he'd think nothing of driving a distance in the cold in shorts.

Still, I think it's worth at least considering that either he changed into warmer clothes before leaving or he changed after the crash...the later making even less sense now that I think about. You'd ADD layers fir warmth, not completely strip down and re-dress from naked.

So correcting myself.... still possible he was dressed more warmly, the clothing on the road was shed not from his body but his backpack, wasn't a result of hypothermia or head injury or a hallucinogen but was intentional, allowing him to walk much farther than anyone figured possible.

Leaving his phone and his fish behind, however, is the most perplexing of all.


I agree about the clothing. I had posted some time ago that I didn't think he changed his clothes in the middle of the road on a VERY cold evening, nor even in his car, you'd simply put more layers on. A sweater or a coat. You could even pull sweats on over shorts. Or pull the shorts off to quickly get into your sweats. But to remove everything? Ibncluding his watch? Highly unlikely if it was simply to put warmer clothes on.

I also agree that he could have changed from the last outfit he took a pic of himself wearing, into something warmer while still in his apartment, and stuffed what he was wearing before into his bag to take with him. That was what was strewn on the road. Why? Not a clue.
I agree about the clothing. I had posted some time ago that I didn't think he changed his clothes in the middle of the road on a VERY cold evening, nor even in his car, you'd simply put more layers on. A sweater or a coat. You could even pull sweats on over shorts. Or pull the shorts off to quickly get into your sweats. But to remove everything? Ibncluding his watch? Highly unlikely if it was simply to put warmer clothes on.

I also agree that he could have changed from the last outfit he took a pic of himself wearing, into something warmer while still in his apartment, and stuffed what he was wearing before into his bag to take with him. That was what was strewn on the road. Why? Not a clue.

I'm skeptical of that theory. The clothing was described as very neatly folded (something like the watch folded inside the shirt). It was found within visual distance of the backpack, which was 900 feet from the car. If the clothing fell out or was strewn around, it would have been found closer to the car wreck.

If everything reported is correct (and not been updated or shown incorrect), it seems like Jason stumbled out of the wreck with his backpack and started walking south towards Luling. At 900 ft or so, he dropped his backpack, and a short distance later, then discarded all of his clothing.
I'm skeptical of that theory. The clothing was described as very neatly folded (something like the watch folded inside the shirt). It was found within visual distance of the backpack, which was 900 feet from the car. If the clothing fell out or was strewn around, it would have been found closer to the car wreck.

If everything reported is correct (and not been updated or shown incorrect), it seems like Jason stumbled out of the wreck with his backpack and started walking south towards Luling. At 900 ft or so, he dropped his backpack, and a short distance later, then discarded all of his clothing.

Neatly folded? I've seen no mention of his clothing neatly folded in anything I've read. I'm curious what your source is. And his clothes didn't look neatly folded in the dash cam or whatever cam it was that took those night photos of clothing discarded in the middle of the road.

This is the sort of thing I've been reading:

Strewn in the road, about 900 feet from the crash, was clothing thought to be what Landry was wearing before the crash, including a shirt, shorts, socks, underwear, slide sandals and a wristwatch, authorities said.

Source: Texas Search and Rescue begins new 3-day search for missing Texas State student

(*clamps my hands over my mouth, mumbling coming from behind my fingers* I'm not going to bring up Fox news, nope, not gonna say it)
I agree about the clothing. I had posted some time ago that I didn't think he changed his clothes in the middle of the road on a VERY cold evening, nor even in his car, you'd simply put more layers on. A sweater or a coat. You could even pull sweats on over shorts. Or pull the shorts off to quickly get into your sweats. But to remove everything? Ibncluding his watch? Highly unlikely if it was simply to put warmer clothes on.

I also agree that he could have changed from the last outfit he took a pic of himself wearing, into something warmer while still in his apartment, and stuffed what he was wearing before into his bag to take with him. That was what was strewn on the road. Why? Not a clue.
But who stuffs 1 pair of dirty underwear into a bag with a laptop and gaming equipment? Ew
But who stuffs 1 pair of dirty underwear into a bag with a laptop and gaming equipment? Ew

A guy his age? LOL Sorry, but I've seen the inside of the apartments of guys his age and while they aren't all dirty... some are REALLY disgusting so I could definitely seeing them stuffing dirty underwear in with clean. I remember my GF taking me to her brother and his and roommates apartment and when I sat on the couch, I tried to do so with as little of my cheek as possible touching it. Like... 1" inch of cheek if possible. I'm surprised I didn't fall off as I seriously was barley perched on the thing. lol

I also remember the guy across the street who lived in the basement was less than clean. His sister (my friend) told me he never changed his sheets and that they were gray. His 'apartment' was *shivers* very icky. Not everyone lives the same or has the same values. I wouldn't have been at all surprised if he had dirty underwear on his dining table. He was that bad. We were all shocked (including his mother and father) when he ended up with a GF that he eventually married. Everyone thought she was crazy for liking 'the weird dirty guy that lived in the basement'. She was a really nice girl too. To each their own I guess, huh? :p
I've experienced the "slow motion" effect in a car accident, too, as well as experiencing things that were impossible.

