TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - #10

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but mentioned bio father who hasn't seen him since he was 4????
No grandma, aunt etc.........wonder who wrote it???

The way it was written was more as when JF was born and to whom.
It did state family and friends but not list them individually.

Obits are really expensive to post even online. They can be done for free but limited characters.
Here is a quick test people....go get your hair brush, take the hair out, place it in a big frying pan, and light it up with a lighter or match...now take a big whiff, I say probably multiply that 10 fold.

Burnt hair smells so bad! Did that experiment in beauty school to tell if a wig was real hair or synthetic..............
But why bother cleaning up only to leave all the other evidence as is?

Unless of course she couldn't handle the smell afterwards herself?

That's partly why I think she went back to AD's apt Christmas Eve night, and to her sisters the next day.

Who even knows the last time anyone was in MN's place. Maybe the place reeked all the time and people just didn't go over there to visit her?
That's partly why I think she went back to AD's apt Christmas Eve night, and to her sisters the next day.

Who even knows the last time anyone was in MN's place. Maybe the place reeked all the time and people just didn't go over there to visit her?

That is what I thought as well.

That is odd. No mention of any other family members except the bio mother and daddy.

Not really ocean since they are very expensive to run.
Now if they had mentioned the Grandmother and the Aunt and Uncle and not mentioned the SD then yes it would give me pause. KWIM

I was not expecting MN to look or sound like that at all! :eek:hwow:

... Me either!
Thanks cloudajo for the time-line.

Here is a video where SE states that JF was gone between 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM. This is around the 1:20 mark. No mention of DD though.

The name RJ is an error and it is SE.


This video was posted days ago on WS.

I'm wondering if DD did not stop by like he was supposed to. Not so MN can take him but because he forgot or just thought he was fine. And since JF was gone during that time he feels bad now and wont admit he did not stop by.
My Dad passed a few short months ago. My Mom placed the obit with the funeral arrangements.
Myself, and my sibling placed one each naming our children (his grandchildren), and our children placed a single one from his great grands.
A total of 5 pieces for two nights in a local (UK) paper cost almost 1k GB pounds. It is beyond expensive for a bit of print (and an online version).
Nelson's sister says she spent the four days after the murder, including Christmas Day, with her.

Thank you, Thank you, lynnb!!

Thank you so much for finally clearing this up for those of us that were confused.. I guess{as u mentioned upthread}that I had confused the sister's Christmas visit with the interview from her hometown of Mt. Pleasant where its stated she'd not been seen since Christmas 2009..

So, knowing that Mona did spend 4 days with sister immediately following her murdering, mutilating, and disposing of a 12 year old little boy .. and just as her sister states she appeared fine..

This definitely adds even more validity to what many years on the job, seasoned detectives stated about Mona...she was a soulless monster, that showed no remorse!

My now knowing that this visit that sister was speaking of Mona being just fine was immediately after the heinous murder, etc... I DEFINITELY, 100%, WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT DO BELIEVE THAT MONA NELSON IS EVERY BIT OF THE SOULLESS MONSTER THAT LE HAS PUBLICLY CALLED HER...jmo.

**again, lynnb thanks so much for clearing this up and setting my confusion back on the right track :) **
Oh wow...that's horrible...

You got me to thinking... Since Mona did maintence work, which maybe included cleaning out and possibly cleaning up apartments/units that she would have access to commercial/industrial cleaning type agents - like what hospitals/nursing homes would use that eliminate or disguise smells more so than cleaning agents we can buy in stores?

I had a critter die in my attic several years ago and the pest control company that removed it sprayed something called TimeMist Dual Odor Eliminator for the smell. He gave me the rest of the can in case it needed another shot but it took care of it great. I found it for purchase online but it definitely looks like a commercial product. Says it removes odors at the "molecular level" - whatever that means.
Wonder what MN looked like when she was younger before her boxing days?
Her X is 9 years older IIRC.
How long have they been divorced???
Finally caught up on reading Jonathan's threads. He first caught my attention because I couldn't imagine why I hadn't heard of child who went missing on Christmas Eve earlier. Like many of you, I've followed enough cases on WS to know the family would be looked at first. It's hard enough to imagine parents (or step-parents) harming a child but at Christmas? So I kept reading despite my reservations. Then I saw his pictures. He looked so like my son at that age, I just couldn't walk away from him. Even as the heartbreaking & horrific details came out, I felt I had to stay with it, if only to give him my prayers & support.

I live in small town Iowa. While murders aren't unheard of, we don't have several every day either. LE officials who deal with murder on a daily basis, were shocked by the evidence they found. It led them to one person & I think they got it right. I understand the comments about LE wanting to CYA by not issuing the AA or seeming to initially ignore Jonathan's disappearance. Maybe there will be some of that by the higher ups in days to come. I don't know.

Honestly though, I doubt that was in the minds of LE officials or detectives who discovered Jonathan's remains or all the evidence they found implicating MN. I believe they want justice for this innocent little boy as much as we do.

As for MN, I do believe she's committed enough other crimes & been thru the system enough times, she figured she was smart enough to get away with this one too. I agree with those who said she was relishing her time with the family, all the while knowing what she had done. She's already working it with her lame "container" story, comments to a reporter & meeting with Q (sorry don't recall his full name). Everything about it suggests someone who is cold, calculating and only looking out for their own benefit ... to he!! with everyone else.

I don't know what creates this kind of monster. Maybe she has horrible abuse in her past, maybe she even has a mental disorder. But there is nothing which excuses what she did. And she is obviously mentally competant. Enough so that she is the one who is really playing the CYA game here. Thank goodness for that videotape and her arrogant over-confidence at leaving so much evidence for LE to find. The DP is too good for her though I certainly support the DA seeking it. There is no earthly punishment severe enough but I have faith she will pay for what she's done.

Jonathan is happy & safe with the angels now. My prayers go out to his family & friends. He was such a beautiful little boy. I will keep reading & following his case because there's nothing else I can do for him. Perhaps something can come out of this horror which will save another child some day.

I had a critter die in my attic several years ago and the pest control company that removed it sprayed something called TimeMist Dual Odor Eliminator for the smell. He gave me the rest of the can in case it needed another shot but it took care of it great. I found it for purchase online but it definitely looks like a commercial product. Says it removes odors at the "molecular level" - whatever that means.

I do believe that ambulance companies use something like that also.
When my dad died, he was dead in the house about 14 hours with furnace on.
Someone gave us something like that also.
I am wondering if she was allowed to see her son?
any visitors ?
is MN in isolation?
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