Long story not-so-short, a lady lost control of her car on the freeway, and spun around 180 degrees. She was still moving fast, but was going the wrong way. I'd just merged onto the freeway, coming around a curve to do so. It's hard to explain, but there was a divider that prevented me from seeing her until it was too late to avoid the collision (that interchange has been re-done since then). I'd just reached a regular freeway speed (55mph) from the merge, and that's when I saw her car coming toward me, in slow motion. Oddly, it was twisting and bending and warping, almost as if it was made of Jello. What in the world?!? Cars can't do that!

As I was puzzling over her Jello car, I realized she was slowly headed my direction. I looked around a way to avoid her, but there was nowhere I could go. I hit my brakes, braced myself, and we collided head-on. It felt like slamming into a concrete wall. Ow, to put it mildly. Her car was most definitely NOT made of Jello! (LOL!)

As my car was slowing down, I remember bright grass and brush flying past the windshield. I had zero sense of direction. Where was I? Had my car flipped? When the car came to a stop, I started checking to make sure I was still in one piece. Feet? Yep, they're there. Legs? They look okay. Etc.

Suddenly a man knocked on my window, startling me. I have NO IDEA where he came from. That's when I realized I was holding my breath, and started gasping for air. He asked if I was okay, and I said yes, and I asked him to call my husband. Then he was gone, as fast as he appeared!

I gathered up my belongings, including some computer disks and blueprints where I was doing some subcontract work for a local business. I remember feeling that I absolutely had to protect their disks and blueprints at all costs (they had multiple backups - it was all easily replaceable). I clung to them like my life depended on it. (I wonder if Jason initially did the same thing with his belongings, then later put them down?) The police showed up, and a few minutes later, my husband got there.

That's when I noticed that my car had stopped pretty-as-you-please in the emergency lane on the freeway, as if I'd purposely parked there. The car never got in the grass at all, even though I clearly remember grass and brush flying past the windshield. I also noticed that I'd missed a freeway sign pole by inches. I don't remember seeing that pole until then. I also don't remember the man calling my husband, but later my husband told me that the man had used his vehicle to straddle the lanes behind us, to keep additional vehicles from being involved. Another bit of weirdness: The impact took out my steering and brakes. I have no idea how the car "parked itself" so tidily in the emergency lane, safely out of traffic. Somebody was looking out for me that day!

Injury-wise, I had some nasty bruises on my tummy from the seatbelt (lap belt only; it was a 1970's vehicle that we were restoring). The steering wheel broke, and I bumped my head on the sun visor somehow, breaking it as well. I had some back pain and soreness afterwards, but nothing serious. No "open" injuries at all (no blood). The other driver was okay, too.

(Oops, I didn't mean to write a book! LOL! :oops: )

But anyway, yeah, time and perceptions seem to do some weird and confusing things when you're in a super-stressful situation. It's possible that my little head-bump could have temporarily affected my perceptions after the impact, even though I didn't have a bruise on my head or a knot or anything. I wonder if Jason's wreck caused a head injury, and if so, if that caused the same "protect-my-belongings-at-all-costs" reaction ... then something happened (perhaps the injury worsened?), causing him to put his belongings on the road for some reason that made sense to him.

But if he was injured and wandered away, where the heck IS he?? :(
Same with my roll over..I felt like I was in a slow moving bubble.
The slow motion thing is apparently a true phenomenon as someone in here linked an article about it after my post.
Still, unless you have experienced it, it is hard to describe the slow motion and thought process afterwards. Especially the thought that, wow...I am OK.. I am still in drivers seat, I did not get thrown from vehicle like everything single thing else in the car did. It is such a weird feeling.
Disoriented, Jason probably was.
His removing clothes, however, I am trying to understand.
Neatly folded? I've seen no mention of his clothing neatly folded in anything I've read. I'm curious what your source is. And his clothes didn't look neatly folded in the dash cam or whatever cam it was that took those night photos of clothing discarded in the middle of the road.

This is the sort of thing I've been reading:

Strewn in the road, about 900 feet from the crash, was clothing thought to be what Landry was wearing before the crash, including a shirt, shorts, socks, underwear, slide sandals and a wristwatch, authorities said.

Source: Texas Search and Rescue begins new 3-day search for missing Texas State student

(*clamps my hands over my mouth, mumbling coming from behind my fingers* I'm not going to bring up Fox news, nope, not gonna say it)

It was the Loudan interview, but I reviewed the part (starts at 55:57) and I was incorrect. The watch was found under the shirt - that's the part that I remembered was neatly folded. KL described it as a trail of clothing, starting with his shirt, then slides (I'm assuming these are sandals), then shorts, then underwear, all within 100 yards of each other. IMO, the order described suggests a deliberate undressing.

He also said that the backpack was full of gaming equipment so he doesn't think that Jason would have put such clothing in there.

KL said he had video of the scene, I wish he had shown it so we could analyze it.
It was the Loudan interview, but I reviewed the part (starts at 55:57) and I was incorrect. The watch was found under the shirt - that's the part that I remembered was neatly folded. KL described it as a trail of clothing, starting with his shirt, then slides (I'm assuming these are sandals), then shorts, then underwear, all within 100 yards of each other. IMO, the order described suggests a deliberate undressing.

He also said that the backpack was full of gaming equipment so he doesn't think that Jason would have put such clothing in there.

KL said he had video of the scene, I wish he had shown it so we could analyze it.

More than a deliberate undressing, but undressing as you're walking/running, not standing in one place. That's kinda odd. I read where a gal did the same thing. Her clothing were found strewn down a street. Unfortunately she didn't have a good ending to that story. Can't remember her name but she burrowed into a briar patch and they had to take chainsaws to it go retrieve her nude body. It's very odd what the mind can make you do sometimes. With or without the help of drugs.

I wish we could see that vid too. I wonder if he'll ever decide to post it?
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More than a deliberate undressing, but undressing as you're walking/running, not standing in one place. That's kinda odd. I read where a gal did the same thing. Her clothing were found strewn down a street. Unfortunately she didn't have a good ending to that story. Can't remember her name but she burrowed into a briar patch and they had to take chainsaws to it go retrieve her nude body. It's very odd what the mind can make you do sometimes. With or without the help of drugs.

I wish we could see that vid too. I wonder if he'll ever decide to post it?
I thought of JL the other night as we had a strange occurrence here locally.
A well liked, high school senior athlete, struck by a vehicle and killed while he was running NAKED down the HIGHWAY. He lived and went to school about 30 miles from here.
A senior in high school.
A huge athlete, well loved by the community.
Running NAKED down a very busy highway that travels from Chicago to Minnesota, to almost Canada.
WHAT?!?!?!? Naked ???
So at first I thought it was a dare or he lost a bet.. you know how kids are.. I dare you to streak down such and such road or highway or parking lot.
or he lost a bet--- you have to streak somewhere.
But the busy, busy highway ??? Naked ??? then to run IN the road, not side of, only to be hit and killed ??
Come to find out, he had been doing drugs, he had gotten in argument with his brother, got out of car, and apparently the drugs made him remove his clothing. I mean, it is winter here.. 12 degrees during day, lower at night, so not like summer time, running, sweating, remove clothes.
I posted the article about him on my SM as this was big news here and all over mlive,( our news source )so people were sharing it and some people were asking how did it happen, why did it happen.
I then got a text message from one of my family members who knows one of his family members, asking me to delete my post out of respect for this well loved family.
anyway... point being about JL removing clothes. I think this was the reason, but JMO
I too have wondered if he changed clothes following those last photos he took. The main reason I think he was wearing them when he had the accident was the drop (or drops) of blood found on his shorts. Waistband wasn’t it? I don’t imagine that would have gotten there had he not been wearing them in the vehicle. Although not entirely impossible.
I keep coming back to the fish. It was mentioned that the cup (bottle?) that contained the fish was accidentally run over by one of the responders. Before that happened, I wonder if the container was originally sitting upright, suggesting that it was purposely set down that way, or if it was laying on its side, meaning that it was probably dropped, either accidentally or perhaps during a struggle.

It may not even be relevant, but it seems to me that an upright cup implies that Jason purposely set the cup down, intending to return for it.

(I guess it's statistically possible for a dropped cup to land upright, but chances are, it's going to land on its side.)
I keep coming back to the fish. It was mentioned that the cup (bottle?) that contained the fish was accidentally run over by one of the responders. Before that happened, I wonder if the container was originally sitting upright, suggesting that it was purposely set down that way, or if it was laying on its side, meaning that it was probably dropped, either accidentally or perhaps during a struggle.

It may not even be relevant, but it seems to me that an upright cup implies that Jason purposely set the cup down, intending to return for it.

(I guess it's statistically possible for a dropped cup to land upright, but chances are, it's going to land on its side.)

Yeah, it's possible to end upright but rare (unless it's me doing the dropping. lol) For whatever reason, whenever I drop things a lot of times they will land on their side but I'm talking about an object that statistically wouldn't land on it's side. I dropped a piece of paper once (8x11) and it landed on it's edge. I was in a parking lot when it happened and embarrassed at my 'Whoa.... LOLOL' reaction in public since I was alone and no one saw what I saw. lol This was after dozens of dozens of dropped items landing on their side. Forks, knifes, pills when I drop one out from their foil wrapping onto the counter, coins, etc. And yes, I've also dropped things like cups and glasses that end up landing upright.

It was so odd that in the beginning I'd take pics at the weird way things have landed and send to a friend. It got to be too many too often so I stopped doing that. Anyway, yeah, statistically possible but unlikely.

Here's my question that brings up... if it was upright why would they run over it? Most drivers avoid running over things that are laying in the road. I'm thinking it would be less noticeable on it's side.
I keep coming back to the fish. It was mentioned that the cup (bottle?) that contained the fish was accidentally run over by one of the responders. Before that happened, I wonder if the container was originally sitting upright, suggesting that it was purposely set down that way, or if it was laying on its side, meaning that it was probably dropped, either accidentally or perhaps during a struggle.

It may not even be relevant, but it seems to me that an upright cup implies that Jason purposely set the cup down, intending to return for it.

(I guess it's statistically possible for a dropped cup to land upright, but chances are, it's going to land on its side.)
Well, his watched looked as though it had been carefully placed with straps to the side, each side.
Unlikely to fall that way, IMO.
I think it's also likely he placed his fish in it's container down carefully because it follows pattern but I don't actually know.

It's a very sad case, going on so long with no catharsis in sight.
Well, his watched looked as though it had been carefully placed with straps to the side, each side.
Unlikely to fall that way, IMO.
I think it's also likely he placed his fish in it's container down carefully because it follows pattern but I don't actually know.

It's a very sad case, going on so long with no catharsis in sight.
Those two examples seem not to fit with a young man who may be experiencing paradoxical undressing though. They
don't fit with a disoriented person who was either under the influence of something or had a head injury and who was running, tearing off his clothes because he was overheated. He wouldn't be pausing and laying the items down carefully.
Every line of speculation about this case has many gaps or facts that just don't fit or cannot be explained. MOO MOO MOO
Neatly folded? I've seen no mention of his clothing neatly folded in anything I've read. I'm curious what your source is. And his clothes didn't look neatly folded in the dash cam or whatever cam it was that took those night photos of clothing discarded in the middle of the road.

This is the sort of thing I've been reading:

Strewn in the road, about 900 feet from the crash, was clothing thought to be what Landry was wearing before the crash, including a shirt, shorts, socks, underwear, slide sandals and a wristwatch, authorities said.

Source: Texas Search and Rescue begins new 3-day search for missing Texas State student

(*clamps my hands over my mouth, mumbling coming from behind my fingers* I'm not going to bring up Fox news, nope, not gonna say it)
Other news channels often have wrong info. You must hate Fox.
Those two examples seem not to fit with a young man who may be experiencing paradoxical undressing though. They
don't fit with a disoriented person who was either under the influence of something or had a head injury and who was running, tearing off his clothes because he was overheated. He wouldn't be pausing and laying the items down carefully.
Every line of speculation about this case has many gaps or facts that just don't fit or cannot be explained. MOO MOO MOO

Undressing due to a very sudden high temperature does not necessarily mean the person was disorientated.
Speaking from my own experience of a SAH, I was perfectly lucid and knew I needed to cool my head quickly, just my head, not my body though.
I keep going back to wanting actual proof of him leaving San Marcos besides his phone.

Where was he spotted on camera? Did he send an actual live Snapchat image or talk live to anyone that we know of? How do we know anything other than his car, personal belongings, clothes snd phone ended up in Luling?
I keep going back to wanting actual proof of him leaving San Marcos besides his phone.

Where was he spotted on camera? Did he send an actual live Snapchat image or talk live to anyone that we know of? How do we know anything other than his car, personal belongings, clothes snd phone ended up in Luling?
True-- we don't know for sure if it was even Jason driving at the time of the wreck and scattering of clothes.
His dad seems to feel like it was, at least that is how I felt while listening to him, but he may have been told not to say anything about that due to investigation.
IDK.. this is just crazy that his car found wrecked, his clothes, personal items and even pet fish scattered around and NO sign of Jason.
Jason, where the heck are you and what happened ???
Searchers have covered more than 36,000 acres, but no sign of missing Texas State student

Efforts to find missing Texas State University student Jason Landry have spanned months and acres of land across Caldwell County but have been unsuccessful.

A group of more than 100 volunteers with Texas Search and Rescue, an Austin-based first responder nonprofit, has executed ground and aerial searches spanning 57.2 square miles or 36,608 acres over several searches since December.

All data and information collected from the search have been submitted to the Caldwell County sheriff’s office, the group said. Authorities will take the information gathered, including extensive aerial photography from drones, and use that to determine the next steps in the search for Landry.
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